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Tuesday, November 20, 2012 (No. 181)


The complete list of questions on the Order Paper is available for consultation at the Table in the Chamber and on the Internet. Those questions not appearing in the list have been answered, withdrawn or made into orders for return.
Q-9542 — October 4, 2012 — Mr. Goodale (Wascana) — With regard to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, for each of September 1, 2006, September 1, 2008, and September 1, 2012: (a) how many individuals were employed by the agency as "inspectors", including a breakdown of individuals employed as "field inspection staff"; (b) what was the specific job description of each individual; and (c) at what exact location did each of them work?
Q-9552 — October 4, 2012 — Mr. McKay (Scarborough—Guildwood) — With regard to national defence: (a) what is the location and nature of any infrastructure at any Canadian Forces base, station or other establishment, which would need to be built or modified to accommodate the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter; and (b) what are the anticipated costs of construction or modification of infrastructure at each location?
Q-9562 — October 4, 2012 — Mr. McKay (Scarborough—Guildwood) — With regard to national defence: (a) what was the rationale for the date, location and timing of the July 16, 2010, announcement concerning the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter selection; (b) who was involved in the selection of the date, location and timing; (c) who selected the guests who were invited to attend the announcement and who invited those guests; and (d) when and how were the invitations sent?
Q-9572 — October 4, 2012 — Mr. McKay (Scarborough—Guildwood) — With regard to national defence: (a) what is the date and file number of each Statement of Operational Requirement (SOR) which has been written or prepared in respect of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter; (b) how many criteria are in each SOR; (c) what were the reasons for any changes made to each version; (d) what was the nature of those changes; and (e) who requested or directed those changes?
Q-9582 — October 4, 2012 — Mr. Lamoureux (Winnipeg North) — With regard to First Nations health, what are the dates, titles and file numbers of all reports, studies, files or dossiers concerning substance abuse or addictions in the communities of Sheshatshiu or Natuashish, created or prepared since January 1, 2006, by or on behalf of (i) Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada, (ii) Health Canada, (iii) the Public Health Agency of Canada?
Q-9592 — October 4, 2012 — Mr. Coderre (Bourassa) — With regard to correctional services, since January 1, 2000: (a) has any department or agency conducted any review or assessment of physical conditions, practices, policies, or any other matter, pertaining to (i) the Baffin Correctional Centre in Iqaluit, Nunavut, (ii) correctional services in Nunavut in general; and (b) what are the details, including dates and file numbers, of each review or assessment?
Q-9602 — October 4, 2012 — Mr. Coderre (Bourassa) — With regard to Aboriginal affairs, what are the titles, dates, and file numbers of any reports, studies, files, or dossiers held by any department or agency, concerning the Labrador Metis Association, Labrador Metis Nation, or NunatuKavut?
Q-9612 — October 4, 2012 — Ms. Sgro (York West) — With regard to Parks Canada: (a) what is the breakdown by each park, site, area, lighthouse, building, railway station and grave site for annual expenditures, broken down annually from 2006 to 2011 inclusive for each (i) National Park administered by Parks Canada, (ii) National Historical Site administered by Parks Canada, (iii) National Marine Conservation Area administered by Parks Canada, (iv) Heritage Lighthouse administered by Parks Canada, (v) Heritage Building administered by Parks Canada, (vi) Heritage Railway Station administered by Parks Canada, (vii) Heritage Grave Site administered by Parks Canada; (b) what were the number of staff employed full-time at each park, site, area, lighthouse, building, railway station and grave site, broken down annually from 2006 to 2011 inclusive for each (i) National Park administered by Parks Canada, (ii) National Historical Site administered by Parks Canada, (iii) National Marine Conservation Area administered by Parks Canada, (iv) Heritage Lighthouse administered by Parks Canada, (v) Heritage Building administered by Parks Canada, (vi) Heritage Railway Station administered by Parks Canada, (vii) Heritage Grave Site administered by Parks Canada; (c) what were the number of staff employed part-time at each park, site, area, lighthouse, building, railway station and grave site, broken down annually from 2006 to 2011 inclusive for each (i) National Park administered by Parks Canada, (ii) National Historical Site administered by Parks Canada, (iii) National Marine Conservation Area administered by Parks Canada, (iv) Heritage Lighthouse administered by Parks Canada, (v) Heritage Building administered by Parks Canada, (vi) Heritage Railway Station administered by Parks Canada, (vii) Heritage Grave Site administered by Parks Canada; (d) what are the number of paid staff hours at each park, site, area, lighthouse, building, railway station and grave site, broken down annually from 2006 to 2011 inclusive for each (i) National Park administered by Parks Canada, (ii) National Historical Site administered by Parks Canada, (iii) National Marine Conservation Area administered by Parks Canada, (iv) Heritage Lighthouse administered by Parks Canada, (v) Heritage Building administered by Parks Canada, (vi) Heritage Railway Station administered by Parks Canada, (vii) Heritage Grave Site administered by Parks Canada; (e) what are the positions of employment at each park, site, area, lighthouse, building, railway station and grave site, broken down annually from 2006 to 2011 inclusive for each (i) National Park administered by Parks Canada, (ii) National Historical Site administered by Parks Canada, (iii) National Marine Conservation Area administered by Parks Canada, (iv) Heritage Lighthouse administered by Parks Canada, (v) Heritage Building administered by Parks Canada, (vi) Heritage Railway Station administered by Parks Canada, (vii) Heritage Grave Site administered by Parks Canada; and (f) what are the anticipated changes at each park, site, area, lighthouse, building, railway station and grave site, resulting from the 2012 Budget for each (i) National Park administered by Parks Canada, (ii) National Historical Site administered by Parks Canada, (iii) National Marine Conservation Area administered by Parks Canada, (iv) Heritage Lighthouse administered by Parks Canada, (v) Heritage Building administered by Parks Canada, (vi) Heritage Railway Station administered by Parks Canada, (vii) Heritage Grave Site administered by Parks Canada?
Q-9642 — October 4, 2012 — Ms. Sgro (York West) — With regard to the $16, 667 in professional and special services spent by the Minister of Labour in fiscal year 2010-2011 in her capacity as Minister of Natural Resources: (a) how much of this money was spent on legal services; (b) what was the nature, extent and purpose of those legal services; (c) was there any court case associated with those legal services and, if so, what is the citation of that case; and (d) what is the contact information, if any, such as telephone number or e-mail address, associated with those legal services?
Q-9652 — October 4, 2012 — Mr. Bélanger (Ottawa—Vanier) — With regard to the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, how many offices does it maintain and how many claims did each office handle in (i) 2008, (ii) 2009, (iii) 2010, (iv) 2011, (v) 2012?
Q-9662 — October 4, 2012 — Mr. Casey (Charlottetown) — With regard to torture: (a) what is the government’s policy on article 1(1) of the United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment; (b) is it the policy of the government and its agencies that Canada is opposed to any violation of the article cited in (a); (c) is it the government's policy that section 269.1 of the Criminal Code, including, but not limited to, subsection 4, is consistent with article 1(1) and (2) of the United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment; and (d) is it the government's policy that information obtained by means of torture and provided to Canada by a third party deemed a non-state, or provided by a state as defined by the United Nations, is contrary to the article cited in (a) and a potential contravention of section 269.1 of the Criminal Code?
Q-9672 — October 4, 2012 — Mr. Hsu (Kingston and the Islands) — With regard to the National Research Council of Canada (NRC): (a) how many Research Associates in each portfolio were employed by NRC in September 2011; (b) how many Research Associates in each portfolio were employed by NRC in September 2012; (c) broken down by portfolio, what are the numbers of NRC researchers charging their time against each research project time code, and what is the number of total hours charged against each research project time code, by month from January 2010 to the present; (d) broken down by portfolio, what are the numbers of NRC researchers charging their time against each portfolio time code, and what is the total number of hours charged against each portfolio time code, by month from January 2010 to the present; and (e) what are the job titles of all of the people who may edit or give approval for papers and articles to be submitted by NRC employees to peer-reviewed journals?
Q-9682 — October 4, 2012 — Mr. Hsu (Kingston and the Islands) — With regard to Fisheries and Oceans Canada: (a) what is the total amount, in dollars, broken down by year from 2006 to 2012, allocated to the Experimental Lakes Area (ELA) by the government; (b) what is the total amount of funding, in dollars, external to core funding from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, secured by the ELA, broken down by year from 2006 to 2012; (c) what is the projected cost of closing or “mothballing” the ELA; (d) how was the projected cost of closure of the ELA calculated; (e) what factors were considered when assessing the costs of the closure of the ELA; (f) what means, or media, for communications is Fisheries and Oceans Canada Director General Dave Gillis allowed to employ to communicate information regarding any changes in ELA funding to (i) employees of the ELA, (ii) current stakeholders, (iii) potential stakeholders, (iv) the public; and (g) what will the consequences of closing the ELA be?
Q-9692 — October 4, 2012 — Mr. Hsu (Kingston and the Islands) — With regard to National Research Council Canada (NRC): (a) what is the department responsible for collecting royalties for patents licensed by NRC; (b) what is the breakdown, in dollars, of billing for royalties for patents licensed by NRC, by month from January, 2010 to the present; (c) what is the amount, in dollars, received by NRC from collecting royalties for patents they have licensed, by month from January, 2010 to the present; (d) what is the amount of outstanding royalties for patents licensed by NRC payable to NRC as of September 21, 2012; (e) how many outstanding bills, pertaining to royalties for patents licensed by NRC that are owed to NRC, have not been issued since January, 2010, by month, and what are each of their dollar amounts; (f) what is the total, in dollars, of outstanding royalties for patents licensed by NRC owed to NRC since January, 2010, by month; (g) where are royalties received for patents licensed by NRC allocated; and (h) which line items in the NRC budget receive how many dollars?
Q-9702 — October 4, 2012 — Mr. Valeriote (Guelph) — With regard to National Historic Sites and the response of the Minister of the Environment to Question 773 on the Order Paper, answered in Debates on September 17, 2012, where the Minister states "the majority of national historic sites have maintained similar opening and closing dates for 2012; however, some sites opened on June 1 and will close on the Labour Day weekend": (a) what is the exact number of sites which maintained similar opening and closing dates for 2012; (b) what is the exact number of sites which opened on June 1 and will close on Labour Day weekend; and (c) for each individual site, what were the opening and closing dates in 2011 and 2012?
Q-9712 — October 4, 2012 — Mr. Valeriote (Guelph) — With regard to National Defence and Militarized Commercial Off-the-Shelf trucks: (a) what is the identifying number of each truck at each base, station or other establishment; (b) how many hours, and for how many kilometres, has each truck been in service; (c) how many hours of maintenance have been performed on each truck; and (d) what are the particulars of any accident involving a truck, including (i) the nature of the damage to the vehicle, (ii) the cost of repairs or of writing off the value of the vehicle, (iii) the number of casualties, both military and civilian, and the extent of any injuries?
Q-9722 — October 4, 2012 — Mr. Pacetti (Saint-Léonard—Saint-Michel) — With regard to the funding of enterprises and projects by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA): (a) how many entities have received funding from CIDA while being under legal protection from creditors since 2006; and (b) in such cases, does CIDA have a policy to take action to ensure that these entities meet their financial obligations to creditors, sub-contractors, employees and stakeholders?
Q-9732 — October 4, 2012 — Mr. Cotler (Mount Royal) — With regard to the government's proposal to double the victim surcharge and limit judicial discretion in sentencing as is currently provided for by section 730 of the Criminal Code, and to eliminate the "undue hardship" defense, insofar as the victim surcharge is used to fund provincial and territorial victims' services: (a) on what data did the Minister of Justice rely in determining the specific amount by which the government proposes to raise the surcharge, in particular, did the Minister rely on data directly provided by (i) the province of Alberta, (ii) the province of British Columbia, (iii) the province of Manitoba, (iv) the province of New Brunswick, (v) the province of Newfoundland and Labrador, (vi) the province of Nova Scotia, (vii) the province of Ontario, (viii) the province of Prince Edward Island, (ix) the province of Saskatchewan, (x) the province of Quebec, (xi) the Yukon, (xii) the Northwest Territories; (b) did the Minister rely on data either provided or collected by the provinces or territories, (i) if so, did the Minister rely on data from the provinces and territories, (ii) did the government request this data from the provinces or was it provided to the government voluntarily, (iii) what individual or agency was responsible for the collection and analysis of any data regarding provincial and territorial victim services funds, (iv) has the government engaged in any dialogue with the provinces, territories, or any other private or public sector organizations involved in the provision of victim services in drafting the proposed amendments; (c) has the government reviewed any data indicating that there is a deficit in funding levels of provincial and territorial victim services programs and, (i) if so, on what basis has the government determined the extent of any deficit in the funding of victim services, (ii) if the government has determined there to be a deficit in the funding of victim services, has it been found to be consistent nationwide or to vary by province or territory, (iii) in reliance on what data has the government determined the doubling of the victim surcharge to be the appropriate level of increase, (iv) where the government has not relied directly on data provided by the provinces or territories, on what basis has any data actually relied on been deemed reliable, (v) insofar as the government has determined there to be a deficit in provincial and territorial victim services funds, on what basis has the government determined increasing the victim surcharge to be a sufficient response, (vi) has the government generated, or relied upon, any data indicating future projections of victims' services funding levels and, (vii) if so, will the doubling of the surcharge amount be sufficient to maintain adequate funding levels of victims' services in all provinces and territories; (d) has the government found any evidence indicating that increasing victim surcharge will affect the accountability of offenders, (i) has the government found any evidence indicating that the increase of the victim surcharge will deter specific offenders from re-offending, (ii) has the government found any evidence indicating that increasing the victim surcharge will have a deterrence effect on crime in general; (e) on what criteria did the government base its proposal to eliminate the "undue hardship" defense currently provided for by subsection 737(5) of the Criminal Code, and did the government consult with bar associations in deciding to advance this proposal in (i) Alberta, (ii) British Columbia, (iii) Manitoba, (iv) New Brunswick, (v) Newfoundland and Labrador, (vi) Nova Scotia, (vii) Ontario, (viii) Prince Edward Island, (ix) Saskatchewan, (x) Quebec, (xi) the Yukon, (xii) the Northwest Territories; and (f) on what basis did the government determine that it is appropriate to maintain judicial discretion to increase a victim surcharge, pursuant to subsection 737(3) of the Criminal Code, but not to implement an exemption based on undue hardship pursuant to subsection 737(5)?
Q-9742 — October 4, 2012 — Mr. Cotler (Mount Royal) — With regard to the ongoing humanitarian crisis and civil war in Syria: (a) how many Canadian citizens are known to still be in the country, (i) of those, how many are known to be at-risk, (ii) of those at risk, how many have received assistance from Canadian authorities; (b) how many Canadians have returned to Canada from Syria with assistance from the following embassies and via the following countries, (i) Lebanon, (ii) Turkey, (iii) Jordan/Iraq; (c) what measures have the Canadian embassies in (i) Lebanon, (ii) Turkey, (iii) Jordan/Iraq taken with respect to violence and criminal activity across borders; (d) what measures have the Canadian embassies in (i) Lebanon, (ii) Turkey, (iii) Jordan/Iraq taken with respect to aiding Syrian refugees; (e) how many visa requests from Syrian refugees has Canada received since the beginning of the conflict via the embassies of (i) Lebanon, (ii) Turkey, (iii) Jordan/Iraq; (f) which international organizations have government representatives worked with to aid refugees fleeing Syria, and how much funding has been devoted to these since the start of the conflict; (g) what diplomatic steps have the Prime Minister and the Minister of Foreign Affairs taken to protect Syrian civilians from massive assaults and to encourage a peaceful resolution to the conflict while Parliament was adjourned for the summer of 2012; (h) what diplomatic steps will the Prime Minister and the Minister of Foreign Affairs now take in light of the intensified violence; (i) what steps has the government taken to help break the diplomatic impasse at the United Nations; (j) what efforts have the Prime Minister, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Ambassador to the United Nations or other diplomatic officials taken to encourage the United Nations Security Council to refer the Syrian conflict to the International Criminal Court; (k) will the government support efforts by UN Security Council members to invoke any aspects of the responsibility to protect doctrine, and if so, (i) which ones, (ii) how will this decision be evaluated, (iii) by whom; and (l) does the government support the invocation of the responsibility to protect doctrine to protect the Syrian people and, if so, (i) what steps will it be taking, (ii) when, (iii), what results are expected?
Q-9752 — October 4, 2012 — Mr. Cotler (Mount Royal) — With regard to government legislation introduced in the 40th and 41st Parliaments in either the House or the Senate and the Department of Justice Act requirement in section 4.1 that government legislation comply with the Charter of Rights and Freedoms: (a) on what date was the legislation submitted for review; (b) which individuals conducted the review; (c) what are the job titles of the persons who performed the review; (d) what are the qualifications of the persons who performed the review; (e) is membership in good standing of a law society a requirement for performing the review; (f) were all those who participated in the review members in good standing of a law society at the time and, if so, which law societies were represented and how many years of practice did each individual involved have; (g) on what dates was the review conducted; (h) what is the process for such a review; (i) what doctrinal and jurisprudential sources were used to conduct the reviews, specifying (i) Canadian doctrinal sources, (ii) international doctrinal sources, (iii) domestic jurisprudential decisions, (iv) international jurisprudential decisions, (v) other legal or academic sources consulted; (j) what databases are accessed to conduct the review; (k) does any external consultation occur for the purposes of conducting such a review and, if so, what kinds of individuals or groups can be consulted; (l) how many drafts exist for each review report; (m) when were the memos in this regard presented to the Minister of Justice or any other member of the cabinet; (n) what was the cost of preparing each of these reports; (o) what is the budget allotted for the preparation of each report; (p) for each year since 2006, how much money has been allotted for undertaking each review; (q) for each year since 2006, how much money has been used to conduct each review; (r) how will the positions involved in the review process be affected by budget cuts at the department; (s) to whom will this work fall if these positions are cut; (t) what measures are in place to ensure the quality of the reviews; (u) what measures are in place to ensure the accuracy of the reviews; (v) are there any circumstances in which the government would make the content of such reviews public and, if so, what are they; and (w) has the government assessed litigation risk with respect to non-compliance with subsection 4.1(1) and, if so, when, and who conducted the assessment?
Q-9762 — October 4, 2012 — Mr. Lamoureux (Winnipeg North) — With regard to expenses relating to renovations and repairs paid for by Public Works and Government Services to real property since May 1, 2011: (a) what renovations or repairs have been made to the offices of House of Commons Members, caucus officers, or House administration at (i) 131 Queen Street, (ii) Justice Building, (iii) Confederation Building, (iv) Centre Block, (v) East Block, (vi) Howard Building (202 Sparks Street); (b) what were the costs of those renovations and repairs; and (c) what was the nature of the damage or defect which required repairs?
Q-9772 — October 11, 2012 — Mr. Cotler (Mount Royal) — With respect to Iran: (a) what criteria does the government use when deciding whether to suspend diplomatic relations with a foreign government; (b) in what way did the government of Iran meet these criteria; (c) who did the government consult in making this decision; (d) what documents did the government consult in making this decision; (e) when was the final decision made; (f) when was the decision-making process initiated; (g) who participated in making this decision; (h) has the government encouraged the governments of other countries to suspend diplomatic relations with Iran and, if so, which ones; (i) what arrangements have been made to serve or assist Canadians who remain in Iran, or who will be in Iran in the future, (i) as residents, (ii) as visitors, (iii) as prisoners; (j) what arrangements have been made to serve or assist Iranians or Iranian-Canadians residing in Canada either permanently or temporarily; (k) what steps does the government take to determine whether an entity will be listed as a terrorist entity and which, if any, of these steps have been taken with respect to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps; (l) if any such steps have been taken, what is the timeline for the completion of the process; and (m) who is involved in making the determination of whether the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps will be listed as a terrorist entity?
Q-9782 — October 11, 2012 — Ms. Sgro (York West) — With regard to national parks and historic sites, what was the total employment during the 2012 operating season, broken down by full-time, part-time and seasonal employees, for each of the following parks and sites: Abbot Pass Refuge Cabin, Alberta; Athabasca Pass, Alberta; Banff, Alberta; Banff Park Museum, Alberta; Bar U Ranch, Alberta; Cave and Basin, Alberta; Elk Island, Alberta; First Oil Well in Western Canada, Alberta; Frog Lake, Alberta; Howse Pass, Alberta; Jasper, Alberta; Jasper House, Alberta; Jasper Park Information Centre, Alberta; Rocky Mountain House, Alberta; Skoki Ski Lodge, Alberta; Sulphur Mountain Cosmic Ray Station, Alberta; Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta; Wood Buffalo, Alberta; Yellowhead Pass, Alberta; Chilkoot Trail, British Columbia; Fisgard Lighthouse, British Columbia; Fort Langley, British Columbia; Fort Rodd Hill, British Columbia; Fort St. James, British Columbia; Gitwangak Battle Hill, British Columbia; Glacier, British Columbia; Gulf Islands, British Columbia; Gulf of Georgia Cannery, British Columbia; Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve and Haida Heritage Site, British Columbia; Gwaii Haanas National Marine Conservation Area Reserve, British Columbia; Kicking Horse Pass, British Columbia; Kootenae House , British Columbia; Kootenay, British Columbia; Mount Revelstoke, British Columbia; Nan Sdins, British Columbia; Pacific Rim National Park Reserve, British Columbia; Rogers Pass, British Columbia; Stanley Park, British Columbia; Twin Falls Tea House, British Columbia; Yoho, British Columbia; Forts Rouge, Garry and Gibraltar, Manitoba; Linear Mounds, Manitoba; Lower Fort Garry, Manitoba; Prince of Wales Fort, Manitoba; Riding Mountain, Manitoba; Riding Mountain Park East Gate Registration Complex, Manitoba; Riel House, Manitoba; St. Andrew's Rectory, Manitoba; The Forks, Manitoba; Wapusk, Manitoba; York Factory, Manitoba; Beaubears Island Shipbuilding, New Brunswick; Boishébert, New Brunswick; Carleton Martello Tower, New Brunswick; Fort Beauséjour – Fort Cumberland, New Brunswick; Fort Gaspareaux, New Brunswick; Fundy, New Brunswick; Kouchibouguac, New Brunswick; La Coupe Dry Dock, New Brunswick; Monument-Lefebvre, New Brunswick; Saint Croix Island International Historic Site, New Brunswick; St. Andrews Blockhouse, New Brunswick; Cape Spear Lighthouse, Newfoundland and Labrador; Castle Hill, Newfoundland and Labrador; Gros Morne, Newfoundland and Labrador; Hawthorne Cottage, Newfoundland and Labrador; Hopedale Mission, Newfoundland and Labrador; L'Anse aux Meadows, Newfoundland and Labrador; Port au Choix, Newfoundland and Labrador; Red Bay, Newfoundland and Labrador; Ryan Premises, Newfoundland and Labrador; Signal Hill, Newfoundland and Labrador; Terra Nova, Newfoundland and Labrador; Torngat Mountains, Newfoundland and Labrador; Aulavik, Northwest Territories; Nahanni National Park Reserve, Northwest Territories; Sahoyué-§ehdacho, Northwest Territories; Tuktut Nogait, Northwest Territories; Wood Buffalo, Northwest Territories; Alexander Graham Bell, Nova Scotia; Beaubassin, Nova Scotia; Bloody Creek, Nova Scotia; Canso Islands, Nova Scotia; Cape Breton Highlands, Nova Scotia; Charles Fort, Nova Scotia; D'Anville's Encampment, Nova Scotia; Fort Anne, Nova Scotia; Fort Edward, Nova Scotia; Fort Lawrence, Nova Scotia; Fort McNab, Nova Scotia; Fort Sainte Marie de Grace, Nova Scotia; Fortress of Louisbourg, Nova Scotia; Georges Island, Nova Scotia; Grand-Pré, Nova Scotia; Grassy Island Fort, Nova Scotia; Halifax Citadel, Nova Scotia; Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site, Nova Scotia; Marconi, Nova Scotia; Melanson Settlement, Nova Scotia; Port-Royal, Nova Scotia; Prince of Wales Tower, Nova Scotia; Royal Battery, Nova Scotia; St. Peters, Nova Scotia; St. Peters Canal, Nova Scotia; The Bank Fishery - The Age of Sail Exhibit, Nova Scotia; Wolfe's Landing, Nova Scotia; York Redoubt, Nova Scotia; Auyuittuq, Nunavut; Quttinirpaaq, Nunavut; Sirmilik, Nunavut; Ukkusiksalik, Nunavut; Battle Hill, Ontario; Battle of Cook's Mills, Ontario; Battle of the Windmill, Ontario; Battlefield of Fort George, Ontario; Bellevue House, Ontario; Bethune Memorial House, Ontario; Bois Blanc Island Lighthouse and Blockhouse, Ontario; Bruce Peninsula, Ontario; Butler's Barracks, Ontario; Carrying Place of the Bay of Quinte, Ontario; Fathom Five National Marine Park of Canada, Ontario; Fort George, Ontario; Fort Henry, Ontario; Fort Malden, Ontario; Fort Mississauga, Ontario; Fort St. Joseph, Ontario; Fort Wellington, Ontario; Georgian Bay Islands, Ontario; Glengarry Cairn, Ontario; HMCS Haida, Ontario; Inverarden House, Ontario; Kingston Fortifications, Ontario; Lake Superior National Marine Conservation Area of Canada, Ontario; Laurier House, Ontario; Merrickville Blockhouse, Ontario; Mississauga Point Lighthouse, Ontario; Mnjikaning Fish Weirs, Ontario; Murney Tower, Ontario; Navy Island, Ontario; Peterborough Lift Lock, Ontario; Point Clark Lighthouse, Ontario; Point Pelee National Park, Ontario; Pukaskwa, Ontario; Queenston Heights, Ontario; Rideau Canal, Ontario; Ridgeway Battlefield, Ontario; Saint-Louis Mission, Ontario; Sault Ste. Marie Canal, Ontario; Shoal Tower, Ontario; Sir John Johnson House, Ontario; Southwold Earthworks, Ontario; St. Lawrence Islands, Ontario; Trent–Severn Waterway, Ontario; Waterloo Pioneers Memorial Tower, Ontario; Woodside, Ontario; Ardgowan, Prince Edward Island; Dalvay-by-the-Sea, Prince Edward Island; Green Gables Heritage Place, Prince Edward Island; L.M. Montgomery's Cavendish, Prince Edward Island; Port-la-Joye–Fort Amherst, Prince Edward Island; Prince Edward Island National Park, Prince Edward Island; Province House, Prince Edward Island; 57-63 St. Louis Street, Quebec; Battle of the Châteauguay, Quebec; Battle of the Restigouche, Quebec; Carillon Barracks, Quebec; Carillon Canal, Quebec; Cartier-Brébeuf, Quebec; Chambly Canal, Quebec; Coteau-du-Lac, Quebec; Forges du Saint-Maurice, Quebec; Forillon, Quebec; Fort Chambly, Quebec; Fort Lennox, Quebec; Fort Ste. Thérèse, Quebec; Fort Témiscamingue, Quebec; Fortifications of Québec, Quebec; Grande-Grave, Quebec; Grosse Île and the Irish Memorial, Quebec; La Mauricie, Quebec; Lachine Canal, Quebec; Lévis Forts, Quebec; Louis S. St. Laurent National Historic Site, Quebec; Louis-Joseph Papineau National Historic Site, Quebec; Maillou House, Quebec; Manoir Papineau, Quebec; Mingan Archipelago National Park Reserve, Quebec; Montmorency Park, Quebec; Pointe-au-Père Lighthouse, Quebec; Québec Garrison Club, Quebec; Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park, Quebec; Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue Canal, Quebec; Saint-Louis Forts and Châteaux, Quebec; Saint-Ours Canal, Quebec; Sir George-Étienne Cartier National Historic Site, Quebec; Sir Wilfrid Laurier National Historic Site, Quebec; The Fur Trade at Lachine, Quebec; Batoche, Saskatchewan; Battle of Tourond's Coulee / Fish Creek, Saskatchewan; Cypress Hills Massacre, Fort Battleford, Saskatchewan; Fort Espérance, Saskatchewan; Fort Livingstone, Saskatchewan; Fort Pelly, Saskatchewan; Fort Walsh, Saskatchewan; Frenchman Butte, Saskatchewan; Grasslands, Saskatchewan; Motherwell Homestead, Saskatchewan; Prince Albert National Park, Saskatchewan; Dawson Historical Complex, Yukon; Dredge No 4, Yukon; Former Territorial Court House, Yukon; Ivvavik, Yukon; Kluane National Park and Reserve, Yukon; S.S. Keno, Yukon; S.S. Klondike, Yukon; and Vuntut, Yukon?
Q-9792 — October 11, 2012 — Ms. Sgro (York West) — With regard to government employment, how many persons were employed full-time and part-time in each quarter from the first quarter of fiscal year 2006-2007 to the present, broken down by department, agency, crown corporation, or other entity: (a) in each province, territory or location outside Canada; and (b) in each census metropolitan area, and, in the case of Ottawa-Gatineau, the Ontario and Quebec portions of that census metropolitan area?
Q-9802 — October 15, 2012 — Ms. Boivin (Gatineau) — With regard to Bill C-10, An Act to enact the Justice for Victims of Terrorism Act and to amend the State Immunity Act, the Criminal Code, the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, the Corrections and Conditional Release Act, the Youth Criminal Justice Act, the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and other Acts: (a) what has the Department of Justice identified as the policy objectives or desired outcomes of Bill C-10 and what indicator has been identified to measure progress; (b) what has the Department identified as the overall legal costs for defending Bill C-10 from legal challenges; (c) when assessing the compliance of Bill C-10 with the Charter of Rights and Freedoms under section 4 of the Department of Justice Act, what measures were used to assess whether delays in trial processes and prison overcrowding would violate Charter-guaranteed rights; (d) what is the measure of post-sentence recidivism rates used now by the Department of Public Safety, and how is the success of Bill C-10 to be defined and measured; (e) what are the numbers of Aboriginal, women, addicted, cognitively-impaired or mentally-ill offenders in remand or federal custody facilities that are being used as a base against which to assess whether Bill C-10 increases or decreases those numbers; and (f) how is the government assessing benefits to victims of crime resulting from Bill C-10?
Q-9812 — October 15, 2012 — Mr. Rousseau (Compton—Stanstead) — With regard to the programs of Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions: (a) for each program, (i) have there been any changes in the eligibility criteria, (ii) if so, what are they, (iii) how much is the budget for 2012-2013, (iv) is this a decrease from the 2011-2012 budget, (v) if so, by how much; (b) since the start of the current fiscal year, for each of Quebec’s administrative regions, (i) how many proposals have been submitted, (ii) how many proposals have been rejected, (iii) what was the amount of each proposal submitted, (iv) what was the amount of each proposal rejected, (v) what was the amount of each proposal approved, (vi) how many co-operatives have submitted a proposal, (vii) how many proposals submitted by a co-operative have been rejected, (viii) how many non-profit organizations have submitted a proposal, (ix) how many proposals submitted by a non-profit organization have been rejected, (x) how many rejected proposals had been recommended by a regional office, (xi) what were these proposals, (xii) which organizations, businesses or co-operatives have submitted a proposal, (xiii) what have been the application processing times; (c) how many positions have been cut in each regional office; (d) how many positions have been cut at headquarters; (e) how many have been transferred from one office to another; and (f) from which office to which office have the transfers referred to in (e) occurred?
Q-9822 — October 16, 2012 — Ms. Freeman (Argenteuil—Papineau—Mirabel) — With regard to air safety: (a) from 2006 until now, how many air traffic controllers have been employed, broken down by (i) year, (ii) province; (b) from 2006 until now, how many air traffic controllers have been employed at Montréal-Mirabel International Airport, broken down by year; (c) from 2006 until now, how many aviation incidents have been reported, broken down by (i) year, (ii) province; and (d) how many aviation incidents reported from 2006 until now occurred at Montréal-Mirabel International Airport, broken down by year?
Q-9832 — October 16, 2012 — Ms. Moore (Abitibi—Témiscamingue) — With regard to the decision to send Canadian Forces personnel to Afghanistan: (a) what specific evaluations of the additional requirements and costs for health-care services for the Forces (funding and budget, health-care staff and professionals, their areas of specialization, organizational structure, evaluation tools, recruiting programs, and any other aspects) were conducted before or after this decision, including evaluations of (i) the requirements of the mission in Canada and in the field, (ii) the long-term needs of service personnel and veterans following the mission, (iii) mental-health assessments; (b) what were the findings and recommendations of these evaluations, and (i) what recommendations were implemented and to what extent, (ii) what recommendations were not implemented and why, (iii) what follow-up was conducted on the recommendations that were implemented; (c) what programs and recruitment campaigns were introduced for health-care staff and professionals; and (d) how many health-care staff and professionals were recruited while Canadian Forces personnel were deployed to Afghanistan, and to what extent has the number of medical staff and health-care professionals increased compared with the number of uniformed Canadian Forces service persons deployed?
Q-9842 — October 16, 2012 — Mr. Nantel (Longueuil—Pierre-Boucher) — With regard to Canadian missions abroad (embassies, consulates and delegations within international and regional organizations) and for each of these missions and for fiscal years 2005-2006 to 2012-2013, inclusively: (a) how many positions were related to culture; (b) what were the titles of these positions; (c) where were they located in the mission’s hierarchy; (d) what were the duties of these positions; (e) how many artistic or cultural projects received support from the people occupying these positions; (f) what form of support did these projects receive; (g) to what art form are these projects linked to; (h) how many Canadian works of art were on display in the rooms of the mission; (i) how many public activities promoting Canadian culture took place and what were these activities; (j) how many private activities promoting Canadian culture took place and what were these activities; and (k) how much of the mission’s budget was allocated to cultural activities or programs, (i) what were the names of these programs, (ii) how much funding was allocated to each of these programs?
Q-9852 — October 16, 2012 — Mr. Dionne Labelle (Rivière-du-Nord) — With regard to Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC): (a) how many CIC positions will be eliminated in 2012 and subsequent years, broken down by (i) year, (ii) province; (b) how will the Fédération des francophones de la Colombie-Britannique, which co-chaired the CIC’s British Columbia region, fit into the new structure if the British Columbia region disappears; (c) has the impact of merging services for the Atlantic region with the Quebec region been analyzed and, if so, what were the findings; (d) what impact will merging services for the Atlantic and Quebec regions have on francophone immigration; (e) what structures will be implemented to avoid competition between the Atlantic and Quebec regions for francophone immigrants if the decision-making centre is transferred to the province of Quebec; and (f) how will cuts to the Destination Canada Job Fair budget be offset in order to ensure that the Atlantic provinces can continue to attract francophone immigrants in light of competition from the province of Quebec for francophone immigrants?
Q-9862 — October 16, 2012 — Mr. Godin (Acadie—Bathurst) — With regard to the Governor in Council appointment process for the Privy Council Office from 2005 to 2013 inclusively: (a) how many people work at the Senior Personnel and Special Projects Secretariat, and what is the language profile for each of their positions; (b) how many appointments were made; (c) what is the list of all the positions granted through Governor in Council appointments and how many positions are on the list; (d) how many of the job postings include or included language requirements, (i) how are these requirements worded, (ii) what criteria were used to determine these requirements, (iii) are the language requirements for each of these positions recorded, (iv) were the federal institutions involved consulted before the language requirements were determined, (v) was the Treasury Board Secretariat consulted regarding the drafting of these postings, (vi) was the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages consulted regarding the drafting of these postings; (e) are there guidelines for the linguistic designation of positions as regards official languages and, if so, (i) what are they, (ii) who created them, (iii) are they systematically consulted before each appointment; (f) what is the proportion of appointments for each of the provinces and territories; (g) what is the proportion of anglophones and francophones who are appointed and how is this information recorded; and (h) is the proportion of bilingual anglophones and francophones on boards of directors appointed by the Governor in Council recorded and, if so, what is it?
Q-9872 — October 16, 2012 — Mr. Masse (Windsor West) — With regard to the Department of Finance's recent changes to mortgage rules in Canada, and in anticipating future changes to the mortgage rules for homeowners in Canada, has the government considered: (a) allowing Canadian homeowners to consolidate their credit debts outside of their mortgages, but at the same prime interest rate that mortgages are at; and (b) allowing secured lines of credit to remain at 80% of the value of the home, rather than the current 65%, instead of making Canadians borrow an unsecured line of credit at 7% or more, or a credit card at 18%?
Q-9882 — October 16, 2012 — Mr. Nantel (Longueuil—Pierre-Boucher) — With regard to the Minister of Canadian Heritage, for each year between 2008 and 2012, on what dates were meetings held with the following individuals and what subjects were discussed: (a) President and Chief Executive Officer, CBC/Radio-Canada; (b) Chairman, Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission; (c) Librarian and Archivist of Canada; (d) Chairperson, National Film Board; (e) Executive Director, Telefilm Canada; (f) Director and Chief Executive Officer, Canada Council for the Arts; (g) Chair, National Battlefields Commission; (h) Director, National Gallery of Canada; (i) Chairperson, National Gallery of Canada (j) President and Chief Executive Officer, Canadian Museum of Nature; (k) President, National Arts Centre; (l) Executive Chef, National Arts Centre; (m) President, Canadian Museum of Civilization; (n) Chairman, Canadian Museum of Civilization; (o) President and Chief Executive Officer, Canadian Museum for Human Rights; (p) Chairperson, Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21; (q) Director, Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21; (r) Director, Canada Science and Technology Museum; and (s) Chair, Canada Science and Technology Museum?
Q-9892 — October 17, 2012 — Mr. LeBlanc (Beauséjour) — With regard to small craft harbours, what expenditures are planned by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans for fiscal year 2012-2013, and what are the estimated costs of each planned repair or general work, for the following harbours in New Brunswick: (i) Cape Tormentine, (ii) Murray Corner (Bostford), (iii) Petit Cap, (iv) Bas Cap-Pelé, (v) Aboiteau, (vi) Robichaud, (vii) Cape-de-Cocagne, (viii) Saint-Thomas, (ix) Cormierville, (x) Saint-Édouard, (xi) Cap-Lumière, (xii) Richibucto, (xiii) St. Louis Cape, (xiv) Loggiecroft, (xv) Caissie Cape, (xvi) Sainte-Anne (Chockpish)?
Q-9902 — October 17, 2012 — Mr. Bélanger (Ottawa—Vanier) — With regard to the Interchange Canada Program: (a) how many temporary assignments of core public administration employees were there to other public, not-for-profit or private sector organizations, and what were the program’s recipient organizations and the number of employees by organization for the years (i) 2007, (ii) 2008, (iii) 2009, (iv) 2010, (v) 2011; and (b) how many temporary assignments of employees of public (other than core public administration), private and not-for-profit sector organizations were there, and what were the program’s core public administration recipient organizations and the number of employees by organization for the years (i) 2007, (ii) 2008, (iii) 2009, (iv) 2010, (v) 2011?
Q-9912 — October 18, 2012 — Ms. Quach (Beauharnois—Salaberry) — With regard to the Habitat Stewardship Program for Species at Risk: (a) was the budget allocated to the Program increased or decreased in 2012 or 2013; (b) was the budget allocated to the Program transferred to another program; (c) what impact, in terms of financial and human resources, will the 2012 federal budget have on the Program; (d) have the application criteria or evaluation procedures changed and if so, what are the new application criteria or evaluation procedures; (e) has the selection process, in partnership with the provinces, changed; (f) have Environment Canada, Fisheries and Oceans Canada or Parks Canada been consulted on changes to the Program; (g) what considerations justify these changes; (h) have the relevant departments signed agreements with communities under this program; (i) has a value-for-money assessment been completed for the Program; and (j) must the relevant departments respond to funding requests by a specific date?
Q-9922 — October 18, 2012 — Ms. Quach (Beauharnois—Salaberry) — With regard to the Joint Emergency Preparedness Program: (a) will the Program be extended beyond 2013; (b) will the Program be replaced by another program beyond 2013; (c) was the Program budget increased or decreased in 2012 or 2013; (d) was the Program budget transferred to another program; (e) what impact, in terms of financial resources or human resources, will the 2012 budget have on the Program; (f) were there any changes to the criteria or application evaluation procedure and, if so, what were those changes; (g) did Public Safety Canada hold any consultations regarding the changes to the Program; (h) what are the considerations that justify these changes; (i) was a value-for-money assessment conducted on the Program; and (j) are the departments involved required to respond to funding applications by a specific date?
Q-9932 — October 23, 2012 — Mr. Anders (Calgary West) — With regard to firearms prohibitions, for each year since 1999: (a) what is the total number of firearms prohibitions; (b) what is the total number of court-ordered firearms prohibitions; (c) how many firearm owners have had their firearm licenses revoked as a result of a firearms prohibition order; (d) how many firearm owners have had their firearm licenses revoked because they have committed a violent criminal offence; and (e) how many firearm owners have had their firearm licenses revoked because they have committed a non-violent criminal offence?
Q-9942 — October 23, 2012 — Mr. Anders (Calgary West) — With regard to recidivism rates for parolees, for each of the five most recent years that data is available, broken down by province or territory: (a) what is the total number of criminals released on parole from federal custody; (b) for each type of parolee, what is the total number who were convicted of (i) violent, (ii) non-violent, (iii) drug-related crimes; (c) how many of each of these three categories of parolees violated their parole conditions; (d) for each of these categories, how many of these parole violations involved violence; (e) for each of these categories, what was the nature of each of these violent violations; and (f) for each of these categories, how many of each of these parole violations resulted in the parolee being re-incarcerated?
Q-9952 — October 23, 2012 — Mrs. Mourani (Ahuntsic) — With regard to Aéroports de Montréal (ADM), from 2005 to 2012: (a) what has been the relationship between ADM and the company Construction Gastier inc., (i) does ADM lease any kind of space to it on its airport sites, (ii) if so, since when, (iii) what is the lease cost, (iv) is there a security protocol between ADM and Construction Gastier inc. regarding this occupation of airport space; and (b) what has been the relationship between ADM and the company Construction Gastier international, (i) does ADM lease any kind of space to it on its airport sites, (ii) if so, since when, (iii) what is the lease cost, (iv) is there a security protocol between ADM and Construction Gastier international regarding this occupation of airport space?
Q-9962 — October 23, 2012 — Mrs. Mourani (Ahuntsic) — With regard to the business relationships maintained by Aéroports de Montréal (ADM): (a) with the company Construction Gastier inc., from 2005 to 2012, (i) did it receive contracts from ADM, (ii) what was the value of the contracts, (iii) were the contracts tendered or was a ministerial exemption required, (iv) if there was a ministerial exemption, what were the grounds for it, (v) is there a security protocol between ADM and Construction Gastier inc. on all contracts awarded; and (b) with the company Construction Gastier international, from 2005 to 2012, (i) did it receive contracts from ADM, (ii) what was the value of the contracts, (iii) were the contracts tendered or was a ministerial exemption required, (iv) if there was a ministerial exemption, what were the grounds for it, (v) is there a security protocol between ADM and Construction Gastier international on all contracts awarded?
Q-9972 — October 23, 2012 — Mrs. Mourani (Ahuntsic) — With regard to the public tendering of renovation and construction work at the Montréal-Trudeau Airport and any other public tendering at the Montréal-Trudeau Airport, from 2000 to 2012, for each public tender: (a) which companies submitted bids; (b) which companies were awarded the contract and carried out the work; (c) what documentation was made available to the companies in the public tender; (d) what costs did the airport charge companies in order to have access to the public tender; (e) are there security protocols between the airport and the companies that submitted bids and did not receive contracts; and (f) are there security protocols between the airport and the companies that submitted bids and were awarded contracts?
Q-9982 — October 23, 2012 — Mrs. Mourani (Ahuntsic) — With regard to untendered renovation and construction contracts at the Montréal-Trudeau Airport for which the airport requested a ministerial exemption, from 2000 to 2012, for each contract awarded: (a) which companies were awarded the contract and carried out the work; (b) what documentation was made available to these companies; (c) what costs did the airport charge these companies; (d) are there security protocols between the airport and these companies; (e) what are these security protocols; and (f) what justifications did the airport provide the department to be entitled to an exemption from the requirement to issue a call for tenders?
Q-9992 — October 24, 2012 — Mr. Rousseau (Compton—Stanstead) — With regard to security at border crossings between 2006 and 2012: (a) how many officers were assigned to each Canada/U.S. border crossing, broken down by (i) year, (ii) border crossing; (b) how many estimated illegal entries by land were there, broken down by (i) year, (ii) border crossing; (c) how many incidents of use of force were reported at Canada/U.S. border crossings, broken down by (i) year, (ii) border crossing; (d) how many estimated passages were there at Canada/U.S. border crossings, broken down by (i) year, (ii) border crossing; and (e) how many officers were added to the Canada Border Services Agency, broken down by (i) year, (ii) border crossing, (iii) assignment?
Q-10002 — October 24, 2012 — Ms. Mathyssen (London—Fanshawe) — With regard to the Department of Finance report titled "Economic and Fiscal Implications of Canada's Aging Population" released October 23, 2012: (a) which senior officials or outside consultants made recommendations regarding this report, including, (i) their names, (ii) their duties; (b) what was the total cost of the report; and (c) what portion of that cost was paid to outside consultants?
Q-10012 — October 24, 2012 — Mr. Andrews (Avalon) — With regard to Human Resources and Skills Development Canada, and specifically the recently announced (October 5, 2012) adjustments to the Working While on Claim Pilot Project: (a) what is the projected number of Employment Insurance (EI) recipients that will choose to revert to the rules that existed under the previous Working While on Claim Pilot Project, broken down by province; (b) what is the projected change in EI benefits paid to those who revert to the rules that existed under the previous program; and (c) what is the projected change in total EI benefits paid during fiscal years 2012-2013, 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 due to adjustments to this pilot project?
Q-10022 — October 24, 2012 — Mr. Andrews (Avalon) — With regard to the Department of Natural Resources and, specifically, the terms of the Memorandum of Agreement with the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador pertaining to the Muskrat Falls project: (a) has the government received the complete data room required to make representation to credit rating agencies for the entire project as defined by the Muskrat Falls Generating Station, transmission lines, Island link and Maritime link; (b) knowing that the term sheet for the engagement of the capital markets is required to be completed within eight weeks after receiving the data room, what is the estimated date of completion of this term sheet; and (c) have the capital markets been engaged in the process and, if so, what is the expected date of the official approval and announcement of the Muskrat Falls Loan Guarantee?
Q-10032 — October 24, 2012 — Mr. Andrews (Avalon) — With regard to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO): (a) how many applications for License and Authorization for Port Activity and Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) Entry by a Foreign Vessel have been received from January 1, 2007, to October 19, 2012; and (b) what are the details for each application in (a), including (i) the name of the vessel, (ii) the type of vessel, (iii) the country and port of registry, (iv) the owner’s name, (v) the designated representative in Canada, (vi) the Canadian port for which access is requested, (vii) the reason for the visit to port or EEZ access, (viii) the area fished, (ix) the date of entry, (x) the actual date of departure, (xi) whether the application was approved, approved with conditions, or rejected?
Q-10042 — October 24, 2012 — Ms. Murray (Vancouver Quadra) — With regard to the reduction in planned spending for the Canada Revenue Agency’s Policy, Rulings and Interpretations branch from $353,788,000 to $69,179,000 in 2013-2014: (a) how will these planned reductions be achieved; (b) what specific activities, initiatives, and services will be affected; (c) how many part-time, full-time, and contract jobs will be lost; and (d) what stakeholder outreach and consultation was done on the planned spending reduction?
Q-10052 — October 24, 2012 — Ms. Murray (Vancouver Quadra) — With regard to national historic sites and the response given by the government to Order Paper question No. 773 of the current session of Parliament which states, “The majority of national historic sites have maintained similar opening and closing dates for 2012; however, some sites opened on June 1 and closed on the Labour Day weekend”: (a) what is the exact number of national historic sites that have maintained similar opening and closing dates for 2012; (b) what is the exact number of national historic sites which opened on June 1 and closed on Labour Day weekend; and (c) for each individual historic site, what were the opening and closing dates in 2011 and in 2012?
Q-10062 — October 24, 2012 — Ms. Murray (Vancouver Quadra) — With regard to the ocean fertilization experiment conducted by the Haida Salmon Restoration Corporation in the Pacific Coast waters around Haida Gwaii during the summer of 2012: (a) when and how was the government made aware of the experiment; (b) what specific requests were made of the government and how did the government reply to those requests; (c) what impact does the government anticipate the experiment will have on the local marine ecosystem; and (d) is the experiment in violation or contravention of any international agreement or moratorium, including the U.N. Convention on Biological Diversity or the London Convention on Dumping of Waste at Sea?
Q-10072 — October 24, 2012 — Mr. Scott (Toronto—Danforth) — With regard to the announcement made by the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans on May 28, 2012, that “new funding totaling $17.5 million will be allocated over the next five years to four key activities: prevention, early warning, rapid response, and management and control” to protect Canada’s Great Lakes from the threat of Asian carp: (a) in what specific ways will emphasis be placed on initiatives to educate people about the danger of Asian carp; (b) in what specific ways will human beings be prevented from bringing Asian carp into Canadian waters; (c) will public hearings be held in Canada to allow Canadians to provide input to key U.S. decision-makers on combating Asian carp migration; (d) what specific efforts will be made to raise the awareness of Canadians of the potential harm that Asian carp could cause in the Great Lakes; (e) what efforts will the government make to facilitate or mobilize public participation in decision-making concerning Asian carp; (f) what discussions or arrangements have been made by the government to work with American counterparts to develop an extensive early warning and monitoring system to alert officials of signs of any potential problems, along with rapid response protocols for both countries to be able to react quickly should there be signs that they are spreading; (g) when will the extensive early warning and monitoring system be put in place; (h) how does the government envision the extensive early warning and monitoring system working; (i) what discussions or arrangements have been made by the government to work with enforcement agencies to ensure compliance with regulations relating to the transport of Asian carp; (j) what tools will be used to ensure compliance with regulations relating to the transport of Asian carp; (k) what resources will be allocated to compliance efforts relating to the transport of Asian carp; (l) is the government aware of any plans, intentions, or studies with respect to bans on carp in provinces other than Ontario, or in any territory; (m) are there mechanisms in place at the Canada-US border for inspecting vehicles in an effort to assist the province of Ontario’s prohibition on possession or sale of live big head carp in Ontario and, if so, what are they; (n) are the same or other mechanisms in place to inspect for live big head carp at border crossings in provinces and territories outside Ontario; (o) is the government intending or considering an international trade requirement that big head carp only enter Canada after heads and tails have been cut off, in order to ensure fish are dead when crossing the border; (p) are there any regulations on interprovincial trade or transport of live carp, including those reinforcing Ontario’s prohibition on live big head carp in Ontario; and (q) does the government intend to attend or participate in the November 8, 2012, Great Lakes/St Lawrence Cities Initiative meeting, or to press relevant US agencies such as the US Army Corps to attend that meeting in order to hear directly from Canadians?
Q-10082 — October 24, 2012 — Mr. Cuzner (Cape Breton—Canso) — With regard to staffing at the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) since 2006: (a) what job positions were externally posted, including (i) the group and level classification, (ii) the job title, (iii) the language requirement, (iv) the office location, (v) the duration of the job posting, (vi) if the position was to be located in a bilingual region, (vii) whether the position was a new or existing position; (b) what externally advertised job positions were advertised for five days or less, including (i) the job title, (ii) the job description; (c) what were the employment positions at the end of fiscal years 2005-2006, 2006-2007, 2007-2008, 2008-2009, 2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2011-2012 and 2012-2013, including (i) the group and level classification, (ii) the job title, (iii) the office location, (iv) the language requirement, (v) the total number of employees; (d) what job positions were eliminated in fiscal years 2006-2007, 2007-2008, 2008-2009, 2009-2010, 2010-2011 and 2011-2012, including (i) the group and level classification, (ii) the job title, (iii) the office location; (e) what are the projected job positions to be eliminated in fiscal years 2012-2013, 2013-2014 and 2014-2015; (f) is Kevin MacAdam still employed in the position of Director General, Operations Prince Edward Island, since his appointment was revoked by the Public Service Commission of Canada (PSC) on August 8, 2012, (i) is he still receiving full-time French language training education, (ii) is the ACOA paying any legal costs of Mr. MacAdam's judicial review of the PSC August 8, 2012 decision; and (g) what is the ACOA’s policy when the PSC rules it is required to revoke an appointment made and the appointee files for a judicial review of the PSC decision to revoke their appointment, including (i) the effects on revoked appointment's employment contract with the ACOA, (ii) the funding the revoked appointment's legal expenses related to any legal action taken by the appointee to have the PSC decision overturned?
Q-10092 — October 24, 2012 — Mr. Cuzner (Cape Breton—Canso) — With regard to the government's Working While on Claim Pilot Project (Pilot Project 18), announced in Budget 2012 and which took effect August 5, 2012, the adjustment made to it on October 5, 2012, (Pilot Project 18 Adjustment), and the previous Working While on Claim Pilot that was in effect from December 11, 2005, to August 4, 2012, (Pilot Project 17): (a) for Pilot Project 17, during fiscal years 2008 to 2012, what are the average and median part-time weekly wages earned while receiving Employment Insurance (EI), broken down by (i) geographic area, (ii) industry, (iii) the following wage earning levels: $1-50 per week, $51-100, $101-150, $151-200, $201-250, $251-300, $300 and up, etc.; (b) what is the justification, including supporting data, for the elimination of the Allowable Earning Provision in Pilot Project 18 that allowed EI claimants to earn without claw-back the greater of 40% of their weekly employment insurance benefit or $75, which was present in Pilot Project 17; (c) did the government analyze how many people were anticipated to receive less under Pilot Project 18 than under Pilot Project 17 as a result of the elimination of the Allowable Earnings Provision in Pilot Project 18 and, if so, what is the analysis, broken down by geography and industry; (d) what is the expected cost saving to the government by removing the Allowable Earnings Provision in Pilot Project 18; (e) does removing the Allowable Earnings Provision create a new claw-back for low wage earners on EI; (f) is the removal of the Allowable Earnings Provision a disincentive to work for low weekly wage EI recipients and, if not, why not, and if so, why was the provision eliminated and what new measures will be implemented to create incentives for low income earners to work; (g) was any analysis completed on what impact removing the Allowable Earnings Provision would have on seasonal workers and, if so, what is the reason for the analysis and the details of the analysis, including internal file numbers and reference numbers associated with them; (h) what data statistics have been collected on Pilot Project 17, by fiscal year, since the start of the project in 2005, including a description of the statistic and reasons for its calculation; (i) will EI recipients lose their benefits if they refuse to accept part-time work that would result in a financial loss to the claimant as a result of having 50% of their earnings clawed back; (j) what are the expected cost savings to eliminating the Allowable Earnings Provision in Pilot Project 18 compared to Pilot Project 17; (k) what have been the budgeted and actual costs for Pilot Project 17 for fiscal years 2008 to 2012, explaining any deviations; (l) what is the expected budget for Pilot Project 18 for fiscal years 2013 to 2015, explaining any reduction in budget for Pilot Project 18 compared to Pilot Project 17; (m) what internal and external studies has the government undertaken to analyze both Pilot Project 17 and Pilot Project 18 since 2005, providing (i) their names, (ii) who undertook them, (iii) the cost, (iv) the years undertaken; (n) how many EI claimants receiving the Family Benefit worked in fiscal year 2012, and what is their (i) median weekly income, (ii) average weekly income, (iii) average hours worked per week; (o) how will Pilot Project 18 promote workforce mobility across the country; (p) what are the statistics from fiscal years 2010 to 2012 detailing how people working part-time while on claim transition to full-time work; (q) how many people are anticipated to be eligible for Pilot Project 18 Adjustment; (r) how many individuals who are eligible for the Pilot Project 18 Adjustment are anticipated to revert to Pilot Project 17 rules; (s) how will individuals who qualify for the Pilot Project 18 Adjustment be notified of their eligibility and provided the relevant information; (t) how were individuals who were eligible for Pilot Project 18 notified about their eligibility and provided the relevant information; (u) why are individuals who qualify under the Pilot Project 18 Adjustment who chose to revert to Pilot Project 17 rules required to file their bi-weekly reports manually and not electronically; (v) what is the expected number of employment insurance applications to be processed in January, 2013, based on normal historical volumes; (w) what is the anticipated volume of application files related to people who revert back to Pilot Project 17 who are eligible for the Pilot Project Adjustment; (x) is additional staffing planned to deal with the increased processing volume for January, 2013, as a result of the file requests from individuals opting to revert to Pilot Project 17 rules; and (y) are regular claimants who received at least one week of regular benefits between August 7, 2011, and August 4, 2012, ineligible for the Pilot Project 18 Adjustment if they work more than one or two days per week part-time and, if so, what is the rationale?
Q-10102 — October 24, 2012 — Mr. Rae (Toronto Centre) — With regard to the Canada Employment Insurance Financing Board: (a) what are the details of all costs associated with its establishment, operation and oversight, broken down by fiscal year, for each fiscal year since its establishment; and (b) what are the anticipated costs of the dissolution of the Board?
Q-10112 — October 24, 2012 — Mr. Rae (Toronto Centre) — With regard to navigable waters, what is the rationale for the inclusion in Schedule 2 of Bill C-45, A second Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on March 29, 2012 and other measures, of: (a) each of the 100 oceans or lakes listed in Part 1 of Schedule 2; and (b) each of the 62 rivers or riverines listed in Part 2 of Schedule 2?
Q-10122 — October 24, 2012 — Mr. Easter (Malpeque) — With regard to Transport Canada, how many requests for information, made pursuant to section 4 of the Access to Information Act, is the department currently processing, reviewing, or considering, and for each such request: (a) what is the file number; (b) what is the date on which the application was made; (c) what is the date on which the application was received; (d) what are the details of any extensions of time limits made pursuant to section 9 of the Act; and (e) what are the details of any complaint which has been made to the department in respect of the request?
Q-10132 — October 24, 2012 — Ms. Murray (Vancouver Quadra) — With regard to foreign affairs: (a) did Canada vote in the October 2012 vote to ratify the membership of Rwanda in the United Nations Security Council and, if so, how did Canada vote; and (b) what was the foreign policy rationale which governed Canada’s vote or abstention from the vote?
Q-10142 — October 24, 2012 — Ms. Fry (Vancouver Centre) — With regard to the Department of Canadian Heritage, what grants and contributions under $25,000 did the department award from January 1, 2011, to the present, including the recipient’s name, the date, the amount and the description?
Q-10152 — October 24, 2012 — Ms. Fry (Vancouver Centre) — With regard to Aboriginal affairs, how many persons have been registered on the Indian Register on or after November 20, 2002, as members of (i) the Sheshatshiu Innu First Nation, and (ii) the Mushuau Innu First Nation, distinguishing the number of persons so added who were born before November 20, 2002, and those who were born on or after November 20, 2002?
Q-10162 — October 24, 2012 — Ms. Fry (Vancouver Centre) — With regard to Health Canada, what grants and contributions under $25,000 did it award from January 1, 2011, to the present, including the recipient’s name, the date, the amount and the description?
Q-10172 — October 25, 2012 — Mr. Byrne (Humber—St. Barbe—Baie Verte) — With regard to the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA): (a) since August 1, 2012, what is the total amount disbursed to the Director General of Operations for Prince Edward Island (PEI) for (i) travel expenses, (ii) hospitality expenses, (iii) travel status benefits; (b) since August 1, 2012, what is the total cost incurred and the amount disbursed in relation to official language training for ACOA’s Director General of Operations for PEI; and (c) has ACOA provided authorization of any amount of funds in relation to (i) the examination of the employment of the Director General of Operations for PEI by the Public Service Commission of Canada (PSC), (ii) the judicial review of the order of the PSC in that matter and, if so, what is the amount which has been authorized, and what is the amount which has been disbursed to date?
Q-10182 — October 25, 2012 — Mr. Byrne (Humber—St. Barbe—Baie Verte) — With regard to Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada, what grants and contributions under $25,000 did it award from January 1, 2011, to the present, including the recipient's name, the date, the amount and the description?
Q-10192 — October 25, 2012 — Mr. Byrne (Humber—St. Barbe—Baie Verte) — With regard to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, what grants and contributions under $25,000 did it award from January 1, 2011, to the present, including the recipient's name, the date, the amount and the description?
Q-10202 — October 25, 2012 — Mr. Byrne (Humber—St. Barbe—Baie Verte) — With regard to appointments within the Department of Justice between April 1, 2010, and March 31, 2011: (a) how many people were appointed; (b) to what position was each person appointed; (c) for each appointment, who was the delegated or sub-delegated official responsible for making the appointment; (d) on the basis of what criteria did the Department determine whether to implement an advertised or non-advertised appointment process; (e) for each appointment, which of the criteria in (d) were met or not met; (f) for which of the appointments was an advertised appointment process implemented; (g) for each advertised appointment, in what media outlets was the appointment advertised; (h) on what dates were each of the advertisements in (g) posted in each media outlet; (i) for each advertised appointment, what was the title of the position as stated in the advertisement; (j) for each advertised appointment, what was the description of the position as stated in the advertisement; (k) for each advertised appointment, what were the essential qualifications as listed in the advertisement with respect to (i) language proficiency, (ii) education, (iii) experience; (l) for each advertised appointment, what were the asset qualifications as listed in the advertisement with respect to (i) language proficiency, (ii) education, (iii) experience; (m) for each advertised appointment, which of the essential qualifications were met by the successful candidate; (n) for each advertised appointment, and for each essential qualification, on the basis of what documents did the Department determine that the successful candidate met or failed to meet the essential qualification; (o) for each advertised appointment, which of the asset qualifications were met by the successful candidate; (p) for each advertised appointment, and for each asset qualification, on the basis of what documents did the Department determine that the successful candidate met or failed to meet the asset qualification; (q) for each advertised appointment, which of the essential qualifications were met by each unsuccessful candidate; (r) for each advertised appointment, for each unsuccessful candidate, and for each essential qualification, on the basis of what documents did the Department determine that the essential qualification was met or not met; (s) for each advertised appointment, which of the asset qualifications were met by each unsuccessful candidate; (t) for each advertised appointment, for each unsuccessful candidate, and for each asset qualification, on the basis of what documents did the Department determine that the asset qualification was met or not met; (u) for each non-advertised appointment, who was the successful candidate; (v) for each non-advertised appointment, who were the unsuccessful candidates; (w) for each non-advertised appointment, what were the criteria according to which the candidates were evaluated by the Department; (x) for each non-advertised appointment, which of the criteria were met by the successful candidate; (y) for each non-advertised appointment, and for each criterion, on the basis of what documents did the Department determine that the successful candidate met or failed to meet the criterion; (z) for each non-advertised appointment, which of the criteria were met by each unsuccessful applicant; and (aa) for each non-advertised appointment, for each criterion, and for each unsuccessful candidate, on the basis of what documents did the Department determine that the criterion was met or not met?
Q-10212 — October 25, 2012 — Mr. Scarpaleggia (Lac-Saint-Louis) — With regard to Public Safety Canada, what grants and contributions under $25,000 did it award from January 1, 2011, to the present, including the recipient's name, the date, the amount and the description?
Q-10222 — October 25, 2012 — Mr. Scarpaleggia (Lac-Saint-Louis) — With regard to FedNor, what grants and contributions under $25,000 did it award from January 1, 2011, to the present, including the recipient's name, the date, the amount and the description?
Q-10232 — October 25, 2012 — Mr. Scarpaleggia (Lac-Saint-Louis) — With regard to the Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation, what grants and contributions under $25,000 did it award from January 1, 2011, to the present, including the recipient's name, the date, the amount and the description?
Q-10242 — October 25, 2012 — Mr. Valeriote (Guelph) — With regard to Industry Canada, what grants and contributions under $25,000 did it award from January 1, 2011, to the present, including the recipient's name, the date, the amount and the description?
Q-10252 — October 25, 2012 — Mr. Valeriote (Guelph) — With regard to the Department of Justice, what grants and contributions under $25,000 did it award from January 1, 2011, to the present, including the recipient's name, the date, the amount and the description?
Q-10262 — October 25, 2012 — Mr. McGuinty (Ottawa South) — With regard to Parks Canada, what grants and contributions under $25,000 did it award from January 1, 2011, to the present, including the recipient's name, the date, the amount and the description?
Q-10272 — October 25, 2012 — Mr. McGuinty (Ottawa South) — With regard to Natural Resources Canada, what grants and contributions under $25,000 did it award from January 1, 2011, to the present, including the recipient's name, the date, the amount and the description?
Q-10282 — October 25, 2012 — Mr. McGuinty (Ottawa South) — With regard to the National Capital Commission, what grants and contributions under $25,000 did it award from January 1, 2011, to the present, including the recipient's name, the date, the amount and the description?
Q-10292 — October 25, 2012 — Mr. McGuinty (Ottawa South) — With regard to the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency, what grants and contributions under $25,000 did it award from January 1, 2011, to the present, including the recipient's name, the date, the amount and the description?
Q-10302 — October 26, 2012 — Mr. Pacetti (Saint-Léonard—Saint-Michel) — With regard to the Canada Border Services Agency, what grants and contributions under $25,000 did it award from January 1, 2011, to the present, including the recipient's name, the date, the amount and the description?
Q-10312 — October 26, 2012 — Mr. Pacetti (Saint-Léonard—Saint-Michel) — With regard to the Privy Council Office, what grants and contributions under $25,000 did it award from January 1, 2011, to the present, including the recipient's name, the date, the amount and the description?
Q-10322 — October 26, 2012 — Mr. McCallum (Markham—Unionville) — With regard to the Royal Canadian Mint, what are the details of all consultations it has made or conducted, since January 1, 2011, concerning the composition or weight of coins and their use in coin-operated devices, including the details of all such consultations with municipalities, giving the name of the municipality, the date on which it was consulted, and the means by which it was consulted?
Q-10332 — October 26, 2012 — Mr. McKay (Scarborough—Guildwood) — With regard to the Department of National Defence, what grants and contributions under $25,000 did it award from January 1, 2011, to the present, including the recipient's name, the date, the amount and the description?
Q-10342 — October 26, 2012 — Ms. Sims (Newton—North Delta) — With regard to the changes made by the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration to the Interim Federal Health (IFH) Program: (a) what accounting was made of the impact of the IFH changes on those who would no longer be covered by the IFH Program with respect to morbidity on (i) April 25, 2012, (ii) July 18, 2012; (b) what accounting was made of the impact of the changes on those who would no longer be covered by the IFH Program with respect to mortality on (i) April 25, 2012, (ii) July 18, 2012; (c) what amount of cost-savings did the Department of Citizenship and Immigration (CIC) calculate that the changes would result in (i) on April 25, 2012, (ii) on July 18, 2012; (d) what were all of the assumptions that CIC made in arriving at the cost-savings referred to in (c)(i) and (c)(ii); (e) what information was included in the cost-benefit analysis made by CIC with respect to the changes made on April 25, 2012, including with respect to (i) monetized benefits, (ii) monetized costs, (iii) net benefits, (iv) unmonetized benefits, (v) unmonetized costs, (vi) unquantified benefits, (vii) unquantified costs, (viii) risks, (ix) uncertainties; (f) what information was included in the cost-benefit analysis made by CIC with respect to the changes made on July 18, 2012, including with respect to (i) monetized benefits, (ii) monetized costs, (iii) net benefits, (iv) unmonetized benefits, (v) unmonetized costs, (vi) unquantified benefits, (vii) unquantified costs, (viii) risks, (ix) uncertainties; (g) what has been done to (i) communicate the changes to all relevant health professionals and institutions across the country, (ii) revise the administration of the program within CIC, including any training and monitoring, (iii) revise the contract for the administration of the program; (h) what were the costs of (i) communicating the changes to all relevant health professionals across the country, (ii) revising the administration of the program within CIC, including any training and monitoring, (iii) revising the contract for the administration of the program, including any penalties or additional training or administrative costs; and (i) how will federal funding available to the provinces and territories be modified as a result of the changes, broken down by province and territory?
Q-10352 — October 29, 2012 — Mr. Nicholls (Vaudreuil—Soulanges) — With regard to federal grants and contributions, what were the amounts paid out in the Vaudreuil-Soulanges riding between April 1, 2011, and October 25, 2012, broken down by (i) the identity and address of each recipient, (ii) the start date for the funding, (iii) the end date for the funding, (iv) the amount allocated, (v) the name of the program under which the funding was allocated?
Q-10362 — October 29, 2012 — Mr. Adler (York Centre) — With regard to the Income Tax Act, has the government calculated what would be the annual fiscal impact of making all non-refundable tax credits within the Act into refundable tax credits and, if so, what is this projected annual fiscal impact?
Q-10372 — October 30, 2012 — Ms. Bennett (St. Paul's) — With regard to the Public Health Agency of Canada, what grants and contributions under $25,000 did it award from January 1, 2011, to the present, including the recipient's name, the date, the amount and the description?
Q-10382 — October 30, 2012 — Ms. St-Denis (Saint-Maurice—Champlain) — With regard to Status of Women Canada, what grants and contributions under $25,000 did it award from January 1, 2006, to the present, including the recipient's name, the date, the amount and the description?
Q-10392 — October 30, 2012 — Ms. St-Denis (Saint-Maurice—Champlain) — With regard to the National Seniors Council, what grants and contributions under $25,000 did it award from January 1, 2011, to the present, including the recipient's name, the date, the amount and the description?
Q-10402 — October 30, 2012 — Ms. St-Denis (Saint-Maurice—Champlain) — With regard to the Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation, what grants and contributions under $25,000 did it award from January 1, 2011, to the present, including the recipient's name, the date, the amount and the description?
Q-10412 — October 30, 2012 — Ms. St-Denis (Saint-Maurice—Champlain) — With regard to Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada, what grants and contributions under $25,000 did the department award from January 1, 2011, to the present, including the recipient's name, the date, the amount and the description?
Q-10422 — October 30, 2012 — Ms. Bennett (St. Paul's) — With regard to the February 2012 flight path change for arrivals to Toronto Pearson International Airport (Pearson): (a) were public consultations done in anticipation of the change in flight path and, if so, (i) how many consultations took place, (ii) where did they take place, (iii) in what format, (iv) how were the affected residents made aware of the consultations, (v) were municipal, provincial and federal political representatives of the affected communities consulted; (b) has there been a change in the volume of air traffic over the riding of St. Paul’s since the flight path change was implemented, including (i) the average number of aircrafts arriving per day to Pearson over St. Paul’s before the flight path change was implemented, (ii) the average number of aircrafts arriving over St. Paul’s since the flight path change was implemented; (c) has there been a change to the average altitude of aircrafts flying over St. Paul’s since the flight path change was implemented, including (i) the average altitude of aircrafts flying over St. Paul’s before the flight path change was implemented, (ii) the average altitude of aircrafts flying over St. Paul’s since the flight path change was implemented, (iii) the median altitude of aircrafts flying over St. Paul’s before the flight path change was implemented, (iv) the median altitude of aircrafts flying over St. Paul’s since the flight path change was implemented; (d) did Nav Canada or Transport Canada look at other options for flight patterns as part of the review process leading to the flight path change and, if so, (i) were there other options over less densely populated areas, (ii) if so, why were these options not chosen; (e) what mitigation measures have Nav Canada and Transport Canada considered regarding the increased aviation noise in St. Paul’s; and (f) are there currently any plans to make changes to flight paths over St. Paul’s or initiate other mitigation measures before the next four-year review?
Q-10432 — October 30, 2012 — Ms. Bennett (St. Paul's) — With regard to funding for First Nations students in 2010 and 2011: what is the average per student funding provided by the government for First Nations students attending one of the 518 band-operated schools through the contribution agreements for those schools, not including (i) capital costs, (ii) money provided for First Nations students residing on reserve, but who attended provincial schools, (iii) funding provided through proposal-driven programs that are supplementary to the elementary and secondary education program, (iv) funding provided under the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement, the Northeastern Quebec Agreement, the Mi'kmaw Kina'matnewey Education Agreement and the British Columbia First Nations Education Authority?
Q-10442 — October 30, 2012 — Ms. Bennett (St. Paul's) — With regard to Canadians diagnosed with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS): (a) what funding has been allocated to research this illness in the last two years; (b) how does the government propose to encourage Canadian research into ME/CFS so that the level of research into this complex, multi-system illness is commensurate with its extent and impact; (c) what is the government doing to develop strategies and programs to meet the needs of Canadians with ME/CFS; (d) how is the government ensuring that health professionals are aware of the following documents, (i) the Canadian Consensus Document for ME/CFS (ME/CFS: A Clinical Case Definition and Guidelines for Medical Practitioners), (ii) Canadian Consensus Document for Fibromyalgia (Fibromyalgia Syndrome: A Clinical Case Definition and Guidelines for Medical Practitioners); (e) when will the government perform the following tasks in relation to the Consensus Document for ME/CFS posted on the Public Health Agency of Canada's website, (i) improve the location of the document on the website in order to facilitate location of this document, (ii) post the French version of this document; (f) why is the Fibromyalgia Consensus Document not posted as a Guideline on the Public Health Agency of Canada's website; (g) what steps is the government taking to ensure that health professionals, patients, and the public have access to science-based, authoritative and timely information on ME/CFS; (h) how soon will the government post other information related to ME/CFS on government websites; (i) what is the government doing to ensure access to ME/CFS knowledgeable physicians and appropriate health care on a timely basis and how are they working with the provinces, territories, professional organizations, educational institutions and other stakeholders to meet these needs; (j) how is the government working with stakeholders to deal with other needs of Canadians with ME/CFS shown by the 2005 Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) including, (i) reducing the levels of unmet home care needs, (ii) reducing the levels of food insecurity, (iii) increasing the sense of community belonging experienced by Canadians with this condition; (k) how will the surveillance report on ME/CFS, prepared from analysis of data collected from the 2005 CCHS, be used to improve the situation for Canadians with ME/CFS; and (l) how will the government monitor the extent and impact of ME/CFS and these other conditions on an annual basis given that questions regarding ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia and Multiple Chemical Sensitivities were dropped from the CCHS after 2005?
Q-10452 — October 30, 2012 — Mr. Rousseau (Compton—Stanstead) — With regard to Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec programs, between 2006 and 2012: (a) what were the eligibility criteria, by (i) program, (ii) year; (b) what were the assessment criteria, by (i) program, (ii) year; (c) did the Agency use assessment grids and, if so, what were these grids, by (i) program, (ii) year; (d) how many proposals were submitted, by (i) program, (ii) year, (iii) administrative region; (e) how many proposals were rejected, by (i) program, (ii) year, (iii) administrative region; (f) how many proposals were accepted, by (i) program, (ii) year, (iii) administrative region; (g) what were the proposals that were accepted, by (i) program, (ii) year, (iii) administrative region; (h) what was the total amount for each project mentioned in (g); (i) what were the proposals that were rejected, by (i) program, (ii) year, (iii) administrative region; (j) what was the total amount for each project mentioned in (i); and (k) what were the processing times, by (i) program, (ii) year, (iii) administrative region?
Q-10462 — October 31, 2012 — Mr. Thibeault (Sudbury) — With regard to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) since 2005-2006, broken down by fiscal year: (a) how many arrests have been made for intellectual property crime; (b) for each individual offence, how many charges have been laid for trademark infringement and other offences contained under sections 407, 408, 409, 410, and 411 of the Criminal Code; (c) how many investigations into illegal counterfeiting activities have been conducted; (d) how many investigations have resulted in the seizure of counterfeit products; (e) how many of these investigations have resulted in the seizure of counterfeit products deemed to be potentially harmful to consumers; (f) what is the estimated total value of each seizure; (g) for those seizures where the country of origin was identified by the RCMP, what is the primary source country of each seizure, broken down by percentage; (h) what is the total amount of funding allocated to the investigation and enforcement of intellectual property crime; (i) what is the total amount of funding specifically allocated to the investigation and enforcement of anti-counterfeiting measures; (j) how many police officers are specifically tasked with the investigation and enforcement of intellectual property crime; (k) how many police officers are specifically tasked with the investigation and enforcement of anti-counterfeiting measures; (l) what is the total amount of funding allocated to educating Canadians on the impact of intellectual property crime; and (m) how many directives have been issued under section 489 of the Criminal Code to the Canada Border Services Agency regarding the seizure of suspected counterfeit products at Canadian points of entry?
Q-10472 — October 31, 2012 — Mr. Boulerice (Rosemont—La Petite-Patrie) — With regard to the Canada Revenue Agency: (a) what are the titles of the employees responsible for processing and auditing the public information returns of registered charities, broken down by average salary; (b) how many registered charities submitted public information returns from 2009 until now, broken down by year; (c) how many employees have been assigned to processing and auditing the public information returns of charitable organizations from 2009 until now, broken down by (i) year, (ii) position; (d) what is the average cost to process and audit the public information return of a registered charity; (e) how much did it cost to design and implement the Agency’s website that contains the public information returns of registered charities and includes a search function; and (f) what is the annual cost to maintain the Agency’s website that contains the public information returns of registered charities?
Q-10482 — October 31, 2012 — Mr. Boulerice (Rosemont—La Petite-Patrie) — With regard to labour organizations, as of October 23, 2012, how many of these organizations (including unions, groups, federations, congresses, labour councils, joint councils, assemblies, central committees and joint panels duly constituted under the authority of such an organization) are there across the country, broken down by province?
Q-10492 — November 1, 2012 — Mr. Nantel (Longueuil—Pierre-Boucher) — With regard to the funding of Montreal festivals from 2006 to 2012: (a) how much was allocated to the Francofolies, broken down by (i) year, (ii) program; (b) how much was allocated to the International Jazz Festival, broken down by (i) year, (ii) program; (c) how much was allocated to Pop Montréal, broken down by (i) year, (ii) program; (d) how much was allocated to the Army of Culture, broken down by (i) year, (ii) program; (e) how much was allocated to Just for Laughs, broken down by (i) year, (ii) program; (f) how much was allocated to Rendez-vous du cinéma québécois, broken down by (i) year, (ii) program; (g) how much was allocated to Vues d’Afrique, broken down by (i) year, (ii) program; and (h) how much was allocated to Divers/Cité, broken down by (i) year, (ii) program?
Q-10502 — November 5, 2012 — Ms. Nash (Parkdale—High Park) — With regard to the use of limousines and other vehicles from Canada on the Prime Minister's trip to India in November 2012: (a) what was the total cost of transporting and using these vehicles, broken down by (i) vehicle, (ii) fuel, (iii) staffing/personnel, (iv) security; (b) what were the alternative arrangements offered in India; (c) what would have been the cost of using vehicles already made available in India; (d) what was the rationale for using these vehicles in India; (e) who made the recommendations on the use of the vehicles; (f) who made the final decision on the use of the vehicles; (g) was the aircraft used to transport the vehicles on contract, lease or rent, or owned by the government; (h) what was the type of aircraft used for transporting the vehicles; and (i) what were the flight times and departures for these aircraft?
Q-10512 — November 7, 2012 — Mr. Nicholls (Vaudreuil—Soulanges) — With regard to canals (waterways): (a) which canals are managed by the government; (b) how much does it cost the government to manage these canals; (c) what canal projects are being studied by the government; (d) what is the status of the canal projects being studied by the government; (e) how much funding will be allocated to the canal projects studied by the government; and (f) under which budgetary envelopes or programs does the government funding for the various canals fall?
Q-10522 — November 7, 2012 — Mr. Nicholls (Vaudreuil—Soulanges) — With regard to the project to reopen the Soulanges Canal: (a) does the government anticipate that the reopening of the Soulanges Canal will have a significant positive impact on economic development in Vaudreuil-Soulanges; (b) does the government plan to commit the funds required to update the technical, environmental and socio-economic studies linked to reopening the Soulanges Canal; and (c) does the government plan to invest the funds required to reopen the Soulanges Canal?
Q-10532 — November 15, 2012 — Mr. Bevington (Western Arctic) — With regards to the Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act, in detail and for each year since the Act was passed: (a) how many cases have been considered by the government; (b) what are the details of these cases; (c) which cases have been rejected and why were they rejected; and (d) what actions has the minister taken and will take to ensure all those who come to Canada are held accountable for violation of the Act?
Q-10542 — November 15, 2012 — Mr. Davies (Vancouver Kingsway) — With respect to any analysis by officials from Industry Canada and Health Canada on the impact of Patent Term Restoration (PTR) in Canada: (a) what options for implementing a PTR system in Canada have been evaluated by officials at Industry Canada and Health Canada; (b) what are the estimated impacts on the cost of drugs in Canada that would arise from the implementation of a PTR system based on that which exists in the European Union; (c) what are the estimated impacts on the cost of drugs in Canada that would arise from other options to implement a PTR system in Canada, as analysed by officials; (d) what was the detailed methodology employed to estimate the impacts on the cost of drugs in Canada of these various options; (e) which of these options is being proposed by the government in the Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) negotiations; (f) what is the final title of any report(s) or studies prepared by, or on behalf of, these departments concerning CETA within the last two years; (g) will the government be releasing any of these reports publicly; and (h) what were the findings of these reports regarding costs to Canadian governments or the Canadian economy of patents?
Q-10552 — November 15, 2012 — Mr. Lamoureux (Winnipeg North) — With regard to overseas tax evasion: (a) of the 106 Canadians contained in a list of people with money in secret bank accounts in Liechtenstein, how many account holders or beneficiaries applied for the Canada Revenue Agency’s (CRA) Voluntary Disclosure Program; and (b) what individuals or organizations have lobbied the Minister of National Revenue or CRA on matters relating to overseas tax evasion, and on whose behalf were these efforts made?
Q-10562 — November 15, 2012 — Ms. Charlton (Hamilton Mountain) — With regard to Labour Market Opinions issued by Human Resources and Skills Development Canada: (a) how many staff are allocated to process applications, broken down by region or province; (b) how many staff are allocated to monitor compliance, broken down by region or province; (c) how many processing positions will be cut as a result of the 2012 staffing reductions, broken down by region or province; (d) how many compliance monitoring positions will be cut as a result of the 2012 staffing reductions, broken down by region or province; (e) in 2012, how many applications have there been for regular Labour Market Opinions, broken down by (i) region or province, (ii) month, (iii) positive and negative decisions; (f) in 2012, how many applications have there been for Accelerated Labour Market Opinions, broken down by (i) region or province, (ii) month, (iii) positive and negative decisions; (g) between 2006 and 2012-to-date, what percentage of companies applying for a regular Labour Market Opinion have been monitored for compliance, broken down by (i) region or province, (ii) year; (h) what percentage of companies applying for an Accelerated Labour Market Opinion have been monitored for compliance in 2012, broken down by (i) region or province, (ii) month; (i) between 2006 and 2012-to-date, how many companies have been found to be in non-compliance with the terms of their Labour Market Opinion; (j) what is the formula or methodology used for determining prevailing wage; (k) what changes have been made to the formula or methodology for determining prevailing wage over the last ten years; and (l) who were the participants in the Labour Advisory Group, what was its mandate, and what changes were made to its mandate over the course of its work?
Q-10572 — November 15, 2012 — Mr. Simms (Bonavista—Gander—Grand Falls—Windsor) — With regard to the Department of Canadian Heritage: (a) what programs, grants and funding sources are available for authors, editors, or other content producers who have written, are writing, or are planning to write any kind of written material, such as books or magazines, broken down by (i) the eligibility requirements, (ii) the amount of funding available; and (b) how many people have received funding over the past five years, broken down by (i) the name of the recipient, (ii) the type of funding available, (iii) the program under which the funding was received, (iv) the project for which the funding was received?

2 Response requested within 45 days