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FAAE Committee News Release

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For immediate release


Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development
House of Commons / Chambre des communes
Comité permanent des affaires étrangères et du développement international


Committee travels to Guatemala and Colombia to study the impact of Canada’s bilateral development assistance and women, peace and security.

Ottawa, August 23, 2016 -

On 28 August 2016, the House of Commons Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development begins a 12-day mission to Guatemala and Colombia.

The purpose of the Committee’s travel is to examine Canada’s relationship with Guatemala and Colombia in relation to development cooperation and women’s rights and empowerment.

Guatemala is Central America’s largest economy and most populous country, and an important development partner for Canada. During meetings and field visits, the Committee will evaluate the effectiveness of Canada’s development relationship with Guatemala.

The Committee’s mission in Guatemala will also enable it to consider the implementation of the women, peace and security agenda in a post-conflict country that experienced a 36-year internal armed conflict that had a devastating impact on women and girls.

Following its visit to Guatemala, the Committee will travel to Colombia at an opportune moment in that country’s history. Colombia is close to finalizing an historic peace agreement with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). In this context, the Committee will assess Canada’s development relationship with Colombia – a country of focus for Canada’s bilateral development assistance – and whether any changes are needed.

The Committee will also consider how the principles of the women, peace and security agenda are being addressed in the peace process, including through women’s participation in peace negotiations. The Committee’s meetings will help members gain a better understanding of the most effective support that Canada can provide, and the role it should play, in Colombia’s peacebuilding process.

Further information on the Committee’s current work is available on its website.

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For more information, please contact:
Angela Crandall, Clerk of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development
Tel: 613-996-1540


“I believe it is extremely important that this Committee travels to see firsthand the impact of our approach in building long-term sustainable relationships and programming with Guatemala and Colombia. This visit is especially important and timely as we examine how Canada can best contribute to the women, peace and security agenda.”

- Hon Robert Nault, Chair, Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development

“Colombia and Guatemala are important Canadian partners in development. Seeing the work being done on the ground through Canadian involvement and taking this knowledge back to Canadians will be instrumental in forming future development policy for the two respective countries. Keeping in mind the importance of effectiveness, transparency and accountability of Canadian aid, I look forward to seeing the great work being done in both countries.”

- Mr. Dean Allison, Vice-Chair, Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development

“This mission will enable us to better understand the role women have played in resolving the conflicts in these two countries, which are important partners for Canada. It will be an excellent opportunity to see how the involvement of women contributes to lasting peace agreements.”

- Mme. Hélène Laverdière, Vice-Chair, Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development