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FINA Committee Report

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Bill C-19, An Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on April 7, 2022 and other measures
In accordance with its Order of Reference of Tuesday, May 10, 2022, your Committee has considered Bill C-19, An Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on April 7, 2022 and other measures, and agreed on Tuesday, May 31, 2022, to report it with the following amendments:

Clause 6

That Bill C-19, in Clause 6, be amended

(a) by adding after line 15 on page 7 the following:

“(3.1) Section 118.3 of the Act is amended by adding the following after subsection (1.1):

(1.2) Despite subsection (1.1), an individual who is diagnosed with type 1 diabetes mellitus is deemed to require therapy to be administered at least two times each week for a total duration averaging not less than 14 hours a week.”

(b) by replacing line 16 on page 7 with the following:

“(4) Subsections (1) to (3.1) apply to the 2021 and”

Clause 16

That Bill C-19, in Clause 16, be amended by replacing line 14 on page 18 with the following:

“(iii) the charity maintains documentation sufficient to demonstrate

(A) the purpose for which the disbursement is made, and

(B) that the disbursement is exclusively applied by the grantee organization to charitable activities in furtherance of a charitable purpose of the charity;”

Clause 40

That Bill C-19, in Clause 40, be amended by deleting line 32 on page 41 to line 13 on page 43.

Clause 131

That Bill C-19, in Clause 131, be amended by replacing lines 15 to 19 on page 106 with the following:

“(3) Subsection (1) does not apply to wine

(a) that is produced by an individual for their personal use and that is consumed in the course of that use; or

(b) that is produced in Canada from honey or apples and composed wholly of agricultural or plant product grown in Canada.

(2) Subsection (1) applies after June 29, 2022.”

Clause 132

That Bill C-19, in Clause 132, be amended by replacing line 21 on page 106 with the following:

“placed by the following:

(a) produced in Canada from honey or apples and composed wholly of agricultural or plant product grown in Canada;”

Clause 135

That Bill C-19, in Clause 135, be amended by adding after line 2 on page 257 the following:

“(2.1) Despite subsection (2), the provisions of the Select Luxury Items Tax Act, as enacted by subsection (1), that set out the tax on subject aircraft come into force on a day or days to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.”

Clause 180

That Bill C-19, in Clause 180, be amended by adding after line 13 on page 284 the following:

“(3) If the Minister of Finance makes a payment to a province under subsection (1), the Minister must, within three months after the day on which the payment is made, prepare a report indicating the amount of the payment and describing any terms or conditions established under subsection (2) in relation to the payment and must cause the report to be tabled in each House of Parliament on any of the first 15 days on which that House is sitting after the report is completed.”

Clause 237

That Bill C-19, in Clause 237, be amended by replacing lines 3 and 4 on page 311 with the following:

“237 (1) Section 235 comes into force on January 1, 2023.”

Clause 299

That Bill C-19, in Clause 299, be amended by replacing, in the French version, line 23 on page 342 with the following:

“autoriser par écrit la détention en cellule dépourvue d’installation sanitaire dans l’at‐”

Clause 301

That Bill C-19, in Clause 301, be amended by replacing, in the French version, line 29 on page 343 with the following:

“ser par écrit la détention en cellule dépourvue d’installation sanitaire dans l’attente de”

Clause 377

That Bill C-19, in Clause 377, be amended

(a) by replacing line 7 on page 371 with the following:

“(h.1) subject to subsection (1.01), the establishment of categories of eligible for‐”

(b) by adding after line 32 on page 371 the following:

“(1.01) An instruction given under paragraph (1)(h.1) must not establish a category in respect of which a public consultation process referred to in subsection 10.5(1) has not been given the opportunity to provide advice and recommendations.”

New Clause 377.1

That Bill C-19 be amended by adding after line 2 on page 372 the following new clause:

“377.1 The Act is amended by adding the following after section 10.4:

10.5(1) For the purpose of establishing categories of eligible foreign nationals under subparagraph 10.3(1)(h.1)(iii), the Minister must engage in a public consultation process with stakeholders, including provinces and territories, industry, unions, employers, workers, worker advocacy groups, settlement provider organizations and immigration researchers and practitioners, to obtain information, advice and recommendations in respect of the labour market conditions, including occupations expected to face shortage conditions, as well as on how categories can be formed to meet economic goals.

(2) The advice and recommendations from the public consultation process must be based on written submissions provided by relevant industry members and stakeholders.

(3) The Minister shall cause to be tabled before each House of Parliament, not later than the fifth sitting day of that House after January 31 following the end of each fiscal year, a report containing the list of the categories of eligible foreign nationals established in an instruction made under paragraph 10.3(1)(h.1) and the selection criteria and the process applied for the establishment of those categories.

(4) After it is tabled, the report stands referred to the committee of the Senate, the House of Commons or both Houses of Parliament that may be designated or established for the purpose of reviewing the report.”

Clause 379

Clause 379 is deleted.

Clause 381

Clause 381 is deleted.

Clause 454

Clause 454 is deleted.

Clause 455

Clause 455 is deleted.

Clause 456

Clause 456 is deleted.

Clause 457

Clause 457 is deleted.

Clause 458

Clause 458 is deleted.

Clause 459

Clause 459 is deleted.

Clause 460

Clause 460 is deleted.

Clause 461

Clause 461 is deleted.

Clause 462

Clause 462 is deleted.

Clause 463

Clause 463 is deleted.

Clause 464

Clause 464 is deleted.

Clause 465

Clause 465 is deleted.

Clause 466

Clause 466 is deleted.

Clause 467

Clause 467 is deleted.

Clause 468

Clause 468 is deleted.

Clause 469

Clause 469 is deleted.

Clause 470

Clause 470 is deleted.

Clause 471

Clause 471 is deleted.

Clause 472

Clause 472 is deleted.

Clause 473

Clause 473 is deleted.

Clause 474

Clause 474 is deleted.

Clause 475

Clause 475 is deleted.

Clause 476

Clause 476 is deleted.

Clause 477

Clause 477 is deleted.

Clause 478

Clause 478 is deleted.

Clause 479

Clause 479 is deleted.

Clause 480

Clause 480 is deleted.

Clause 481

Clause 481 is deleted.

Clause 482

Clause 482 is deleted.

Clause 483

Clause 483 is deleted.

Clause 484

Clause 484 is deleted.

Clause 485

Clause 485 is deleted.

Clause 486

Clause 486 is deleted.

Clause 487

Clause 487 is deleted.

Clause 488

Clause 488 is deleted.

Clause 489

Clause 489 is deleted.

Clause 490

Clause 490 is deleted.

Clause 491

Clause 491 is deleted.

Clause 492

Clause 492 is deleted.

Clause 493

Clause 493 is deleted.

Clause 494

Clause 494 is deleted.

Clause 495

Clause 495 is deleted.

Clause 496

Clause 496 is deleted.

Clause 497

Clause 497 is deleted.

Clause 498

Clause 498 is deleted.

Clause 499

Clause 499 is deleted.

Clause 500

Clause 500 is deleted.

Clause 501

Clause 501 is deleted.

Clause 502

Clause 502 is deleted.

Your Committee has ordered a reprint of Bill C-19, as amended, as a working copy for the use of the House of Commons at the report stage.
A copy of the relevant Minutes of Proceedings (Meetings Nos. 44 to 54) is tabled.