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NDDN Committee Report

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CAF                              Canadian Armed Forces

CDS                              Chief of the Defence Staff

CFAO                           Canadian Forces Administrative Order

DND                             Department of National Defence

DoD                             Department of Defense (United States)

EAPC                            Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council

GBA+                           Gender-Based Analysis Plus

LGBTQ2                       Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, or Two-Spirit

OAG                             Office of the Auditor General of Canada

OPHTAS                       Operation HONOUR Tracking and Analysis System

NATO                           North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NDDN                          House of Commons Standing Committee on National Defence

NZDF                           New Zealand Defence Force

RMC                            Royal Military College of Canada

SMRC                           Sexual Misconduct Response Centre

STEM                           Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

UN                               United Nations

UNSCR                         United Nations Security Council Resolution

WPS                             Women, Peace, and Security