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ACVA Committee Report

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As a result of their deliberations committees may make recommendations which they include in their reports for the consideration of the House of Commons or the Government. Recommendations related to this study are listed below.

Framework Recommendation

That the Government of Canada work to ensure that spouses and dependent children of veterans who would be eligible to VAC’s rehabilitation program, can access other VAC programs, including financial support and mental health services, in their own right, and with an individual client number.

Recommendation 1

That Veterans Affairs Canada publicly promote its Mental Health Assistance Service so that veterans, their family members and other caregivers have a better awareness and understanding of the services available.

Recommendation 2

That the Caregiver Recognition Benefit be changed as follows:

  • That the maximum amount of the benefit be the same as the Department of National Defence’s Attendant Care Benefit;
  • That the eligibility criteria be the same as those for the Attendance Allowance under the Pension Act;
  • That access be expanded to better reflect the specific challenges faced by family members and other caregivers of veterans who suffer from mental health conditions and brain injuries;
  • That eligibility be expanded to include caregivers under the age of 18.

Recommendation 3

That the services offered as part of the Veterans Independence Program be transferred to the veteran’s spouse and maintained as a grandfathered right after the veteran’s death.

Recommendation 4

That Veterans Affairs Canada automatically reimburse professional mental health expenses for the spouse and dependant children of veterans eligible for a rehabilitation plan for mental health concerns, up to $3,000 per person, and that the department’s approval be required only when a claim is submitted that exceeds this amount.

Recommendation 5

That Veterans Affairs Canada ensure that every departmental client, whether or not they are case-managed, have a dedicated employee responsible for their file, be given direct access by phone or email to that employee, and that a group be given responsibility for answering questions from family members and other caregivers who would not be VAC clients.

Recommendation 6

That the Veterans Well-being Act be amended to include an obligation to dependent children of living veterans, and that applications to programs created to that effect may be submitted by any parent of the child.