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TRAN Committee Report

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As a result of their deliberations committees may make recommendations which they include in their reports for the consideration of the House of Commons or the Government. Recommendations related to this study are listed below.

Recommendation 1

That the Government of Canada take steps to ensure that all research and results of laboratory or vehicle safety testing conducted by Transport Canada is made publicly available on the department’s website.

Recommendation 2

That the Government of Canada, in collaboration with provincial and territorial authorities responsible for compiling the data, take steps to improve the quality of data provided through the National Collision Database by ensuring a more accurate identification of the types of vehicles involved in collisions.

Recommendation 3

That the Government of Canada support ongoing efforts, through the Council of Ministers Responsible for Transportation and Highway Safety, to develop a national standard for entry-level commercial drivers, including bus drivers.

Recommendation 4

That the Government of Canada consider expanding the mandate of the Transportation Safety Board of Canada to include the investigation of serious highway accidents, as well as all accidents involving motor vehicles designed to transport nine or more passengers.

Recommendation 5

That the Government of Canada support ongoing efforts by Transport Canada to develop crashworthiness standards for passenger buses in excess of 11, 793 kg as well as a standard for crashworthy event data recorders, in accordance with the Transportation Safety Board of Canada’s Recommendations R15-02 and R15-03.

Recommendation 6

That the Government of Canada develop and implement crashworthiness standards for both school buses and motor coaches and ensure that these standards are equivalent to or higher than those set by the American Public Transportation Association.

Recommendation 7

That the Government of Canada work in collaboration with provincial and territorial authorities to study the impact of roadside infrastructure (e.g. guardrails and signage) on the incidence and severity of highway collisions involving buses, to identify possible improvements to highway safety and to ensure programs or arrangements are in place to ensure adequate funding for said improvements.

Recommendation 8

That the Government of Canada direct Transport Canada to study the impacts of alternative seat designs such as integrated booster seats for children, integrated "wings" to reduce lateral head movement, and passenger airbags, on bus passenger safety.

Recommendation 9

That the Government of Canada support ongoing efforts by the Task Force on School Bus Safety to review data on school bus safety and seat belts and identify potential ways to strengthen school bus safety, and that it seriously consider the implementation of any recommendations made by the Task Force in this respect.