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FOPO Committee Report

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That the Government of Canada, through the Canadian Coast Guard, continue to support the Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary; and

That, funding to the Auxiliary be increased, at a minimum, to meet the cost of higher insurance premiums.


That the Government of Canada, through the Canadian Coast Guard, guarantee stable, long-term A-base funding for the Office of Boating Safety at a level fully sufficient for it to meet its responsibilities.


That the Government of Canada establish the Canadian Coast Guard as the lead federal agency among the several federal departments involved in marine pollution prevention.


That the Canadian Coast Guard be given all the necessary resources and powers to conduct surveillance and collect evidence necessary for the effective prosecution of contraventions of Canadian marine anti-pollution laws in order to deter would-be polluters.


That the Attorney General of Canada instruct federal prosecutors involved in marine pollution cases to bring to the attention of the court, prior to sentencing, the total cost to the Canadian taxpayer of investigating and prosecuting the offence.


That, as a matter of priority, the Governor in Council expedite the regulatory reform under the new Canada Shipping Act, 2001 in order that it come into force as soon as possible.


That, if the Coast Guard and DFO have not already responded to the proposals of the shipping industry to establish a long-term agreement to eliminate fees as soon as possible, and to work together to optimize services and adjust cost structures, they have the courtesy to do so not more than 60 days from the tabling of this report; and

That this committee review the proposals and the response from DFO and the Coast Guard.


That, prior to any decision to de-staff lightstations, affected communities and stakeholders be consulted and that any subsequent recommendations be referred to an appropriate parliamentary committee for review.


That a renewed Canadian Coast Guard be established as an independent civilian federal agency.


That the Coast Guard agency report to the Minister of Transport for at least the following two reasons:

  The Minister of Transport already has a lead role for maritime security; and
  The Minister of Transport has responsibility for maritime traffic in general, and a major part of the Coast Guard’s responsibilities concerns the safety of maritime traffic.


That the Canadian Coast Guard be governed by a new Canadian Coast Guard Act that would set out the roles and responsibilities of the Coast Guard. These would include:

  Search and Rescue;
  Emergency Environmental Response;
  A lead role among the several federal departments involved in marine pollution prevention;
  A formal mandate in national security with respect to Canada’s coasts, including the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence Seaway;
  The assertion of Canadian sovereignty;
  Facilitation of safe and efficient marine commerce; and
  Pleasure craft safety.


That the federal government conduct an assessment of the utility and cost-effectiveness of new technology such as satellites and unmanned aerial vehicles for coastal surveillance and maritime security.


That the Canadian Coast Guard be given full operational funding sufficient to carry out existing roles as well as the expanded mandate and additional responsibilities recommended in this report.


That the federal government make an immediate commitment that the Canadian Coast Guard receive an injection of capital funding to pay for fleet renewal, upgraded and modernized shore-based infrastructure and the implementation of new technology; and,

That, in order to provide flexibility and value for money, the federal government consider the option of employing purpose-built or modified chartered vessels for fleet renewal provided any such vessels be built or modified in Canada and operated by Coast Guard crews.


That the Canadian Coast Guard be given the explicit authority to act on behalf of other agencies, including Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Environment Canada, Transport Canada, the Canada Border Services Agency, the Canada Revenue Agency, and Citizenship and Immigration Canada in situations where there is reasonable cause to believe that Canadian laws are being broken.


That a select number of Coast Guard officers be designated as peace officers with the authority to carry out enforcement duties. These officers should receive appropriate training and pay commensurate with these new responsibilities.


That, where appropriate, Coast Guard officers be authorized to carry light arms in the execution of their duties.


That a number of Coast Guard vessels be equipped with suitable deck-mounted armament.