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FAAE Committee Report

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List of Recommendations


As a result of their deliberations committees may make recommendations which they include in their reports for the consideration of the House of Commons or the Government. Recommendations related to this study are listed below.

Recommendation 1

That the Government of Canada cooperate with international organizations to end sexual violence that women and girls are subject to in conflict and in other situations.

Recommendation 2

That the Government of Canada undertake the following measures to support the education of Afghan women and girls: fund the expansion of alternative, independent education systems delivered in Afghanistan by non-governmental organizations, and fund and resource efforts to enhance the quality of these education alternatives so that they can be internationally recognized.

Recommendation 3

That the Government of Canada fund university scholarships for female Afghan transfer students to study at Canadian post-secondary institutions either virtually or in-person and with the aid of scholarships, and expedite study permits for eligible Afghan women and girls to study in Canada.

Recommendation 4

That Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada create a new temporary resident stream that enables women human rights defenders to seek immediate and non-permanent safe haven in Canada.

Recommendation 5

That Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada increase the number of places in the current global human rights defenders stream of its government-assisted refugees program to accommodate an increased number of applicants and their families.

Recommendation 6

That the Government of Canada fund a program to support activists arriving as part of the human rights defender refugee stream and other relevant streams. Such a program could provide fellowships, training, networking opportunities and other resources that will allow and encourage their valuable human rights advocacy work to continue from within Canada.

Recommendation 7

That the Government of Canada list the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist entity as per section 83.01 of the Criminal Code, ensuring that provisions are made for eliminating any unintended harm for those with involuntary links to the group, such as conscripts.

Recommendation 8

That the Government of Canada leverage its position in international fora to build alliances with like-minded partners and call out and condemn countries, regimes and individuals responsible for human rights abuses.

Recommendation 9

That the Government of Canada increase its level of humanitarian aid and ensure that this funding remains stable and is invested in long-term projects that align with its feminist international assistance policy.

Recommendation 10

That Global Affairs Canada align its international development goals and other foreign policy goals.