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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 38th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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38th Parliament, 1st Session   (October 4, 2004 - November 29, 2005)  Current Session
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R-CALF see Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)--Trade dispute; Livestock industry--Crisis

Rabin, Yitzhak see Israel

Rabinovitch, Robert see Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

Rabinovitch, Victor see Canadian Museum of Civilization

Rabot, Philippe see Review Tribunals Commission

Race car driving

    >>World Driving Championship, 2005 Canadian representative Jody Jamieson, congratulating, S.O. 31, 6329(104:1405)

Racial profiling

    >>Eliminating, making illegal, etc., 414(8:1800), 423(9:1030), 424(9:1040), 1512(27:1010), 5186(84:1140)
    >>>S.O. 31, 4363(71:1410)
    >>>See also Elimination of Racial Profiling Act (Bill C-296)
    >>See also Border, Canadian--Security concerns--United States security concerns

Racism see Discrimination and racism

Radar bases see Contaminated sites--Peawanuck First Nation

RADARSAT see Remote sensing satellites--Regulation

Radio Canada see Canadian Heritage Standing Committee--Reports, Seventh

Radio Canada International see Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)--Ukrainian programming

Radio frequency

    >>Interference, illegal activity, amateur radio operators concerns, petitions, 1503(73:1535)

Radio licence fees

    >>Excessive for volunteer fire departments/search and rescue groups, S.O. 31, 4697(76:1410)

Radio stations

    >>Radiomédia stations, sale, impact, CKAC station closure, CRTC decision, o.q., 3354(54:1450), 3833(62:1455)
    >>>CRTC decision, appeal, o.q., 3649(59:1450)
    >>See also see CHOI-FM radio station; École du Bois-joli de Trois-Rivières; Satellite radio

Radiomédia stations--Radio stations

Radwanli, Georges see Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation

Radwanski, George see Income tax--Wealthy Canadians; Privacy Commissioner

Rae, Bob see Air India--Flight 182, Independent review--Flight 182, Inquiry; Ontario--New Democratic Party government (Rae)

Rae days see Ontario--New Democratic Party government (Rae)

RAI International

    >>Italian television broadcaster
    >>>Launch, June 2, 2005, o.q., 6560-1(107:1440-45)
    >>>Canadians, access, Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), decision, undue Cabinet influence, 1466-7(25:2200-5)
    >>>>o.q., 388(8:1445), 489(10:1450-5)

Rail transportation/railways

    >>Alaska-Canada Rail Corridor Conference, 10193(159:1310)
    >>>S.O. 31, 4868(79:1400)
    >>Communities, impact, switching engines, noise, etc., Canadian Transportation Agency (CTA) powers, 507(10:1645), 10192-3(159:1300-5), 10194(159:1315), 10225(159:1630-5), 10227(159:1650), 10228-32(159:1700-35), 10234-5(159:1755-1800), 10236(159:1810)
    >>>New Westminster, BC, 10196(159:1335)
    >>Double tracking
    >>>BC Progress Board recommendation, 9234(144:1250)
    >>>Tax incentives, providing, trade with United States factor, 2916(47:1250)
    >>Economic role, S.O. 31, 1151(21:1415)
    >>Freight shipments, derailments/environmental protection, 10225-6(159:1635-40)
    >>Freight rates, competitive connection rate, 10220(159:1555)
    >>Intermodality, importance, 10234(159:1750)
    >>Langley, BC, rail link to Deltaport container facility, traffic impact, etc., 628(12:1720), 9758-9(151:1635-40), 9759(151:1645)
    >>>S.O. 31, 8719(137:1415)
    >>Light rail see Ottawa, ON--Public transit
    >>New Westminster, BC, rail bridge, 9262(144:1545), 9279(144:1805), 9759(151:1645)
    >>>See also Rail transportation/railways--Communities
    >>Operating conditions, 750(15:1020)
    >>>Sanitation, waste disposal, 10237(159:1815-20)
    >>Quebec, Matapédia-Chandler rail line, future, S.O. 31, 10202(159:1400)
    >>Rail workers, work/rest hours, changes, impact, studies, M. for the Production of Papers (P-4) (Desjarlais), accepted and tabled, 8101(126:1515)
    >>Rocky Mountaineer, tourism service, VIA Rail Canada Inc., relationship, S.O. 31, 8849(139:1100)
    >>Safety/accidents, 10234(159:1750), 10237(159:1815)
    >>>Railcar reflectors, requiring, 9235(144:1300)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 3693(60:1105), 7807-8(123:1355)
    >>>Security officers, public complaints process, 10190(159:1250)
    >>>See Canadian National Railway Company (CNR)--Derailments
    >>Sale, urban transit authorities, right of first refusal, 10193(159:1305), 10231-2(159:1730)
    >>Symbolic importance, 10237(159:1820), 10238(159:1825)
    >>See also Canadian National Railway Company (CNR); Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR); Grain transportation; Ports/harbours--Montreal, QC; Public transit; Quebec Central Railway; Quebec Gatineau Railway; Tibet--Chinese occupation; VIA Rail Canada Inc.

Railcar reflectors see Rail transportation/railways--Safety/accidents

Railway Safety Act see Transportation Amendment Act (Bill C-44)

Rainbow Bridge see Border, Canadian--Niagara Falls, ON crossing

Rajotte, James (CPC--Edmonton--Leduc)


Ramadan, Ahmad Abou see Immigration/immigrants

Ranchers-Cattlemen Action Legal Fund see R-CALF

Randhawa, Jaswant Singh

    >>Community leader, legacy, Jaswant Singh Randhawa Foundation, post-secondary education, S.O. 31, 8391(131:1405)

Random Acts of Poetry Week

    >>Poets, reading/distributing poetry books, poetry, promoting, S.O. 31, 828(16:1405)

Rap performers see 50 cent (rap performer)

Raso, Natalie see Science and engineering fairs

Rat pack see Boudria--References

Ratansi, Yasmin (Lib.--Don Valley East)

    >>Aga Khan, S.O. 31, 6729(110:1410)
    >>Association of Women of India in Canada, S.O. 31, 9398(146:1410)
    >>Alzheimer's disease, M. (Kadis), 3596(58:1820)
    >>Asian Heritage Month, S.O. 31, 5850(95:1115)
    >>Bereaved Families of Ontario, S.O. 31, 9398(146:1410)
    >>Black History Month, S.O. 31, 3692(60:1105)
    >>Blood, o.q., 2936(47:1500)
    >>Budget 2005, o.q., 5931(96:1455)
    >>Budget deficit, 236(6:1645), 238(6:1655)
    >>Canada Corps, 237(6:1650)
    >>Canada-Ukraine parliamentary program, S.O. 31, 6403(105:1400)
    >>Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), o.q., 8328(130:1445)
    >>Canadian flag, S.O. 31, 3514(57:1355-1400)
    >>Canadian Forces, 237(6:1650)
    >>>S.O. 31, 778(15:1410)
    >>Canadian War Museum, S.O. 31, 5645(91:1405)
    >>Caregivers, 237(6:1645)
    >>Child care, 237(6:1645)
    >>>o.q., 6237(102:1500)
    >>Child pornography, 330(7:1615)
    >>Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation, 330(7:1615)
    >>Competitiveness, o.q., 8224(128:1445)
    >>Corporate income tax, o.q., 1229(22:1500)
    >>Courts, 330-1(7:1615-20)
    >>Criminal Code (protection of children and other vulnerable persons) and Canada Evidence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 330-1(7:1615-20)
    >>Department of Social Development Act (Bill C-22), 6488-90(106:1530-40), 6493(106:1605)
    >>Developing countries, 237(6:1650)
    >>Disabled and handicapped persons, 6490-1(106:1540-45)
    >>Dominican Republic, o.q., 2613(43:1155)
    >>Dystonia Medical Research Foundation Canada, S.O. 31, 2023(34:1410), 8674(136:1405)
    >>Economy/economic conditions, 236(6:1645)
    >>Encana Corporation, o.q., 8857(139:1140)
    >>Equalization payments, 236(6:1645), 919(17:1610), 2059-60(34:1810-25)
    >>Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (amdt.--fiscal equalization payments to the provinces and funding to the territories)(Bill C-24), 2059-60(34:1810-25)
    >>Fiscal imbalance (intergovernmental), 2060(34:1820)
    >>>M. on supply (Loubier), 919-20(17:1610-5), 921(17:1625)
    >>Fraud Awareness Month, S.O. 31, 2967(48:1405)
    >>Great Lakes, S.O. 31, 6929(113:1105)
    >>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), 237(6:1650)
    >>Health care, 236(6:1645)
    >>>o.q., 5154(83:1140-45)
    >>>S.O. 31, 26(3:1415)
    >>Health care funding, 236(6:1645), 919(17:1610), 2060(34:1815)
    >>>o.q., 4371(71:1455)
    >>HIV/AIDS, o.q., 2131(36:1500), 6939-40(113:1200)
    >>Holocaust, S.O. 31, 4442(72:1405)
    >>Housing, 237(6:1650), 609(12:1505)
    >>>o.q., 6563(107:1455)
    >>Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (amdt.--sponsorship of relative)(Bill C-272), 4482-3(72:1850-5)
    >>Immigration/immigrants, 4482-3(72:1850-5)
    >>>o.q., 9328(145:1455)
    >>International agreements, 7748-9(122:1810-5)
    >>International Women's Day, S.O. 31, 4111(67:1410)
    >>Middle East conflict, o.q., 3699(60:1140)
    >>Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994 and the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (amdt.)(Bill C-15), 1055-6(20:1135-40)
    >>Multiculturalism, o.q., 5408(87:1445)
    >>Municipalities, 237-8(6:1650-5)
    >>National Child Benefit, 920(17:1610)
    >>National Wildlife Week, S.O. 31, 5146-7(83:1100)
    >>Overfors, Sergeant Roy, S.O. 31, 2605-6(43:1115)
    >>Pakistan, o.q., 8610(135:1440)
    >>Parliament, S.O. 31, 5960-1(98:1105)
    >>Polio, S.O. 31, 8138(127:1405)
    >>Pope John Paul II, S.O. 31, 4739(77:1400)
    >>Privilege, rights of Members breached (Ratansi), 1162-3(21:1525-30)
    >>Procedure, Members' remarks, 609(12:1505)
    >>Public transit, 237(6:1650)
    >>References see Terrorism--United States foreign policy
    >>Refugees, S.O. 31, 7423(119:1410)
    >>Senior citizens, 237(6:1650)
    >>>o.q., 8096-7(126:1445)
    >>Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), o.q., 727(14:1155)
    >>Sudan, o.q., 3699(60:1140)
    >>Taiwan, 5983(99:1130)
    >>Taiwan Affairs Act (Bill C-357), 5983(99:1125)
    >>Tax reductions, 237-8(6:1655)
    >>Telecommunications Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37), 3160-1(51:1525-30)
    >>Telemarketing, 3160-1(51:1525-30)
    >>Terrorism, 1162(21:1525), 1163(21:1530)
    >>Throne Speech, Address in reply, M. (Silva), 236-8(6:1645-55)
    >>Treaties Act (Bill C-260), 7748-9(122:1810-5)
    >>Tsunami (Asia, December 2004), S.O. 31, 3147(51:1405)
    >>Veterans, S.O. 31, 3824(62:1405), 6116(101:1405)
    >>Victims of crime, S.O. 31, 8850(139:1100)
    >>Voyeurism, 330(7:1615)
    >>Woodward, Wing Commander Vernon, S.O. 31, 8503(133:1405)
    >>World Health Day, S.O. 31, 5096(82:1400)
    >>World Refugee Day, S.O. 31, 7423(119:1410)
    >>Year of the Veteran, S.O. 31, 8503(133:1405)

Ratcliffe, James see Firefighters--Deaths in line of duty

Ratzinger, Cardinal Joseph see Pope Benedict XVI

RAV Project see Richmond-Airport-Vancouver Rapid Transit Project (RAV Project)

Raymond Klibansky Prize

    >>Recipient Dr. Steven High, granted by Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences, S.O. 31, 2841(46:1405)

Raytheon Company see National Missile Defence system (NMD)(United States)--Canadian participation, Goose Bay, NL radar site proposal

RCAF see Royal Canadian air Force (RCAF)

RCMP see Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)

Read, Gordon see Canadian Forces--Pensions

Real income see Income

Reasonable doubt see Courts

Reasonable expectation of profit rule see Business expenses

Recidivism see Criminals/offenders

Recognisance with conditions see Justice system--Investigative hearings and recognisance with conditions

Recognition and Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms Act and Constitution Act, 1867 (amdt.)(Bill C-235)--Breitkreuz

    >>First reading, 611-2(12:1520)
    >>See also Property rights--Constitutional entrenchment

RECOL see Reporting Economic Crime Online (RECOL)

Reconnaissance see Canadian Forces--Intelligence

Reconnaissance Estrie awards see Usinatech Inc.

Recreation see Canadian Tire Foundation for Families

Recycling see Automobiles/motor vehicles

Red Crescent societies see International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

Red Cross

    >>Arthabaska Red Cross, tribute, S.O. 31, 1594(28:1110)
    >>See also Canadian Red Cross

Red Cross Humanitarian Award see Smithers, Fred

Red Cross societies see International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

Red Deer College Kings see Volleyball

Red Deer constituency

    >>Mills re-election, thanking constituents, 116(4:1640)

Red Hill Creek Expressway (Ontario) see Environmental assessment

Red River Floodway

    >>Expansion, workers/companies, forced unionization, federal-provincial cost sharing factor
    >>>o.q., 3398(55:1145), 5768-9(93:1150)
    >>>S.O. 31, 5647(91:1415)
    >>Federal government role, S.O. 31, 2305(39:1405)

Red River, Manitoba see Devils Lake, North Dakota--Inter-basin transfer

Redekopp, Albert

    >>Community activist, lawyer, Kildonan--St. Paul constituency, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 3148(51:1410)

Redman, Hon. Karen (Lib.--Kitchener Centre)

Reesor Siding incident see Spruce Falls Power and Paper Company

Référence Espoir see Poverty-Reducing

Referendum Act (amdt.)(Bill C-224)--Martin, Pat

    >>First reading, 498(10:1540)
    >>See also Electoral reform

Referendum of Light see Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)--Mayerthorpe, AB detachment, Families concerns

Referendums see Electoral reform; European Union--France referendum on constitution; Iraq--Constitution; Marriage--Same-sex couples; Quebec separation/sovereignty

Reform Party see Nisga'a Final Agreement--Conservative Party of Canada/Reform Party

Refugees (within Canada)

    >>Assault by Toronto, ON police officer, lenient sentence, 8108(126:1610)
    >>Canadian acceptance rate, international comparison, 5544(89:1930), 5545(89:1935)
    >>Canadian ranking by United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), o.q., 6611(108:1150), 7812(123:1425)
    >>Cherfi, Mohamed, arrest in Quebec City, QC church, deportation to United States, return to Canada possibility, 3679-80(59:1825-30)
    >>>o.q., 1011(19:1500), 3157(51:1500), 3759(61:1455-500), 6610-1(108:1150)
    >>>Canada informing country of origin of claim, 2681(44:1640)
    >>>Documents, lack, 8635(135:1745)
    >>>Sanctuary in churches, 537-8(11:1155-200)
    >>>>o.q., 489(10:1450), 1082(20:1445)
    >>>>Pecelj, Sanja, Kosovo refugee claimant, 547-8(11:1310)
    >>>Senior immigration staff authority to deport claimants, 2487-8(42:1005)
    >>>>See also Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (amdt.--deportation of refugee claimants)(Bill C-315)
    >>>See also Refugees--Cherfi--Iranian activist--Kaggwa, Edith--Lao Cheong Sing--Palestinians; Security certificates--Use
    >>Determination process
    >>>Appeal process, 538-9(11:1200), 2682-3(44:1655)
    >>>>Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) appeal division, establishment, government not implementing legislation, 5543-5(89:1930-5), 6169-70(101:2020-5), 6177(101:2115-20)
    >>>>>o.q., 2607(43:1120), 4038(66:1440), 4273(69:1445-50), 4370(71:1450-5), 4630(75:1515), 7812(123:1420-5), 7929(124:1435), 8803(138:1455-500), 9529(148:1145), 9742-3(151:1455-500), 10038(156:1435-40)
    >>>>>Petitions, 5217(84:1520), 6129(101:1520), 6487(106:1520), 6696(110:1015), 10219(159:1545)
    >>>>>S.O. 31, 2657(44:1410), 2658(44:1410), 4192(68:1410)
    >>>>o.q., 489(10:1450), 7541(120:1450)
    >>>Backlog, reduction, 6169(101:2020), 6177(101:2115)
    >>>Effectiveness, 8042(125:1810)
    >>>Reform, 6176-7(101:2110-5)
    >>>>o.q., 489(10:1450)
    >>>See also Visitors to Canada--Visas, Sponsors posting bonds
    >>Family reunification, 2638-9(44:1140-5)
    >>>Canadian Council for Refugees report, No Faster Way, S.O. 31, 828(16:1405)
    >>Government policy, reforming, S.O. 31, 7422(119:1405)
    >>Iranian activist, deportation from Vancouver, BC to Iran, risk to life, etc.
    >>>o.q., 2611(43:1145), 2662(44:1435)
    >>>S.O. 31, 2657(44:1410)
    >>Jaballah, Mahmoud, claimant from Egypt, detention on security certificate, petitions, 2263(38:1215)
    >>Kaggwa, Edith, deportation to Uganda, possibility, S.O. 31, 10108(157:1410)
    >>Lai, Cheong Sing, refugee claim, deportation to China, hearing, Tao Mi deputation, letter to Esta Resnick, disappearance, etc., 5987-8(99:1205), 8564(134:1215)
    >>Number admitted
    >>>Increase, o.q., 9742-3(151:1500)
    >>>Percentage of immigrants, 6176(101:2110), 6177(101:2120)
    >>>Brothers, Ahmed and Mohamed Nafaa, one accepted, one deported, o.q., 2109(35:1450)
    >>>Deportations, o.q., 2033(34:1500)
    >>>See also Palestine/Palestinians
    >>Postage stamp commemorating see Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee--Reports, Fifteenth
    >>Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program, processing delays, 538(11:1155)
    >>>o.q., 390(8:1500)
    >>Sponsored refugees, 2635(44:1120)
    >>>Backlog, 6186(101:2230-5)
    >>>Best in world, United Nations view, 6170(101:2025)
    >>>Reform, 2785(45:1700)
    >>>>o.q., 565(11:1455), 2662(44:1440)
    >>>>See also Refugees--Determination process
    >>United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) role
    >>>S.O. 31, 7423(119:1410)
    >>>See also Refugees--Canadian ranking by United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR)
    >>United States claimants, criminals, etc., o.q., 1084(20:1455)
    >>Vega, Alvaro, Colombian human rights activist, and family, application denied, S.O. 31, 674(13:1415)
    >>Vietnamese boat people
    >>>Accepting, petitions, 7509(120:1130), 8275(129:1210)
    >>>Anniversary, 25th, 6190-1(101:2305)
    >>See also Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation--Refugee from Afghanistan; Hungary--Revolution of 1956; Immigration/immigrants--Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)--Canada-United States safe third country agreement--Family class, Relatives outside family class--Ratio; Immigration and Refugee Protection Act; Jaffer--References; Philippines--Vietnamese refugees/boat people; Sudan--Darfur region conflict; Word Refugee Day; World War II--Jewish refugees; Wrzesnewskyj--References

Regan, Carley see Traffic accidents--Failure to stop at scene

Regan, Hon. Geoff (Lib.--Halifax West; Minister of Fisheries and Oceans)

Regina SK see Airports--Rent paid to federal government; Auto theft; Government grants and contributions; Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)--Training

Regional and rural development

    >>Atlantic Innovation Fund, 174(5:1020), 540(11:1215)
    >>Atlantic provinces, 86(4:1310), 87(4:1320), 6046(100:1020)
    >>>Business Expertise--Rural Atlantic Canada program, S.O. 31, 3222(52:1400)
    >>Community economic development, social and environmental aspects, 2353-4(40:1040)
    >>Conservative Party policy, 1264(23:1035-40), 1266(23:1050)
    >>Eastern Ontario pilot program, 1909(32:1315-20), 2920-1(47:1320)
    >>>Budget 2004 measure, 3108(50:1220)
    >>Economic strategy, Throne Speech statement, 9(2:1630), 174(5:1020)
    >>Employment insurance, relationship, 1736(30:1520), 6317(104:1245), 6888(112:1340)
    >>Funding announcements, prohibition during election campaigns, 6275(103:1030), 6276-7(103:1040-5), 6278(103:1055), 6292(103:1210)
    >>Funds, transfer through other organizations, commissions paid, sponsorship program comparison, 3842(62:1600)
    >>Newfoundland and Labrador, youth, out-migration, combatting, 576(11:1615)
    >>Northern Ontario
    >>>Diversification, 584-5(11:1715-20)
    >>>Government measures, etc., S.O. 31, 7924(124:1405)
    >>Regional development agencies
    >>>Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA), Canada Economic Development (Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec), Western Economic Diversification Department, mandates, comparison, 1263-4(23:1035-40), 1357(24:1745)
    >>>Budget 2005 funding, 4428(72:1225)
    >>>Budgets, r.o., 2863(46:1525)
    >>>Conservative Party position, 7472(119:2020)
    >>>Government funding, 4415(72:1045)
    >>>Information disclosure, distribution of government support funds, website publication, r.o., 5976(98:1235)
    >>>See also Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA); Canada Economic Development (Economic Development Agency for the Regions of Quebec); Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation; Federal Economic Development Initiative in Northern Ontario (FedNor)
    >>Southern Ontario, funding, lack, 7291(117:1600)
    >>See also Public Service--Decentralization; Quebec; Saguenay--Lac-Saint-Jean region, QC--Regional investment fund

Regional development agencies see Regional and rural development

Regional development banks (international)

    >>Canadian participation, report for 2002 and 2003, tabled, 7188(116:1505)

Regional peacekeeping forces see Canadian Forces--Peacekeeping role


    >>Equality of treatment, Conservative Party position, 7302(117:1720)
    >>See also Economic and Fiscal Update 2005; Employment insurance; Gasoline prices--Increase; Immigration/immigrants

Registered education savings plans (RESPs) see Education, post-secondary; Bankruptcy

Registered pension plans see Pensions

Registered retirement savings plans (RRSPs)

Registrar of Lobbyists see Lobbyists

Regroupement des auberges du coeur du Québec see Homelessness--Lanaudière region

Regroupement des événements majeurs internationaux du Québec see Festivals

Regroupement des organismes socio-communautaires de Beauport

    >>Fundraising activities, tribute, S.O. 31, 379(8:1400)


    >>Deregulation see Jetsgo Corporation--Cessation of operations
    >>External Advisory Committee on Smart Regulation, 5901(95:1710)
    >>Government regulatory process see Scrutiny of Regulations Standing Joint Committee--Reports, First
    >>Review/disallowance, Statutory Instruments Act (amdt.--disallowance procedure for statutory instruments)(Bill C-205) (2nd Session, 37th Parliament), 2622(43:1250)
    >>Smart regulations, 622(12:1640), 7569(120:1820)
    >>>See also Regulations--External Advisory Committee on Smart Regulation
    >>Streamlining, 2901(47:1100), 7126(115:1835)
    >>See also Banks and financial institutions--Governance; Energy; First Nations/Indians--Commercial and industrial development; Food safety; Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing; Legislative process; Provinces--Resource rich provinces; Remote sensing satellites; Securities industry

Rehabilitation see Drug and substance abuse--Treatment and rehabilitation; Parole; Penitentiaries--Management

Reid, Hon. John see Information Commissioner

Reid, Michael John see Impaired driving

Reid, Norman, see World War II--Prisoners of war

Reid, Robert see Yarmouth Fire Department--Volunteer firefighters

Reid, Scott (CPC--Lanark--Frontenac--Lennox and Addington)

Reid, Scott (Director of Communications, PMO) see Prime Minister's Office; Privilege--Rights of Members breached (Gallant)

Relatives see Immigration/immigrants--Family class

Relay for Life see Canadian Cancer Society

Relief Aid International see Tsunami (Asia, December 2004)--Sri Lanka

Relief for heating expenses program

    >>Auditor General's 2001 report findings, 7328(117:2025)

Religion see Baptists; Churches; Citizenship--Citizenship ceremonies; Marriage--Same-sex couples; Pakistan; Sexual relations--Marriage

Religious freedom

    >>Preserving, S.O. 31, 7925(124:1410)
    >>See also Charitable organizations--Political partisanship; France; Health care providers--Refusal to take part in procedures that offend their religion or belief that human life is inviolable; Marriage--Same-sex couples; Vietnam--Canadian aid

Religious symbols see Sikh Canadians--France ban on religious symbols

Relizon Canada

    >>Drummondville, QC branch plant, Grands Prix québécois de la qualité honourable mention, S.O. 31, 556(11:1405)

Remembrance Day National Flag Act (Bill C-210)--Stoffer

    >>First reading, 439(9:1210)
    >>See also Remembrance Day/Veterans Week--Canadian flag

Remembrance Day/Veterans Week

    >>Canadian flag
    >>>Bloc Québécois Member of Parliament Bellavance refusing to provide to Royal Canadian Legion
    >>>>o.q., 1277(23:1155)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 1269(23:1110)
    >>>Flying at half-mast on Remembrance Day, 439(9:1210)
    >>>>See also Remembrance Day National Flag Act (Bill C-210)
    >>Coins, Royal Canadian Mint issuing "quarters" with red poppy in centre, 1161(21:1510)
    >>>Tim Hortons distributing, government paying costs, o.q., 3453(56:1450)
    >>Holiday on Remembrance Day, establishing, 1511-2(27:1105)
    >>>Petitions, 6013-4(99:1510), 8100(126:1510), 9622(150:1005), 10049(156:1630)
    >>>See also Holidays Act (amdt.--Remembrance Day)(Bill C-295)
    >>In Flanders Fields, students reading, S.O. 31, 9178(143:1400)
    >>Recognition, Ontario and Quebec not recognizing Remembrance Day, 3859(62:1840)
    >>Veterans, honouring, 694(13:1635), 699(13:1700), 707(13:1810)
    >>>Moments of silence, 1162(21:1525), 9410(146:1525)
    >>>S.O. 31, 1149(21:1149), 1219(22:1400), 1268-9(23:1105-10), 1269(23:1110), 9475(147:1400), 9476(147:1405), 9521(148:1100), 9522(148:1105)
    >>>Statement by Minister (Graham), 9408-10(146:1510-25)
    >>>Statement by Minister (Guarnieri), 1161-2(21:1510-25)
    >>VIA Rail Canada Inc. Remembrance Day Train, S.O. 31, 9736(151:1420)
    >>See also War memorials; World War II--Italian campaign

Remission orders see Textile and clothing industry--Crisis, Tariffs

Remote sensing satellites