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PROC Committee Report

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Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs House of Commons Crest

K1A 0A6
Comité permanent de la procédure et des affaires de la Chambre

February 23, 2005

The Hon. Peter Milliken, M.P.
Speaker of the House of Commons
Chair, Board of Internal Economy
Room 222-N, Centre Block
House of Commons
Ottawa, Canada
K1A 0A6

Dear Mr. Speaker:

I am writing to you on behalf of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs.

As you will recall, Mr. Michel Guimond, M.P., raised a question of privilege in the House of Commons on November 22, 2004, involving an advertisement by a former Member of Parliament, and you subsequently ruled that the advertisement constituted a prima facie breach of the privileges of the House. The Committee has studied this matter, and intends to table a report in the House. After considering the testimony and correspondence, the Committee has concluded that the advertisement that is the subject of the question of privilege was published in error, and that there was no intention on the part of any of the parties to misrepresent the former Member of Parliament as the Member for Beauharnois—Salaberry. While no breach of privilege was established, members of the Committee do have unresolved questions and concerns about the issues raised by the case. Mr. William Corbett, the Clerk of the House, appeared briefly before the Committee on February 15, 2005 to discuss this matter.

In order to minimize the chances of similar incidents arising in the future, the Committee urges that the Board of Internal Economy review this area, and provide greater guidance and assistance to Members in the future. In particular, the responsibilities of departing Members and of the House Administration with respect to on-going or future commitments, such as advertising, signage and Web sites, need to be clarified. Furthermore, the Committee recommends that the Manual of Members’ Allowances and Services be reviewed, expanded and clarified regarding the obligations and responsibilities of Members who do not seek re-election or are not re-elected. It would appear to be in the interests of all concerned to prevent confusion and ill-feeling that can result in what are inherently difficult situations.

Thank you very much for your consideration and cooperation in this matter.


Yours sincerely,

Hon. Don Boudria, P.C., M.P.