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ACVA Committee Report

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Recommendation 1

That Veterans Affairs Canada reiterate its commitment to making the New Veterans Charter a living document, and introduce as soon as possible the 16 framework recommendations made by the New Veterans Charter Advisory Group (see Appendix B), including those entailing legislative or regulatory amendments.

Recommendation 2

That Veterans Affairs Canada:

  • pursue its planned agenda of new measures for career transition services that are provided to military members before their release;
  • communicate clearly the objectives of its career transition programs and the way they operate;
  • continue to collaborate with the Department of National Defence, in order to clarify VAC’s role in providing these services, to further close the existing gaps in the programs, and to improve participation.

Recommendation 3

That VAC collaborate with the Department of National Defence and the Service Income Security Insurance Plan in order to make its programs more consistent, to prevent overlap and to intervene directly with members from the moment the decision is made to release them for medical reasons.

Recommendation 4

That VAC collaborate with the Department of National Defence to identify and implement all strategies based on best rehabilitation practices around the world, as those presented by the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists, to ensure that the largest possible number of members injured on a deployment can remain active within the Canadian Forces.

That, at the initiative of Veterans Affairs Canada, the Government of Canada formally acknowledge that it has a responsibility to veterans as their employer to make greater efforts to integrate into the public service those who have had to be released for medical reasons, and to initiate partnerships with prospective private and public employers to promote the hiring of veterans.

Recommendation 5

That VAC collaborate with the Department of National Defence and SISIP enabling it to intervene through its vocational rehabilitation program from the moment the decision is made to release a member from the Canadian Forces for medical reasons.

Recommendation 6

That the family members of veterans be able to access VAC rehabilitation programs independently, and that all important information pertaining to the rehabilitation program be made available without breaching confidentiality.

Recommendation 7

That VAC conduct a detailed analysis of the reasons for the unexpected length of the rehabilitation program and report the results in its NVC programs evaluation plan.

Recommendation 8

That all former CF members be eligible for Public Service Dental Care Plan coverage for the cost of a monthly premium equivalent to that paid by federal public service employees.

Recommendation 9

That the earnings loss benefit become a non-taxable benefit representing the equivalent of 100% of a veteran’s net income at the time of release, where that release is the consequence of a service-related injury.

Recommendation 10

That the earnings loss benefit be adjusted annually based on the consumer price index.

Recommendation 11

That VAC and DND undertake an investigation to provide fairness in income replacement compensation that reflects a standard military career progression.

Recommendation 12

That the supplementary retirement benefit undergo a thorough review to permit regular and sufficient contributions to a pension plan, particularly for veterans with a total and permanent incapacity.

Recommendation 13

That VAC more clearly define the objectives of the permanent impairment allowance and assure veterans whose injuries are too serious to enable them to return to gainful employment are eligible.

Recommendation 14

That VAC revise the overall structure of the financial benefits offered under the New Veterans Charter so as to ensure that veterans receive equivalent benefits beyond the age of 65.

Recommendation 15

That, by 1 November 2010, Veterans Affairs Canada present to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs a plan with options for a new system of Disability Awards where the severity and nature of the disability, and the age and circumstance of the soldier or veteran, are taken into account on a case by case basis through a combination of lump sum payments, annuities and/or structured settlements.

Recommendation 16

That VAC commission an independent professional analysis of court judgments to establish the actual value of compensation paid for pain and suffering resulting from a permanent disability.

Recommendation 17

That Veterans Affairs Canada ensure that family members who take care of severely disabled veterans are compensated appropriately

Recommendation 18

That Veterans Affairs Canada ensure that all soldiers who die as a result of a service-related injury are treated equitably.