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FEWO Committee Report

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Dissenting Opinion —
of the Conservative Party

Administrative Efficiencies to the Status of Women Canada


  • Whereas Canada’s New Government believes in the full participation of women in Canadian society and will continue to support them to through programs that are managed efficiently and;
  • Whereas in Budget 2006, Canada’s New Government promised to review our programs to ensure every taxpayer dollar spent achieves results, provides value for money and meets the needs of Canadians. We kept our commitment and are delivering results and;
  • Whereas the administrative changes at Status of Women Canada will save $5M for 2007-2008 and;
  • Whereas program funding for women will not be cut and;
  • Whereas the administrative savings will allow Canada’s New Government to focus on initiatives that directly help women by combating violence against women and girls, and contribute to their economic well-being and;
  • Whereas after years of Liberal mismanagement Canadians expect their Government to manage the Federal Budget responsibly and make a difference in the lives of Canadian women and;
  • Whereas women are equal under Canadian law. Therefore, the Terms and Conditions of the Women’s Program which have not been changed since 1973 were renewed by Canada’s New Government with focused and specific language aimed at directly helping women in their communities.