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LANG Committee Report

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The Honourable Caroline Mulroney, M.P.P.
Minister of Francophone Affairs and Attorney
General Government of Ontario
700 Bay Street
200-25th Floor
Toronto, Ontario
M7A 0A2

Dear Ms. Mulroney:

I am writing to you in regards to the decision announced last November by your government to stop funding the Université de l’Ontario français project. I note that the provincial funding for the Université de l’Ontario français will end on January 15, 2019 and that, as a result, the organization’s staff will be laid off, jeopardizing the preparatory work already completed. This project is greatly supported by the community, and enjoys support across the country. I am concerned about the impact of this decision on the vitality of the Franco-Ontarian community.

As part of the federal government’s new Action Plan for Official Languages 2018‑2023: Investing in Our Future, with historical funding of more than $ 2.7 billion over five years, there are programs that can support unifying projects like this one across the country. In the past, the Government of Canada has already provided financial support to establish postsecondary institutions for official-language minority communities and is ready to do so again for this new institution.

However, a contribution from the federal government to the University’s project is conditional upon the province applying for funding and committing to a minimum of 50 percent of the total costs. I remind you that in the event that such an agreement is concluded, federal programs have the flexibility to cover the start-up costs of the University in the first years of the project, as long as provincial contribution is paid in subsequent years.

Let us be clear, the responsibility to carry out this project lies with the Government of Ontario. That being said, the Franco-Ontarian community will always be able to count on the Government of Canada's unwavering support as a partner in this project and to help ensure the vitality of the Francophone community in Ontario and across Canada.

In light of that, the Government of Canada has received a request for one-time funding directly from the team that is developing the Université de l’Ontario français project concerning preliminary work to be done for the establishment of a Francophone Knowledge and Innovation Hub in Toronto. This unifying project will help develop closer links between the agencies and organizations serving the Francophone community. The Hub could host the Université de l’Ontario français once established.

Through our Action Plan, I approved $ 1.9 million in funding to support the activities of the task force until January 2020. Note that this funding would be part of the federal government’s contribution towards the greater project of the Université de l’Ontario français, once completed.

We are both well aware that Canada's official languages and the place of bilingualism in the lives of Canadians and Ontarians enable greater openness to the world and provide for a formidable passport into the working world.

Together, let's celebrate and support the Francophone community in Ontario and the vitality of the French language across the country.

Please accept my best wishes.


The Honourable Mélanie Joly, P.C., M.P.

Minister of Tourism, Official Languages and La Francophonie

c.c.:      Dyane Adam, Chair, Board of governors, Université de l’Ontario français

The Honourable Merrilee Fullerton, M.P.P., Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities The Honourable Dominic Leblanc, P.C., M.P., Minister of Intergovernmental and Northern Affairs and Internal Trade