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House Publications

The Debates are the report—transcribed, edited, and corrected—of what is said in the House. The Journals are the official record of the decisions and other transactions of the House. The Order Paper and Notice Paper contains the listing of all items that may be brought forward on a particular sitting day, and notices for upcoming items.

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Thursday, June 17, 2021 (No. 120)

Orders of the Day


June 16, 2021 — Deferred recorded division on the motion of Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent), seconded by Mr. Fast (Abbotsford), — That the House find the Public Health Agency of Canada to be in contempt for its failure to obey the order of the House, adopted on June 2, 2021, as well as the orders of the Special Committee on Canada-China Relations, adopted on March 31 and May 10, 2021, and, accordingly, order its President to attend at the bar of the House, at the expiry of the time provided for Oral Questions on the second sitting day following the adoption of this order, for the purposes of (a) receiving, on behalf of the Agency, an admonishment delivered by the Speaker; and (b) delivering up the documents ordered by the House, on June 2, 2021, to be produced, so that they may be deposited with the Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel under the terms of that order.
Recorded division — deferred until Thursday, June 17, 2021, at the expiry of the time provided for Oral Questions, pursuant to order made Monday, January 25, 2021.

Government Orders

Business of Supply

September 23, 2020 — The President of the Treasury Board — Consideration of the business of supply.
Supply period ending June 23, 2021 — maximum of eight allotted days, pursuant to Standing Order 81(10)(a).

Thursday, June 17, 2021 — eighth and final allotted day.
Opposition Motion
June 15, 2021 — Mr. Bezan (Selkirk—Interlake—Eastman) — That, given that the Minister of National Defence has clearly lost the respect of members of the Canadian Armed Forces, including those at the highest ranks, for, amongst other things,
(i) misleading Canadians on the withdrawal of fighter jets in the fight against ISIS,
(ii) misleading Canadians about his service record,
(iii) presiding over the wrongful accusation and dismissal of Vice-Admiral Norman,
(iv) engaging in a cover-up of sexual misconduct allegations in the Canadian Armed Forces,
the House formally censure the Minister of National Defence to express the disappointment of the House of Commons in his conduct.
Notice also received from:
Mr. O'Toole (Durham), Ms. Alleslev (Aurora—Oak Ridges—Richmond Hill), Mr. Paul-Hus (Charlesbourg—Haute-Saint-Charles) and Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — June 15, 2021
Voting — not later than 6:30 p.m. on the last allotted day, pursuant to Standing Order 81(18).

Opposition Motions
September 23, 2020 — Mr. Fortin (Rivière-du-Nord) — That the House call for an official apology from the Prime Minister for the enactment, on October 16, 1970, of the War Measures Act and the use of military force against the people of Quebec by the Government of Canada in order to arrest without cause, and then incarcerate without charge, close to 500 innocent Quebeckers.
Notice also received from:
Mr. Therrien (La Prairie) — September 23, 2020

September 23, 2020 — Mr. Thériault (Montcalm) — That the House call on the government to unconditionally increase the Canada Health Transfer so that it represents 35% of the health care spending of Quebec and the provinces for the current year, and to index this transfer to maintain this ratio, in keeping with the request from the premiers of Quebec, Ontario, Alberta and Manitoba.
Notice also received from:
Mr. Therrien (La Prairie) — September 23, 2020

September 23, 2020 — Ms. Chabot (Thérèse-De Blainville) — That the House recognize that French is the official language of Quebec and its common language; and that it call on the government to promise not to obstruct the application of the Charter of the French Language, R.S.Q., c. C-11, in Quebec to businesses under federal jurisdiction.
Notice also received from:
Mr. Therrien (La Prairie) — September 23, 2020

October 15, 2020 — Mr. Chong (Wellington—Halton Hills) — That the House:
(a) recognize that the People’s Republic of China’s decision to impose a national security law on Hong Kong is a violation of the 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration, which guarantees Hong Kong a high degree of autonomy in the “one country, two systems” framework, and which guarantees the people of Hong Kong rights and freedoms, including those of the person, of speech, of the press, of assembly, of association, of travel, of movement, of correspondence, of strike, of choice of occupation, of academic research and of religious belief; and
(b) call on the government to work with Canada’s allies to immediately impose sanctions, such as Magnitsky sanctions as per the Justice for Victims of Corrupt Foreign Officials Act, on officials responsible for the violations of this international treaty.
Notice also received from:
Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — October 15, 2020

October 15, 2020 — Mrs. Stubbs (Lakeland) — That the House call on the government to ban Huawei from Canada’s 5G network.
Notice also received from:
Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — October 15, 2020

October 20, 2020 — Mrs. Stubbs (Lakeland) — That the House call on the government to make a decision on Huawei’s involvement in Canada’s 5G network within 30 days of the adoption of this motion.
Notice also received from:
Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — October 20, 2020

October 30, 2020 — Mr. Doherty (Cariboo—Prince George) — That, given that the alarming rate of suicide in Canada constitutes a national health crisis, the House call on the government to take immediate action to establish a national suicide prevention hotline that consolidates all suicide crisis numbers into one easy to remember three-digit (988) hotline that is accessible to all Canadians.
Notice also received from:
Mr. O'Toole (Durham) and Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — October 30, 2020

October 30, 2020 — Mr. Kelly (Calgary Rocky Ridge) — That, given that the pandemic has had devastating consequences on Canadian workers and businesses, especially in the restaurant, hospitality and tourism sectors, the House call on the government to: (a) immediately pause the audits of small businesses that received the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy until at least June 2021; (b) immediately introduce legislation to enact promised extensions and amendments to support programs; and (c) provide additional flexibility in the Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy, the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy, and other support programs.
Notice also received from:
Mr. O'Toole (Durham) and Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — October 30, 2020

November 3, 2020 — Mr. Julian (New Westminster—Burnaby) — That, given that since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Canadian billionaires are $37 billion richer while the most vulnerable are struggling, the House call upon the government to put in place a new one percent tax on wealth over $20 million and an excess profit tax on big corporations that have been profiteering from the pandemic.

November 3, 2020 — Mr. Julian (New Westminster—Burnaby) — That, given that over 80% of COVID-19 deaths in Canada have occurred in long-term care facilities and that seniors living in for-profit homes are four times more likely to become infected and die from the virus than seniors living in non-profit homes, the House call on the government to take the profit out of long-term care, by: (a) building a strong system of public and non-profit run facilities for the future; and (b) bringing long-term care homes owned by the government, including Revera, into public operation so that seniors in these facilities can receive a proper standard of living and of care.
Notice also received from:
Mr. Davies (Vancouver Kingsway) — November 3, 2020

November 3, 2020 — Mr. Julian (New Westminster—Burnaby) — That, given that the Garderie Tunney’s Daycare has been forced to close as a result of the government’s decision to increase its rent, a decision that puts 21 people out of work and leaves dozens of families searching for other child care options, the House call upon the government to immediately reverse its decision to increase the rent charged to this daycare, and to put in place a quality, affordable publicly funded child care program, including: (a) investing an additional $20 billion over four years to build this system, as well as $2 billion in emergency funding to follow through on the motion passed in the House on August 12, 2020; (b) committing $10 million right away to an affordable child care action fund and creating a national child care secretariat to develop the government’s role and to collaborate with the provinces and territories on initiatives such as a workforce strategy and improved data sharing and research; and (c) bringing in legislation modeled on the Canada Health Act to enshrine this commitment in law and to set out the principles, conditions, and requirements for federal transfer payments to provinces, and Quebec's right to opt out with compensation.
Notice also received from:
Ms. Mathyssen (London—Fanshawe) — November 3, 2020

November 3, 2020 — Mr. Julian (New Westminster—Burnaby) — That, given that: (a) Canadians in every community are experiencing an opioid overdose crisis of epidemic proportions; (b) the current COVID-19 pandemic is exacerbating the health impacts and death toll by increasing isolation and the toxic illegal drug supply; (c) pharmaceutical companies should be held responsible for the negative impacts of their products and their misrepresentations and omissions concerning opioids in particular; (d) the federal and state governments in the United States have pursued legal cases against opioid manufacturers for misrepresenting and minimizing the dangers that opioids present, resulting in some $23 billion in damage awards and settlements; (e) the government has not yet joined certain provinces that have launched lawsuits against opioid manufacturers; and (f) there is a systemic shortage of affordable and publicly funded addiction treatment facilities and programs in Canada, the House call on the government to instruct the Department of Justice to launch a lawsuit against opioid manufacturers in Canada or to join the lawsuits currently filed by certain provinces to hold opioid manufacturers legally responsible for the consequences of their products and for any malfeasance or unlawful acts in marketing these products, and to use any funds recovered by the awarding of damages or settlements to create publicly funded addiction treatment facilities and programs in every province and territory.
Notice also received from:
Mr. Davies (Vancouver Kingsway) — November 3, 2020

November 3, 2020 — Mr. Julian (New Westminster—Burnaby) — That, given that: (a) oral health is a crucial part of Canadians’ overall health; (b) over 12 million Canadians have no dental insurance, with millions more with partial or sub-standard coverage; (c) inattention to oral health leads to serious medical conditions, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes complications and premature birth; and (d) the Parliamentary Budget Officer recently estimated that the federal government could ensure that every Canadian with an annual individual or family income under the median figure of $70,000 gets the dental care they need for an annual cost of $1.4 billion, not including the potential savings that such dental care would accrue to our healthcare system through the avoidance of complications due to neglect, the House call on the government to implement a plan to deliver comprehensive dental care to all Canadians who do not have dental insurance and who have annual individual or family incomes under $70,000 as a first step toward ensuring universal dental care coverage for all.
Notice also received from:
Mr. Davies (Vancouver Kingsway) — November 3, 2020

November 3, 2020 — Mr. Blaikie (Elmwood—Transcona) — That:
(a) the House recognize that,
(i) it is a prerogative of the Crown to dissolve Parliament at its pleasure,
(ii) the confidence convention is an important cornerstone of the Canadian political system,
(iii) the confidence convention has never been clearly codified and this has sometimes led to confusion among members and the general public as to the nature and significance of certain votes,
(iv) governments have sometimes abused the confidence convention to reinforce party discipline or influence the outcome of a vote that is not explicitly a matter of confidence or that would not be considered a matter of confidence by convention;
(b) in the opinion of the House,
(i) the House itself, not the Prime Minister, should be the final authority as to whether the government of the day enjoys the confidence of the House,
(ii) the means by which the House may pronounce itself on a question of confidence should be explicit, clear and predictable so that all members know well in advance when the confidence of the House will be tested,
(iii) once the House has determined such means in its Standing Orders or in legislation, the government should not seek to circumvent the process established by the House by declaring a vote to be a matter of confidence if the rules of the House would not otherwise designate that vote as a matter of confidence, and any attempt to do so may constitute a contempt of Parliament,
(iv) a question of confidence is a serious matter and should not be used as a pretext for dilatory tactics by either side of the House;
(c) effective Monday, January 25, 2021, the Standing Orders be amended as follows:
(i) by adding, after Standing Order 53.1, the following new standing order:
“53.2(1) The government must enjoy the confidence of the House of Commons. The House may express its confidence, or lack thereof, in the government by adopting a confidence motion in one of the following forms: (i) “That the House has lost confidence in the government”; (ii) “That the House has confidence in the government”.
(2)(a) Notice of a confidence motion pursuant to section (1) of this standing order shall meet the requirements of Standing Order 54, provided that four sitting days shall be given prior to the motion being placed on the Order Paper. Such notice shall be signed by the sponsor and 20 other members representing more than one of the recognized parties.
(b) Notwithstanding Standing Order 18, the House may pronounce itself on the motions listed in section (1) of this standing order more than once.
(c) Only one confidence motion pursuant to section (1) of this standing order: (i) may be placed on notice in each supply period; (ii) shall be sponsored or signed by the same member of the House in a session of a Parliament.
(3) At the expiry of the notice period pursuant to section (2) of this standing order, an order of the day for the consideration of a confidence motion shall be placed on the Order Paper, be considered at the next sitting of the House and take precedence over all other business of the House, with the exception of a debate on a privilege motion.
(4) When the order of the day on a confidence motion is called, it must stand as the first order of the day. The confidence motion is deemed to have been moved and seconded and shall not be subject to any amendment.
(5) Private Members’ Business shall be suspended on a day any such motion is debated.
(6) No dilatory motion shall be allowed during debate on a confidence motion pursuant to section (1) of this standing order and the provisions of Standing Orders 62 and 63 shall be suspended.
(7) The proceedings on the order of the day on a confidence motion proposed thereto shall not exceed one sitting day.
(8) No member shall speak for more than 20 minutes at a time in the debate on a confidence motion. Following the speech of each member, a period not exceeding 10 minutes shall be made available, if required, to allow members to ask questions and comment briefly on matters relevant to the speech and to allow responses thereto. Any period of debate of 20 minutes may be divided in two pursuant to the provisions of Standing Order 43(2).
(9) When no further member rises to speak, or at the ordinary hour of daily adjournment, whichever is earlier, the Speaker shall interrupt the proceedings and the question shall be put and forthwith disposed of, notwithstanding Standing Order 45.
(10) Any matter of confidence so designated beyond those provided for in Standing Orders 50(8), 53.2(1), 81(18)(e), and 84(6)(b) may be called to the attention of the Chair and the member may ask that the matter be referred to the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs. As the case may be, the Speaker shall automatically refer the matter to the said committee.”,
(ii) in Standing Order 45(6)(a), by adding, after the words “An exception to this rule is”, the following: “the division on a confidence motion pursuant to Standing Order 53.2(9) and”,
(iii) by adding, after Standing Order 50(7), the following: “(8) If the main motion is defeated, the government has lost the confidence of the House.”,
(iv) by adding, after Standing Order 67(1)(p), the following: “(q) for the consideration of a confidence motion”,
(v) in Standing Order 81(13), by adding the following: “Opposition motions cannot contain explicitly worded expressions of confidence in the government.”,
(vi) by adding, after Standing Order 81(18)(d), the following: “(e) After having disposed of any opposed item, if the motion to concur in the main estimates is defeated, the government has lost the confidence of the House.”,
(vii) by renumbering Standing Order 84(6) as Standing Order 84(6)(a),
(viii) by adding, after Standing Order 84(6)(a), the following: “(b) If the main motion is defeated, the government has lost the confidence of the House.”,
(ix) in Standing Order 99(1), by adding, after “52(14),”, the following: “53.2(5),”; and
(d) the Clerk of the House be authorized to make any required editorial and consequential alterations to the Standing Orders, including to the marginal notes, as well as such changes to the Order Paper and Notice Paper, as may be required.
Notice also received from:
Mr. Julian (New Westminster—Burnaby) — November 3, 2020

November 12, 2020 — Mrs. Stubbs (Lakeland) — That, in light of the increasing unaffordability of housing and recent issues involving the arrest of individuals connected to gang activity and illegal gambling across Canada, the Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security be instructed to undertake a study on the prevalence and effects of money laundering in the Canadian economy, and that this study evaluate, review and examine:
(a) the purchases of real estate, mortgages and other financial products, investments or instruments, and the impact of these practices on housing affordability, real estate development and tax evasion;
(b) the involvement of criminal enterprises, affiliations or organizations across Canada;
(c) the efforts of the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada and Canada Mortgage Housing Corporation in tracking information for the purposes of reporting to, and cooperating with, the relevant law enforcement authorities, or provincial regulators, regarding any illegal or suspicious financial activity related to the above;
(d) the efforts of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in investigating, including joint investigations with other Canadian police services and with international law enforcement organizations, regarding money laundering and any other connected criminal activities related to money laundering operations;
provided that,
(e) the study begin no later than seven days following the adoption of this motion; and
(f) the committee present its findings to the House within 90 days of the adoption of this motion.
Notice also received from:
Mr. Vis (Mission—Matsqui—Fraser Canyon), Mr. O'Toole (Durham) and Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — November 12, 2020

November 12, 2020 — Mr. McLean (Calgary Centre) — That the House call on the government to make the completion of Keystone XL a top priority in bilateral relations with the incoming administration of the United States.
Notice also received from:
Mr. Chong (Wellington—Halton Hills), Mr. O'Toole (Durham) and Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — November 12, 2020

November 12, 2020 — Mr. Rayes (Richmond—Arthabaska) — That, given that:
(a) the Commissioner of Official Languages concluded in his 2020 annual report that the language rights of Canadians “are not being respected for three reasons:
(i) federal institutions are not complying with the Official Languages Act;
(ii) the current Official Languages Act is outdated and needs to be modernized; and
(iii) the government is not doing enough to promote linguistic duality”; and
(b) the Commissioner of Official Languages also concluded that the obvious lack of bilingual services jeopardizes the public safety of Canadians in the context of the pandemic, thus making immediate action even more urgent;
the House call on the government to commit to introducing a bill to reform and modernize the Official Languages Act before the end of 2020.
Notice also received from:
Mr. O'Toole (Durham) and Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — November 12, 2020

December 1, 2020 — Ms. Rood (Lambton—Kent—Middlesex) — That, given that,
(i) the government has not done enough to support Canada's farmers and processors, who have struggled under significant price volatility, non-tariff barriers, and drastic impacts of COVID-19,
(ii) the recent announcement of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) and the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) compensation schedule for dairy farmers provided for no compensation to dairy, egg and poultry processors who have also suffered significant losses and play a critical role in Canada's food supply chains,
the House call on the government to:
(a) respect the promise made to dairy, egg and poultry processors under supply management affected by the last three major trade agreements by promptly disclosing the details of the financial compensation to be paid to them under the CETA and the CPTPP;
(b) promptly clarify details of the investment and promotion programs promised for egg and poultry farmers;
(c) accelerate negotiations for the compensation of supply-managed farmers and processors under the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA);
(d) work with the United States government to eliminate the global limits on powdered milk exports under CUSMA and ensure that imports of milk, eggs and poultry meet our quality standards;
(e) modernize and improve the business risk management programs;
(f) request that the Competition Bureau investigate abusive pricing practices and concentration in the grocery industry; and
(g) defend Canada's trade interests and resolve outstanding trade barriers with the European Union, South Korea and other countries affecting our beef and pork producers, canola farmers, grain growers and food manufacturers.
Notice also received from:
Mr. O'Toole (Durham) and Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — December 1, 2020

December 1, 2020 — Mrs. McLeod (Kamloops—Thompson—Cariboo) — That, given that,
(i) all Canadians should have access to safe and clean drinking water, housing, education, health care and other critical services,
(ii) increased participation of Indigenous peoples in Canada's economy is the key to closing significant socioeconomic gaps and creating long-term prosperity on and off reserve,
the House call on the government to:
(a) engage with provinces, territories, and Indigenous communities to develop a co-ordinated, effective, and best-practices approach to resource revenue sharing for Indigenous communities; and
(b) update this House within 90 days of the adoption of this motion.
Notice also received from:
Mr. O'Toole (Durham) and Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — December 1, 2020

December 1, 2020 — Mrs. Stubbs (Lakeland) — That, in light of the increasing unaffordability of housing and recent issues involving the arrest of individuals connected to gang activity and illegal gambling across Canada, the Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security be instructed to undertake a study on the prevalence and effects of money laundering in the Canadian economy, and that this study evaluate, review and examine:
(a) the purchase of real estate, mortgages and other financial products, investments or instruments, and the impact of these practices on housing affordability, real estate development and tax evasion;
(b) the involvement of criminal enterprises, affiliations or organizations across Canada;
(c) the involvement of politically exposed persons, particularly with respect to the Iranian and Chinese regimes;
(d) the efforts of the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada and the Canada Mortgage Housing Corporation in tracking information for the purposes of reporting to, and co-operating with, the relevant law enforcement authorities or provincial regulators regarding any illegal or suspicious financial activity related to the above;
(e) the efforts of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in investigating, including joint investigations with other Canadian police services and with international law enforcement organizations, regarding money laundering and any other connected criminal activities related to money laundering operations;
provided that,
(f) the study begin no later than seven days following the adoption of this motion; and
(g) the committee present its findings to the House within 90 days of the adoption of this motion.
Notice also received from:
Mr. O'Toole (Durham) and Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — December 1, 2020

December 4, 2020 — Mr. Barrett (Leeds—Grenville—Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes) — That the House:
(a) take note of the Commissioner of Lobbying's recent revelation that the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) is currently seized with 11 investigations under the Lobbying Act, including three that she has referred since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic;
(b) recall the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner’s “Trudeau II Report“, which stated that he was denied access to relevant evidence and was, therefore, “unable to fully discharge the investigatory duties conferred upon me”; and
(c) call upon the Prime Minister and the government to provide all possible assistance, including necessary waivers of solicitor-client privilege and cabinet confidence, to the RCMP, other police agencies and officers of Parliament that have investigated or who are actively investigating any matters pertaining to COVID-19 pandemic support measures.
Notice also received from:
Mr. O'Toole (Durham) and Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — December 4, 2020

December 4, 2020 — Mr. O'Toole (Durham) — That, in the opinion of the House, the provisions of Bill C-14, An Act to implement certain provisions of the economic statement tabled in Parliament on November 30, 2020 and other measures, respecting children’s benefits should be enacted as quickly as possible, and:
(a) notwithstanding any standing order or usual practice of the House,
(i) Bill C-14 shall be divided into two bills:
(A) Bill C-14A, An Act to implement certain provisions of the economic statement tabled in Parliament on November 30, 2020 and other measures,
(B) Bill C-14B, An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (Canada Child Benefit) and to make a related amendment to the Children’s Special Allowances Act,
(ii) Bill C-14B shall be composed of Clauses 2, 3 and 5 of Bill C-14, as it is presently composed,
(iii) Bill C-14A shall be composed of the remaining provisions of Bill C-14,
(iv) Bills C-14A and C-14B shall each be reprinted and possess the status on the Order Paper that Bill C-14 had prior to the adoption of this order,
(v) the Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel shall be authorized to make any technical changes or corrections as may be necessary to give effect to this motion; and
(b) the House call upon the government to take the necessary steps to secure passage of Bill C-14B through the House before its scheduled adjournment on Friday, December 11, 2020.
Notice also received from:
Mr. Schmale (Haliburton—Kawartha Lakes—Brock) and Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — December 4, 2020

January 25, 2021 — Mr. O’Toole (Durham) — That, given the provisions of Bill C-14, An Act to implement certain provisions of the economic statement tabled in Parliament on November 30, 2020 and other measures, respecting children's benefits should be enacted as quickly as possible, notwithstanding any standing order, special order or usual practice of the House, Bill C-14 be divided into two bills:
(a) (i) Bill C-14A, An Act to implement certain provisions of the economic statement tabled in Parliament on November 30, 2020 and other measures, shall be composed of all parts of Bill C-14 except clauses 2, 3 and 5, (ii) Bill C-14B, An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (Canada Child Benefit) and to make a related amendment to the Children's Special Allowances Act, shall consist of clauses 2, 3 and 5 of Bill C-14;
(b) Bills C-14A and C-14B shall each be reprinted and possess the status on the Order Paper that Bill C-14 had prior to the adoption of this order;
(c) the Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel shall be authorized to make any technical changes or corrections as may be necessary to give effect to this motion; and
(d) the House call upon the government to take the necessary steps to secure passage of Bill C-14B through the House as soon as possible.
Notice also received from:
Mr. Poilievre (Carleton) and Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — January 25, 2021

February 2, 2021 — Mr. O’Toole (Durham) — That, given that the Line 5 pipeline,
(i) is a project of critical importance that provides vital energy infrastructure from Western Canada, through the United States, and into Ontario and Quebec,
(ii) represents thousands of jobs for Ontarians, Quebecers and Western Canadians, jobs desperately needed for our economic recovery following the pandemic,
(iii) is essential for keeping the lights and heat on for thousands of people in Ontario and Quebec,
(iv) represents a critical source of fuel for numerous farming and industrial communities,
(v) provides all the jet fuel for Toronto's Pearson International Airport, Canada's largest airport,
(vi) provides essential fuel to Ontario and Quebec in a more economical, safe and environmentally sustainable manner than other forms of transit,
(vii) is critical to securing our energy security and economic future,
the House call on the government to:
(a) affirm its unequivocal support for the Line 5; and
(b) use every tool at its disposal to demand that the Transit Pipelines Treaty be respected by the United States and that the Biden administration allow for the continued construction of the Line 5 pipeline.
Notice also received from:
Mr. McLean (Calgary Centre) and Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — February 2, 2021

February 2, 2021 — Mr. O’Toole (Durham) — That, given the current controversy relating to the departure of the former governor general, the Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates be instructed to undertake a review of the merits of the current consultation process to appoint a governor general and the arrangement for pay, pensions and benefits provided to governors general and former governors general.
Notice also received from:
Mr. Berthold (Mégantic—L'Érable), Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) and Ms. Gladu (Sarnia—Lambton) — February 2, 2021

February 16, 2021 — Mr. O'Toole (Durham) — That an order of the House do issue for a copy of all contracts, or purchase agreements, between the government and any entity regarding the procurement of the vaccine manufactured for immunization against the SARS-CoV2 virus, commonly known as COVID-19.
Notice also received from:
Ms. Rempel Garner (Calgary Nose Hill) and Mr. Paul-Hus (Charlesbourg—Haute-Saint-Charles) — February 16, 2021

February 23, 2021 — Mr. Fortin (Rivière-du-Nord) — That the House reiterate that democracy is incompatible with monarchy and ask the government to initiate a process to amend the Canadian Constitution, involving Quebec, the provincial legislative assemblies and the Senate, to abolish the links between Canada and the British monarchy in order to become a republic.
Notice also received from:
Mr. Blanchet (Beloeil—Chambly) and Mr. Therrien (La Prairie) — February 23, 2021

February 23, 2021 — Mrs. Vignola (Beauport—Limoilou) — That an order of the House do issue for the production of all the supply contracts with all the suppliers of doses of vaccines to Canada and the minutes of the expert advice provided by the COVID-19 Vaccine Task Force.
Notice also received from:
Mr. Blanchet (Beloeil—Chambly) and Mr. Therrien (La Prairie) — February 23, 2021

February 23, 2021 — Mr. Lemire (Abitibi—Témiscamingue) — That, given that Canada’s vaccine production capacity should not be dependent on foreign countries, the Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology be instructed to undertake a study on the government’s efforts to develop a vaccine locally and to improve Canada’s production capacity; that the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, the Minister of Health, the Minister of Public Services and Procurement, and the Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry be invited to appear before the committee; and that the committee report its findings to the House.
Notice also received from:
Mr. Simard (Jonquière), Mr. Blanchet (Beloeil—Chambly) and Mr. Therrien (La Prairie) — February 23, 2021

February 23, 2021 — Mr. Fortin (Rivière-du-Nord) — That, given the need to ensure the separation of powers, particularly between the executive and judiciary and that the government should set up a committee to study the framework of a non-partisan process, with all the parties represented, to appoint judges in order to protect the impartiality of the judicial selection process, the House appoint a special committee with the mandate to hold hearings in order to study the framework of a non-partisan judicial appointment process, provided that:
(a) the committee be composed of 12 members, of which six shall be from the government party, four shall be from the official opposition, one shall be from the Bloc Québécois, and one shall be from the New Democratic Party;
(b) the members shall be named by their respective whip by depositing with the Clerk of the House the list of their members to serve on the committee no later than Wednesday, March 10, 2021;
(c) membership substitutions be permitted, if required, in the manner provided for in Standing Order 114(2);
(d) changes to the membership of the committee shall be effective immediately after notification by the relevant whip has been filed with the Clerk of the House;
(e) the Clerk of the House shall convene an organization meeting of the committee on Thursday, March 11, 2021;
(f) the committee be chaired by a member of the government party and, notwithstanding Standing Order 106(2), there shall be one vice-chair from each of the other recognized parties;
(g) quorum of the committee be as provided for in Standing Order 118 and that the Chair be authorized to hold meetings to receive evidence and to have that evidence printed when a quorum is not present, provided that at least four members are present, including one member of the opposition and one member of the government party;
(h) the committee be granted all of the powers of a standing committee, as provided in the Standing Orders, provided that the provisions of Standing Order 106(4) shall also extend to the committee;
(i) the committee have the power to authorize video and audio broadcasting of any or all of its proceedings; and
(j) the provisions of the order adopted on Monday, January 25, 2021, authorizing virtual and hybrid committee proceedings, shall continue to apply to the committee and any of its subcommittees until Sunday, September 19, 2021.
Notice also received from:
Mr. Blanchet (Beloeil—Chambly) and Mr. Therrien (La Prairie) — February 23, 2021

March 4, 2021 — Mr. O'Toole (Durham) — That the House call on the government to include in the next federal budget measures to help workers and their families struggling the most in the current economic downturn by:
(a) introducing sector-specific measures to support workers in the highly impacted hospitality, tourism and charitable sectors; and
(b) improving support programs, including lending supports, for small and medium businesses to be accessible within 30 days of the passage of this motion to prevent a wave of bankruptcies and layoffs.
Notice also received from:
Mr. Fast (Abbotsford), Mr. Cumming (Edmonton Centre), Mr. Baldinelli (Niagara Falls), Mr. Lawrence (Northumberland—Peterborough South), Mrs. Kusie (Calgary Midnapore) and Mr. Kelly (Calgary Rocky Ridge) — March 4, 2021

March 4, 2021 — Mr. O'Toole (Durham) — That, in the opinion of the House, the government should cancel the planned $49 million payment to the China-controlled Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank outlined in the Main Estimates 2021-22, and use those funds to begin supporting Canadian charities, a sector that has been ignored by the government in their pandemic response.
Notice also received from:
Mr. Chong (Wellington—Halton Hills) and Mr. Lawrence (Northumberland—Peterborough South) — March 4, 2021

March 4, 2021 — Mr. O'Toole (Durham) — That, given that Canada has the highest unemployment rate in the G7 despite spending the most per capita, the House, in relation to Canada's COVID-19 Economic Response Plan, call upon the government to table, in one comprehensive report on the same day as the next federal budget:
(a) a list of each support program, and for each, the maximum dollar amount available to applicants, the eligibility criteria, uptake rates, the number of jobs saved and lost, and the number of bankruptcies, insolvencies and permanent business closures experienced by recipients of such support; and
(b) the same information to be provided for the other G7 nations.
Notice also received from:
Mr. Fast (Abbotsford) and Mr. Kelly (Calgary Rocky Ridge) — March 4, 2021

March 4, 2021 — Mr. O'Toole (Durham) — That, given,
(i) the recent number of investigations into senior members of the Canadian Armed Forces, including allegations that the Minister of National Defence was aware of misconduct and did not actively pursue or investigate claims raised,
(ii) that six years ago, the Deschamps report recommended that a third party, independent of the chain of command be instituted to handle claims of sexual misconduct in the armed forces, but the government has done nothing to act on this recommendation, leaving members of the armed forces, particularly women, vulnerable to potential abuse,
(iii) that a number of allied nations have an independent entity who is responsible for oversight of the operations and programs of their defence departments,
the House call on the government to:
(a) order a service-wide independent investigation into sexual misconduct in the military;
(b) suspend all general and flag officer promotions and salary increases until this investigation is complete;
(c) ensure future complaints are made to an external independent body outside the chain of command; and
(d) establish the National Defence and Canadian Armed Forces Ombudsman as an independent officer of Parliament.
Notice also received from:
Mr. Bezan (Selkirk—Interlake—Eastman) and Ms. Alleslev (Aurora—Oak Ridges—Richmond Hill) — March 4, 2021

March 9, 2021 — Mr. Julian (New Westminster—Burnaby) — That, given that,
(i) during the first wave, 82% of COVID deaths in Canada happened in long-term care, the highest proportion in the OECD,
(ii) there have been over 12,000 long-term care resident and worker deaths in Canada since the beginning of the pandemic,
(iii) residents and workers in for-profit long-term care homes have a higher risk of infection and death than those in non-profit homes,
the House call upon the government to ensure that national standards for long-term care which are currently being developed fully remove profit from the sector.
Notice also received from:
Mr. Singh (Burnaby South) and Mr. Davies (Vancouver Kingsway) — March 9, 2021

March 9, 2021 — Mr. Julian (New Westminster—Burnaby) — That the House:
(a) recognize that successive Liberal and Conservative governments have eroded our national domestic vaccine and medicine production capacity, including by the privatization of domestic research and manufacturing facilities, such as Connaught Labs, and that this erosion has impacted the ability of the government to mount a robust mass vaccination campaign to combat COVID-19; and
(b) call upon the government to:
(i) establish a publicly owned Crown corporation aimed at producing vaccines and critical drugs for Canadians dealing with COVID-19 and possible future public health crises,
(ii) put this publicly owned facility in place immediately so that the vaccines it produces can be incorporated into the government’s COVID-19 vaccination plans.
Notice also received from:
Mr. Singh (Burnaby South) and Mr. Davies (Vancouver Kingsway) — March 9, 2021

March 9, 2021 — Mr. Julian (New Westminster—Burnaby) — That the House call upon the government to take further steps to support small businesses in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, including by:
(a) extending the Wage Subsidy Program (WSP) until the end of the pandemic;
(b) increasing the WSP to 85% through the end of summer 2021 and enabling access to the 90% Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy top-up for businesses impacted by limitations on mass gatherings and travel restrictions;
(c) improving access to the rent subsidy and business loan program, including extending them until the end of the pandemic and ensuring Indigenous businesses can access them through Aboriginal financial institutions;
(d) ensuring small business start-ups that started at or since the beginning of the pandemic can access emergency supports;
(e) capping credit card transaction fees, which siphon money away from small businesses and consumers towards billionaire banks and credit card companies;
(f) putting in place a hiring bonus to pay the employer portion of employment insurance and Canada Pension Plan for new or rehired staff; and
(g) establishing a hotline for small businesses to call to receive assistance in applying for government supports.
Notice also received from:
Mr. Singh (Burnaby South) and Mr. Johns (Courtenay—Alberni) — March 9, 2021

March 11, 2021 — Mr. Blaney (Bellechasse—Les Etchemins—Lévis) — That, given the alarming conclusions in the November 17, 2020, report of the Parliamentary Budget Officer entitled “Fiscal Analysis of the Joint Support Ship program and the MV Asterix“, and the findings and recommendations of the Auditor General's February 25, 2021, report to Parliament, the Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates be instructed to conduct a study of the cost overruns and timelines of the National Shipbuilding Strategy and to evaluate the importance of granting the polar icebreaker to the Canadian Coast Guard as soon as possible to protect Canadian sovereignty in the Arctic.
Notice also received from:
Mr. Paul-Hus (Charlesbourg—Haute-Saint-Charles) — March 11, 2021

March 18, 2021 — Mr. Bezan (Selkirk—Interlake—Eastman) — That, given that,
(i) the recent number of investigations into senior members of the Canadian Armed Forces, including an admission by the Minister of National Defence that he was aware of misconduct and did not actively pursue or investigate claims raised,
(ii) a number of victims' rights organizations, academics and others have taken considerable issue with the actions of the Minister of National Defence and his handling of this matter,
(iii) that six years ago, the Deschamps report recommended that a third party, independent of the chain of command be instituted to handle claims of sexual misconduct in the armed forces, but the government has done nothing to act on this recommendation, leaving members of the armed forces, particularly women, vulnerable to potential abuse,
(iv) that a number of allied nations have an independent entity who is responsible for oversight of the operations and programs of their defence department,
the House call on the government to:
(a) order a service-wide independent investigation into sexual misconduct in the military;
(b) suspend all general and flag officer promotions and salary increases until this investigation is completed;
(c) ensure future complaints are made to an external independent body outside the chain of command; and
(d) establish the National Defence and Canadian Armed Forces Ombudsman as an independent officer of Parliament.
Notice also received from:
Ms. Alleslev (Aurora—Oak Ridges—Richmond Hill), Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) and Mr. O'Toole (Durham) — March 18, 2021

March 18, 2021 — Mr. Barrett (Leeds—Grenville—Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes) — That, given that,
(i) the Trudeau Report and the Trudeau II Report established that the Prime Minister was found by the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner to have committed five breaches of the Conflict of Interest Act,
(ii) the Prime Minister is again under investigation for having contravened the act concerning his and his family's close financial ties to the Kielburgers' WE organization which was given an untendered $543 million contribution agreement,
in the opinion of the House, the commissioner should be empowered to recommend or impose stronger sanctions in cases of repeat violations of the Conflict of Interest Act and the Conflict of Interest Code for Members of the House of Commons.
Notice also received from:
Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) and Mr. O'Toole (Durham) — March 18, 2021

March 23, 2021 — Mr. Paul-Hus (Charlesbourg—Haute-Saint-Charles) — That, in the opinion of the House, the government should:
(a) recognize the urgent need for concrete legislative measures to,
(i) combat the scourge of sexual exploitation of minors,
(ii) better protect children and other vulnerable persons from sexual exploitation; and
(b) amend, as soon as possible, the provisions of the Criminal Code to implement the four important recommendations contained in the unanimous report of the Select Committee on the Sexual Exploitation of Minors established by the National Assembly of Quebec, namely,
(i) the implementation of the consecutive sentencing provision for human trafficking,
(ii) adding the crime of sexual exploitation to the proceeds of crime forfeiture mechanism,
(iii) eliminating the preliminary inquiry in some sexual exploitation and human trafficking cases,
(iv) giving law enforcement more effective legal tools to obtain evidence of sexual crimes committed against minors committed in the cyberspace.
Notice also received from:
Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — March 23, 2021

April 23, 2021 — Mr. O'Toole (Durham) — That, in the opinion of the House, the government should extend the deadline for filing personal and small business tax returns until June 30, 2021.
Notice also received from:
Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) and Mr. Lawrence (Northumberland—Peterborough South) — April 23, 2021

April 27, 2021 — Mr. Bezan (Selkirk—Interlake—Eastman) — That, in light of the alarming number and rate of reports of sexual harassment and misconduct in the Canadian Armed Forces, and given that the government has been shutting down or frustrating parliamentary studies of the situation, the House call upon the government to appoint a public inquiry to investigate these troubling matters and the various efforts to cover them up.
Notice also received from:
Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — April 27, 2021

April 30, 2021 — Ms. Harder (Lethbridge) — That, in the opinion of the House, the government's plan to give itself broad new powers to regulate, censor and block social media users without effective legal protections or safeguards is a significant threat to the right of free speech of all Canadians.
Notice also received from:
Mr. Rayes (Richmond—Arthabaska), Mr. Moore (Fundy Royal), Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) and Mr. O'Toole (Durham) — April 30, 2021

April 30, 2021 — Mr. Chong (Wellington—Halton Hills) — That the House condemn the election of Iran to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women.
Notice also received from:
Ms. Sahota (Calgary Skyview), Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) and Mr. O'Toole (Durham) — April 30, 2021

May 11, 2021 — Ms. Larouche (Shefford) — That the House call on the government, further to the recommendations of the External Review into Sexual Misconduct and Sexual Harassment in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) of 2015:
(a) to acknowledge that inappropriate sexual conduct is a serious problem that exists in the CAF and undertake to address it;
(b) to establish a strategy to effect cultural change to eliminate the sexualized environment and to better integrate women, including by conducting a gender-based analysis of CAF policies;
(c) to create an independent center for accountability for sexual assault and harassment outside of the CAF with the responsibility for receiving reports of inappropriate sexual conduct, as well as prevention, coordination and monitoring of training, victim support, monitoring of accountability, and research, and to act as a central authority for the collection of data;
(d) to allow members to report incidents of sexual harassment and sexual assault to the center for accountability for sexual assault and harassment, or simply to request support services without the obligation to trigger a formal complaint process;
(e) with the participation of the center for accountability for sexual assault and harassment,
(i) to develop a simple, broad definition of sexual harassment that effectively captures all dimensions of the member’s relationship with the CAF,
(ii) to develop a definition of adverse personal relationship that specifically addresses relationships between members of different rank, and creates a presumption of an adverse personal relationship where the individuals involved are of different rank, unless the relationship is properly disclosed,
(iii) to define sexual assault in the policy as intentional, non-consensual touching of a sexual nature,
(iv) to give guidance on the requirement for consent, including by addressing the impact on genuine consent of a number of factors, including intoxication, differences in rank, and the chain of command,
(v) to develop a unified policy approach to address inappropriate sexual conduct and include as many aspects as possible of inappropriate sexual conduct in a single policy using plain language,
(vi) to simplify the harassment process by:
(A) directing formal complaints to commanding officers acting as adjudicators in a grievance,
(B) reducing emphasis on alternative dispute resolution;
(f) to allow victims of sexual assault to request, with the support of the center for accountability sexual assault and harassment, transfer of the complaint to civilian authorities; provide information explaining the reasons when transfer is not effected;
(g) to assign responsibility for providing, coordinating and monitoring victim support to the center for accountability for sexual assault and harassment, including the responsibility for advocating on behalf of victims in the complaint and investigation processes; and
(h) to assign to the center for accountability for sexual assault and harassment, in coordination with other CAF subject matter experts, responsibility for the development of the training curriculum, and the primary responsibility for monitoring training on matters related to inappropriate sexual conduct; and
That the House condemn the total lack of political will on the part of the government and, in particular, the Minister of National Defence to implement these recommendations.
Notice also received from:
Mr. Blanchet (Beloeil—Chambly) and Mr. Therrien (La Prairie) — May 11, 2021

May 11, 2021 — Ms. Chabot (Thérèse-De Blainville) — That the House:
(a) condemn the haphazard management of Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) fraud by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA);
(b) deplore the unacceptable telephone wait times, both for victims of fraud who have to contact the CRA, and for the general public;
(c) admonish the Minister of National Revenue for her inability to clearly explain in the House her department’s policies, creating confusion in the message being sent to the public and to CRA employees;
(d) be concerned about how the artificial increase in revenue for victims of CERB fraud will affect the government assistance they receive; and
(e) express its regret for the CRA’s processing times for Canada Recovery Benefit applications, which can take up to 10 weeks for what is supposed to be an emergency benefit.
Notice also received from:
Mr. Blanchet (Beloeil—Chambly) and Mr. Therrien (La Prairie) — May 11, 2021

May 11, 2021 — Mrs. Desbiens (Beauport-Côte-de-Beaupré-Île d'Orléans-Charlevoix) — That the House, just like the National Assembly of Quebec, ask the government to repatriate its historical share of all federal powers and funding for culture to the Government of Quebec, so that Quebec can take control of its cultural development.
Notice also received from:
Mr. Blanchet (Beloeil—Chambly) and Mr. Therrien (La Prairie) — May 11, 2021

May 28, 2021 — Ms. Rempel Garner (Calgary Nose Hill) — That, given that,
(i) provinces have presented plans for permanent reopening tied to vaccination rates,
(ii) the travel, tourism, hospitality and agricultural sectors and Canadians with loved ones abroad need clarity and hope regarding benchmarks the federal government will use to lift border restrictions,
the House call upon the government to table, within 10 days of this motion being adopted, benchmarks and criteria for the safe lifting of the COVID-19 restrictions within areas of federal jurisdiction, including, but not limited to, the reopening of the land border with the United States, the hotel quarantine program, and quarantine upon entry into Canada.
Notice also received from:
Mr. Baldinelli (Niagara Falls), Mrs. Kusie (Calgary Midnapore), Mr. O'Toole (Durham) and Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — May 28, 2021

May 28, 2021 — Mr. Chong (Wellington—Halton Hills) — That the House:
(a) recognize that Canadians of Chinese descent have historically made tremendous sacrifices for the benefit of Canada, and continue to make significant contributions to the Canadian society;
(b) recognize that any suggestion that criticism of China's government or the Chinese Communist Party constitutes anti-Asian racism only serves to further propaganda efforts of China's government; and
(c) recognize that it is imperative for the government to counter the threats directed by the Chinese Communist Party to Canada while also combatting anti-Asian racism.
Notice also received from:
Ms. Shin (Port Moody—Coquitlam), Mr. O'Toole (Durham) and Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — May 28, 2021

May 28, 2021 — Mr. Chong (Wellington—Halton Hills) — That the House call upon the government to table a report regarding its opinion on the origins of COVID-19, including whether it emerged from human contact with an infected animal or from a laboratory accident in Wuhan, China, within the next 90 days.
Notice also received from:
Mr. O'Toole (Durham), Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) and Ms. Shin (Port Moody—Coquitlam) — May 28, 2021

June 1, 2021 — Mr. Bachrach (Skeena—Bulkley Valley) — That, given that,
(i) the May 13, 2021, announcement by Greyhound that it is ceasing operations in Canada and ending all service on its remaining routes within Canada has been met with devastation in many rural communities,
(ii) inter-city passenger transport is vital to connect rural residents with services, job opportunities and education,
(iii) the loss of affordable and safe passenger transportation will disproportionately affect the most vulnerable and marginalized residents of rural Canada, including Indigenous people and seniors,
(iv) without inter-city bus transportation, people may have no choice but to use methods with higher emissions that have a worse impact on climate change,
the House call on the government to:
(a) develop a public inter-city bus system to be provided through the creation of a new Crown corporation or an expansion of the mandate of VIA Rail to include public bus transportation, including mandating a move towards electric and low emission vehicles; and
(b) immediately develop a national passenger transportation strategy aimed at expanding bus service across rural and remote regions as well as re-establishing rural bus routes abandoned by Greyhound.
Notice also received from:
Mr. Julian (New Westminster—Burnaby) — June 1, 2021

June 1, 2021 — Mr. Julian (New Westminster—Burnaby) — That, given that,
(i) budget 2021 projects an $800 cut to the monthly Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB) beginning on July 1, 2021,
(ii) emergency programs have helped millions of Canadians since the beginning of the pandemic, including hundreds of thousands of Canadians still counting on the CRB,
(iii) this proposed cut off would take place before the government projects that all adults wanting the vaccine will be vaccinated, and before workers working in industries like the arts, tourism and food sector return to full capacity,
(iv) while implementing this benefit cut, the government is resisting calls to address the misuse of Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy funds by Canadian companies who have paid bonuses and given benefits to executives with public money intended for workers,
the House call on the government to maintain CRB benefits at $2,000 per month until at least all Canadians who want to be vaccinated have been fully vaccinated.
Notice also received from:
Mr. Blaikie (Elmwood—Transcona) — June 1, 2021

June 1, 2021 — Mr. Julian (New Westminster—Burnaby) — That, given that,
(i) the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic was marked by significant payouts with no strings attached from the government to Canada's big banks while ordinary Canadians struggled,
(ii) recent financial statements project massive profits at Canada's biggest banks, including 100% profits at RBC, TD and CIBC,
(iii) bank customers across Canada have been reporting a wide range of increased fees for a variety of banking services,
the House call on the government to:
(a) recognize that banking is an essential service,
(b) recognize that adding another financial burden on families and small businesses during a pandemic will hurt our economic recovery; and
(c) halt and reverse any increase in banking fees during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Notice also received from:
Mr. Blaikie (Elmwood—Transcona) and Mr. Masse (Windsor West) — June 1, 2021

June 4, 2021 — Mr. Fast (Abbotsford) — That, given that,
(i) Canada is a sovereign nation whose members of Parliament are elected to office by the citizens of Canada in a free and democratic society,
(ii) the Deputy Prime Minister has indicated that during the G7 finance ministers' meeting she will agree to a new global tax deal which will set minimum tax rates for Canadian businesses,
the House call on the Prime Minister to reject this new tax proposal during his upcoming G7 Leaders' Summit and unequivocally state to G7 leaders that Canadians, and Canadians alone, determine our nation's domestic tax policy and rates.
Notice also received from:
Mr. O'Toole (Durham), Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) and Mrs. Vecchio (Elgin—Middlesex—London) — June 4, 2021

June 4, 2021 — Ms. Rempel Garner (Calgary Nose Hill) — That, in the opinion of the House, upon return from the G7 meetings in the United Kingdom, the Prime Minister and his delegation should quarantine at one of the designated hotel quarantine sites that every other Canadian has been subjected to and not require taxpayers to fund a special quarantine hotel in Ottawa, or listen to the government's own COVID-19 Testing and Screening Expert Advisory Panel and immediately scrap the mandatory hotel quarantine program.
Notice also received from:
Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) and Mrs. Vecchio (Elgin—Middlesex—London) — June 4, 2021

June 15, 2021 — Mr. Barrett (Leeds—Grenville—Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes) — That, notwithstanding any standing order, special order or usual practice of the House, and with a view to ensuring that the House may discharge its constitutional responsibility of holding the government to account and defend its constitutional rights and privileges during the forthcoming summer adjournment:
(a) in the event the House is considering any motion concerning a prima facie case of privilege arising from any of the questions of privilege raised by the member for Louis-Saint-Laurent or the member for Leeds—Grenville—Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes on Monday, June 7, 2021, and Thursday, June 10, 2021, respectively, but the motion, or any proceeding consequential thereto, has not been disposed of before the adjournment of the House on Wednesday, June 23, 2021, the House shall stand adjourned until Monday, July 5, 2021, provided that, for the purposes of any standing order, it shall be deemed to stand adjourned pursuant to Standing Order 28;
(b) from Thursday, June 24, 2021, until Thursday, September 16, 2021, when the Speaker is prepared to rule on any of the questions of privilege referred to in paragraph (a), while the House stands adjourned, the Speaker shall give notice that the House shall meet at 2:00 p.m. on the following Monday which is at least four days after the Speaker is prepared to rule, and thereupon the House shall meet to transact its business as if it had been duly adjourned to that time;
(c) in respect of the consideration of a motion concerning a prima facie case of privilege arising from a question of privilege referred to in paragraph (a),
(i) no motion to proceed to the orders of the day may be received by the Chair,
(ii) requested recorded divisions shall not be deferred, provided that the bells to call in the members shall be sounded for not more than 30 minutes,
(iii) the words "minister of the Crown" in Standing Order 57 shall be deemed to read "House leader of a recognized party, with the support of the House leaders of two other recognized parties,";
(d) when the House sits pursuant to paragraph (a), and there are no proceedings outstanding in respect of,
(i) an adjourned or interrupted debate on a motion referred to in paragraph (a), including any proceeding consequential thereto, or
(ii) a Speaker's ruling on a question of privilege referred to in paragraph (a), including an adjourned or interrupted debate on a motion concerning a prima facie case of privilege arising therefrom or any proceeding consequential thereto,
the House shall adjourn until the next sitting day or Monday, September 20, 2021, whichever is later, provided that, for the purposes of any standing order, it shall be deemed to stand adjourned pursuant to Standing Order 28;
(e) the provisions of paragraphs (a) to (p) of the order adopted on Monday, January 25, 2021, as amended, modified and supplemented by the orders adopted on Monday, February 22, 2021, and Monday, March 22, 2021, shall continue to apply until Friday, September 17, 2021, to the extent they are not inconsistent with this order, whenever the House sits pursuant to the provisions of this order;
(f) in the event the House is required to meet pursuant to this order on Monday, August 2, 2021, or Monday, September 6, 2021, the House shall, instead, meet at the same time on Tuesday, August 3, 2021, or Tuesday, September 7, 2021, as the case may be, provided that the order of business shall be that of a Monday; and
(g) in the event of the Speaker being unable to act owing to illness or other cause, the Deputy Speaker, the Assistant Deputy Speaker and Deputy Chair of Committees of the Whole or the Assistant Deputy Speaker and Assistant Deputy Chair of Committees of the Whole shall act in the Speaker's stead for all the purposes of this order.
Notice also received from:
Mr. O'Toole (Durham) and Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — June 15, 2021

June 15, 2021 — Mr. Chong (Wellington—Halton Hills) — That an order of the House do issue for a copy of all briefing notes and documents relating to the origins of COVID-19, including whether it emerged from human contact with an infected animal or from a laboratory accident in Wuhan, China, and that these documents be tabled within the next 30 days, provided that, if the House is not sitting, the documents may be deposited electronically with the Clerk of the House and they shall be deemed to have been duly presented to the House on that day and referred to the Special Committee on Canada-China Relations, which shall be ordered to publish the documents on their website.
Notice also received from:
Mr. O'Toole (Durham) and Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — June 15, 2021

June 15, 2021 — Mr. Cumming (Edmonton Centre) — That, given that the only serious economic metric in budget 2021 was the government's commitment to create 1 million jobs by the end of June 2021:
(a) the House call on the government to prepare and table a progress report on that commitment within two days of the adoption of this motion;
(b) following the release of Statistics Canada's next Labour Force Survey to review the progress towards that commitment, the Speaker shall give notice that the House shall meet at 1:00 p.m. on the first Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday following the release of the report, and when the House meets, the House shall take up the daily routine of business, following which the House shall resolve itself into a committee of the whole to allow members to question ministers for a period not exceeding three hours or until no member rises to speak, whichever comes first, provided that,
(i) the Speaker may preside,
(ii) the rotation used for questions shall be the one used by the former Special Committee on the COVID-19 Pandemic,
(iii) no member shall be recognized for more than five minutes at a time which may be used for posing questions to a minister of the Crown,
(iv) members be permitted to share their time with one or more members by so indicating to the Chair,
(c) after the committee of the whole rises, the House shall adjourn until the next sitting day on the Monday and the Tuesday, and on the Wednesday, the House shall adjourn to Monday, September 20, 2021, and for the purposes of any standing order, it shall be deemed to stand adjourned pursuant to Standing Order 28; and
(d) the provisions of paragraphs (a) to (p) of the order adopted on Monday, January 25, 2021, as amended, modified and supplemented by the orders adopted on Monday, February 22, 2021, and Monday, March 22, 2021, shall continue to apply, to the extent they are consistent with this order.
Notice also received from:
Mr. Fast (Abbotsford), Mr. O'Toole (Durham) and Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — June 15, 2021
Main Estimates
June 7, 2021 — The President of the Treasury Board — Consideration of motions to concur in the Main Estimates for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2022.
Text of motions — see “Business of Supply” in today’s Notice Paper.
Voting — not later than 10:00 p.m. on the last allotted day, pursuant to Standing Order 81(18).
Supplementary Estimates (A)
June 7, 2021 — The President of the Treasury Board — Consideration of a motion to concur in the Supplementary Estimates (A) for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2022.
Text of motion — see “Business of Supply” in today’s Notice Paper.
Voting — not later than 10:00 p.m. on the last allotted day, pursuant to Standing Order 81(18).

Ways and Means

No. 3 — April 19, 2021 — The Minister of Finance — Consideration of a ways and means motion to amend the Income Tax Act and other related legislation. — Sessional Paper No. 8570-432-3, tabled on Monday, April 19, 2021.
No. 4 — April 19, 2021 — The Minister of Finance — Consideration of a ways and means motion to amend the Excise Tax Act. — Sessional Paper No. 8570-432-4, tabled on Monday, April 19, 2021.
No. 5 — April 19, 2021 — The Minister of Finance — Consideration of a ways and means motion to amend the Excise Act, 2001 and other legislation. — Sessional Paper No. 8570-432-5, tabled on Monday, April 19, 2021.
No. 6 — April 19, 2021 — The Minister of Finance — Consideration of a ways and means motion to introduce an Act to implement a Tax on Select Luxury Goods. — Sessional Paper No. 8570-432-6, tabled on Monday, April 19, 2021.
No. 7 — April 19, 2021 — The Minister of Finance — Consideration of a ways and means motion to introduce an Act to implement a Digital Services Tax. — Sessional Paper No. 8570-432-7, tabled on Monday, April 19, 2021.
No. 8 — April 19, 2021 — The Minister of Finance — Consideration of a ways and means motion to introduce an Act to implement a Tax on Unproductive Use of Canadian Housing by Foreign Non-resident Owners. — Sessional Paper No. 8570-432-8, tabled on Monday, April 19, 2021.

Government Bills (Commons)

C-2 — September 24, 2020 — The Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion — Second reading and reference to the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities of Bill C-2, An Act relating to economic recovery in response to COVID-19.
Royal recommendation — notice given Thursday, September 24, 2020, by the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons.
C-6 — June 7, 2021 — Resuming consideration of the motion of Mr. Lametti (Minister of Justice), seconded by Ms. Gould (Minister of International Development), — That Bill C-6, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (conversion therapy), be now read a third time and do pass.
Time allocation motion — notice given Friday, June 11, 2021, pursuant to Standing Order 78(3).
C-10 — June 14, 2021 — The Minister of Canadian Heritage — Consideration at report stage of Bill C-10, An Act to amend the Broadcasting Act and to make related and consequential amendments to other Acts, as reported by the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage with amendments.
Committee report — presented on Monday, June 14, 2021, Sessional Paper No. 8510-432-157.
Report stage motions — see “Report Stage of Bills” in today's Notice Paper.
Statement by Speaker — see Debates of June 15, 2021.
C-11R — April 19, 2021 — Resuming consideration of the motion of Mr. Bains (Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry), seconded by Ms. Bibeau (Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food), — That Bill C-11, An Act to enact the Consumer Privacy Protection Act and the Personal Information and Data Protection Tribunal Act and to make consequential and related amendments to other Acts, be now read a second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics.
C-12R — June 11, 2021 — The Minister of Environment and Climate Change — Consideration at report stage of Bill C-12, An Act respecting transparency and accountability in Canada's efforts to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2050, as reported by the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development with amendments.
Committee report — presented on Friday, June 11, 2021, Sessional Paper No. 8510-432-154.
Report stage motions — see “Report Stage of Bills” in today's Notice Paper.
C-13 — November 26, 2020 — The Minister of Justice — Second reading and reference to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights of Bill C-13, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (single event sport betting).
Statement by Speaker regarding the rule of anticipation — February 18, 2021 (See Debates).
Motion may not be moved, pursuant to the statement made by the Speaker on Thursday, February 18, 2021.
C-20 — February 3, 2021 — The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance — Second reading and reference to the Standing Committee on Finance of Bill C-20, An Act to amend the Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador Additional Fiscal Equalization Offset Payments Act.
Royal recommendation — notice given Wednesday, February 3, 2021, by the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons.
C-21 — May 28, 2021 — Resuming consideration of the motion of Mr. Blair (Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness), seconded by Mrs. Fortier (Minister of Middle Class Prosperity and Associate Minister of Finance), — That Bill C-21, An Act to amend certain Acts and to make certain consequential amendments (firearms), be now read a second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security.
C-22 — April 13, 2021 — Resuming consideration of the motion of Mr. Lametti (Minister of Justice), seconded by Ms. Bibeau (Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food), — That Bill C-22, An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, be now read a second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights.
C-23 — February 24, 2021 — The Minister of Justice — Second reading and reference to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights of Bill C-23, An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Identification of Criminals Act and to make related amendments to other Acts (COVID-19 response and other measures).
C-25 — March 25, 2021 — The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance — Second reading and reference to the Standing Committee on Finance of Bill C-25, An Act to amend the Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act, to authorize certain payments to be made out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund and to amend another Act.
Royal recommendation — notice given Thursday, March 25, 2021, by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance.
C-28 — April 13, 2021 — The Minister of Environment and Climate Change — Second reading and reference to the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development of Bill C-28, An Act to amend the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, to make related amendments to the Food and Drugs Act and to repeal the Perfluorooctane Sulfonate Virtual Elimination Act.
C-30R — June 16, 2021 — The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance — Resuming consideration at report stage of Bill C-30, An Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on April 19, 2021 and other measures, as reported by the Standing Committee on Finance with amendments.
Resuming debate on Motion No. 2.
Committee report — presented on Monday, June 7, 2021, Sessional Paper No. 8510-432-146.
Report stage motions — see “Report Stage of Bills” in today's Notice Paper.
Voting — not later than the expiry of the five hours provided for debate, pursuant to order made Monday, June 14, 2021, under the provisions of Standing Order 78(3).
Debate — three hours and 51 minutes remaining.
Report stage concurrence motion — question to be put immediately after the report stage motions in amendment are disposed of, pursuant to Standing Order 76.1(9).
C-31 — June 10, 2021 — The Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness — Second reading and reference to the Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security of Bill C-31, An Act to amend the Criminal Records Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts.
C-32 — June 15, 2021 — The Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages — Second reading and reference to the Standing Committee on Official Languages of Bill C-32, An Act to amend the Official Languages Act and to make related and consequential amendments to other Acts.
Royal recommendation — notice given Wednesday, June 16, 2021, by the Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages.

Government Bills (Senate)

S-2 — February 25, 2021 — The Minister of Foreign Affairs — Second reading and reference to the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development of Bill S-2, An Act to amend the Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act.

Government Business

No. 3 — December 11, 2020 — Resuming consideration of the motion of Mr. Barrett (Leeds—Grenville—Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes), seconded by Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent), — That the report of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner entitled “Maloney Report”, tabled on Thursday, November 19, 2020, be concurred in.
Debate — 48 minutes remaining, pursuant to section 28(11) of the Conflict of Interest Code for Members of the House of Commons.
Voting — not later than the expiry of the time provided for debate.
No. 9 — June 11, 2021 — The Leader of the Government in the House of Commons — That, notwithstanding any standing order, special order or usual practice of the House, Bill C-12, An Act respecting transparency and accountability in Canada's efforts to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2050, shall be disposed of as follows:
(a) the bill may be taken up at report stage immediately after the adoption of this order;
(b) not more than one hour shall be allotted to the consideration of the bill at report stage and, at the conclusion of the time provided at report stage, any proceedings before the House shall be interrupted, if required for the purpose of this order, and in turn every question necessary for the disposal of the said stage of the bill shall be put forthwith and successively, without further debate or amendment, provided that, if a recorded division is requested on any motion, it shall not be deferred, except pursuant to Standing Order 76.1(8);
(c) a motion for third reading may be made immediately after the bill has been concurred in at report stage;
(d) when the bill is taken up at the third reading stage, a member of each recognized party and a member of the Green Party each be allowed to speak for not more than 10 minutes followed by five minutes for questions and comments and, at the conclusion of the time provided for debate or when no member rises to speak, whichever is earlier, all questions necessary for the disposal of the third reading stage of the bill shall be put forthwith and successively, without further debate or amendment provided that, if a recorded division is requested on any motion, it shall not be deferred; and
(e) the House shall not adjourn until the proceedings on the bill have been completed, except pursuant to a motion proposed by a minister of the Crown, provided that once proceedings have been completed, the House may then proceed to consider other business or, if it has already passed the ordinary hour of daily adjournment, the House shall adjourn to the next sitting day.
No. 10 — June 14, 2021 — Resuming consideration of the motion of Mr. Rodriguez (Leader of the Government in the House of Commons), seconded by Ms. Qualtrough (Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion), — That, notwithstanding any standing order, special order or usual practice of the House, Bill C-10, An Act to amend the Broadcasting Act and to make related and consequential amendments to other Acts, shall be disposed of as follows:
(a) the bill may be taken up at report stage immediately after the adoption of this order;
(b) not more than one hour shall be allotted to the consideration of the bill at report stage and, at the conclusion of the time provided at report stage, any proceedings before the House shall be interrupted, if required for the purpose of this order, and in turn every question necessary for the disposal of the said stage of the bill shall be put forthwith and successively, without further debate or amendment, provided that, if a recorded division is requested on any motion, it shall not be deferred, except pursuant to Standing Order 76.1(8);
(c) a motion for third reading may be made immediately after the bill has been concurred in at report stage;
(d) when the bill is taken up at the third reading stage, a member of each recognized party and a member of the Green Party each be allowed to speak for not more than 10 minutes followed by five minutes for questions and comments and, at the conclusion of the time provided for debate or when no member rises to speak, whichever is earlier, all questions necessary for the disposal of the third reading stage of the bill shall be put forthwith and successively, without further debate or amendment provided that, if a recorded division is requested on any motion, it shall not be deferred; and
(e) the House shall not adjourn until the proceedings on the bill have been completed, except pursuant to a motion proposed by a minister of the Crown, provided that once proceedings have been completed, the House may then proceed to consider other business or, if it has already passed the ordinary hour of daily adjournment, the House shall adjourn to the next sitting day;
And of the amendment of Mr. Waugh (Saskatoon—Grasswood), seconded by Ms. Harder (Lethbridge), — That the motion be amended by deleting all the words after the words “notwithstanding any standing order, special order or usual practice of the House” and substituting the following:
“Bill C-10, An Act to amend the Broadcasting Act and to make related and consequential amendments to other Acts, be referred back to the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage for the purpose of reconsidering all of its clauses with a view to protect individual users' content from being subject to broad and vague government powers to regulate their use of the Internet, including on apps and social media platforms like YouTube and Facebook.”.
Closure — notice given Monday, June 14, 2021, pursuant to Standing Order 57.

Concurrence in Committee Reports

No. 7 — June 16, 2021 — Deferred recorded division on the motion of Mr. Genuis (Sherwood Park—Fort Saskatchewan), seconded by Mr. Kelly (Calgary Rocky Ridge), — That the fifth report of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development, presented on Monday, April 12, 2021, be concurred in.
Recorded division — deferred until Wednesday, June 23, 2021, at the expiry of the time provided for Oral Questions, pursuant to Standing Order 66(2) and order made Monday, January 25, 2021.

R Recommended by the Governor General