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FAAE Committee Report

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Supplementary Report of the New Democratic Party of Canada

The New Democratic Party agrees with a majority of the recommendations in the present report, but we reiterate our opposition to a combat and training role for Canadian Forces in Iraq and Syria.

It is clear that Canada needs to play a constructive role in the region over the long term, and that is why we called for this study. 

We also feel the need to add the following recommendations:

  1. The Government of Canada should substantially increase its contribution to humanitarian efforts to assist victims of ISIS, and ensure that all commitments are paid in full as soon as possible. Humanitarian and governance assistance in the region should form the core of the Canadian response to ISIS.
  2. The Government of Canada should restrict its military contribution to the transportation of weapons and equipment to the Iraqi and Kurdish authorities, in support of their efforts to combat ISIS on the ground. In particular, Canada should not participate in airstrikes or other military activities in Syria.
  3. The Government of Canada should avoid any conflation of humanitarian and military activities. Humanitarian actors depend upon perceptions of impartiality, and independence. Humanitarian assistance must not be tied to military activity.
  4. The Government of Canada should take immediate and specific steps to meet its international obligations concerning the travel, financing, and arming of terrorist and extremist organizations, in accordance with UN Security Council resolutions 2170, 2178, and 2199. As part of this effort, the Government should immediately sign and ratify the UN Arms Trade Treaty to demonstrate commitment to ending the flow of weapons to illegal armed groups and human rights abusers.
  5. The Government of Canada should partner with domestic communities in order to develop a strategy to counter radicalization.