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Notice Paper

No. 167

Monday, May 1, 2017

11:00 a.m.

Introduction of Government Bills

Introduction of Private Members' Bills

Notices of Motions (Routine Proceedings)

April 27, 2017 — Mr. Van Loan (York—Simcoe) — That it be an instruction to the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development that, during its consideration of Bill C-323, An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (rehabilitation of historic property), the Committee be granted the power to travel throughout Canada to hear testimony from interested parties and that the necessary staff do accompany the Committee, provided that the travel does not exceed five sitting days.

April 27, 2017 — Mr. Van Loan (York—Simcoe) — That it be an instruction to the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development that, during its consideration of Bill C-323, An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (rehabilitation of historic property), the Committee be granted the power to travel throughout Canada to hear testimony from interested parties and that the necessary staff do accompany the Committee, provided that the travel does not exceed ten sitting days.

April 27, 2017 — Mr. Van Loan (York—Simcoe) — That it be an instruction to the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development that, during its consideration of Bill C-323, An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (rehabilitation of historic property), the Committee be granted the power to travel throughout Canada to hear testimony from interested parties and that the necessary staff do accompany the Committee, provided that the travel does not exceed 15 sitting days.

April 27, 2017 — Mr. Van Loan (York—Simcoe) — That it be an instruction to the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development that, during its consideration of Bill C-323, An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (rehabilitation of historic property), the Committee be granted the power to travel throughout Canada to hear testimony from interested parties and that the necessary staff do accompany the Committee, provided that the travel does not exceed 20 sitting days.

April 27, 2017 — Mr. Van Loan (York—Simcoe) — That it be an instruction to the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development that, during its consideration of Bill C-323, An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (rehabilitation of historic property), the Committee be granted the power to travel throughout Canada to hear testimony from interested parties and that the necessary staff do accompany the Committee, provided that the travel does not exceed 25 sitting days.

April 27, 2017 — Mr. Van Loan (York—Simcoe) — That it be an instruction to the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development that, during its consideration of Bill C-323, An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (rehabilitation of historic property), the Committee be granted the power to travel throughout Canada to hear testimony from interested parties and that the necessary staff do accompany the Committee, provided that the travel does not exceed five calendar days.

April 27, 2017 — Mr. Van Loan (York—Simcoe) — That it be an instruction to the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development that, during its consideration of Bill C-323, An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (rehabilitation of historic property), the Committee be granted the power to travel throughout Canada to hear testimony from interested parties and that the necessary staff do accompany the Committee, provided that the travel does not exceed ten calendar days.

April 27, 2017 — Mr. Van Loan (York—Simcoe) — That it be an instruction to the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development that, during its consideration of Bill C-323, An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (rehabilitation of historic property), the Committee be granted the power to travel throughout Canada to hear testimony from interested parties and that the necessary staff do accompany the Committee, provided that the travel does not exceed 15 calendar days.

April 27, 2017 — Mr. Van Loan (York—Simcoe) — That it be an instruction to the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development that, during its consideration of Bill C-323, An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (rehabilitation of historic property), the Committee be granted the power to travel throughout Canada to hear testimony from interested parties and that the necessary staff do accompany the Committee, provided that the travel does not exceed 20 calendar days.

April 27, 2017 — Mr. Van Loan (York—Simcoe) — That it be an instruction to the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development that, during its consideration of Bill C-323, An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (rehabilitation of historic property), the Committee be granted the power to travel throughout Canada to hear testimony from interested parties and that the necessary staff do accompany the Committee, provided that the travel does not exceed 25 calendar days.


Q-9882 — April 27, 2017 — Ms. May (Saanich—Gulf Islands) — With regard to the Safe Foods for Canadians Regulations published in the Gazette, Vol. 151, No. 3 — January 21, 2017, what are the details, including but not limited to the (i) date, (ii) sender, (iii) recipient, (iv) title of: (a) any correspondence, reports, or documents prepared to brief the Agriculture and Agri-Food Minister’s office related to drafting and publicizing the Regulations; (b) any correspondence, reports, or documents prepared to brief the Health Minister’s office related to drafting and publicizing the Regulations; (c) any correspondence, reports, or documents prepared to brief the President of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency related to drafting and publicizing the Regulations; and (d) any correspondence, reports, or documents relating to the background research, content, and drafting of section 68(4), "Water given to food animals", of the Regulations?
Q-9892 — April 27, 2017 — Mr. Nuttall (Barrie—Springwater—Oro-Medonte) — With regard to the Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development’s ‘innovation agenda’ as published by the ‘innovation leaders’ titled “Innovation for a Better Canada, What We Heard” and all related events: (a) who was paid $1,990.21 to translate the document; (b) what are the costs of travel for the ten Innovation Leaders broken down by (i) individual, (ii) round table location; (c) why were no travel costs incurred when the group travelled to the UK; (d) for each round table held by the ‘innovation leaders’, what are the details for meals and incidentals, broken down by (i) individual, (ii) round table location; (e) for each round table held by the ‘innovation leaders’, what are the details for lodging costs, broken down by (i) individual, (ii) round table location; and (f) what are the details for rental space costs, broken down by each of the 28 events?
Q-9902 — April 27, 2017 — Ms. May (Saanich—Gulf Islands) — With regard to the United States’ continuing compliance with the Safe Third Country Agreement cited by the Minister of Immigration, Citizenship and Refugees in an interview with the CBC published March 14, 2017: (a) what are the details of any briefing notes related to this determination provided to (i) the Minister of Immigration, Citizenship and refugees, (ii) the Prime Minister; (b) with respect to the Minister’s summary of the Government's assertion that the United States, under the new administration’s Executive Order dated March 6, 2017, continues to ‘meet and comply with international standards’ what evidence does the Department have that (i) the terms of the Executive Order will not lead to the United States violating the non-refoulement requirement of the 1951 Refugee Convention, (ii) the terms of the Executive Order will not lead to the United States violating any other policies and practices with respect to claims under the 1951 Refugee Convention and obligations under the 1984 Convention Against Torture, (iii) the terms of the Executive Order will not lead to the US failing to provide a “meaningful opportunity to apply for asylum” as required, (iv) the United States remains a safe country where there exists systematic, predictable, and legally compliant enforcement of asylum; and (c) what are the details of any other relevant information regarding the evaluation of the United States under the Minister’s review obligation in s.101(3) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act?
Q-9912 — April 27, 2017 — Mr. Webber (Calgary Confederation) — With regard to the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Canada and China regarding a collaboration to tackle illegal shipments of opioids and their analogues, as mentioned in the government response to the sixth Report of the Standing Committee on Health entitled “Report and Recommendations on the Opioid Crisis in Canada”, (i) when was this MOU signed, (ii) who signed the MOU and in what capacity, (iii) was a Minister of the Crown consulted before it was signed, (iv) over what period of time did the MOU negotiations take place, (v) how much funding has been allocated to the implementation of the MOU and from what funding envelope, (iv) when does the MOU expire?
Q-9922 — April 27, 2017 — Ms. Sansoucy (Saint-Hyacinthe—Bagot) — With regard to the Skills Link program: (a) what is the program’s total budget since 2015, broken down by (i) calendar year, (ii) constituency; (b) what is the program’s total budget per constituency for 2015, 2016 and 2017; and (c) what are the criteria for determining the amount allocated to an applicant?
Q-9932 — April 27, 2017 — Ms. Sansoucy (Saint-Hyacinthe—Bagot) — With regard to the constituency of Saint-Hyacinthe—Bagot and the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program, between the program’s launch on January 1, 2015 and April 13, 2017: (a) which proposals have been submitted from the constituency; and (b) which proposals have been approved?
Q-9942 — April 27, 2017 — Ms. Sansoucy (Saint-Hyacinthe—Bagot) — With regard to federal spending in the constituency of Saint-Hyacinthe—Bagot in fiscal year 2016-2017: what grants, loans, contributions and contracts were awarded by the government, broken down by (i) department and agency, (ii) municipality, (iii) name of recipient, (iv) amount received, (v) program under which expenditure was allocated, (vi) date?
Q-9952 — April 27, 2017 — Mr. Blaikie (Elmwood—Transcona) — With respect to the salary increase for RCMP members announced by the Minister for Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness on April 5, 2017: (a) what is the definition of a “market adjustment”; (b) how does a “market adjustment” differ from a “salary increase”, for example (i) is a “market adjustment” increase pensionable, (ii) is a “market adjustment” increase counted in the calculation of all benefits just as a “salary increase” would be, (iii) what is the process for rescinding a “market adjustment” as opposed to implementing a salary decrease, (iv) what are any other differences between a “market adjustment” and a “salary increase”; and (c) why did the government decide on a market adjustment instead of a further salary increase?
Q-9962 — April 27, 2017 — Mr. Boulerice (Rosemont—La Petite-Patrie) — With regard to the Prime Minister’s and other Cabinet Ministers' private meetings with the American asset management firm BlackRock: (a) what is the list of government officials, cabinet ministers, public office holders, and staff who attended the meeting held on November 14, 2016, at Toronto’s Shangri-La Hotel; (b) what is the complete list of financial institutions, pension funds, sovereign funds, and other financial entities, and the names of their representatives, that attended the meeting in (a); (c) what are the details of the agenda for the meeting in (a); (d) what were the total expenditures of the government associated with the meeting in (a), broken down by (i) cost for renting the rooms, (ii) cost for food and drinks, (iii) cost for security; (e) how many meetings has the Prime Minister had with BlackRock executives or employees since November 1, 2015, and what are the details of these meetings, broken down by (i) meetings held in person or by teleconference, (ii) locations and times of all meetings, broken down by meeting, (iii) costs associated with all meetings, broken down by meeting; (f) how many meetings has the Minister of Finance had with BlackRock executives or employees since November 1, 2015, and what are the details of these meetings, broken down by (i) meetings held in person or by teleconference, (ii) locations and times of all meetings, broken down by meeting, (iii) costs associated with all meetings, broken down by meeting; (g) how many meetings has the Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development had with BlackRock executives or employees since November 1, 2015, and what are the details of these meetings, broken down by (i) meetings held in person or by teleconference, (ii) locations and times of all meetings, broken down by meeting, (iii) costs associated with all meetings, broken down by meeting; (h) how many meetings has the Minister of Environment and Climate Change had with BlackRock executives or employees since November 1, 2015, and what are the details of these meetings, broken down by (i) meetings held in person or by teleconference, (ii) locations and times of all meetings, broken down by meeting, (iii) costs associated with all meetings, broken down by meeting; (i) have any other Cabinet Ministers had meetings with BlackRock executives or employees and, if so, how many times have they met with BlackRock executives or employees since November 1, 2015, and what are the details of these meetings, broken down by (i) meetings held in person or by teleconference, (ii) locations and times of all meetings, broken down by meeting, (iii) costs associated with all meetings, broken down by meeting; and (j) how many meetings have the staff and designated public office holders from the Office of the Prime Minister had with BlackRock executives or employees since November 1, 2015, and what are the details of these meetings, broken down by (i) meetings held in person or by teleconference, (ii) locations and times of all meetings, broken down by meeting, (iii) costs associated with all meetings, broken down by meeting?
Q-9972 — April 27, 2017 — Ms. Sansoucy (Saint-Hyacinthe—Bagot) — With respect to the Minister of Families, Children and Social Development’s mandate letter and, in particular, the expectation to “undertake a broad review of the EI system with the goal of modernizing our system of income support for unemployed workers that leaves too many workers with no unemployment insurance safety net”: (a) what (i) consultations, (ii) steps, (iii) discussions have been carried out by the Minister with non government stakeholders to modernize the EI system; (b) what (i) consultations, (ii) steps, (iii) discussions have been carried out with stakeholders by the Minister, his officials, any other minister or any other officials; (c) what was the outcome of these (i) consultations, (ii) steps, (iii) discussions; (d) when does the government expect to undertake a broad review of the EI system with the goal of modernizing our system of income support for unemployed workers; (e) what is the timeframe for the review in (d); and (f) when will the findings of this broad review in (d) be tabled in Parliament?
Q-9982 — April 27, 2017 — Mr. McCauley (Edmonton West) — With regard to the secretariat supporting the Senate Advisory Board within the Privy Council Office: (a) what are the full job descriptions as they are written for each job posting within the secretariat; (b) what is the pay scale, occupational group and level of the positions being filled in the secretariat; (c) what is the budget for the occupational group assigned to the secretariat; (d) how much has been spent by the secretariat, broken down by (i) accommodation, (ii) travel, (iii) per diems, (iv) incidentals, (v) office renovation, (vi) office set-up; and (e) how much has been budgeted for the support group to the Senate selection group?
Q-9992 — April 27, 2017 — Mr. Poilievre (Carleton) — With regard to the number of Canadians with disabilities and disabled persons employed in the federal public service: (a) what is the percentage of public servants who are disabled versus the percentage of the overall Canadian workforce that is disabled; (b) what is the percentage of public servants who are disabled versus the percentage of private sector employees who are disabled; (c) how many disabled people have gone from being unemployed to employed after the intervention of any federally-funded employment program, in the most recent reporting year; (d) what is the average increase in wages earned by disabled people after receiving the federally-funded employment assistance programs referred to in (c); (e) how many disabled people went from unemployed to employed as a result of the funds provided through the Labour Market Agreements for Persons with Disabilities, broken down by province, in the most recent reporting year; and (f) how many disabled people went from unemployed to employed as a result of the funds provided through the Opportunities Fund, broken down by province, in the most recent reporting year?

Notices of Motions for the Production of Papers

Business of Supply

Government Business

Private Members' Notices of Motions

M-134 — April 27, 2017 — Ms. Ratansi (Don Valley East) — That, in the opinion of the House, the government should: (a) endorse United Nations Resolution A/RES/65/5 on interfaith harmony, adopted unanimously by the United Nations General Assembly on October 20, 2010; (b) agree with the United Nations General assembly that there is a need for dialogue among different faiths and religions to enhance mutual understanding among people to promote harmony and cooperation; and (c) officially declare the first week of every February as World Interfaith Harmony Week of Canada.

2 Response requested within 45 days