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FOPO Committee Report

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List of Recommendations


As a result of their deliberations committees may make recommendations which they include in their reports for the consideration of the House of Commons or the Government. Recommendations related to this study are listed below.

Recommendation 1

That the Minister establish with Fisheries and Oceans Canada that its role in the management of invasive species (sea lampreys) in the Great Lakes should become that of a contractor to the Great Lakes Fisheries Commission (GLFC), similar to the role of U.S. agencies.

Recommendation 2

That the urgency to act to address invasive species be recognized and taken into account in order to give the GLFC the opportunity to establish upcoming priorities and steps to ensure a rapid response.

Recommendation 3

That the mandates of the GLFC, other than those involving the sea lamprey, be well defined, and that each mandate be listed and known in advance.

Recommendation 4

That the Government of Canada ensure that Canadian commitments under the Convention on Great Lakes Fisheries are fully adhered to, with full and timely funding flowing through the agency designated as the GLFC’s machinery of government.

Recommendation 5

That Canada immediately commit to providing the GLFC with its full $19.6 million allocation on an ongoing basis, as directed by Budget 2022, without holdback for any reason, and that Canada commit to greater transparency with respect to this allocation (fencing, public accounts line item, etc.).

Recommendation 6

That measures be established to provide Canada’s funding contribution to the GLFC as specified in the annual federal budget directly to the GLFC and not via the budget allocated to Fisheries and Oceans Canada.

Recommendation 7

That the government ensure that sufficient financial resources are allocated to allow the GLFC to fulfill its mandates, and that, in the interests of transparency, in the future, Fisheries and Oceans Canada or Global Affairs Canada be accountable for establishing a clear breakdown of the full amounts to be paid to the GLFC, specifying the purpose of the funding and the mandate for which they were allocated.

Recommendation 8

That the Government of Canada transfer the portfolio management responsibilities and machinery of government functions for the GLFC from Fisheries and Oceans Canada to Global Affairs Canada and that efforts be made to restore the vital and legally entrenched independence of the GLFC while also ensuring appropriate and transparent external oversight expected of an international body.

Recommendation 9

That the GLFC be able to count on the full governance support of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, or potentially Global Affairs Canada, in the performance of its duties. The tools needed for carrying out its mandate or mandates must be provided.

Recommendation 10

That Fisheries and Oceans Canada and Global Affairs Canada promote a return to normal operations of the GLFC, given that the GLFC has not met for over one year and has not been able to set a regular program since 2021.

Recommendation 11

That the government and Fisheries and Oceans Canada ensure that the GLFC is given the necessary tools and means to rebuild bridges with our neighbours to the south so that the commissioners can actively make the arrangements to pursue their mandate and the mission of the GLFC, respectively.

Recommendation 12

That Fisheries and Oceans Canada and Global Affairs Canada show leadership in partnership with the Americans so that the GLFC’s work is as efficient as possible and resumes as quickly as possible.

Recommendation 13

That the governance of the GLFC on the Canadian side, should it be transferred to Global Affairs Canada, be transparent and subject to independent external audits.

Recommendation 14

That the Minister of Fisheries & Oceans, on advice of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, nominate individual(s) to take the place of Department personnel on the GLFC’s governing board(s).

Recommendation 15

That the memorandum of agreement presented by the GLFC as a way of clarifying and codifying the relationship elements of the machinery of government functions be adopted without delay, and that the adoption be done in such a way that would future-proof the agreement and ensure the GLFC’s long‑term success in fulfilling its binational treaty mandate.

Recommendation 16

That Canada immediately inform the GLFC and U.S. partners of the above actions, and recommit Canada to the relationship established by the Convention.