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HUMA Committee Report

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The Employment Insurance (EI) program is a federal insurance-based program that provides temporary income support in the event of a job loss or other life event, as well as employment programs and services. Since its implementation in 1940, it has formed an important part of Canada’s social safety net.

The House of Commons Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities (the committee) received testimony from senior federal officials, advocacy groups, and representatives from labour and business in relation to its study of the EI program over the course of seven meetings, as well as numerous written briefs. This report outlines the findings of the study.

The committee understands that the EI program no longer reflects the realities of today’s labour market and is not well-positioned to respond to sudden labour market disruptions, such as those that resulted from the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, the committee heard of the significant challenges posed by the 50-year-old legacy computer system used to administer the EI program. Reforms are urgently required to make the program nimbler and to better meet the needs of workers and employers. Through oral and written testimony, witnesses proposed reforms related to the financing of the EI program, EI regular benefits, special benefits, training and labour market programming, the technological infrastructure that supports the program, and the administration of the program.