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PACP Committee News Release

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Standing Committee on Public Accounts
house of commons
K1A 0A6

Comité permanent des comptes publics

For immediate release


Chapter 8 of the November 2006 Report of the Auditor General of Canada (Allocating Funds to Regulatory Programs-Health Canada)

Ottawa, June 06, 2007 -

Without Better Management of Regulatory Programs, Canadians’ Safety May be at Risk: Committee Report

Health Canada does not know what level of regulatory activities are needed to protect Canadians, according to a report of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts tabled in the House of Commons today by Chair Shawn Murphy, MP.

The Committee studied a report of the Auditor General of several regulatory programs managed by Health Canada. The audit found that program managers had indicated that some core activities were insufficient to protect Canadians. In addition, none of the programs studied had program baselines, which specify the level of activities required to meet the government’s regulatory responsibilities and the resources needed.

The Committee is encouraged that Health Canada is taking action. Nonetheless, as lessons from this audit can be applied across the government, the Committee recommended that all government regulatory programs have program baselines.

“The most vital role of government is to protect the health and safety of its citizens,” said Mr. Murphy. “Yet, the government does not know what activities are needed to protect Canadians, nor does it listen to its program managers who identify gaps. The government must to more to preserve the confidence of Canadians that their health and safety is not at risk. ”

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For more information, please contact:
Georges Etoka, Clerk of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts
Tel: 613-996-1664