The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 37th Parliament, 3rd Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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Wages see Bankruptcy; Child/family poverty--Minimum wages; National Defence Department
Wal-Mart Canada see Juno Beach Centre (World War II Memorial)
Walk for Hope see Rwanda--Rwanda Children's Fund Scholarship Program
Wallaceburg, ON see Baldoon Bicentennial
Wappel, Tom (Lib.--Scarborough Southwest)
- >>Abortion, petitions, 3116(54:1010)
>>Contraventions Act and Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (amdt.)(Bill C-10), 1020(17:1810)
>>Fisheries, M. (Hearn), 1317-8(23:1555-1605)
>>Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee, 1925(33:1655)
>>Food, 275-7(5:1330-50)
>>Food and Drugs act (amdt.--food labelling)(Bill C-398), 275-7(5:1330-50), 1897(32:1735), 1901-2(32:1805-10)
>>Interparliamentary delegations, 3115(54:1005)
>>Marriage, petitions, 3116(54:1010)
>>>Bills, Private Members Public, 1897(32:1735)
>>>Divisions, recorded, 1020(17:1810)
War crimes see Demirovic, Dejan; Sri Lanka--Political situation
War Measures Act see Chippewas of Kettle/Stony Point First Nation; Chippewas of Sarnia First Nation
War on drugs see Drug and substance abuse
Wascana Lake
Regina, SK, dredging, funding, qu., 1637(28:1525)
Washington, DC see Trade with United States--Team Canada Atlantic; United States--Canadian Embassy
Wasylycia-Leis, Judy (NDP--Winnipeg North Centre)
- >>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 1648(28:1645), 2954(51:1315)
>>Aboriginal self-government, 2955(51:1320)
>>Alcoholic beverages, petitions, 263(5:1205), 445(8:1545), 1263(22:1530), 1314(23:1535), 1458(25:1210), 1636(28:1530), 1808(31:1515), 1927(33:1705), 2428(42:1025), 2685(46:1505), 3000(52:1010)
>>Arar, Maher, o.q., 382(7:1445)
>>Bank Act (amdt.--branch closures)(Bill C-501), 1667(29:1010)
>>Banks and financial institutions, 1667(29:1010)
>>Bélair, references, 3131(54:1200)
>>Breast Implant Registry, 1806(31:1505)
>>Breast Implant Registry Act (Bill C-507), 1806(31:1505)
>>Budget 2004, M. for approval (Goodale), 1646-50(28:1630-1700)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2004 (Bill C-30), 1960-2(34:1215-25), 2767-70(47:1620-40)
>>Budget surplus, 660(12:1200), 1962(34:1225)
>>Canada, 2768(47:1630)
>>Canada Pension Plan (CPP), 975(17:1215)
>>>qu., 2715(47:1005)
>>Canada Pension Plan Investment Board
>>>M. on supply (Martin, Pat), 974-7(17:1210-30)
>>>o.q., 1450(25:1120-5)
>>Child care, 199(4:1330), 1961(34:1220), 1962(34:1225)
>>Child/family poverty, 2769-70(47:1630-40)
>>Child pornography, petitions, 263(5:1205)
>>Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada (Romanow), petitions, 445(8:1540), 3117(34:1015)
>>Conservative Party, 660-2(12:1200-20)
>>Corporate income tax, o.q., 1307(23:1445)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--proceedings under section 258)(Bill C-452), 1659-60(28:1635-40)
>>Discrimination and racism, S.O. 31, 1701(29:1410)
>>Drug and substance abuse, o.q., 2224(38:1500)
>>Economy/economic conditions, 660(12:1200), 2768-9(47:1630)
>>>S.O. 31, 751(13:1415), 1037(18:1415)
>>Election promises, 660(12:1200)
>>Elections, 2768(47:1625), 3132(54:1215)
>>Employment insurance, 1961(34:1220)
>>Employment insurance account, 2770(47:1640)
>>Excise Tax Act (amdt.)(Bill C-488), 1076-7(19:1010)
>>Excise Tax Act (amdt.--literacy materials)(Bill C-525), 2829(49:1000)
>>Feminine hygiene products, 1076(19:1010)
>>First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management Act (Bill C-23), 2953-5(51:1310-20)
>>First Nations/Indians, 2953-5(51:1310-20)
>>Foreign aid, o.q., 1802(31:1440)
>>Gagliano, Hon. Alfonso, 1512(26:1505)
>>Gender equality, S.O. 31, 2459(42:1410)
>>Government expenditures, 2768(47:1625)
>>>o.q., 2967(51:1445)
>>Guité, Charles (Chuck), 1988(34:1515), 3133-4(54:1225-30)
>>Health care, 1962(34:1225), 2767(47:1620), 2768(47:1625)
>>>o.q., 1870-1(32:1425)
>>>Petitions, 264(5:1205)
>>Health care funding, 1631(28:1445-50), 1648(28:1640), 1961(34:1220)
>>Health care providers, 1648(28:1645)
>>HIV/AIDS, petitions, 2345-6(40:1205), 2314(43:1515)
>>Holocaust Memorial Day (Yom Hashoa), S.O. 31, 2065(36:1405)
>>Housing, 1649(28:1645)
>>Immigration/immigrants, 453(8:1635)
>>>Petitions, 1927(33:1710), 2226(38:1510), 3000(52:1010), 3117(54:1015)
>>Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (amdt.--sponsorship of relative) (Bill C-436), 2495-7(42:1835-40)
>>Impaired driving, 1659-60(28:1835-40)
>>Income, 2769(47:1630)
>>Infrastructure, 1650(28:1655)
>>Lill, references, 3131(54:1205)
>>Literacy, 2829(49:1000)
>>Lobbyists, 660(12:1205)
>>Marriage, petitions, 1314(23:1535)
>>Municipalities, 453(8:1635)
>>Myanmar (Burma), petitions, 2830(49:1010)
>>National debt, 1647(28:1635), 1650(28:1655), 1960-1(34:1215-20), 2769(47:1635)
>>New Democratic Party (NDP), 661(12:1215), 1961-2(34:1225)
>>Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.)(Bill C-24), 1459-60(25:1215)
>>Pensions, 975(17:1210-5)
>>Petro-Canada, 1647(28:1640)
>>Poverty, 2767(47:1620)
>>Privatization, 1647(28:1640), 1649(28:1655)
>>>Contempt of Parliament, 1512(26:1505)
>>>Contempt of Parliament (Gauthier), 1988(34:1515)
>>Public Service, 661(12:1215)
>>Radio Canada International, petitions, 2999-3000(52:1010)
>>Sponsorship program, 2768(47:1625)
>>>M. on supply (Hill, G.), 659-62(12:1200-20)
>>>M. on supply (MacKay), 31314(54:1205-30)
>>>o.q., 382(7:1440), 436(8:1445), 1401(24:1425), 2339(40:1125), 3035-6(52:1425-30)
>>Strum, Gladys, S.O. 31, 95(3:1410)
>>Student loans, o.q., 1980(34:1425)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Jobin), 199(4:1330), 232(4:1720), 453(8:1635)
>>Trans fats (trans fatty acids), petitions, 3000(52:1010)
>>Unemployment, 2768-9(47:1630)
>>Veterans Independence Program, qu., 2227(38:1515)
>>Virginia Fontaine Addictions Foundation, 3132-3(54:1215-25)
>>>o.q., 262(5:1155)
>>>S.O. 31, 253(5:110)
>>Women, 232(4:1720)
>>>o.q., 1213(21:1440-5), 2799-800(48:1445)
>>>S.O. 31, 1447(25:1105), 2793(48:1410)
Watches see Public Works and Government Services Department--Birks watches
Consumption, reducing, Corporation d'aménagement et de protection de la
Sainte-Anne project, government funding, S.O. 31, 2625(45:1100)
>>See also Aboriginal peoples/communities;
Yemen--Community water project in Rassib
Water quality/pollution
Canada-United States cooperation, Throne Speech statement, 3(1:1640)
>>Human right, Canada not designating, o.q., 1510-1(26:1455)
>>Inter-basin transfer, diversion, Devil's Lake, North Dakota to Red River and
Lake Winnipeg
>>>Martin, Paul, Prime Minister, discussing with President Bush during April
2004 meeting, o.q., 2583(44:1430)
>>>o.q., 2390(41:1440)
>>International system, integrated water management plans, need, S.O. 31,
>>National guidelines, establishing, federal-provincial cooperation, Throne
Speech statement, 8(1:1640)
>>Safety, drinking water
>>>Filtration systems, development, Technology Partnerships Canada investment,
S.O. 31, 1866(32:1400)
>>>First Nations communities, Throne Speech statement, 8(1:1640)
>>>International Joint Commission, referral, o.q., 2033(35:1150)
>>>Lake Memphrémagog, Coventry landfill, Vermont, expansion, impact,
2104-6(36:1830-40), 2324-5(39:1830-40)
>>>>o.q., 1875(32:1450)
>>>>S.O. 31, 1501(26:1405)
>>>Legislation, introducing, government intention, o.q., 104(3:1500)
>>>See also Developing countries--Drinking water
>>Shannon, Quebec, pollution from military base, TCE contamination of
groundwater, primary school water supply
>>>o.q., 319(6:1500), 2389(41:1435)
>>>S.O. 31, 2503(43:1410)
>>St. Clair River, oil, chemical spills, S.O. 31, 819(14:1410)
>>Tecam Sea, boat, pollution violations, enforcement, lack,
>>World Water Day, S.O. 31, 1501(26:1405)
>>See also Aquaculture--Fisheries Act;
Oil spills;
Pollution--Canada-United States transboundary issues;
Toxic/hazardous waste
Watercraft see Boats and watercraft--Personal watercraft; Personal Watercraft Act (Bill S-8)
Watergate see Sponsorship program--Advertising, Auditor General's Report, Nixon
Wayne, Elsie (CPC--Saint John)
- >>Abortion, 3029(52:1350)
>>Bills, government, reinstatement, M. (Saada), 371-2(7:1335-40)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 126(3:1735)
>>>S.O. 31, 988(17:1405), 1299(23:1405)
>>Chemical weapons, 126(2:1735)
>>Contraventions Act and Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (amdt.)(Bill C-10), 1064(18:1710-15)
>>Elections, M. on supply (Reynolds), 2436(42:1120), 2445-7(42:1235-50)
>>Electoral boundaries, 372(7:1340)
>>Ethics, 2558(44:1145)
>>Ethics Commissioner, 2558-9(44:1145)
>>Haiti, Committee take note, M. (Graham), 1340-1(23:1855-905)
>>Health care, 125-6(3:1730)
>>>M. on supply (Desjarlais), 3029(52:1350)
>>House of Commons proceedings, 371-2(7:1335)
>>Housing, 125(3:1725)
>>Korean War, o.q., 2870-1(49:1455)
>>Marijuana, 372(7:1335-40), 1064(18:1705)
>>Marine transportation security (ports, etc.), o.q., 2587(44:1450-5)
>>Marriage, petitions, 958(17:1015), 1049(18:1520), 1078(19:1020), 1926(33:1700)
>>Martin, Paul, references, 663(12:1225)
>>Merchant navy veterans, 126(3:1735)
>>Monarchy, 2446(42:1235-40)
>>National Day of Mourning, S.O. 31, 2504(43:1415)
>>National Defence Department
>>>o.q., 1405(24:1445-50)
>>>S.O. 31, 1299(23:1405)
>>Police, S.O. 31, 3030(52:1400)
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 1065(18:1710-5), 1119(19:1500), 2147(37:1500)
>>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, M. (Gallaway), 2558-9(44:1145)
>>References, 1958(34:1200), 3121(54:1045)
>>>Remarks re Torsney and Marceau being "high", 1064-5(18:1710-5), 1119(19:1500)
>>>Retirement as Member of Parliament, 3143(54:1350-55)
>>Regional development, 44-5(2:1300-5)
>>Retirement, 125(3:1725-30)
>>Sea King helicopters, S.O. 31, 55(2:1410)
>>Senior citizens, 125(3:1725-30), 126(3:1735)
>>Shipbuilding industry, 44(2:1300)
>>Sponsorship program, 510(9:1440)
>>>M. on supply (Hill, G.), 662-4(12:1220-35)
>>>M. on supply (MacKay), 3121(54:1040), 3141(54:1350-55)
>>>o.q., 678(12:1415-20)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, 44(2:1300), 125-7(3:1725-1810)
>>Veterans, S.O. 31, 750(13:1410)
>>Veterans benefits/pensions, o.q., 2870-1(49:1455)
>>Veterans hospitals, 127(3:1740)
>>Veterans Independence Program (VIP), 126(3:1730-40)
>>>o.q., 211(4:1450), 1632-3(28:1500)
>>>S.O. 31, 1397(24:1400), 1976(34:1405)
>>Wayne, references, 1064(18:1710-5), 1119(19:1500)
Ways and Means motions
Concurrence, agreed to, on recorded division, 1917-9(33:1520-40)
>>Notice, tabled, 1260(22:1515), 1806(31:1500), 1877(32:1500)
>>See also Excise Tax Act;
Tlicho Land Claims and Self-Government Act (Bill C-31)
Environmental element, 2004(34:1710-5)
>>See also Health--Economic situation
Weaponization of space see National Missile Defence system (NMD)(United States); Space preservation treaty
Non-proliferation, Canada-United States co-operation, 794(14:1050)
>>See also Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program);
Nuclear weapons;
Weaponization of space;
Weapons of mass destruction
Weapons of mass destruction
G-8 non-proliferation action plan, Canadian role, etc., 808-9(14:1245-50)
>>Proliferation, 737(12:2130), 795(14:1100)
>>United States expenditures, 747(12:2250)
>>See also Iraq
Weather forecasting see Meteorological Society of Canada
Weather stations see Meteorological Society of Canada
Web Awareness Day
February 19, 2004, Internet literacy promotion, S.O. 31, 817(14:1400)
Weir, Mike see Golf
Welfare see Drug trafficking--Son, Phu; Marijuana--Grow operations
Welland/Pelham Liberal Ladies' Association see Entrepreneurs/entrepreneurship--Women
Wellness see Health care
West Bank see Israel--Security wall in occupied territories
West coast ports see Labour disputes, strikes, lockouts--Arbitration
West Coast Ports Operations Act see Final Offer Arbitration in Respect of West Coast Ports Operations Act (Bill C-312)
West-Moynes, MaryLynn see Mohawk College
West Vancouver--Sunshine Coast constituency see Government grants and contributions
Westbank First Nation
Success, economic development, community facilities, etc., 2259(39:1015-20),
2272(39:1210), 2988(51:1720)
Westbank First Nation Self-Government Act (Bill C-11)--Minister of Indian
Affairs and Northern Development (Mitchell)
First reading, 469(9:1005)
>>Deemed read second time and referred to committee, 469(9:1005)
>>Aboriginal Affairs, Northern Development and Natural Resources Standing
Committee, reported with amdts., 1458(25:1205)
>>Report stage, 2107-36(37:1010-1355), 2162-3(37:1705)
>>>Concurrence, agreed to, on recorded division, 2249-50(38:1815-25)
>>>Motions, 2107-8(37:1010)
>>>>Agreed to, on recorded division, 2149(38:1815-25)
>>>>Negatived, 2249(38:1815-25)
>>>>Negatived, on recorded division, 2248-9(38:1805-15)
>>Third reading, 2257(39:1000), 2258-86(39:1010-1355), 2298-2311(39:1640),
agreed to, on recorded division, 2490-1(42:1805-10), passed.
>>Royal Assent, 2836(49:1045), Chap. 17, S.C. 2004
>>See also Westbank First Nation self-government agreement
Westbank First Nation Self-Government Act (Bill C-57)(2nd Sess., 37th Parl.)
Reinstated as Westbank First Nation Self-Government Act (Bill C-11)
Westbank First Nation self-government agreement
Implementation, provisions, etc., 336(6:1705-10), 2108-21(37:1010-150),
2122-36(37:1200-355), 2257-64(39:1010-105),
2268-86(39:1135-355), 2298-302(39:1505-35),
2310-1(39:1630-40), 2814(48:1620-5)
>>>Access to Information Act, exemption from, 2123-4(37:1210-5)
>>>Additions to reserve, requiring consent of City of Kelowna, BC, etc.,
2111-2(37:1030-5), 2113(37:1045), 2114-5(37:1055-100), 2127(37:1235),
2131-2(37:1310-5), 2260-1(39:1030), 2303(39:1540)
>>>Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and Canadian Human Rights Act,
relationship, 2108-11(37:1010-30), 2113-4(37:1050-5), 2115(37:1105),
2116(37:1110), 2118(37:1130), 2120(37:1140), 2121(37:1150), 2122(37:1200),
2123(37:1205), 2124-6(37:1215-30), 2130(37:1305), 2132-3(37:1325),
2135-6(37:1345-50), 2260(39:1025), 2261-2(39:1035), 2270(39:1145-50),
2273(39:1215), 2274-5(39:1220-5), 2276(39:1230), 2276(39:1240), 2278(39:1255),
2280-2(39:1305-15), 2282-3(39:1325-30), 2284(39:1340), 2299(39:1510),
2300(39:1515), 2303(39:1545), 2308(39:1620)
>>>Charlottetown Accord, relationship, 2128-9(37:1250)
>>>Criminal Code, relationship, 2260(39:1025), 2263(39:1055), 2274(39:1220),
>>>Gender issues, 2306-7(39:1615)
>>>Intoxicants, prohibiting, exemptions, marijuana factor, etc.,
2118(37:1125), 2267(39:1125), 2262(39:1040), 2276(39:1235)
>>>Matrimonial property rights, relationship, 2262-3(39:1045-50),
2275(39:1225), 2302(39:1530)
>>>Non-band members, role, rights, taxation, advisory council, etc.,
2116-8(37:1125), 2119(37:1135), 2120(37:1140-5)), 2126-7(37:1230-5),
2129(37:1255), 2130(37:1300-5), 2131-2(37:1315), 2133(37:1325),
2135-6(37:1345-50), 2260(39:1025), 2261(39:1035), 2269(39:1135-40),
2270(39:1150-5), 2273(39:1215), 2275(39:1225-30), 2276-7(39:1240-5),
2277-8(39:1250-5), 2279-80(39:1300-19), 2282(39:1320), 2285(39:1350),
2286(39:1355), 2299-301(39:1510-25), 2302(39:1535), 2308(39:1620)
>>>Property rights, relationship, 2275(39:1225), 2284-5(39:1335-40),
>>>Regulations exempt from scrutiny, 2118(37:1130), 2119(37:1135),
2286(39:1350-5), 2310(39:1635)
>>>Third order of government, race-based government, 2118(37:1130),
2119(37:1135), 2120(37:1145), 2123(37:1200-5), 2133(37:1325),
2278-9(39:1255), 2280-2(39:1310-5), 2285(39:1340-5), 2286(39:1355),
>>>Westbank constitution, relationship, 2259-60(39:1020-5), 2272-3(39:1210),
2302(39:1530), 2309(39:1625)
>>>Westbank First Nation vote, 195 to 170, 2126(37:1230), 2128-9(37:1250-5),
2135(37:1350), 2263(39:1050-5), 2272(39:1210), 2282(39:1320), 2283(39:1330-5),
>>>See also Westbank First Nation Self-Government Act (Bill C-11)
Western alienation
Avian flu outbreak, government response, "litmus test", 2200(37:2125),
>>Liberal government (Martin) addressing, 47(2:1320), 222-3(4:1605),
>>>Requiring election of Liberal Party Members of Parliament, 124(3:1725)
>>>Throne Speech, 80-81(2:1710), 147(3:2030)
>>See also Public Service--Hiring policies, Regional;
Senate--Reform, Elected
Western Economic Diversification Canada
Success, 451-3(8:1620-30)
>>Role, budget, 454(8:1640)
>>See also Canada-Saskatchewan Northern
Development Agreement;
Okanagan University College;
Olds College Centre for Innovation
Western provinces
Budget 2004 impact, 1891-3(32:1650-1700)
Wetaskiwin constituency
Agriculture/petrochemical industry, importance, 626-7(11:1625-40)
Wharves see Ports/harbours
Exports, Europe, Monsanto's Roundup Ready, other genetically modified
grains/organisms, approval, impact, 640-2(11:1815-20), 2711-3(46:1855-1905),
>>>o.q., 100-1(3:1440-45), 212(4:1455)
>>>Petitions, 762(13:1520-25)
>>>S.O. 31, 1865(32:1355)
>>See also Canadian Wheat Board
Whelan, Hon. Susan (Lib.--Essex)
- >>Border, Canadian, o.q., 1985(34:1455)
>>Child pornography, 953(16:1730)
>>Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation, 953(16:1730)
>>Children, 952-3(16:1730)
>>Commonwealth Day, S.O. 31, 1204(21:1355)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--protection of children and other vulnerable persons) and Canada Evidence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-12), 952-3(16:1730)
>>Disabled and handicapped persons, S.O. 31, 2746(47:1400)
>>Drug and substance abuse, 944(16:1625)
>>Forestry, o.q., 3079(53:1500)
>>Georgian Express Ltd.
>>>o.q., 63(2:1500)
>>>S.O. 31, 54(2:1405)
>>Marijuana, 943-5(16:1620-5)
>>Voyeurism, 953(16:1730)
Whirlpool Corporation see Employment insurance--Older workers; Program for Older Workers Adjustment (POWA)--Reinstating
Whistle blowers see Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports presented, First; Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act (Bill C-25); Public Service; Sponsorship program--Advertising, Auditor General's Report, Inquiry commission
White Cane Week see Canadian Council of the Blind
White, Portia
Black spiritual singer, Nova Scotia roots, death, tribute, S.O. 31,
White, Randy (CPC--Langley--Abbotsford)
- >>Age of consent (sexual relations), petitions, 22(2:1010)
>>Avian flu (bird flu), 1893(32:1700-5), 2736(47:1240)
>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52, 2077-8(36:1505), 2179-82(37:1855-1915), 2184(37:1930)
>>>o.q., 2073(36:1450)
>>>S.O. 31, 1699(29:1355)
>>Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), 2181(37:1905)
>>Budget 2004, M. for approval (Goodale), 1893(32:1700-05)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2004 (Bill C-30), 2154-6(37:1600-05), 2736(47:1240), 2744(47:1345)
>>Canada Elections Act and the Income Tax Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3), 1742(30:1020), 1744-8(30:1030-55)
>>Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, M. on supply (Martin, Pat), 977-9(17:1235-50)
>>Child sex offenders (pedophiles), 902-3(16:1140-50)
>>Contraventions Act and Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (amdt.)(Bill C-10), 905-6(16:1205-20), 1058-61(18:1625-50), 1236-7(21:1750), 1241-2(21:1820-5)
>>Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.)(Bill C-19), 946-7(16:1640-45)
>>Criminal Code and the Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--sexual assault on child--dangerous offenders)(Bill C-471), 902-3(16:1140-50)
>>Drug and substance abuse, 905(16:1210), 906(16:1215-20), 1059(18:1625), 1060(18:1645), 1236-7(21:1750), 1242(21:1825), 2744(47:1345)
>>Drug trafficking, 906(16:1215), 1061(18:1650)
>>>S.O. 31, 606(11:1410)
>>Education, post-secondary, 590-1(11:1230)
>>Elections, 670(12:1320)
>>Freedom of religion, petitions, 644(12:1010)
>>Government expenditures, 670-1(12:1320-25)
>>Highways and roads, 2155(37:1605)
>>Immigration/immigrants, 671(12:1325), 2155(37:1600)
>>Impaired driving, 1241(21:1820), 1242(21:1825)
>>Marijuana, 600(11:1335), 905-6(16:1205-20), 1058-61(18:1625-45), 1236-7(21:1750), 1241-2(21:1820-5)
>>>S.O. 31, 2747(47:1405)
>>Marriage, petitions, 22(2:1010), 619(11:1525), 644(12:1010)
>>Methamphetamine, 1237(21:1750)
>>National Parole Board, 946(16:1640), 947(16:1645)
>>Penitentiary inmates, 670(12:1320)
>>Procedure, Bills, Government, 905(16:1205)
>>Same-sex couples, petitions, 644(12:1010)
>>Senior citizens, 602(11:1355)
>>Sex offender registry, 903(16:1145), 2156(37:1605)
>>>Petitions, 22(2:1010), 618(11:1525)
>>Sex offenders, 902(16:1140), 947(16:1645)
>>Sponsorship program, M. on supply (Hill, G.), 669-71(12:1315-35), 1046(18:1500)
>>Traffic accidents, petitions, 618(11:1525), 1262(22:1530), 1668(29:1015)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Jobin), 590-1(11:1230), 600(11:1335), 602(11:1355)
>>Victims of crime, 946-7(16:1640-5)
White, Ted (CPC--North Vancouver)
- >>Aboriginal claims/land claims, 2119(37:1130)
>>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 2119(37:1130)
>>Aboriginal self-government, 2119(37:1135)
>>Australia, 2119(37:1130)
>>Canada Elections Act and the Income Tax Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3), 1764(30:1230), 1766(30:1245), 1768(30:1310)
>>Competitiveness, 1594(27:1325)
>>Corporate income tax, 1593(27:1320)
>>Customs tariff, 1583(27:1155-1200), 1586(27:1230), 1590(27:1300), 1591-2(27:1310), 1595(27:1340), 1611(27:1515)
>>Customs Tariff (amdt.)(Bill C-21), 1583(27:1155-1200), 1586(27:1230), 1589-94(27:1255-1325), 1595(27:1340), 1611(27:1515)
>>Democracy, 1764(30:1230)
>>Denim, 1583(27:1155)
>>Elections, 1748(30:1055)
>>>S.O. 31, 1037(18:1410)
>>Free trade, 1583(27:1155-1200), 1590-1(27:1300-10), 1593(27:1320)
>>Government, 1769(30:1310)
>>Government grants and contributions, 3125(54:1110)
>>Government subsidies, 1591(27:1305)
>>Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), 2284(39:1340)
>>Marriage, petitions, 618(11:1525)
>>Marine transportation, o.q., 1757(30:1145)
>>Morris, Daniel, 1611(27:1515)
>>Organ donations/transplants, S.O. 31, 2023(35:1055)
>>Political parties, 1592(27:1310-5), 1746-7(30:1045-50)
>>Protectionism, 1589-90(27:1255), 1592-3(27:1315-20)
>>Sponsorship program, M. on supply (MacKay), 3125(54:1110)
>>Westbank First Nation Self-Government Act (Bill C-11), 2118-9(37:1130-5), 2283-6(39:1335-55), 2302(39:1535)
WHO see World Health Organization (WHO)
Widows see Veterans Independence Program (VIP)
Wigs see Angel Hair for Kids
Wild ruminants see Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)--Hunting
Orphaned Wildlife Rehabilitation Society (OWL), avian flu, impact,
>>See also Fishing--Lead;
Marine Environment;
Species at risk (endangered species)
Wilfert, Bryon (Lib.--Oak Ridges)
- >>Bouey, Gerald, S.O. 31, 309(6:1405)
>>Broadcasting, 292-3(6:1155-1200)
>>Budget 2004, M. for approval (Goodale), 1782-6(31:1230-55)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2004 (Bill C-30), 2081-2(36:1530-40)
>>Budgets, 190(4:1220)
>>Cambodia, o.q., 2756(47:1455)
>>Conservative Party, 1782(31:1230)
>>Contaminated sites, 1784(31:1245)
>>Contraventions Act and Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (amdt.)(Bill C-10), 1020(17:1810)
>>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, 191(4:1225)
>>Electoral boundaries, 388(7:1520)
>>Ethics, S.O. 31, 2288(39:1405)
>>Ethics Commissioner, 388(7:1520)
>>Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program), 1786(31:1255)
>>Fiscal imbalance (intergovernmental), 191(4:1225)
>>Goods and Services Tax (GST), 1786(31:1255)
>>Government aircraft, 1785(31:1250)
>>Health care, 191(4:1225), 2082(36:1530-5)
>>Health care funding, 191(4:1225), 1783(31:1235), 1785(31:1250)
>>Holocaust Memorial Day (Yom Hashoa), S.O. 31, 2065(36:1410)
>>Hong Kong, o.q., 2467(42:1450)
>>Housing, 1784(31:1245)
>>Human Resources Development Department (HRDC), 1786(31:1255)
>>Immigration/immigrants, 1784(31:1245)
>>Infrastructure, 190-1(4:1220-30), 1783-5(31:1240-50)
>>International relations, 191(4:1225)
>>Interparliamentary delegations, 1941(34:1005), 3115(54:1005)
>>Jewellery, o.q., 3152(54:1445)
>>Municipalities, 190-2(4:1220-30), 1783-4(31:1235-45), 2082(36:1535)
>>Myanmar (Burma), o.q., 2967(51:1440)
>>National debt, 1782(31:1230), 1785(31:1250), 2081(36:1530)
>>Ontario, 1782(31:1230)
>>>Divisions, recorded, 1020(17:1810)
>>Property taxes, 192(4:1235)
>>Radiocommunication Act (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 292-3(6:1155-1200)
>>References see Municipalities
>>Research and development, 191(4:1225)
>>Tax reductions, 1784(31:1245)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Jobin), 190-2(4:1220-35)
>>Trade, o.q., 2802(48:1455)
>>United Nations, 191(4:1225)
>>>S.O. 31, 1204(21:1400)
>>Vietnam, o.q., 2756(47:1455)
Williams, John (CPC--St. Albert)
- >>Age of consent (sexual relations), petitions, 1050(18:1525)
>>Auditor General of Canada, 1941-2(34:1005)
>>Child pornography, petitions, 1050(18:1525)
>>Contraventions Act and Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (amdt.)(Bill C-10), 1241(21:1820)
>>Freedom of religion, petitions, 1050(18:1525)
>>Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions, r.o., 2397(41:1515)
>>Marriage, petitions, 1050(18:1525)
>>National Defence Department
>>>qu., 2075(36:1505)
>>>r.o., 1523(26:15550)
>>>Members' remarks, 3081(53:1505)
>>>Question and comment period, allotted time, 1241(21:1820)
>>Public Accounts Standing Committee, 1048(18:1515), 1941(34:1005), 2075(36:1505), 2225(38:1505)
>>Public Service, r.o., 1523(26:1550)
>>References, travel expenses, 648(12:1040), 687(12:1510)
>>Rural route mail carriers, petitions, 1050(18:1525)
>>Sponsorship program, o.q., 379-80(7:1425-30), 512(9:1445-50), 557(10:1155)
Wilson, Howard see Sponsorship program--Advertising, Auditor General's Report, Inquiry Commission, Mandate, Ethics Counsellor
Wind energy
Industry development, allocating funds, sale of Petro-Canada, o.q.,
>>Regional development/job creation potential, 632(11:1710-5)
>>See also Alternative/renewable/green energy
Windsor, ON see Border, Canadian; Borealis Capital Corporation
Windsor West constituency see Sponsorship program--Advertising
Wine industry see Okanagan University College
Winneway see Long Point First Nation (Winneway)
Winnipeg Centre constituency
Poverty levels, 1995(34:1605)
Winnipeg, MB see Canadian National Railway Company (CNR)--Strike
Ottawa, ON, winter festival, National Capital Commission chairman, Marcel
Beaudry, support, S.O. 31, 254(5:1110), 308(6:1400)
Winthrow Park, Toronto, ON see Cruelty to animals
Witness protection program see Ferris, Kevin Ross
Pay equity
>>>Addressing, federal government role, S.O. 31, 1599-1600(27:1410)
>>>Task force report, recommendations
>>>>o.q., 2799-800(48:1445)
>>>>S.O. 31, 2793(48:1410)
>>Political involvement, voting, young women, "20,000 project", S.O. 31,
>>Rights, issues, addressing, government record
>>>o.q., 1213(21:1440-5)
>>>S.O. 31, 1301(23:1415), 1625(28:1415)
>>Status of women, standing committee, establishing, 232(4:1720)
>>United Nations Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination
Against Women, government compliance, failure, S.O. 31, 1248(22:1410)
>>Violence against
>>>Aboriginal women, Native Women's Association of Canada Sisters in Spirit
campaign, S.O. 31, 1502(26:1410)
>>>Amnesty International Stop Violence Against Women campaign, etc., S.O. 31,
>>>Domestic abuse, immigrant and visible minority women, S.O. 31,
>>>Transition house in Cumberland--Colchester constituency, funding need,
>>>See also Mexico--Women
>>See also Breast cancer;
Breast Implant Registry;
Child/family poverty--Single parent families;
Economy/economic conditions;
Elections--Voter turnout;
Gender equality;
Feminine hygiene products;
Foreign aid--Budget 2004, Increase;
Health care;
International Women's Day;
Laval Women's Group;
Ovarian cancer;
Penitentiary inmates;
Réseau Award--Franco-Manitoban women;
Sex trade;
United Nations Commission on the Status of Women
Women's Enterprise Initiative Awareness Week
Four women entrepreneurs, western provinces, awards of excellence recipients,
S.O. 31, 1626(28:1415)
Wood, Bob (Lib.--Nipissing)
- >>Contraventions Act and Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (amdt.)(Bill
C-10), 1020(17:1810)
>>>Divisions, recorded, 1020(17:1810)
Canadian agricultural income stabilization program (CAIS), exclusion from,
S.O. 31, 2576-7(44:1355)
>>>Deferral, payment over 10 year period
>>>>o.q., 102-3(3:1455)
>>>>Short-term salvage profit, Hurricane Juan, qu., 1522-3(26:1545)
>>>>qu., 2830(49:1010)
>>>S.O. 31, 52(2:1355)
>>See also Forestry;
Log salvage operations
Workers see Bankruptcy; International Labour Day--May 1; Travel expenses
Workers Mourning Day Act (amdt.)(Bill C-498)--Easter
First reading, 1634-5(28:1510)
>>See also National Day of Mourning
Working conditions see Child labour
Psychological harassment, prevention, 1137-44(19:1715-1810)
>>See also National Day of Mourning;
Workplace Psychological Harassment Prevention Act (Bill C-451)
Workplace Psychological Harassment Prevention Act (Bill C-451)--Bourgeois
Deemed read first time, pursuant to S.O. 86.1, 11(1:1650)
>>Second reading, 1137-44(19:1715-1810), 2539-44(43:1825-1910), negatived,
on recorded division, 2824-5(48:1755-1805)
>>>Dropped to the bottom of the order of precedence on the Order Paper,
>>See also Workplace--Psychological harassment
World Book and Copyright Day
April 23, S.O. 31, 2334(40:1100), 2335(40:1110)
>>See also World Intellectual Property Day
World Cup of Diving see Diving
World Curling Championships see Curling
World Health Day
April 7, 2004, "Road Safety is No Accident" slogan, S.O. 31, 2026(35:1110),
World Health Organization (WHO)
Taiwan, membership/observer status
>>>o.q., 1454(25:1145), 1456(25:1155), 2035(35:1155), 2586(44:1445)
>>>S.O. 31, 3185(55:1105)
>>See also Drugs and pharmaceuticals--Generic drugs;
Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC);
World heritage sites see Heritage
World Hockey Championships see Hockey
World Intellectual Property Day
April 26, S.O. 31, 2334(40:1100)
>>See also World Book and Copyright Day
World Lupus Day see Lupus
World Press Freedom Day
Journalists, freedom of expression, democracy, defending, S.O. 31,
>>Kazemi, Zahra, Canadian photojournalist, remembrance, S.O. 31, 2676(46:1410)
World Theatre Day
March 27, performing arts, importance, S.O. 31, 1750(30:1105)
World War I see Vimy Ridge, Battle of (April 9, 1917)
World War II
Australia and New Zealand Air Crew Memorial, Calgary, AB unveiling, S.O. 31,
>>Canadian role, three years before United States, etc., 733(12:2055)
>>Polish Second Corps role, S.O. 31, 3069(53:1400)
>>See also Battle of the Atlantic;
Bethell, Tony;
D-Day, Battle of Normandy (June 6, 1944);
Jacques, Gaston;
Juno Beach Centre (World War II Memorial);
Katyn Forest massacre;
Zurakowski, Janusz
World Water Day see Water quality/pollution
WorldSkills Competition (2009)
Calgary, AB, selection, o.q., 2970(51:1500)
Writers Trust of Canada see Rwanda--Genocide, Book