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ETHI Committee Report

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Greg Alford was an aide to former Premier Frank Moores in Newfoundland.  He later worked with Mr. Moores in Ottawa at Government Consultants International (GCI).  Mr. Alford was responsible for handling the Bear Head file for GCI and his area of responsibility was domestic projects.


Stevie Cameron is a journalist, author and blogger who has published extensively on the Mulroney Airbus libel settlement and related issues.  Her books, On the Take and The Last Amigo (the latter written with Harvey Cashore), have been extensively cited in media and other accounts of the matters that gave rise to the Committee’s study. 


Fred Doucet was a senior advisor to former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, and was also his chief of staff when Mr. Mulroney was the leader of the Official Opposition. In this role, Mr. Doucet was responsible for international initiatives and summits for the office of the Prime Minister.  Since leaving the government in 1988, he has carried on business under the name of Fred Doucet Consultants International (FDCI). 


Gerry Doucet, brother of Fred Doucet, was a founding partner in the Ottawa lobby firm Government Consultants International (GCI).


Marc Lalonde was a Member of Parliament for over 11 years between 1973 and 1984.  He was in Cabinet for virtually that entire period, filling roles including Minister of Finance; Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources; Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada; Minister of State (Federal-Provincial Relations); Minister responsible for the Status of Women; Minister of Amateur Sport; and Minister of National Health and Welfare.   Mr. Lalonde has acted as lawyer and adviser to Mr. Schreiber, and he recently put up bail for Mr. Schreiber. 


Luc Lavoie, former communications director for Brian Mulroney, is currently an executive vice-president of Quebecor Inc. He resigned as Mr. Mulroney’s spokesperson in November 2007.


Elmer MacKay was a Member of Parliament for 21 years between 1971 and 1993.  He filled a number of Cabinet roles, including Minister responsible for Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Minister for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency Act,  Minister of Public Works, Minister of National Revenue, Solicitor General of Canada, and Minister of Regional Economic Expansion. 


François Martin is a former chef/manager of the Prime Minister’s residence at 24 Sussex, having held that position for four years while Mr. Mulroney was in office, until he resigned in 1989. 


Frank Moores, former Member of Parliament and Premier of Newfoundland, incorporated Government Consultants International (GCI) in 1985.  He was also appointed to the Board of Air Canada in 1985, but resigned soon thereafter following reports of a conflict of interest.


Gary Ouellet, now deceased, was the third partner in the Ottawa lobby firm Government Consultants International (GCI), joining after the founding partners Gerry Doucet and Frank Moores.


Allan Rock was a Member of Parliament from 1993 to 2003.  During his 10 years in Parliament, Mr. Rock served in several Cabinet positions, including as Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, Minister of Health and Minister of Industry.  In November 1995, when Mr. Mulroney launched a $50 million libel action against the Attorney General of Canada and the RCMP for false allegations made against him in the Government’s Request for Assistance to Switzerland in relation to the RCMP Airbus investigation, Mr. Rock was Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada.


Giorgio Pelossi, resident of Switzerland, was Karlheinz Schreiber’s accountant and money manager from 1969 to 1991.


Norman Spector is currently a Globe and Mail columnist.  His columns also appear in Le Devoir, the Vancouver Sun and the Victoria Times-Colonist.  Mr. Spector was the Secretary to the Cabinet for Federal-Provincial Relations from August 1986 until August 1990, when he became Chief of Staff to then Prime Minister Brian Mulroney. Mr. Spector contributed an afterword to William Kaplan's book, A Secret Trial: Brian Mulroney, Stevie Cameron and the Public Trust.


Franz Josef Strauss, long-time premier of Bavaria, was one of the moving forces behind the creation of Airbus Industrie, serving as its Chairman in the 1980s until his death in 1988.