I'd like to thank the committee for inviting the Canadian Health Services Research Foundation to appear on this very important subject.
The Canadian Health Services Research Foundation is a non-profit agency funded by the federal government. It's mission is to accelerate healthcare improvement and transformation for Canadians.
My presentation will focus on how health systems should be adapted to better meet the needs of patients with chronic conditions. Although provincial and territorial governments have primary responsibility for health care delivery, federal investments through health transfers, research, and spreading innovations are absolutely essential to reform.
To start with some good news, we know a great deal about how to realign health care services to meet the needs of patients. Unfortunately, the reality, the bad news, is that actually making the changes is extraordinarily difficult politically, particularly for provincial governments. However, it is quite possible that the needs of aging boomers and the reality that as we age we experience more chronic illnesses will create sufficient momentum to change the way in which we organize and pay for health services.
On Monday, the U of T's Mowat Centre released a report by Will Falk that explained that we actually don't need new revenues, nor do we need to privatize services to meet our needs. Change can actually happen within the public system.
The fact that chronic disease management has become the main duty of our healthcare systems shows the effectiveness of modern medicine. Illnesses such as heart disease, some forms of cancer and AIDS, which at one time was fatal, are now chronic diseases.
A recent assessment conducted by the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences indicates that there is a considerable gap between how the healthcare system currently functions and the needs of patients with chronic diseases. It isn't just the people with chronic diseases who would benefit from a new organization of healthcare services, it would be good for all of us.
In a report prepared at the request of the CHSRF, Jean-Louis Denis, a full professor and a Canada research chair in governance and transformation of health organizations and systems, is proposing a strategic harmonization of front-line services, the management of chronic diseases and the health of Canadians.
In preparation for a national meeting of health care CEOs next February, we commissioned a health policy expert from Saskatchewan, Steven Lewis, to answer the question, what actually needs to be done to achieve integrated high-quality care for people with complex chronic conditions? He said much the same thing as Professor Denis. He defined integrated care as needs-based, comprehensive and holistic, convenient, seamless, easy to navigate, team-based, oriented toward patient participation and self-management, and, most important, evidence-based and data-driven. He has identified seven barriers to improving performance and seven solutions.
One thing he said was that it's actually rare in Canada to find true team-based shared care models. Non-physician practitioners are generally not practising to their full scope. For example, in the U.K., in England, most chronic care is delivered in the community by nurses.
He also drew our attention to the difficulties that the current payment systems create for modern use of communications. Many high-performing systems in the States allow patients to communicate by e-mail with their physicians. In some places in Canada, physicians cannot be paid for e-mail or telephone communication.
He also points out the exponential danger for patients taking five or more drugs, and some patients with chronic conditions are taking up to 10. If there isn't a comprehensive electronic health record and more integration of pharmacists, that really combines to make the problem more difficult.
To help answer questions about changes to how the healthcare system functions in order to meet the needs of Canada's aging population, we organized round tables in six cities. Over 200 policy-makers, health system leaders, researchers and so on took part. Members of the Senate Special Committee on Aging also participated in these round tables.
Several solutions proposed by Mr. Lewis and Professor Denis were explained during these round tables. They also pointed out that we need to think about the issues particular to the very specific population groups. For example, a good number of aboriginals have only limited access to transportation and housing. They also have a higher than average rate of chronic diseases. They have also asked to strengthen partnerships. They have asked organizations like ours to disseminate these innovations because, otherwise, we won't move forward.
Last year we helped in the spreading of innovations in primary health care through a conference called “Picking up the Pace”, where we featured 47 innovations in primary health care delivery, many of which highlighted better ways to care for patients with chronic conditions. For example, the Centre de santé et de services sociaux-institut de gériatrie de Sherbrooke and a research team from the Research Centre on Aging in Sherbrooke, first developed, in 1999, an integrated service model for seniors that was unique in Quebec. They had real success in reducing the number of elderly people who were going into residences, and they also, and this was very important, put the brakes on the deterioration in the health of elderly people during hospitalization because fewer of them were in the hospital.
This was shared in the Province of Quebec, but as in many instances, people cherry-pick, and they pick some things but not others, so it would be interesting to see whether or not the results were quite as sterling as they were in Sherbrooke.
I'd like now to turn to a concrete example of how the Northwest Territories is working with us to develop an integrated chronic disease management strategy.
The NWT estimates that 70% of all deaths, half of all hospital admission days, and costs of over $136 million annually are related to chronic disease.
Working with the territory at the nexus of policy and delivery, our focus has been on mental health, diabetes, and kidney disease. We're bringing together researchers who've spent years studying these topics, together with the territorial policy-makers, health system managers, nurses, and doctors. Drawing on their mutual strengths, they are identifying improvement opportunities and building solutions across their extraordinarily large territory. Closely associated with this work is evaluation to ensure that the ideas and practices spread.
Governments across Canada are working to meet the challenges posed by chronic diseases. We know in recent scans that we've done across the provinces that there are activities everywhere. This is a big concern of all systems.
At the pan-Canadian level, the federal government has supported a number of disease-based frameworks, strategies, and bodies that also are attempting to mobilize support across the country and reduce the burden of specific chronic conditions, whether it's the Mental Health Commission of Canada, the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer, or through the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the strategy for patient-oriented research.
These federal investments are essential in the reform of health care, so we at CHSRF continue to search for ways to improve health care for Canadians and to share these innovations across the country.
Thank you very much for your invitation to appear.
I'll be happy to answer questions later.
Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to come today. I'm going to continue with the theme of chronic disease, and I'll change the tempo a little bit to be a bit more personal.
I'm very delighted that you're interested in chronic diseases related to aging. This is my long-term research interest as an epidemiologist and health services researcher. My particular expertise is in arthritis and other musculoskeletal conditions.
What I want to do today is help put arthritis more firmly on your radar screen and convince you that you must include arthritis in your deliberations on chronic diseases and aging. Of course, this is a huge topic, so I've chosen to focus on a couple of aspects that I think you'll find most relevant.
These are, first, how arthritis and other chronic diseases are related to each other, and second, why this is important to healthy aging.
I should first set arthritis in a Canadian context. It's one of the most common chronic conditions and is by far the most frequent cause of disability in the population. One in six Canadians, about 4.5 million people, report having arthritis, and that is a lot. A great many of these people are aged 65 or older, representing over 1.7 million seniors. That's the same as the populations of Manitoba and Newfoundland and Labrador combined. On top of that, there are a further one million, about the same as the population of Saskatchewan, who already have arthritis and will become seniors during the next 10 years.
I don't have time to go into a lot of detail about arthritis. If you need to know more, please do ask. An excellent source of information is this report from the Public Health Agency of Canada. It's called Life with Arthritis in Canada, and it gives a very good picture of the personal and public health challenges of arthritis.
Arthritis is a broad family of diseases, and I'm just going to talk about one of them: osteoarthritis, or OA, as we call it. More people have OA than any other kind of arthritis. About one in eight people in Canada have it, and a lot of them are seniors.
OA, like other kinds of arthritis, is linked to other chronic diseases. Take, for example, a friend of mine, a real person, who I'll refer to as Marie. She's a very lively, positive, creative person with a great sense of humour. My husband calls her the one-woman walking cabaret. Marie is only in her late sixties, but she's had OA for about 20 years. She has big problems with mobility. Just walking and climbing stairs is difficult and painful. Over the years I've watched as the pain and stiffness of her OA have made her less and less physically active. That's meant that she's put on weight. The more weight she puts on, the worse her arthritis gets, so she's caught in a vicious circle of arthritis pain, less activity, and more weight gain. Another effect of her weight gain has been that she's developed hypertension and heart problems. And on top of everything else, she's now been told to watch what she eats, because she's on the cusp of getting diabetes.
Marie is not alone in having a combination of other health conditions, as you've already heard. Most seniors have more than one chronic condition. A recent Stats Can survey targeted to healthy aging showed that 90% of seniors with arthritis have at least one other chronic condition.
The interesting thing is that we're now learning that these co-occurrences of arthritis and other conditions likely don't happen by chance.
We all know that lack of physical activity and excess weight are associated with an increased risk of heart disease and diabetes as well as some cancers. So we can speculate that Marie's disability and weight gain brought about by her OA may have contributed to her other health problems.
A well-known side effect of anti-inflammatory medication for arthritis is an increase in blood pressure, and that in turn can increase the risk of a heart attack. In fact, for this reason, Marie's doctor has stopped giving her these meds, which means that she's left with a lot of pain.
It's hardly surprising that the wonderfully positive Marie sometimes get depressed. This is worrying, because depression increases the risk of having a heart attack.
There's yet a further twist to the story. Arthritis is the most common cause of inflammation, and research is beginning to suggest that inflammation itself might be bad for you--bad for your heart, your diabetes, and a number of neurological and other conditions.
This may sound like terrible news, but the good news is that it's opening the door to understanding how and why different chronic conditions can occur together. Knowing what leads to what and why raises the exciting possibility that we might find new ways to prevent chronic diseases. CIHR's initiative focused on inflammation is certainly a step in the right direction.
Let me spend my remaining time focusing on what can be done about arthritis.
There's a powerful myth that influences both people with arthritis and their doctors, that OA is an inevitable part of aging for which nothing can be done. This is not true. Younger people have arthritis, and, for the record, the major treatment strategies for OA are medications for pain and inflammation, maintaining a healthy weight, exercise, and for end-stage arthritis of the hip and knee, joint replacement surgery.
Marie has had both knees replaced, which has helped a lot, but she still has arthritis in her feet, hands, and back. One of her problems is getting access to expertise within the health care system. Many primary care doctors aren't confident in dealing with arthritis, which can probably be traced back to a lack of arthritis training in medical education. Our orthopedic surgeons focus, of course, on surgery, such as total joint replacement, and our rheumatologists are busy dealing with rheumatoid arthritis. This raises the question of where people like Marie can go for expert advice on disease management. And, don't forget, she represents a very large number of Canadians who suffer from arthritis.
This is where we need the kinds of innovations in the health care system you've just heard about. We need innovations in the way we deliver arthritis care to ensure people like Marie can get the help she needs. There are some encouraging beginnings across Canada. CIHR has also funded research looking at new models of delivery of care for arthritis, some of which involve professionals such as advanced practice physiotherapists and nurses. But there's still a long way to go.
And of course we can't forget that arthritis is associated with other health problems. As you know, this is a challenge for our health care system, which typically deals with one condition at a time. Marie spends a lot of time going to medical appointments with different specialists to deal with her various health problems. This issue is not unique to arthritis, and I know you've already heard about the need for a more integrated health care system and patient-centred care. However, the discussions about this, and particularly about chronic disease management, do not always include the needs of people with arthritis. It's vital that this is changed, given the large number of people with this chronic disease.
I'm trying to encourage Marie to take advantage of various community-based treatments such as exercise, physical activity, and weight loss, as well as chronic disease self-management programs. The good news is that these are the same things that are recommended for other chronic conditions, as I'm sure you know. However, we need to keep in mind the needs of people with arthritis. For example, the current Canadian recommendation for physical activity for seniors is at least two and a half hours of moderate to vigorously intense aerobic activity each week. Marie can hardly get out of her house. We need ways to help the Maries of this world deal with the pain and stiffness of arthritis and to be able to gradually ramp up to full physical activity and at the same time reduce their risk of other chronic conditions. Physical therapists and chiropractors can help with physical activity, but, as you've already heard, we need to deal with some of the financial and other barriers that stop seniors and low-income people from taking advantage of their help.
The thing is, exercise works. I have another friend, Jeanette, who has arthritis in her back, hands, and knees. Two years ago, she had to hang onto her husband's arm for support when she was walking outside. This year, she began to meet daily with a personal trainer and started a graduated exercise and walking program. Two weeks ago, she walked 21 kilometres in the Toronto marathon. This, more than all the scientific studies that I've read, convinces me that support for physical exercise for people with arthritis can reduce disability, and may even potentially postpone the need for joint replacement surgery.
In conclusion, I hope I have helped to convince you that when thinking about healthy aging and chronic disease, we cannot and must not neglect the needs of the large number of people with arthritis.
There are three reasons for this. One, arthritis is important in its own right. It is the most frequent cause of pain and disability, especially in older people. Two, having arthritis increases your risk of other chronic conditions, and this knowledge needs to be built into chronic disease prevention and management strategies. Three, we have to recognize that having arthritis pain and disability may prevent many older people from getting the maximum benefit from existing chronic disease strategies.
This is a quick look at some of the most important issues, but there is a lot more. If you'd like to know more about this important disease, I'm sure the Arthritis Society and other members of the Arthritis Alliance of Canada would be more than happy to help you, as would I.
Thank you for your attention. I would be very happy to answer questions.
That's a very good question.
I think that the Canadian Medical Association has already suggested investing much more money into sharing innovations. We fully agree with the association. In fact, the opportunities for action by the federal government are limited, except in the case of the populations it is responsible for, such as aboriginals, people connected to the Department of National Defence, and so on. In those cases, it's different.
But if we're talking about the others, it's mainly a question of research funding, which is very important. We cited a number of studies today. It is absolutely essential that this continue.
There is always the possibility of creating very specific programs. A number of programs have been mentioned, such as the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer and the Canadian Mental Health Commission. I could add that our organization, as well, was supported by federal funds years ago. These are the levers available to the federal government.
However, there is something else. I find that the federal government could encourage exchanges between the provinces and researchers, and especially sharing between the provinces. They are not all organized in the same way, but in a fairly similar way. The broad outlines are the same. I think we need to continue having a pan-Canadian conversation to try to resolve the problems.
We have always worked very closely with Quebec. I know that Quebec is aware of the changes that take place in the other provinces. It's the same thing for the others, but the employees of the departments of health who work on the operational plan do not have the chance to share with the others.
To move forward, it is essential that Nova Scotia share what it has done with British Columbia, for example. Actually, the provinces all do things a little differently, and we can all win if we share with each other.