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HUMA Committee Report

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The Committee recommends that the federal government in collaboration with provincial and territorial governments ensure the Labour Market Development Agreements provide flexibility to allow jurisdictions to tailor programs to the needs of their local labour markets.


The Committee recommends that the federal government in collaboration with provincial and territorial governments conduct a review of the effectiveness of current programming, while respecting the general guidelines set in the Employment Insurance Act.


The Committee recommends that the federal government consider increasing the amount of funding to be transferred to provincial and territorial governments’ Labour Market Development Agreements subject to clear demonstration of Employment Insurance savings to the operating account and premium payers.


The Committee recommends that the federal government in discussion with provincial and territorial governments consider adding a clause in the re-tooled Labour Market Development Agreements requiring the funding to be reviewed every set number of years based on demonstrated savings to the Employment Insurance account.


The Committee recommends that the federal government with provincial and territorial governments consider expanding the mandate of the Forum of Labour Market Ministers given the needs of the evolving labour market.


The Committee recommends that the federal government in collaboration with provinces and territories develop a coherent set of guiding principles and accountability standards to be included in the new generation of Labour Market Development Agreements.


The Committee recognizes that the government has recently announced two new surveys to monitor labour market information and recommends that the government continue to invest in ways to improve labour market information.


The Committee recommends that the federal government in collaboration with provincial and territorial governments study the benefits and costs of establishing a Canadian institute for labour market Information.


The Committee recommends that the federal government in collaboration with provincial and territorial governments review the eligibility criteria for employment benefits provided under Labour Market Development Agreements.


The Committee recommends that Employment and Social Development Canada continue to encourage the provinces and territories to harmonize their training programs in order to facilitate interprovincial mobility for apprentices and workers.


The Committee recommends that the federal government, particularly Employment and Social Development Canada and Finance Canada, study the benefits and costs of establishing financial supports for individuals interested in moving or have workers come from out of province or territory to fill available jobs, taking into account the existing tax measures already in place to support these types of moves.


The Committee recommends that the federal government in collaboration with the provinces and territories improve information sharing and coordination between the Employment Insurance program and the provincial and territorial training and employment assistance programs, with the aim to get workers back to work faster.


The Committee recommends that the federal government in collaboration with the provinces and territories ensure that the new Labour Market Development Agreements offer Employment Insurance recipients greater flexibility so that they can select the training programs most likely to help them secure available jobs, including jobs available outside their province or territory of residence.


The Committee recommends that the renewed Labour Market Development Agreements (LMDAs) with the provinces and territories require regular employer engagement on LMDA programming as to better involve employers and their knowledge of actual labour market needs.


The Committee recommends that Employment and Social Development Canada encourage the provinces and territories to study the employer participation models operating in other provinces and territories.


The Committee recommends that the federal government continue discussions with the provinces and territories on how to establish apprenticeship programs in more fields and encourage young people to participate.


The Committee recommends that the federal government continue to raise awareness, particularly among employers, of the training programs and activities offered through the Labour Market Development Agreements.


The Committee recommends that Employment and Social Development Canada assess opportunities to involve employers more directly in training delivery, for example, by considering a workplace internship program for Employment Insurance recipients and/or tax or financial incentives for businesses that offer on-the-job training which meets certain requirements, such as the ability to transfer skills and knowledge from one business to another.


The Committee recommends that the Government continue lowering Employment Insurance premiums for all premium payers to create more jobs, growth and long-term prosperity.