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FINA Committee News Release

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Standing Committee on Finance
House of Commons / Chambre des communes
Comité permanent des finances

For immediate release



Ottawa, June 08, 2012 -

Today, the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance launched its annual pre-budget consultation process, which will result in a report to be tabled in the House of Commons prior to the December 2012 parliamentary break.

“I am very pleased to be announcing the pre-budget consultations for this year,” said Mr. James Rajotte, Chair of the House Finance Committee. “Last year, for the first time, the briefs submitted by those contributing to the consultations were translated and put on the Committee’s website. This year, we are happy to introduce another innovation to the consultation process: online submission of answers to specific questions on which the Committee is focussed at this time.”

Mr. Rajotte concluded: “As always, I am sure that Canadians can be counted on to contribute their views on the priorities that should be reflected in the federal budget in 2013. I am always impressed by the wide range of ideas that are brought to our attention during the pre-budget consultation process, and hope that we will have the same experience this year. Certainly, all Canadians are invited to contribute their responses to the questions posed by the Committee.”

The site at which Canadians can contribute their ideas online opened today and will be open until August 3, 2012. Individuals and groups are invited to access the secure online questionnaire, to which responses can be made only once per individual or group, at: Those who lack access to the Internet and are thereby unable to contribute online should contact the Clerk of the House Finance Committee at the address or telephone number indicated below for assistance in determining another means by which to provide their thoughts and ideas.

Like last year, pre-budget consultation submissions will be put on the Committee’s website after they have been translated. Following translation, the submissions will be circulated to all members of the House Finance Committee, who will then identify those whom they would like to invite to make an oral presentation. Hearings are expected to begin in September 2012.

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For more information, please contact:
Suzie Cadieux, Committee Clerk
Standing Committee on Finance
Tel: 613-992-9753