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AANO Committee Report

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I am very honoured to present the Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development's Fifth Report, entitled Walking Arm-in-Arm to Resolve the Issue of On-Reserve Matrimonial Real Property. This important initiative was undertaken at the request of the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Andy Scott. The Committee heard from a wide variety of witnesses who presented valid points of view and suggested directions they wished taken. We were enriched by their contributions and I thank them for the knowledge and assistance.

I am also encouraged by the Aboriginal Retreat held May 31st, 2005 with the Prime Minister of Canada, Paul Martin, the Cabinet Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and the five National Aboriginal Organizations.  The Political Accords signed by the NAO leaders and the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development will chart a new direction in the important relationships between Canada and the First Peoples of this great country. I believe this development will make it more possible to move on this important file of on-reserve matrimonial real property and come to a resolution that will help the First Nations affected by the current gap in the legislative options, especially women and children.

I want to thank all the people who have helped us with this study, especially the members, clerk and analysts of our committee.



Nancy Karetak-Lindell, M.P.