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FINA Committee Report

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The midpoint of the second decade of the 21st century is perhaps an opportune time to assess the extent to which Canada’s residents have a high quality of life and standard of living, its businesses are growing and prospering, and its communities are healthy and secure.

Canada continues to be affected by weak economic growth and financial instability in other countries, particularly those that are significant trading partners, as some continue to be negatively affected by the global financial and economic crisis that started in the latter half of the previous decade. Understandably, these adverse effects have detrimental impacts on Canada.

Domestically, the federal fiscal situation is more sound than was the case during the global crisis, which presents opportunities for taking actions that will aid economic growth, support families and Canadians who are vulnerable, help businesses as they undertake research, development, innovation and commercialization activities, enhance the prosperity and security of the country’s communities, improve our taxation and regulatory regimes, and maximize employment opportunities and outcomes for Canadians.

It was within this context that the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance (hereinafter the Committee) launched its pre-budget consultations for 2014, asked interested Canadian groups and individuals to make submissions, and invited selected witnesses to make presentations on one of six topics:

  • Balancing the federal budget to ensure fiscal sustainability and economic growth;
  • Supporting families and helping vulnerable Canadians by focusing on health, education and training;
  • Increasing the competitiveness of Canadian businesses through research, development, innovation and commercialization;
  • Ensuring prosperous and secure communities, including through support for infrastructure;
  • Improving Canada’s taxation and regulatory regimes; and
  • Maximizing the number and types of jobs for Canadians.

Chapters Two through Seven summarize the proposals made by the Committee’s witnesses on these six topics, while Chapter Eight contains the Committee’s recommendations for the 2015 federal budget. The Appendix categorizes the main topics discussed in the online submissions made by interested groups and individuals.