My name is Christie Young, and I'm the executive director of FarmStart. We are a not-for-profit that was created to support a new generation of farmers.
Over the last five years we've been developing flexible programs in Ontario that provide new farmers from all backgrounds with the resources, tools, and support necessary to not only get their businesses off the ground but to thrive.
We are developing incubator farms and offer small start-up grants. Over the last three years, we've directly helped over 40 new farmers get their businesses started.
We offer a range of training and resources for prospective, planning, start-up, and re-strategizing farmers. Within the last three years, we have had 1,500 people come through our courses and workshops.
We've also developed a FarmLINK program that helps farm seekers connect with farmland owners and retiring farmers. Our website,, has only been operating for two years and currently has 600 profiles. We run consistently packed “Lucky in Land” meet-and-greets for these landowners and farm-seekers and are starting a coaching program for non-traditional farm succession.
We have begun to witness a strong resurgence of interest in healthy food and farming and see increasing numbers of young people from farm and non-farm backgrounds, new immigrants, and second-career farmers who are interested in pursuing a future and a livelihood in agriculture. They are interested in building entrepreneurial, economically viable, and ecologically sustainable farm enterprises. There are many challenges facing these new entrants, and yet there are also many opportunities, and they bring skills, connections, and passion that can lead to innovation and renewal.
What I have just described to you is what we at FarmStart see happening in our aging agricultural sector, where prospective new farmers are coming from, and where they are heading. More specifically in this discussion today, I want to communicate to you the kind of agriculture and food system that they are interested in being part of.
I would like to propose that the topic for today, how to ensure the viability and success of biotechnology in agriculture, is not the question you should be starting with. Any technology should be evaluated, developed, and adopted or discarded based on the purpose it serves or the harm it can do. Before we go down the road of adopting new technologies, we must be much clearer about where we want to be headed. What do we need or want to achieve in our food system today and for successive generations?
Over the last 10,000 years we have been adopting, testing, discarding, and building upon technologies that have helped us to farm better, produce more, work less hard, and so on. Biologically based technologies and techniques have been part of this agricultural development for much of this time. What makes some of the current biotechnologies different—in particular, genetically modified organisms—is that they are actually a means that will ultimately determine the ends, as they can negate other possible options once released into the environment through contamination, interbreeding, genetic mutations, and so on. This is very clear in the GMO alfalfa debate around organic production systems and in the debate around GE salmon with wild salmon populations.
So far, looking back on the past 15 years, it seems that the use of genetic modification in agriculture is predicated on and arguably is dictating a system of chemically dependent, mono-crop, energy-intensive, and land-extensive agriculture that is largely controlled by agribusiness interests. And while production has increased, it does not seem that farm viability has.
In considering deterministic, far-reaching, and unpredictable technological means, we must take a precautionary approach to regulation and release, by investing in public sector research and peer review, trial replication, and proof of intergenerational “lack of harm” that takes into account environmental, economic, and human health impacts.
That said, what I think is more important for the discussion today is how we are deciding on what ends we hope to achieve. A means should not determine the end, and we cannot continue to let the mere existence or possibility of a specific technology dictate the kind of agriculture we will end up with. In this context, those driving the creation of and profiting from biotechnologies should not be determining this end.
What kind of food system do we, as a growing, innovative, and creative human society, want and need to survive on this finite planet? We all want sustainable agriculture that will be equally, if not more, productive in the future; healthy and safe food; and viable farmers around the world.
I have seen some of the so-called New Vision for Agriculture initiative that has been prepared for the Davos economic development forum by McKinsey & Company. This report is funded and prepared by the same corporations that promote GMOs, along with junk foods—the very ones that now proclaim their interest in solving the global food crisis with their technology and know-how. The 17 global companies that championed this initiative include Archer Daniels Midland, Monsanto, Unilever, Syngenta, Walmart, DuPont, and so on.
I would suggest strongly that their claims need to be met with a careful scrutiny of their track record, and especially their concentration of power, the increasing use of agriculture chemicals—in particular, herbicide use—and the loss of farmer sovereignty over seed.
But this handful of companies are not the only ones that have ideas about where we need to head. There are many other peer-reviewed and comprehensive sources for road maps to a sustainable and productive agricultural future that can help us decide what technologies we use.
The International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development's global report is one source, with over 2000 scientists and almost every international agricultural organization in the world involved. It is supported by every country except, notably, Canada, the U.S., and Australia. This report clearly articulates the growing consensus on the need for production and distribution systems that are equitable, ecological, resilient, biodiverse, localized, and that allow sovereignty over genetic resources.
I would be happy to talk about the specific recommendations further. I will mention that one key recommendation is to build healthier, more productive, and resilient agricultural systems; that is, to start with our soils. The farmers I work with and farmers around the world understand that investing in soil structure, organic matter, and biological life is critical to the health of their crops and to their bottom line.
For example, the Rodale Institute has been running comparative farming system trials for over 27 years in the United States, comparing organic farming systems with what we now term “conventional agriculture”. The trial shows an increase of over 30% in soil organic matter and 15% in soil nitrogen under organic management over 27 years. The production or yield of the organic farming systems consistently matched conventional management in good years, but in drought years, organic corn and soybean yields exceeded those of conventional management by 28% to 75%.
In addition to the increased resilience of these farming systems, the trial demonstrates several other critical benefits. Concerning energy use, this trial showed that diversified organic agriculture, with cover crops, reduces the use of fossil fuel energy by 33% to 50% when compared with a conventional agriculture system.
For carbon sequestration, the side-by-side comparison of ecological and conventional corn and soybean production showed that organic fields consistently sequester more than 1,000 kilograms per hectare per year of carbon, which is equivalent to capturing more than 3,500 kilograms per hectare per year of carbon dioxide.
Importantly in terms of the economic viability of these farming systems, an economic analysis at the University of Maryland has shown comparable returns in organic systems even without calculating the organic price premium, which currently ranges between 35% and 240%.
There are also many examples of useful technologies. The front-mounted crimper crop roller is a roller that sits on the front of a tractor; it can improve nutrition and reduce the need for tillage. It enables farmers to flatten and kill a rye cover crop while seeding out their seeds or seedlings in one pass, without the need for GM seed varieties or herbicides.
Precision technologies such as flame-weeding have allowed organic farmers to grow very successfully to large scales. Innoculants to help nitrogen-fixing cover crops take nitrogen from the atmosphere and make it available to plants have been very significant. We need to continue to better understand the role of rhizobia bacteria that attach to roots in our crops to fix nitrogen for us and the use of biological pest control in greenhouse management.
Those are just a few examples of very useful technologies. This brings me to my recommendation for your consideration.
The federal government needs to fund appropriate research and extension. This research and extension needs to be responsive to farmers' needs and new opportunities, as well as to ensure the long-term protection of our critical resources: our soil, our air, our water, and our ecosystems.
By way of introduction and providing a context, I'd like to give you a little bit about my background, because I think it will help you shape the information that I'm going to be presenting today.
I've been with the National Research Council for about three years. Before that I worked with Genome Prairie, which is a federally funded agency, and then I spent nine years in the private sector in a natural health products company, one of Saskatchewan's largest agri-value companies, which has grown up from regional crops. The primary marketplace for those was natural health products and organic foods. Before that I was a teacher, a farmer, and a research manager.
So I have multiple perspectives, and I think one of the things that brings to my background a unique perspective is that while I was working for a company in the private sector, at one given point in time I was developing an organic flax protein for market in the organic market and at the same time was managing a genetically engineered product that would see fish oils produced in plants.
So I've seen both sides. I've been actively involved in both sides of this, and I guess I have a firm belief that both sides can live and coexist peacefully. I think what we have to try to do is take the emotion out of the argument and look at what we are trying to achieve.
The objective and our need is to grow the world's food supply by double by 2050, by most estimates. We need to work together to do that. That is the big issue; that is the solution.
Canada is in a unique position to take a leadership role in responding to that need. Look at the kinds of things Canada can do. It was about a year ago now that we were celebrating the fact that we owned the podium at the Olympic Games. Well, I believe that feeding the world is a bigger game and a much more important game. I believe that by working together on a reasonable and rational approach to science and technology, we can own the podium in agriculture.
That's my introductory message, and it's where I come from.
So let me talk a little. I have a PowerPoint presentation, and copies will be made available to you. What I want to do is to present to you some of the tools that are considered ag biotechnology tools.
I know that in previous meetings you had presentations from plant breeders and scientists who talked about biotechnology as a tool kit. One of the messages you heard is that biotechnology does not equal genetic engineering; it is one option for using biotechnology, but it is not synonymous with biotechnology. I believe that many of these tools that I'll talk a little bit about can be applied to improving the productivity of organic production systems. So it's not an either/or, and I think we need to look for synergies and ways to work together to address the bigger issue.
But let me just talk a little bit about some of the benefits of ag biotech.
The first slide states—and I won't go through all of this, because you have it, but let me just feature some of the major points—that 90% of the farmers around the world who have benefited from biotechnology are small, resource-poor farmers from developing countries.
We'll make sure you get a copy; I think that's being worked on.
Mr. Bev Shipley: Thank you.
Mr. Jerome Konecsni: We have eliminated 10 million metric tonnes in greenhouse gas emissions through fuel savings, and we have saved $1.8 million in diesel fuel from reduced tillage and plowing.
Here's another fact that talks a little bit about the balance and who the winners are in biotechnology: $44 million represents the increase in net income for farmers who are involved in using biotechnology solutions.
Those are some of the facts about the benefits that have been generated in 13 years of what they call “GM technology”. But let's talk about the bigger picture--namely, what are the challenges we're facing internationally?
Today 10% of the available land on the planet is arable--permanent crop land. We have to produce much more food for a growing population with a minimal amount and reduce our environmental footprint. An update from FAO suggests that we will need to increase by 70% our food supply by 2050. Other estimates and studies have indicated a doubling of our current food supply. From this, 20% is expected to come from unused land. Developing countries will increase their import of cereals by 157% by 2030, and oilseed contribution to world calorie consumption will increase by 125% by 2030.
This is the context in which we're operating, and these are the challenges we face as a globe. I say that these challenges represent a huge opportunity for Canada because of our agricultural infrastructure, our land capacity, and our excellent farmers here in Canada.
Let me talk a little bit about the National Research Council. The National Research Council's role in Canadian agriculture has been a unique one, and our focus has been on technology. We do not have plant breeders, but we've supported the work of plant breeders. Perhaps one of our biggest contributions to the Canadian economy was as a co-developer of canola, which over the last two to three years has been estimated as a $14 billion to $16 billion industry in Canada. We've played a significant role in that. Almost every variety of canola that was GM has utilized some of our technology over the last 15 years. That was a major contribution to canola.
GM technology is not the only approach we're taking. We're looking at working with the pulse industry and developing genomics resources for them. They are non-GM. Their marketplace does not accept GM, and their approach is non-GM, so we're using and applying our technologies to help improve the productivity, improve the yield, and improve the healthiness of their products without a GM approach. We're doing the same thing in wheat and we're doing the same thing in flax.
The National Research Council itself, at the Plant Biotechnology Institute where I work, has two major programs. One is crop improvement and the other is value-added products from agriculture and from plants.
In the crop genomics, it involves crop production improvement. Again, the priorities, the type of technology, and the approaches are driven by market needs and requirements. In canola there are GM approaches that we're taking, and we're also pursuing non-GM approaches in canola. In wheat and flax and pulses, as I said earlier, it's a non-GM approach.
On the other side of our enterprise, where we're working on value-added products from plants, one of the areas we're looking at is co-products from flax. There are many interesting components of flax. I mentioned earlier some work I had done on isolating flax protein, which has an incredible property and value every bit as good as soy protein.
We also have been involved in developing products that have been used in malaria vaccines and other types of product that would be used for vaccine adjuvants that are produced from plants, with non-GM approaches to those as well.
That gives you a little bit of context in terms of what we do. All of those programs are supported by a number of technologies and capabilities that NRC has invested in and developed over the last 15 to 20 years.
Our relationship with Agriculture Canada is a close one, and it's growing closer year by year. We have major collaborations in many areas of Canada. In Saskatoon there's a very close working relationship between Agriculture Canada and the NRC.
Of course, you were in Prince Edward Island, and you saw the facility, which is an NRC-Ag Canada facility. That's another good example of how the two federal labs and organizations are working on their strengths.
As the science director from Ag Canada in Saskatoon said, Ag Canada is linked to producers, NRC is linked to industry and technology, and together they cover the value chain. We find that this relationship and this partnership is only growing.
Let me talk a little about some of the specific technologies. In the presentation you'll see that we give a technical definition of some of these technologies, but more important, we talk about how that technology can be used. For example, one of the core technologies is genomics and DNA sequencing. Those are the basic building blocks of every plant and every biological organism. Generating genetic resources--understanding all of the genes and the roles they play--is an incredible part of building better plants and better crops, whether it's yield improvement, drought resistance, or nutrient efficiency. This data is the building block for that.
We have what we call next-generation sequencing capability at NRC, which has developed resources for over 30 different crops that are grown in Canada.
Molecular markers are very interesting tools that build on this genomics capability. Just to give you a quick idea, what we do is identify genes or gene sequences that are associated with a specific trait in a plant. When the plant breeder is trying to identify a particular plant with a specific trait, whether it's drought tolerance or increased yield, he can identify that plant through DNA earlier on without having to grow the whole plant out. As a result, you can reduce your product development time by 30% to 50%.
For those of you who've been involved in business, reducing product development time by 30% to 50% is huge in terms of cost, time to market, and all those other factors related to a viable business and a viable crop. We are working with the pulse industry, the wheat industry, the canola industry, and the flax industry to develop these markers so that breeders can accelerate their time for developing new varieties.
There are a lot of non-GM technologies out there. I'll just quickly refer to them. One is called TILLING mutagenesis, which is a process used to generate mutations that can then be selected for unique traits that would otherwise take an infinite amount of time to find in nature.
There's also an interesting technology called plant phenomics, or phenotyping. The value of any crop is in the actual phenotype. It means that the physical product at the end has the properties or the qualities you're looking for. There's an interesting technology Australia has embraced. They've developed a $50 million facility to help breeders evaluate their traits.
The last comment I'll make, then, is on the opportunities in wheat. If you talk to farmers across Canada, you'll know that wheat is really under a lot of pressure. It's the weak link in the crop rotation. The profitability of wheat has been challenged over the last number of years. So one area we are focusing on with our partners is developing and improving the profitability, the yield, and the quality of wheat varieties across Canada.
We're working with Ag Canada, the universities, and the producer groups in variety development across Canada. In terms of Canada's competitiveness in wheat, of the five top exporters of wheat, Canada's productivity gains are the lowest. We have had a less than 1% productivity gain per year over a 50-year period. France is first at over 2%. Canada is 0.87%. Australia is fourth, at 0.92%, and that is in spite of 10 years of severe drought in Australia. So Canada's competitiveness is being challenged in wheat.
We're working hard with our partners to turn that around and make wheat a profitable crop in a farmer's rotation. Our objective is to provide a variety of products so that farmers have a choice of many varieties in their rotation that will all be profitable. Developing one crop and having only one profitable crop in your rotation is not a sustainable venture. We see what's happening. Because canola is the one crop farmers have been making money from, what they've been doing is overgrowing canola, and we're starting to see some issues with disease in canola. We have to turn that around by giving farmers other options to choose in their rotation that are just as profitable as canola.
Ladies and gentlemen, I am very pleased to be with you today.
I am Penny Park, executive director of the Science Media Centre. With me is Suzanne Corbeil, who is the founding chair of the SMCC. Our testimony today is to inform you of the role the SMCC might play in shaping public policy.
The whole idea for the SMCC was born in part out of problems and challenges that were faced in communicating biotechnology to the public. It was about 10 years ago that the British House of Lords' select committee on science and tech published their report, which was in great measure a response to tabloid headlines on “Frankenfood”, talking about genetically modified organisms and media controversies over BSE and the MMR vaccine. That media coverage, as I'm sure you know, had tremendous policy implications in the U.K.
In its report the select committee referred to a sense of crisis among the scientific community and an emerging anti-science mood. So they called for suggestions on how to meet that challenge. What they came up with was this idea of the Science Media Centre. That is because the media is the place where the public gets its scientific information. Into this environment, the Science Media Centre in the U.K. was born. And it has spread. Now there's a Science Media Centre in Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and one is going to be opening in the fall in Denmark.
We opened at the end of September of this year. It is a non-profit charitable organization set up to help journalists cover science when it hits the headlines. Our ultimate goal is to raise the level of discourse in Canada on issues of a science nature by helping journalists get access, on their timeline, to good quality evidence-based research. We believe that media coverage of science that is more informed, accurate, and incisive will help increase public engagement, and it will also benefit, not only the scientists and the journalists, but policy-makers and the public as well.
When we say science, we mean everything: natural, social sciences, engineering, biomedical—all aspects of science. As you know, too, these stories are pervasive. They underline major issues we face as a society—biotechnology being one of them. And biotechnology, of course, has incredible financial ramifications for farmers, economic implications for the country, and environmental consequences locally and globally.
I have some statistics from a published report, Making Sense of Emerging Technologies, which was prepared by the Genome Prairies GELS team at the University of Calgary, in September 2005. I think they are particularly interesting. While 69% of Canadians believe biotechnology will be beneficial, fewer than 25% believe specifically that genetically modified food will improve their life. A majority of Canadians believe their government probably doesn't do enough to study and manage the risks associated with biotechnology, and 85% of Canadians agree that the government should lower the use of biotechnology until more is known about the risk. It would seem that much remains to be discussed about biotechnology: what it is and what the risks and benefits are.
We need to have this discussion. We recognize that the media is where most Canadians get their scientific information, but at the same time the media is under an incredible stress. The financial business structure is imploding. There are fewer specialist journalists who are familiar with the complexities of science, and today's journalists are required to produce more stories, more quickly than ever before.
This is where the Science Media Centre of Canada comes in. We offer these sorts of services. Twice a week we send out a heads-up, a digest of significant stories that are about to be published in the major journals. That comes out in Canadian research news, conferences, and events of potential interest to registered reporters across the country. We provide this service in French and English. We have a rapid turnaround. In our office, we will take calls any time, 24/7.
Reporters can call us if they're working on a story and we will connect them to experts, like the ones who you're familiar with, I'm sure, such as David Waltner-Toews and Andrew Potter. As I say, we respond 24/7 on the timeline of the journalist. These experts are vetted not just for their scientific credibility but also for their ability to be able to communicate effectively with the media.
We hold webinars, online briefings on science topics that might be particularly complex, and these are done on the Internet. We can have experts, a panel of four, in Prince Edward Island, Victoria, Quebec City, and Ottawa, and journalists can call in and listen to the presentations by the experts, and also ask the experts questions.
We are also holding workshops for scientists, helping them understand how the media think and operate. We just had our first one at the Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology a few weeks ago.
We're also providing introductory workshops for journalists--we're working on this--on such things as handling numbers, how to read scientific studies, and that sort of thing.
While there are also complex stories that are in the news a lot, we've also started building a database of backgrounders that are vetted again and are more detailed. For example, we had one recently on medical isotopes.
As far as our current status is concerned, we have more than 120 organizations from private, public, and corporate sectors who have donated $5,000 to become charter members, and a number of repeat funders have allowed us to open our doors.
We have two media officers, one in Montreal and one in Ottawa, providing our services, as I say, in English and French.
We have, to date, over 185 journalists who have registered for the SMCC, and registration is mandatory because the information we send out is frequently embargoed so they have to say that they will respect embargoes. They range from CBC/Radio-Canada, La Presse, the Calgary Herald, TVO, the major outlets--and it's growing as we become more well known.
We have a database of key experts, and our website has recorded more than 5,000 hits so far on comments from these experts posted online.
As I mentioned, we have webinars. We've had four. Those four webinars have resulted in more than 60 stories.
Material that we are providing is being picked up internationally as well. We've already had Canadian researchers quoted in the U.K. and in Australia, providing, in fact, a wider platform for Canadian scientists.
All of these services are provided free of charge. Currently, we're focusing on a start-up fundraising campaign for $2.5 million to establish ourselves with a strong financial base. After initial start-up costs, we project annual operating costs to be approximately $700,000 a year. Because we're a journalistic organization, no one source will contribute more than 10% of the operating budget.
The other part of the equation here is the scientists. We strongly believe that the scientists must step up and enter the discussion. They are the experts, and Canadians need to hear about their research in order to make informed decisions. At the SMCC that's what we're trying to make happen. We're not here to promote any one point of view at all. What we want to ensure is that good quality evidence-based science is represented at the table so that with an open and transparent discussion the public can be informed and engaged on these issues that drive public policy. We believe science has nothing to fear and everything to gain from more openness, even about its disagreements and uncertainty.
One of the most memorable quotes in a report that just came out earlier last year from the U.K. on science in the media is that “journalists get terribly excited by a glimpse of the ankle, but not at all excited by the full striptease”. That means, of course, that if you're open and above board, it gets much better coverage.
Media abhors a vacuum, and when experts are not readily available, that vacuum can be filled with unreliable information.
Government scientists can be important contributors to this discussion. By restricting their public voices with unrealistic delays, filters, and approval roadblocks, we are depriving Canadians of their expertise and knowledge. It is our hope that agriculture and agrifood issues will be prominently discussed through the Science Media Centre of Canada and that this sector will continue to actively support our start-up.
Being open about scientific issues and controversies can only lead to a better informed public debate on an issue. A higher level of public debate feeds into better policy on science issues. Evidence-based scientific information is an element, even a pillar, of policy, and having an open, lively discourse in the Canadian public is essential for a healthy democracy. And I'm sure it will make your jobs easier.
I want to again thank everybody for coming out here this morning.
You know, the biotech study was something that both Mr. Valeriote and I agreed that we needed to do, just because there are so many misconceptions around biotechnology, what it is and what it consists of. If you review the history of our testimony, you'll see that the first thing a lot of our witnesses want to do is talk about GMOs. They seem to think that's biotechnology. For some reason, they seem to think that biotechnology must be genetically modified organisms.
That's the point I was trying to make to you, Ms. Young. I didn't mean any disrespect. It's just that when we have a study on biotechnology, that's where I expect us to go. I don't expect us to just go to one specific part of biotechnology, but to encompass the whole issue of biotechnology. It's a big enough issue on its own.
I think I'm going to go to you, Ms. Park, because I really like the idea of what you're saying with regard to the Science Media Centre. One of the problems I saw in Europe was that there were so many misconceptions and rumours, and actually blatant lies, published just based on the ability to sell a paper or create a story. Nobody was giving good, proper, balanced science information.
The concern I have with your organization...and it's just a concern; I don't know it well enough to say it's good or bad. How do you get good, proper information that has good, proper peer review that is science-based without one of your advisers having a personal interest in the story? Then, how do you inform that reporter of this information and still guarantee that the reporter writes it in that format?
Have you any comments on that?
Actually, we have a whole selection process for our experts where we take--we think--the best of peer review, which is that we look for recommendations from our advisory panel. We look for who has been funded by NSERC or SSHRC, where they are working, and the kinds of publications they've been getting. For example, are they published in Science and Nature? Has their point of view been peer-reviewed? That's how we try to keep on the straight and narrow as far as science is concerned.
With regard to ensuring that the journalists themselves follow through at the end, we can't. We can only provide them with good-quality expertise from the start. What they choose to do with it is their right and whatever....
Well, first of all, I'm a journalist from way back, and I know that journalists don't want to be wrong. They want to be right. In many respects, though, they need to understand more about science, that it's not balance to put in the fringe opinion when the consensus of scientific evidence says one thing. It doesn't make sense. As we move forward and as we at the SMCC talk to journalists, it is my hope that they will be learning, too, more about science and about how science is done, and will become more savvy about these issues.
Just to pick up on the point earlier about whether we can feed the world with.... I didn't get a chance to say anything, but I will now: that's a great idea for a briefing. If we are providing briefings with a range of valid scientific opinion, I think we are now providing a focal point for the journalists to start reporting on it, to start learning about these things. It won't be just one briefing. We'll slice up that story in different ways.
And I know you'll be just as generous.
The Chair: Of course I will.
Mr. Bev Shipley: Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Just to follow up on a question my colleague asked about what biotechnology is, when we took on this study.... I think what was exemplified here today illustrates the problem we have in terms of people understanding--the general public. We have a panel here of people who are in the know. I look to a journalist, Madam Park, and you struggled to find what the answer is.
What we're finding so far, quite honestly, is that at every meeting we come to there is this almost Frankenstuff about anything outside of organics, that it's all bad. I find that very unfortunate, because I'm feeling and finding that we need to have this balanced approach of hearing both sides. I have great organic farmers. I have great--and doing well--conventional farmers. We've not even talked yet about livestock. We're going to focus on crops today.
With that, I have a question, first of all, for Madam Park. I have to tell you, I am so pleased that we have an organization called Science Media Centre of Canada. I also understand where your funding comes from, and I understand where NRC funding...and I'd ask Madam Young where her funding would come from if she could help.
I'm concerned. There's been this big issue and talk about feeding the world, and I do not want that responsibility to totally fall on the laps of the farmers. You can't do that without talking about corruption in governments, other government policies, the waste of food when it's shipped to these countries--they don't know how to store it. We have governments that won't distribute food. They have their reasons--black marketing.
The other night...likely two or three weeks ago now. And this whole thing about Canada, how we have a billion--I think my colleague said--more people starving or hungry in the world. How do we put a message out? How do we help the agriculture industry carry a message to the consumer so that we don't wear it?
When I went home that night and turned the TV on, when they were talking about the hungry in the world, what did I see first? I saw a combine coming down the field, dumping grain into a grain buggy. I can tell you, likely nobody in the urban area knows what a combine or a grain buggy is, but they know it's a farmer. They didn't talk about the Galen Westons of the world, they didn't talk about the trucking industry, they didn't talk about the distribution. It was a picture of a farming operation.
I'm asking you to help us, as an industry, with what you might be able to do as part of your forum of public policy to help the agriculture industry be recognized as a provider of food, not the cause of the starvation.
I think the discussion we're having about biotechnology--and Christie had mentioned the precautionary principles that should be in place regarding biotechnology--is actually kind of what we are studying on this. We've had some witnesses come in front of committee who would just like to see a moratorium, certainly on GM, and perhaps even a wider swath of biotechnology. We've had others who have been strong advocates for it.
I think we're on the middle ground. We can't ban everything, and I don't think we want to. It's also not a free-for-all. We're somewhere in between, and part of this committee's work is to find out what processes we should put in place. When it comes to biotechnology, we went on a tour, as a committee, and we were briefed by a number of different organizations that there is a market approach type of process that somewhat limits just how far and wide biotechnology goes. And I think it ties into the numbers Jerome was talking about.
If you're going to develop a particular trait in a plant, it's in the $100 million to $150 million zone, and it takes somewhere in the 7-year to 15-year zone to come out at the far end of the process and actually have something that's marketable. As a result, research companies have to be focused on what it is they're doing, because they obviously want to remain in close communication with farmers, who are going to buy their product, because if the farmers aren't going to buy their product, what's the point of that investment and taking that risk?
However, there is also the other side, which is what I'll call the process and regulatory approach, which is what we're looking at.
Jerome, you had mentioned that from your point of view the biotechnology side of agriculture receives tremendous scrutiny. I wonder if you could elaborate on that, because it might address one of the concerns that Christie raised, which is that there might not be due oversight. I'm not suggesting there is enough or that there is too much. I'd just like your opinion, from what you've seen, based on the comment you made earlier.