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FAAE Committee Report

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Recommendation 1

Taking into account the decisions of the House of Commons and the first quarterly report presented to the House on June 10, the Government of Canada should continue its efforts to communicate to Parliament and Canadians a comprehensive strategic policy framework for Canada’s multi-year engagement in Afghanistan in support of the international benchmarks already agreed to in the 2006-2011 Afghanistan Compact. Adjustments made as necessary to this Canadian framework should be promptly explained to Parliament and the Canadian public. Future quarterly reports on the implementation of Canadian policy objectives in Afghanistan should include, to the fullest extent, possible frank and detailed results-based assessments of Canadian support to the realization of internationally agreed benchmarks and timelines. These reports should also include an update of the financial costs of Canada’s engagement in Afghanistan.

Recommendation 2

Taking into account local sensibilities and culture, the Canadian military should carry out its mission as outlined in the motion passed by the House of Commons on March 13, 2008. Moreover, the Government of Canada should do its utmost to ensure that in conducting military operations the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan (ISAF) continues to focus on avoiding Afghan civilian casualties and minimizing property damage.

Recommendation 3

The Government of Canada should reinforce efforts on the diplomatic, military and development levels, to promote the creation of conditions favourable to a peace process in Afghanistan.

The Government of Canada should make a concrete commitment to promote the organization of broad-based negotiations both with the central government, by bolstering its ability to initiate talks, and with local communities.

In its CIDA and other programming, the Government of Canada should take advantage of every opportunity to encourage dialogue among all sectors of Afghan society and all communities of interest, and thereby help to establish conditions conducive to peace negotiations.

The Government of Canada should also promote a peace and national reconciliation mandate for the United Nations Special Envoy for Afghanistan.

Recommendation 4

Given the essential role that the United Nations must play in Afghanistan, the Government of Canada should work with the relevant regional players, the concerned members of the international community and the United Nations to enable the UN to have the means required to ensure better coordination of what is being done and thereby increase the effectiveness of the UN mission in Afghanistan. The Government of Canada should also use all bilateral and UN channels to convince member states and the UN itself of the Afghan conflict’s importance to the international community and thereby convince them of the necessity to make the conflict a priority.

Recommendation 5

The Government of Canada should significantly increase its focus on regional diplomacy within the context of its mission in Afghanistan. In the particular case of Pakistan, the Government of Canada should take advantage of the recent election of a new government in February 2008 to advance cooperation on key issues of common interest, such as the development of the border regions, notably the Federally Administered Tribal Areas, and increased technical and other cooperation between Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Recommendation 6

The Government of Canada should ensure that its development and reconstruction projects continue to include aspects that focus on Afghanistan’s women and improvements in their social, economic and political capacities.


Recommendation 7

Recognising the importance of security if reconstruction and sustainable development are to occur, and given the security conditions that currently prevail in Kandahar, the Canadian Forces should continue to be involved through Canada’s Provincial Reconstruction Team in providing protection for the delivery of vital humanitarian, reconstruction and development assistance to the population of Kandahar province. In addition, the Canadian government should monitor the security conditions in Kandahar for improvements and make changes accordingly to the roles of the military and PRTs in Afghanistan’s reconstruction and development.

Recommendation 8

The Government of Canada should rebalance its priorities in Afghanistan in order to give emphasis to reconstruction, development and peace-building efforts in Afghanistan, while maintaining Canada’s military commitment.

Recommendation 9

Emphasising what is most likely to deliver benefits to Afghans in need while also raising local Afghan awareness of Canada’s efforts, the Government of Canada should consider projects in Afghanistan in a manner that respects the Afghan government’s authority and that is coherent with other international assistance activities.

Recommendation 10

The Government of Canada should meet its commitments and provide the assistance it has promised to Afghanistan, and should strongly encourage other donors in both bilateral and multilateral settings to do likewise.

Recommendation 11

The Government of Canada should ensure insofar as possible that Canadian personnel working on international reconstruction and development projects are suitably qualified and experienced in order that Afghanistan’s development be carried out efficiently and effectively.

Recommendation 12

Given the impact of the international presence on Afghanistan’s economy and capacity-building, the Government of Canada should increase efforts to ensure that Afghan personnel and services receive all necessary consideration in Canada’s reconstruction and development efforts.

Recommendation 13

The Government of Canada must continue to improve its accountability and evaluation methods concerning its reconstruction and development commitments, and must ensure that its evaluation process is transparent. In this regard, the Government of Canada should also work with the international community to structure an effective framework for measuring progress and conducting performance evaluation on the basis of the benchmarks established by the international community in the Afghanistan Compact.

Recommendation 14

The Government of Canada should take the necessary steps to improve awareness among the Canadian population of the achievements and shortcomings of Canada’s reconstruction and development efforts in Afghanistan. The Government of Canada should strengthen transparency in the process for evaluating its assistance to Afghanistan’s development.

Recommendation 15

In order to contribute more effectively to poverty reduction in Afghanistan, the Government of Canada should ensure that commitments regarding Afghanistan’s rural development, particularly in remote areas and areas that are more stable than Kandahar, are integrated into the reconstruction and development effort. The Government of Canada should also continue to support projects and activities with impact at the national level.

Recommendation 16

The Government of Canada should continue to ensure that its reconstruction and development projects respect the importance of Afghan ownership in their own development.

Recommendation 17

The Government of Canada in concert with its international partners should increase support for projects that will have an immediate impact on the lives and living conditions of the Afghan people.

Recommendation 18

The Government of Canada should take the necessary steps to remind Canadians and the international community of the value of long-term projects for Afghanistan’s long-term and sustainable development. The Government of Canada should also encourage the international community to place the necessary importance on long-term projects, while demonstrating both realism and resolve about their outcomes.


Recommendation 19

The Government of Canada should ensure that its contribution to Afghanistan’s reconstruction and development includes a balance of both short- and long-term projects.

Recommendation 20

Working with the United Nations special envoy, the Government of Canada should pursue the necessary steps to strengthen the coordination of aid priorities among all key actors, including the Afghan government.

Recommendation 21

In order to deepen the foundations of Afghanistan’s future governance, stability and economic productivity, the Government of Canada should ensure that its aid efforts emphasise human capital development, particularly programs and projects that focus on Afghanistan’s youth in the rural areas in particular. Such programs would include not only job creation projects, but also the development of employable skills and training across different sectors that are part of the reality of Afghan life.

Recommendation 22

The Government of Canada should continue to contribute to the development of Afghanistan’s education system at the primary, secondary and post-secondary levels.

Recommendation 23

In consultation with the Afghan government and people, Canada’s aid efforts should target poverty reduction in Afghanistan more tangibly, in part by attending to the development of the private sector and the local economy in the urban centres and especially in the rural areas. This can be achieved by encouraging the international community to make better use of Afghan services, skills and procurement rather than relying on non-Afghan contractors and consultants.

Recommendation 24

In line with support for poverty reduction and investment in Afghanistan’s rural areas, Canadian aid efforts should reflect awareness of and attention to agricultural development, particularly in the context of infrastructure rehabilitation involving water and irrigation systems and transportation.

Recommendation 25

In noting that the talent and knowledge of the Afghan diaspora in Canada have not been as systematically and effectively accessed to the benefit of Canada’s reconstruction and development activities in Afghanistan, the Government of Canada should actively pursue mechanisms by which the Afghan community in Canada could be consulted and engaged in the reconstruction and development of Afghanistan.

Recommendation 26

As part of helping to ensuring that the governance benchmarks in the Afghanistan Compact can be met, the Government of Canada should consider all means necessary to raise the legitimacy and effective capacity of public administration institutions in Afghanistan from the national to the local level. This should include, where feasible, exploring support for Afghan-led structures and processes. Particular attention should be paid to fostering improved governance mechanisms in Kandahar province aimed at providing better security and basic services to the population there. The Government of Canada should seek responsible local partners in this endeavour.

Recommendation 27

As part of its quarterly progress reports to the Parliament of Canada on the Canadian mission in Afghanistan, the Government of Canada should include detailed information on what steps are being taken, and with what success, to implement the commitments on governance, rule of law and human rights — including benchmarks and timelines — undertaken by the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the international community under the terms of the Afghanistan Compact.

Recommendation 28

Given the progress that has been achieved to date working with the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission, the Government of Canada should increase its support to that vital body so as to ensure that it has sufficient capacity and resources to effectively carry out its mandate.

Recommendation 29

In addition, with respect to the issue of transfer of Afghan detainees to Afghan authorities, the Government of Canada should indicate in its future reports the details of what it is doing to implement the terms of the Afghanistan motion passed by the House of Commons on March 13, 2008.

Recommendation 30

The Government of Canada should use prudent and measured diplomacy to hold the Afghanistan government to its anti-corruption commitments under the Afghanistan Compact. The Government of Canada should support a coordinated approach to anti-corruption measures and in particular should work with the Government of Afghanistan and its international partners to ensure that the senior appointments panel is functioning effectively as a key part of preventing corruption within the institutions of governance.

Recommendation 31

The Government of Canada should work with the Government of Afghanistan and international partners to reform counter-narcotics policies so that effective and coherent counter-narcotics strategies can be adopted. All feasible measures should be examined in that regard.

Recommendation 32

The Government of Canada should examine ways to increase its support for the development of both the national legislature of Afghanistan and elected subnational governance institutions, building on lessons learned from work that has already taken place in this regard. This should include additional support tailored to the needs of women parliamentarians. Furthermore, Canadian assistance to legislative and other aspects of democratic development must ensure that this is a sustainable Afghan-led process that respects Afghan priorities and strengthens Afghan capacities for democratic representation and oversight. At the same time, Canada should help Afghanistan to build its democracy in a way that fulfills Afghanistan’s international human rights obligations.

Recommendation 33

The Government of Canada should immediately examine how best to provide support for Afghanistan’s next democratic elections in 2009-2010 in coordination with the relevant Afghan authorities and international partners. The Government of Canada should also foster professional working relationships between Canadian parliamentarians and Afghan legislators at the national, provincial and local levels.

Recommendation 34

The strengthening and extension of the mission of the Strategic Advisory Team-Afghanistan in Kabul should be reviewed by the Special Committee on the Canadian Mission in Afghanistan. On the basis of this Committee’s recommendations, the Government of Canada should consider whether or not to enhance the Advisory Team’s mission and strengthen the Team through the addition of more civilian members. Subsequently, and in consultation with the Government of Afghanistan, appropriate reporting relationships should be reviewed as part of developing and finalizing the comprehensive Canadian public strategy for Afghanistan called for in Recommendation 1.

Recommendation 35

The Government of Canada should increase its efforts towards achieving the improved coordination of Canadian government efforts in Afghanistan linked to the implementation of a comprehensive public strategy. In that context, the Government  of Canada could consider appointing an experienced Canadian coordinator for Afghanistan. Furthermore, the Government’s approach must be field tested and coordinated with those of Afghan authorities. At the broadest strategic level, the Government should use all diplomatic means to push for the improved international-Afghan coordination that will be required to meet the commitments which all parties have made under the terms of the Afghanistan Compact.
