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The Debates are the report—transcribed, edited, and corrected—of what is said in the House. The Journals are the official record of the decisions and other transactions of the House. The Order Paper and Notice Paper contains the listing of all items that may be brought forward on a particular sitting day, and notices for upcoming items.

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Notice Paper

No. 77

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

2:00 p.m.

Introduction of Government Bills

June 16, 2009 — The Minister of Justice — Bill entitled “An Act to amend the Criminal Code, the Competition Act and the Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Act”.

June 16, 2009 — The Minister of Public Safety — Bill entitled “An Act regulating telecommunications facilities to support investigations”.
(Pursuant to Standing Order 79(2))
Her Excellency the Governor General recommends to the House of Commons the appropriation of public revenue under the circumstances, in the manner and for the purposes set out in a measure entitled “An Act regulating telecommunications facilities to support investigations”.

Introduction of Private Members' Bills

June 16, 2009 — Mr. Regan (Halifax West) — Bill entitled “An Act respecting a day to increase public awareness about epilepsy”.

June 16, 2009 — Mr. Asselin (Manicouagan) — Bill entitled “An Act to amend the Department of Public Works and Government Services Act (use of wood)”.

June 16, 2009 — Mr. Calandra (Oak Ridges—Markham) — Bill entitled “An Act to change the name of the electoral district of Oak Ridges — Markham”.

Notices of Motions (Routine Proceedings)

June 16, 2009 — Mr. Bélanger (Ottawa—Vanier) — That the Third Report of the Standing Joint Committee on the Library of Parliament, on Tuesday, June 16, 2009, be concurred in.
Debate — limited to 3 hours, pursuant to Standing Order 66(2).
Voting — not later than the expiry of the time provided for debate.


Q-3422 — June 16, 2009 — Mrs. Mendes (Brossard—La Prairie) — Concerning the establishment of future permanent full service passport offices throughout Canada: (a) does Passport Canada have a long term plan to increase the number of permanent full service passport offices, (i) if yes, what is the break down and timeline for the establishments of these offices, (ii) if no, is Passport Canada looking at developing such a plan; (b) has Passport Canada considered opening full service passport offices utilising the infrastructure that currently exists in local Service Canada outlets; (c) has Passport Canada considered using the trained staff that are tasked as frontline customer service worker to staff new regional full service passport offices; and (d) has Passport Canada looked into regional disparities in obtainning passports in relation to their current full service offices, (i) if yes, what recommendations were presented, (ii) if not, does Passport Canada intend on conducting such a study?
Q-3432 — June 16, 2009 — Ms. Gagnon (Québec) — With respect to the defence of the former lieutenant governor of Quebec, Ms. Lise Thibault, regarding the allegations of her spending while in office: (a) how much has the government spent on legal fees associated with the defence of the former lieutenant governor of Quebec; and (b) how much will the government spend on legal fees associated with the defence of Ms. Thibault?
Q-3442 — June 16, 2009 — Mr. Mulcair (Outremont) — With regards to Bill C-48, An Act to authorize the Minister of Finance to make certain payments, passed during the First Session of the 38th and: (a) the Post-Secondary Education Infrastructure Trust, (i) does the government know which projects received funding, (ii) what are the amounts involved, (iii) to what were allocated; (b) the Public Transit Capital Trust, (i) does the government know which projects received funding, (ii) what are the amounts involved, (iii) to what were the funds allocated; (c) the Affordable Housing Trust, (i) does the government know which projects received funding, (ii) what are the amounts involved, (iii) to what were the funds allocated; d) the Off-Reserve Aboriginal Housing Trust, (i) does the government know which projects received funding, (ii) what are the amounts involved, (iii) to what were the funds allocated; and e) the Northern Housing Trust, (i) does the government know which projects received funding, (ii) what are the amounts involved, (iii) to what were the funds allocated?
Q-3452 — June 16, 2009 — Mr. Dewar (Ottawa Centre) — With respect to the procurement of temporary personnel services in the National Capital Region over the last five years: (a) (i) what are the total expenditures for such services, on an annual basis, (ii) on an annual basis, what amount is spent by each department or government agency; (b) (i) which companies received contracts to provide temporary personnel services, (ii) what is the combined annual total of all contracts awarded to each company, (iii) which companies received sole sourced contracts, on what dates, in what amounts, (iv) why were their contracts not competitively sourced; (c) (i) on an annual basis, how many people were hired by temporary employment agencies to work for the federal government and its agencies, (ii) on an annual basis and by department or agency, how many employees were hired; (d) (i) what is the average length of time an employee remains on contract, (ii) how many workers, in number and percentage of overall hires, begin on contract and are eventually offered full time positions within the federal civil service; and (e) (i) what is the business case for using temporary workers instead of permanent members of the civil service, (ii) what savings does the government make in salary, pension and benefits by using temporary workers rather than permanent workers, as a total amount and on an average per worker basis, (iii) what is the average hourly amount a temporary agency receives based on the hourly wage a temporary worker is paid for their labour?
Q-3462 — June 16, 2009 — Ms. Dhalla (Brampton—Springdale) — What funds, grants, loans and loan guarantee has the government issued through the Department of Canadian Heritage, over $1,000, since January 1, 2006, and in each case where applicable: (a) the name of the recipient; (b) the constituency of the recipient; (c) the program for which the grant, loan, or loan guarantee was given; (d) the date the application was received; (e) the amount of the individual grant, loan, or loan guarantee; (f) the date the payment was made; and (g) the total amount from all programs received by the recipient in that calendar year?
Q-3472 — June 16, 2009 — Ms. Dhalla (Brampton—Springdale) — What funds, grants, loans and loan guarantees has the government issued through its various departments and agencies in the constituency of Brampton—Springdale for the period of January 24, 2006 to April 2009 inclusive, and in each case where applicable: (a) what was the program under which the payment was made; (b) what were the names of the recipients; (c) what was the monetary value of the payment made; (d) on what date was the payment made; and (e) what was the percentage of program funding covered by the payment received?
Q-3482 — June 16, 2009 — Ms. Dhalla (Brampton—Springdale) — With regard to government advertising, since January 24, 2006: (a) how much was spent per print advertisement, listed alphabetically by supplier; (b) in which constituencies were the print advertisements distributed; (c) what dates did the print advertisements run; (d) how much was spent per radio advertisement, listed alphabetically by supplier; (e) on what stations did the radio advertisement air; (f) on what dates and times did the radio advertisements air; (g) how much was spent per internet advertisement, listed alphabetically by supplier; (h) on what websites were the internet advertisements posted; (i) how many hits did each internet advertisement receive; (j) how much was spent per television advertisement, listed alphabetically by supplier; (k) on what stations did the television advertisement air; and (l) on what dates and times did the television advertisement air?
Q-3492 — June 16, 2009 — Ms. Dhalla (Brampton—Springdale) — What funds, grants, loans and loan guarantee has the government issued through the Department of Human Resources and Skills Development over $1,000, since January 1, 2006, and in each case where applicable: (a) what was the name of the recipient; (b) what was the constituency of the recipient; (c) what was the program for which the grant, loan, or loan guarantee was given; (d) what was the date the application was received; (e) what was the amount of the individual grant, loan, or loan guarantee; (f) what was the date the payment was made; and (g) what was the total amount from all programs received by the recipient in that calendar year?
Q-3502 — June 16, 2009 — Ms. Bennett (St. Paul's) — With respect to the Natural Health Products Directorate (NHPD): (a) is the 2010 compliance deadline purely an internal deadline or one that should be of concern to product license applicants; (b) is the current deadline is not enforced given the current large unaddressed backlog of applications; (c) will the backlog be solved simply through wholesale product rejection; (d) are reasonable application reviews taking place so that Canadians can enjoy access to safe, high quality natural health products; (e) will the government amend the Food and Drugs Act to establish a separate regulatory category for natural health products; and (f) will the government provide long term funding to the NHPD to act as the regulator for natural health products?
Q-3512 — June 16, 2009 — Ms. Leslie (Halifax) — With regard to spending related to Abousfian Abdelrazik: (a) what has been the total spending related to consular assistance given in Khartoum; (b) what have been the costs of the legal case on the part of the government; and (c) what have been the costs of communications and media work?
Q-3522 — June 16, 2009 — Mr. McTeague (Pickering—Scarborough East) — With regard to the Home Income Tax Credit (HRTC): (a) what action has the government taken the implement the HRTC by (i) informing the public of the existence of the credit, (ii) instructing the CRA on how to apply the HRTC, (iii) passing legislation to implement the credit; (b) what is (i) the total cost of the public awareness campaign association with the HRTC, (ii) the revenue lost due to the credit; and (c) what will the HRTC apply to?
Q-3532 — June 16, 2009 — Mr. Szabo (Mississauga South) — With regards to the Canadian Institute for Health Research: (a) how much has their budget been for each year since their inception; (b) how much of that has been spent each year on research related to reproduction technologies; (c) how much of that has been spent each year on research related to stem cell research; and (d) how much of that has been spent each year on embryonic stem cell research?
Q-3542 — June 16, 2009 — Mr. Szabo (Mississauga South) — With regards to the Assisted Human Reproduction Act: (a) what regulations are required under the Act; (b) which of those regulations have been drafted; (c) which of those regulations have been referred to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Health; and (d) what regulations have been adopted and enacted?
Q-3552 — June 16, 2009 — Mr. Szabo (Mississauga South) — With regards to June 2009 Report on the Economic Action Plan and specifically the Employment Insurance Stimulus Analysis on page 104, what are the detailed computations for each line item totalling $2.7 billion and what are the specific reasons why freezing of employment insurance rates constitute a stimulus?
Q-3562 — June 16, 2009 — Mr. Szabo (Mississauga South) — With regards to Infrastructure funding by the government since 2005: (a) what projects have been funded; (b) what was the total value for each project; (c) how much of the funding was provided by the Province of Ontario for each project; (d) how much of the funding was provided by the City of Mississauga for each project; (e) on what date was each project approved; and(f) on what date was the expenditure made by the government for each project?
Q-3572 — June 16, 2009 — Ms. Chow (Trinity—Spadina) — With regard to temporary resident visa applications, broken down by each visa office what is: (a) the number of cases handled in each visa category (such as visitors, students etc); (b) the percentage of applications turned down in each visa category; (c) the background explanation on the rationale for refusal in each visa category; (d) the number of re-applications and the associated refusal and acceptance rates; (e) the number of applications approved by the Minister's discretionary power on humanitarian ground; (f) the number of cases subsequently being reviewed by a federal appeals court, and its associated refusal and approval rate; (g) the number of refused and approved male and female applicants; (h) the number of refused and approved applicants by the following age groups 18-24, 25-34, 35-54, 55+; (i) the number of officers who process temporary resident visa applications; (j) the average wait time to obtain a decision from the date of application; and (k) the level of security clearance for all staff handling applications?
Q-3582 — June 16, 2009 — Ms. Chow (Trinity—Spadina) — With regard to the $4 billion Infrastructure Stimulus Fund, the $1 billion Green Infrastructure Fund, and the Building Canada Fund, respectively, since the 2009 fiscal year: (a) what percentage of applications are for public transit; (b) what is the total dollar amount that these public transit applications represent; (c) how many of these public transit projects have been approved and rejected; (d) what is the approval and rejection rate percentages for public transit project applications versus the average; (e) what dollar amounts have been approved and rejected in each of these three funds for public transit projects; (f) how many projects and how much funding have been spent through the $2 billion Gas Tax Fund, and the $1.3 billion Public Transit Capital Trust; and (g) what percentage of the $20 billion in currently unmet requirements for Canadian transit systems (according to the Canadian Urban Transit Association) do these funds address?

Notices of Motions for the Production of Papers

Business of Supply

Main Estimates
June 16, 2009 — The President of the Treasury Board — That the Main Estimates for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2010, less the amounts voted in Interim Supply, be concurred in.
Voting — not later than 10:00 p.m. on the last allotted day, pursuant to Standing Order 81(18).
Supplementary Estimates (A)
June 16, 2009 — The President of the Treasury Board — That the Supplementary Estimates (A) for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2010, be concurred in.
Voting — not later than 10:00 p.m. on the last allotted day, pursuant to Standing Order 81(18).

Government Business

Private Members' Notices of Motions

M-404 — June 16, 2009 — Mr. Martin (Esquimalt—Juan de Fuca) — That, in the opinion of the House, the government should enact a review of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, its mandate and its activities with respect to broadcasting in Canada.
M-405 — June 16, 2009 — Mr. Atamanenko (British Columbia Southern Interior) — That, in the opinion of the House, the government should: (a) prohibit the testing, commercial release or any other introduction of genetically modified wheat into Canada; and (b) prohibit the importation of genetically modified or genetically modified contaminated wheat into Canada.
M-406 — June 16, 2009 — Ms. Chow (Trinity—Spadina) — That, in the opinion of the House, with regard to the Chinese Head Tax and Chinese Exclusion Act, the government should: (a) apologize and issue a letter of acknowledgment to recognize the suffering of individual Chinese Canadians, their families and the entire Chinese Canadian community that resulted from this legislation, including the emotional and financial hardship and the forced separation of families; (b) award individual financial redress of a minimum amount of $21,000 per certificate to surviving Head Tax payers or to their surviving spouses and of a minimum of $10,000 per certificate to surviving first generation children if the Head Tax payer and spouse is deceased; and (c) implement a community or collective redress focusing on projects related to the experience of the Head Tax payers and families and which respects the principles of transparency, accountability and the strong participation of the Chinese Canadian community.

Private Members' Business

S-216 — May 14, 2009 — Mr. Woodworth (Kitchener Centre) — Second reading and reference to the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development of Bill S-216, An Act to amend the Federal Sustainable Development Act and the Auditor General Act (involvement of Parliament).
Motion may not be moved, pursuant to Standing Order 91.1(1).

2 Response requested within 45 days