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AGRI Committee News Release

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Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food
house of commons
K1A 0A6

Comité permanent de l'agriculture et de l'agroalimentaire

For immediate release


Report tabled on "Product of Canada" Claims

Ottawa, Thursday, June 12, 2008 -

The House of Commons Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food released its 7th report today. The report includes 6 recommendations aimed at protecting the integrity of “Product of Canada” claims. This issue was first brought to the Standing Committee’s attention during its 2007 study of Canada’s new agricultural policy.

Clarifying claims used for food products became the main objective of the Standing Committee’s study, which was launched on 3 April 2008.

“This report is not about country-of-origin labelling. As mentioned in its title, truth and transparency are important for consumers when they make a decision to buy a food product. The Committee’s recommendations are designed to change labelling guidelines that will assist consumers in making their choices and will help them to recognize the quality of Canadian products and to consume more food produced by Canadian farmers” said Standing Committee Chair James Bezan (CPC – MP for Selkirk--Interlake).

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For more information, please contact:
Georges Etoka, Clerk, Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food
Tel: (613) 943-7371 or visit the Committeee's Web site at: /CommitteeBusiness/Default.aspx?Language=E&Mode=1&Parl=39&Ses=2"left" valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> E-mail: