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TRAN Committee Report

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List of Recommendations


As a result of their deliberations committees may make recommendations which they include in their reports for the consideration of the House of Commons or the Government. Recommendations related to this study are listed below.

Recommendation 1

That Transport Canada be required to conduct full recertification for any aeronautical system that was previously considered critical and is interfaced with a new or modified component.

Recommendation 2

That Transport Canada formalise a process to consider the involvement of line pilots in the aircraft certification process for commercial aircraft where line pilots may have the ability to participate.

Recommendation 3

That Transport Canada ensure that cabin crew representatives are consulted as important stakeholders and receive regular briefings during the design phase of aircraft certification or validation.

Recommendation 4

That Transport Canada examines the role of delegate representatives in the certification of aircraft and ensures that it pursues a more active role for independent safety regulators.

Recommendation 5

That Transport Canada produce a report on lessons learned from the Boeing 737 MAX groundings focused on the National Aircraft Certification’s approach to certifying and validating aeronautical products, including design, implementation and oversight of its delegation program and subsequent revalidation process within six months and that it share this report with the Committee.

Recommendation 6

That the Government of Canada conduct a high-level stakeholder consultation, including industry and labour representatives, regarding the staffing and funding needs of Transport Canada Civil Aviation.

Recommendation 7

That the Government of Canada re-establish the Canadian Aviation Regulatory Advisory Council as a form of joint government-industry-labour review panel and that this council be tasked with reviewing the requirements for safety management systems in regard to the aerospace manufacturing sector.

Recommendation 8

That Transport Canada Civil Aviation undertake further formalizing international collaboration with other aviation authorities regarding certification/validation issues, including a formal exchange of permanent representatives.

Recommendation 9

That Transport Canada Civil Aviation review its policies to ensure that certification or validation of an aircraft does not occur until all significant issues or concerns are fully addressed.

Recommendation 10

That the Committee express concern with the FAA’s certification of Boeing aircraft in light of findings by U.S. authorities.

Recommendation 11

That Transport Canada review its international agreements with regards to harmonization of aircraft certification with other jurisdictions.

Recommendation 12

That Transport Canada pursue additional technical assessment during validation of FAA certified aircraft.

Recommendation 13

That the Government of Canada work with the families of the Canadian victims of Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 to commemorate the victims.

Recommendation 14

That Canada, through its permanent representation at ICAO, pursues amendments to Annex 13 to allow for greater participation in incident investigations by states with expertise or a significant number of fatalities in the incident.