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CIIT Committee News Release

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Standing Committee on International Trade
House of Commons / Chambre des communes
Comité permanent du commerce international

For immediate release


House of Commons Standing Committee on International Trade Invites Canadians' Views About Federal Support for the International Trade Activities of Small and Medium-Sized Firms

Ottawa, November 22, 2018 -

On 30 October 2018, the House of Commons Standing Committee on International Trade adopted a motion to study ways in which the Government of Canada can help the country’s small and medium-sized firms to pursue international trade opportunities.

The Committee is interested in hearing from Canadians about ways in which to capitalize on the opportunities that new markets – like those resulting from Canada–European Union Comprehensive and Economic Trade Agreement (CETA) and the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), as well as emerging and other markets – create for them. Also of interest are limitations on these firms’ ability to maximize the Government of Canada’s assistance designed to help them benefit from international trade opportunities.

“Canada’s small and medium-sized firms are significant economic contributors.” said the Honourable Mark Eyking, P.C., M.P., Chair of the Committee. “Among other things, they employ most of the country’s private-sector workers, and their annual merchandise exports are valued at billions of dollars. However, these firms face particular challenges that affect their ability to trade internationally.”

Mr. Eyking concluded: “The Committee would like Canadians to submit briefs that discuss ways in which the Government of Canada can help the country’s small and medium-sized firms to overcome challenges that limit their ability to trade internationally. Enhanced trade will both benefit them and increase their contributions to the country’s economy.”

Briefs should not exceed 2,000 words in length, and should be submitted to the Clerk of the House of Commons Standing Committee on International Trade no later than 28 December 2018.

For more information, please consult the Committee’s Website.

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For more information, please contact:
Christine Lafrance, Clerk of the Standing Committee on International Trade
Tel: 613-944-4364