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Notice Paper

No. 49

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

2:00 p.m.

Introduction of Government Bills

Introduction of Private Members' Bills

Notices of Motions (Routine Proceedings)


Q-2682 — May 25, 2010 — Mrs. Crombie (Mississauga—Streetsville) — With regard to government television and radio advertising during the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics: (a) how much money did the government spend on promoting Canada’s Economic Action Plan through television and radio commercials in Canada and the United States; (b) which television and radio stations aired commercials advertising Canada’s Economic Action Plan; (c) what were the exact dates and times of each television and radio advertising spot airing commercials of Canada’s Economic Action Plan; (d) what were the media costs of each advertisement; (e) what were the production costs of each advertisement; (f) which advertising firms were used for the creation and production of these advertisements; (g) which media buying agency was used; and (h) what rate of commission did each agency of record charge for the creation, production and media booking of each advertisement?
Q-2692 — May 25, 2010 — Mrs. Crombie (Mississauga—Streetsville) — With regard to the Business Development Bank of Canada: (a) what was the total cost for legal fees to set up the Secured Credit Facility announced in the 2009 Budget; (b) what was the total cost for consulting fees to set up the Secured Credit Facility announced in the 2009 Budget; (c) what was the total amount of loans extended to all businesses in the 2009 and 2010 calendar years; (d) who were the loan recipients in the 2009 and 2010 calendar years; and (e) how much was each loan to each recipient in the 2009 and 2010 calendar years?
Q-2702 — May 25, 2010 — Mrs. Crombie (Mississauga—Streetsville) — With regard to the Veterans Affairs Community Engagement Partnership Fund: (a) what is the total amount of grants the department has dispersed since January 1, 2009; (b) who are the recipients of these grants; and (c) what is the amount of each grant to each recipient?
Q-2712 — May 25, 2010 — Mrs. Crombie (Mississauga—Streetsville) — With regard to the closing of Canada Post call centres: (a) how many call centre jobs will be lost in Canada; (b) what has been done to replace call centre services in Canada; (c) is Canada Post looking outside of Canada to replace these services; (d) is there a tendering process in effect to replace these services and, if so, what companies have submitted bids; and (e) if (d) is answered in the negative, why is there no tendering process in effect?
Q-2722 — May 25, 2010 — Ms. Neville (Winnipeg South Centre) — With regard to Status of Women Canada’s Women’s Community Fund and the Women’s Partnership Fund, for the fiscal years 2007-2008 to 2009-2010: (a) which organizations or groups applied for funding under each program; (b) which organizations or groups were successful in receiving funding from each program, and what were the purposes of these successful applications; (c) which organizations or groups were not successful in receiving funding from each program, and what were the purposes of these unsuccessful applications; (d) what criteria were used to approve funding for organizations or groups and their projects; (e) how much money was granted to each organization or group and project, and how much money has each received to date; (f) which organizations or groups were recommended for funding to the Minister for Status of Women by ministry staff; (g) which organizations or groups that were recommended for funding to the Minister for Status of Women did not receive funding; (h) what criteria did the Minister for Status of Women use to decide which of the organizations or groups recommended for funding were funded and which were not; (i) was any planned funding for either program allowed to lapse and, if so, in which year, and by what amount; (j) was the regional distribution of funding considered as part of the process to determine which organizations or groups received funding and which did not; (k) was the internal capacity of organizations or groups applying for funding considered as part of the process to determine which organizations or groups received funding and which did not; (l) were first-time applicants prioritized ahead of previous funding recipients as part of the process to determine which organizations or groups received funding and which did not; (m) what percentage of successful applicants were first-time recipients of Status of Women funding, in each fiscal year; (n) did Status of Women Canada provide unsuccessful recipients with detailed information regarding deficiencies in their applications; and (o) what percentage of unsuccessful applicants fully met the funding criteria as listed on the Status of Women Canada website and other documentation?
Q-2732 — May 25, 2010 — Ms. Neville (Winnipeg South Centre) — With regard to all Governor in Council appointments: (a) what criteria are used to determine the suitability of appointees; (b) have any organizations with appointed directors adopted a gender-parity policy for their boards of directors; (c) is there a government policy on gender representation on boards appointed through Order in Council; (d) has the Privy Council Office designated responsibility for monitoring gender representation on boards appointed through Order in Council; and (e) what percentage of all appointments made since February 6, 2006, were of female appointees, broken down by organization?
Q-2742 — May 25, 2010 — Ms. Neville (Winnipeg South Centre) — With regard to gender-based analysis (GBA), for each department and agency: (a) was a statement of intent or policy concerning GBA put in place and, if so, what is its content; (b) was a responsibility centre established to monitor the implementation of a GBA framework and the practice of GBA; (c) were Status of Women Canada GBA guides and manuals distributed to departmental officials and analysts and other appropriate staff and, if so, which documents were distributed; (d) was mandatory GBA training given to all senior departmental officials and analysts and other appropriate staff and, if so, when; (e) have GBA frameworks been identified in and included in the departmental reports on plans and priorities and reporting on their implementation in their departmental performance reports or similar documents; (f) has yearly self-evaluation and reporting to Status of Women Canada occurred on departmental GBA practices; and (g) if any of the above (a) through (f) have not occurred, for what reason, and what steps, if any, have been taken to establish a plan for GBA implementation containing these elements?
Q-2752 — May 25, 2010 — Ms. Neville (Winnipeg South Centre) — With regard to the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA): (a) did the agency conduct a gender-based analysis (GBA) of its new Aid Effectiveness Agenda before its announcement in September 2008; (b) has the agency conducted ongoing GBA of the Aid Effectiveness Agenda; (c) is the 1999 Policy on Gender Equality incorporated in the Aid Effectiveness Agenda and, if so, in what way; (d) is there a statement of intent or policy concerning GBA at CIDA; and (e) what steps, if any, were taken between 2006 and 2010 to ensure the full implementation of GBA and the 1999 Policy on Gender Equality?
Q-2762 — May 25, 2010 — Mr. Davies (Vancouver Kingsway) — With respect to non-permanent residents identified by 9 series temporary Social Insurance Numbers, for each of the tax years 2004-2009: (a) how many T4s were issued to these individuals; (b) how many T1s were filed by and processed for these individuals; (c) how many of these individuals made an overpayment over the course of the tax year and failed to file a T1; (d) what was the average tax overpayment left unclaimed by these individuals who were issued a T4 but did not file a T1; (e) what was the total amount of tax overpayment left unclaimed by these individuals who were issued a T4 but did not file a T1; (f) how many of these individuals had a balance owing and failed to file a T1; (g) what was the average balance owing left unpaid by these individuals who were issued a T4 but did not file a T1; and (h) what was the total amount of balance owing left unpaid by these individuals who were issued a T4 but did not file a T1?

Notices of Motions for the Production of Papers

Business of Supply

Government Business

Private Members' Notices of Motions

M-535 — May 25, 2010 — Mr. Julian (Burnaby—New Westminster) — That, in the opinion of the House, the government should take immediate action to: (a) accelerate a greater and broader participation of multiple sclerosis (MS) sufferers in pilot testing and treatment programs by providing fast-track funding for surveillance, research and dissemination of findings, including providing urgent prescreening imaging services of MS sufferers; (b) work with the provinces and territories through the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health to obtain advice and evidence-based information about the effectiveness of chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency treatment without delay; and (c) take a leading role, on the basis of this evidence, in encouraging the swift adoption of the procedure in territories and provinces.

Private Members' Business

C-467 — March 3, 2010 — Mr. Dosanjh (Vancouver South) — Second reading and reference to the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration of Bill C-467, An Act to amend the Citizenship Act (children born abroad).
Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
Mr. Davies (Vancouver Kingsway) — March 5, 2010

2 Response requested within 45 days