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INAN Committee News Release

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Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs
House of Commons / Chambre des communes
Comité permanent des affaires autochtones et du Nord

For immediate release


Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs to hold public hearing in Iqaluit for its study of suicide among Indigenous peoples and communities

Ottawa, September 20, 2016 – Members of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs (“the Committee”) will hold a public hearing September 23, 2016 in Iqaluit, Nunavut at the:

Frobisher Inn Hotel, Room Koojesse North, PO Box 4209 Astro Hill Complex

The Committee will hold a public hearing to better understand the Inuit experiences related to suicide as a part of its study into the crisis of suicide facing First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples and communities. Committee Chair Mr. Andy Fillmore (Halifax) will be joined by Committee Vice-Chair, Mr. David Yurdiga (Fort McMurray — Cold Lake), Mr. Gary Anandasangaree (Scarborough — Rouge Park), Mr. Michael V. McLeod (Northwest Territories), Mr. Romeo Saganash (Abitibi — Baie-James — Nunavik — Eeyou) and Mr. Arnold Viersen (Peace River — Westlock).

The committee will continue to study the issue over the fall.

An hour will be reserved for members of the public to present their views September 23, 2016 from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.

The official notices of meetings and the list of invited witnesses are available at the following link:

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For more information, please contact:
Michelle Legault, Clerk of the Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs
Tel: 613-996-1173