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RNNR Committee Report

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As a result of their deliberations, committees may make recommendations which they include in their reports for the consideration of the House of Commons or the Government. Recommendations related to this study are listed below.


The Committee recommends that the Government of Canada work with industry, provincial/territorial governments, and Indigenous governments and communities  to assess the economic opportunities of increased electricity interties in different regions across Canada, including:

a. Interties that increase interprovincial trade of electricity and provide other benefits for electric utility operators, such as reliability and resilience, according to the findings of the Regional Electricity Cooperation and Strategic Infrastructure Initiative;

b. Interties to increase Canada-U.S. electricity trade and provide safe, secure, reliable, clean and efficient power to market;

c. Interties that could help reduce economic losses from the electricity sector by stemming curtailment and spillage of renewable resources.


The Committee recommends that the Government of Canada explore, in collaboration with industry, provincial/territorial governments, and Indigenous governments and communities, ways to maximize the value of Canadian electricity exports to the U.S., by:

a. Evaluating how emerging regulatory reforms in certain U.S. markets could create opportunities for Canadian electric utilities to export more electricity;

b. Encouraging provinces, territories and utilities to implement systems to tag and track the emissions attributes of electricity, potentially adding value to, and facilitating increased exports of, verified, low-carbon Canadian electricity;

c.  Including international greenhouse gas emission accounting rules in negotiations to leverage the low greenhouse gas emissions of Canadian electricity and increase the value of electricity exports to the U.S.


The Committee recommends that the Government of Canada work with industry, provincial/territorial governments, and Indigenous governments and communities to improve low-carbon electricity delivery by examining:

a. How electricity interties can support provincial renewable electricity targets and help manage the variable output of some renewable electricity resources;

b. Opportunities to coordinate interprovincial electricity trade between low-carbon electric-dominant provinces and their neighbouring provinces.


The Committee recommends that the Government of Canada collaborate with industry, provincial/territorial governments, and Indigenous governments and communities to improve low-carbon energy access, affordability, security and storage in northern and remote communities.


The Committee recommends that the Government of Canada collaborate with industry, provincial/territorial governments, and Indigenous governments and communities to improve low-carbon electric energy access for resource development projects across Canada.


The Committee recommends that the Government of Canada engage provinces and territories to identify and address regulatory barriers between jurisdictions to facilitate developing transmission interties, increasing interprovincial and Canada-U.S. electricity trade, and modernizing electric systems and markets.