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LANG Committee Report

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November 2009

The Conservative Members of the Standing Committee on Official Languages clearly recognize that delays in funding approval and payment to organizations by the Department of Canadian Heritage can negatively affect certain community groups. 

Conservative Members of the Committee paid particular attention to the concerns expressed by witnesses about the delays in processing applications and the administrative burdens experiences by many applicants.   We commit to do whatever possible to work with the Minister of Canadian Heritage to address these concerns.

We also note that in many cases, witnesses commented on the strong and positive working relationship which exists between the government and many of the organizations that appeared before the Committee.

In appearing before the Committee, the Minister of Canadian Heritage submitted to the Committee several reforms that our Government has already implemented to improve and address many of the concerns raised to the Committee.   The Minister also presented several additional reforms he intends to implement in the months to come:  For example:

-        It is now possible within the Official Languages Support Programs to choose to provide a grant, rather than a contribution, if funding for an organization is under $50,000. Previously, the threshold was $30,000. In receiving a grant rather than a contribution, the organization avoids certain administrative requirements.

-        We are continuing to encourage our official languages community partners to submit multi-year funding applications. Next year, a number of contribution agreements will be in place, reducing the volume of recommendations. This will allow better planning by the organizations and will ease their administrative burden.

-        In addition, all procedures have been examined to shorten the time needed to process applications and issue payments to recipients.

-        New service standards will be implemented as of April 1, 2010.

-        We will be establishing a single deadline for all provinces and territories for 2011-2012.

-        And the 25% for groups will be distributed earlier, so they should receive their funding by the beginning of April.

Conservative members listened with interest to the various groups that appeared before the Committee.  One witness in particular as well summarized the situation.  Mr. Robert Donnelly, President of the Quebec Community Groups Network (QCGN) stated: “The QCGN wishes to reiterate that some members expressed satisfaction with their funding. Moreover, we believe that delays are neither politically motivated nor attributable to a lack of effort or professionalism by officials with the Department of Canadian Heritage. Government is a complicated business, we understand, with millions of dollars being invested and spent under thousands of programs for the benefit of Canadians. The systems that carry out this monumental task must be designed to be effective and accountable, especially when they have a reputation to maintain. The QCGN and its members are cognizant of this reality and are confident that the Government of Canada is committed to removing the structural impediments that cause funding delays.”

Conservative members of the Committee agree with the remarks of groups such as the QCGN and look forward to the Minister of Canadian Heritage demonstrating further leadership in reforming this process.

We also strongly support the reforms that have been made under our Government in the last two years - such as encouraging groups to submit multi-year funding applications, which will provide much needed stability to community groups in need.

As the Minister stated during his appearance before the Committee, “we are firmly committed to addressing recipients' concerns, effectively and efficiently carrying out programs for Canadians and finding a proper balance between due diligence and administrative burden.”

Conservative members of the Committee look forward to the Department of Canadian Heritage following through on the Government’s commitment to an application process for official language groups that will be simplified and streamlined from beginning to end.

In conclusion, the Conservative members would like to thank the groups that appeared before the Standing Committee on Official Languages.  This Conservative Government is committed to maintaining a positive dialogue with all of our partners, and continuing to deliver leadership on official languages.