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FAAE Committee Report

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As a result of their deliberations committees may make recommendations which they include in their reports for the consideration of the House of Commons or the Government. Recommendations related to this study are listed below.

Recommendation 1

The Government of Canada should make democracy a priority concern within its international policy by putting in place a comprehensive democratic development strategy. Democratic governance, including engagement of local civil society, should be considered a valuable component of every Canadian international assistance program and project.

Recommendation 2

The Government of Canada’s international support for democratic development should embrace a long-term and incremental approach with respect to the evaluation of results, and be oriented around consistent engagement with partners.

Recommendation 3

When providing assistance for democratic development in other countries, the Government of Canada should engage with civil society and other democratic actors as part of a comprehensive and locally-led approach to fostering sustainable democracy.

Recommendation 4

Consistent with Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy, the Government of Canada’s international support for democratic development should incorporate a gender-perspective and prioritize women’s political empowerment.

Recommendation 5

When the Government of Canada provides development assistance for democratic development, it should do so in response to local needs, priorities and norms, and in a way that is adaptable to changes in circumstances on the ground.

Recommendation 6

The Government of Canada should engage broadly with all relevant countries on democracy promotion, not only those countries that are typically recipients of other forms of international assistance, but also those that may be seeing regression or stagnation of their democracies.

Recommendation 7

Global Affairs Canada should create a dedicated entity within the department tasked with developing and implementing government policy on democratic governance and coordinating initiatives with partners, both in Canada and internationally.

Recommendation 8

A renewed Canadian approach to democratic governance assistance should aim to strengthen the contribution of Canadian civil society through partnerships with the Government of Canada and long-term financial commitments.

Recommendation 9

The Government of Canada should establish a new independent institution dedicated to international democratic development as part of a comprehensive strategy to advance democracy around the world. This new institution should complement government and civil society initiatives, foster innovation, research and knowledge, and provide a dedicated home in Canada to support Canadian expertise.

Recommendation 10

Canada’s new democratic development institution should include the sharing of best practices regarding anti-corruption measures to ensure the emergence and longevity of healthy democratic systems.

Recommendation 11

All Canadian federal political parties and relevant civil society organizations should be engaged in the process of designing the proposed new democratic governance institution, and in the ultimate delivery of its mandate.

Recommendation 12

With the objective of ensuring that Canada’s new democratic development institution balances the need for independence with the need for transparency and oversight, the Government of Canada should require that the institution report to Parliament on an annual basis.

Recommendation 13

In establishing Canada’s new democratic development institution, the Government of Canada should ensure that the institution is authorized to work directly on the ground with local actors in partner countries.

Recommendation 14

In establishing Canada’s new democratic development institution, the Government of Canada should ensure that the institution’s governance structure reflects a transparent process for selecting its leadership that includes meaningful consultation with all political parties.

Recommendation 15

The Government of Canada should allocate new additional development funding, on a predictable, long-term basis, to support democratic development initiatives, and at a level that would enable the realization of the recommendations outlined in this report.