The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 37th Parliament, 2nd Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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Gold mining industry
Placer mining, Yukon Territory
>>>Environmental regulations, new approach, o.q., 6800-1(110:1440)
>>>Importance, etc., 3948(67:1020), 4102-4(68:2235-50), 4272(71:1640-5)
>>>Tourism industry, relationship, 4272(71:1640)
>>Yukon Territory, role, history, 7801(127:1240), 7802-3(127:1250)
>>See also Giant Mine;
Guyana--Omai Gold Mines Ltd.
Golden Jubilee Medal see Citizenship; Queen Elizabeth II
Goldring, Peter (CA--Edmonton Centre-East)
- >>Acadians, M. (Bergeron), 32381-2(54:1825-30)
>>Assisted human reproduction, 3414(57:1330-5), 4133-4(69:1350-5)
>>Assisted Human Reproduction Act (Bill C-13), 3414-5(57:1330-40), 4133-4(69:1350-5)
>>Beacon Heights Elementary School, S.O. 31, 8433(138:1110)
>>Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), S.O. 31, 7451(121:1415)
>>Budget 2003, M. for approval (Manley), 3964(67:1230), 4001(67:1635), 4223(71:1145), 4269(71:1620)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 203-4(3:2230-5)
>>Child pornography
>>>M. on supply (Thompson, M.), 8825-6(145:1215), 8857(145:1600)
>>>Petitions, 833(14:1045), 1664(28:1550), 3946(67:1010), 7755(126:1535)
>>Children, 8857(145:1600)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals and firearms) and Firearms Act (amdt.)(Bill C-10), 5192(85:1635), 5200(85:1730)
>>Edmonton Public Library, S.O. 31, 8966(147:1405)
>>Entrepreneurs/entrepreneurship, S.O. 31, 1492(25:1105)
>>Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program), 5192(85:1635), 5200(85:1730)
>>Floods, S.O. 31, 3813(64:1405)
>>Government, 4269(71:1620)
>>Grain industry, S.O. 31, 1540-1(26:1405)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), o.q., 2377(40:1150)
>>Healy, Richard, S.O. 31, 3003(50:1100)
>>Homelessness, 3964(67:1230), 4001(67:1635), 4223(71:1145), 4269(71:1620)
>>>o.q., 3304(55:1150), 3822(64:1450-5), 6375(104:1150)
>>>S.O. 31, 5242(86:1415), 6316(103:1410)
>>House of Commons proceedings, House take note, M. (Boudria), 1674(28:1655)
>>Housing, 3964(67:1230), 4001(67:1635)
>>>o.q., 6970(113:1155)
>>>Petitions, 7582(123:1215)
>>>S.O. 31, 1778(30:1055)
>>>House take note, M. (Boudria), 167(3:1850), 185(3:2110), 203-4(3:2330-5)
>>>o.q., 4863(80:1145)
>>>Petitions, 9112(150:1010)
>>>S.O. 31, 4530(75:1110)
>>Kingsclear Youth Training Centre, o.q., 9315(153:1140)
>>Korean War, S.O. 31, 7909-10(129:1405)
>>Mak, Paul Ying Po, S.O. 31, 354(6:1355)
>>National Energy Program (1980s), o.q., 2377(40:1150)
>>Queen Elizabeth II, S.O. 31, 858(14:1355)
>>Ride for Sight, S.O. 31, 5751(94:1100)
>>Sea King helicopters, 4133(69:1350)
>>Senate, 1674(28:1655)
>>Stem cell research, 3415(57:1340), 4134(69:1350-5)
Weir, Mike, Canadian professional golfer, 2003 Masters champion, S.O. 31,
>>See Rimouski--Neigette-et-la Mitis constituency
Good samaritans see Devlin, Charles
Goodale, Hon. Ralph (Lib.--Wascana; Minister of Public Works and Government Services and Minister responsible for the Canadian Wheat Board and Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians)
- >>Aboriginal peoples/communities, o.q., 2632(44:1445), 3986(67:1450)
>>Afghanistan, o.q., 6374(104:1145)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2003 (Bill C-28), 6252(102:1525)
>>Cabinet Ministers, qu., 9199-200(151:1545)
>>Canada Steamship Lines Inc., o.q., 8562-3(140:1450-5), 8563(140:1455), 8600(141:1440), 8603(141:1455)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, o.q., 7293(118:1155), 7817(127:1430)
>>Canadian Wheat Board
>>>o.q., 797(13:1455), 1190(20:1140), 2684(45:1150), 6160(101:1445), 7871(128:1135), 8677(142:1500), 9143(150:1430)
>>>qu., 7064(115:1010)
>>Census, o.q, , 8436(138:1125-30), 8895(146:1435)
>>Chilliwack, BC, o.q., 6371(104:1130)
>>Coal mining industry, 2419(41:1340)
>>Defence equipment, o.q., 1073(18:1430-5), 1146(19:1500)
>>Energy, 2418(41:1335), 2419(41:1340)
>>Energy conservation/efficiency, o.q., 582(9:1425), 626(10:1125)
>>Ethanol, 2419(41:1340)
>>>o.q., 9191(151:1500)
>>Ethics, 8843(145:1430)
>>Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program), o.q., 2250(38:1425-30), 2430(41:1445), 2514(42:1425)
>>G-8 Summit (Kananaskis, AB, June 2002), o.q., 4143-4(69:1445), 4537(75:1150)
>>Genetically modified organisms (GMOs), o.q., 7338(119:1455)
>>Government aircraft, 52(2:1440)
>>>o.q., 133-4(3:1435), 247(4:1440), 361(6:1435-40), 8560(140:1440), 8561(140:1445), 8600-1(141:1445), 9026-7(148:1135-40)
>>Government buildings, o.q., 1620(27:1455)
>>Government contracts
>>>o.q., 56(2:1500), 136-7(3:1450-5), 243-5(4:1415-30), 250(4:1455), 310-1(5:1120-5), 360-1(6:1430-5), 511-2(8:1435), 587(9:1450), 1027-30(17:1420-30), 1185-6(20:1115-20), 1190(20:1140), 1193(20:1155), 1128-9(21:1420), 1230(21:1430), 1235-6(21:1455-500), 1300(22:1420), 1345-8(23:1425-40), 1352-3(23:1505), 1452-3(24:1425-30), 1496(25:1120-5), 1619-20(27:1450), 1839(31:1450), 1905-6(32:1435), 1944-6(33:1440-5), 2057(35:1150), 2249(38:1420), 2426(41:1420-5), 2427-8(41:1430-5), 2514-5(42:1425), 2556-7(43:1445), 2962(49:1440), 3183(53:1500), 3302(55:1140), 6431-5(105:1420-40), 6532-3(106:1420-5), 6534-5(106:1435), 6539(106:1455-500), 6607(107:1455), 7023-7(114:1420-40), 7029(114:1450), 7030(114:1500), 7095(115:1440), 7097(115:1445), 7135-6(116:1425), 7140(116:1450), 7212-5(117:1420-35), 7288(118:1125-30), 7337(119:1450), 7411-3(120:1420-30), 7743(126:1420), 7819(127:1440), 8900(146:1505)
>>>Report, 562(9:1205)
>>Grain industry
>>>M. on supply (Harper), 1365-9(23:1625-50), 1377(23:1750)
>>>o.q., 1139-40(19:1415-20), 1348(23:1440), 1738(29:1455), 1841(31:1500), 5754(94:1115), 8211(134:1445)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), M. (Anderson, Hon. David), 2418-20(41:1335-40)
>>Income Tax Act (amdt.-natural resources)(Bill C-48), 8328(136:1525)
>>Lansdowne Technologies Inc., o.q., 8438(138:1135-40)
>>Martin, Paul, references, o.q., 8563(140:1455)
>>National Defence Department, qu., 2732(46:1525)
>>NATO Flying Training in Canada (NFTC), o.q., 2110(36:1435)
>>Nuclear energy, 2419(41:1340)
>>Oil and gas industry, 2418(41:1335)
>>Ports/harbours, o.q., 5761(94:1150)
>>Procedure, documents, tabling, 562(9:1205)
>>Proceeds of crime, o.q., 5556(91:1445)
>>Quebec, o.q., 8564(140:1455)
>>References see Government contracts--Sponsorship program, Abolishing; Government expenditures--Review
>>Sea King helicopters, o.q., 52(2:1440), 4418(73:1455), 4491(74:1450), 4820-1(79:1440), 5756(94:1125), 5758(94:1135), 6156-7(101:1425-30), 7216(117:1440), 8561(140:1445), 9143(150:1425)
>>Smallpox, o.q., 4193(70:1145)
>>Toxic/hazardous waste, o.q., 6374(104:1145-50)
Gooden, Corporal Bernard
Canadian, United States Marines tank gunner, killed during Iraq combat, S.O.
31, 5286(87:1405)
Goods and Services Tax (GST)
Abolition, Liberal Party election promise not kept, 2541-2(42:1750-5),
3997(67:1610), 4012(67:1755), 4052(68:1610), 4053(69:1615), 4057(68:1645),
4878(80:1300), 5539(91:1250), 5540(91:1300), 6100(100:1605-10),
6106(100:1700), 6271(102:1745), 7794-5(127:1150-200), 8098(132:1310)
>>>Copps resignation, re-election in by-election, 3928(66:1645)
>>>S.O. 31, 47(2:1405)
>>Economic benefits, 7808(127:1340)
>>Families, impact, regressive tax, 3158(52:1715)
>>Fraud, rebates, fictitious automobile sales, investigating, prosecuting,
etc., 2486(42:1055), 2488(42:1110), 2505(42:1325), 2537(42:1715),
2649(44:1645), 4268(71:1610), 4838(79:1640), 4877(80:1250)
>>>Auditor General's 1999 warning, o.q., 3355(56:1430)
>>>Budget 2003 measures, funding, lack, 3755(63:1540), 4050(68:1600)
>>>Documents, Ms. for Production of Papers
>>>>P-41 (Jaffer), accepted, 7463-4(121:1525)
>>>>(Ritz), called, transferred for debate, 7464(121:1525)
>>>Drug trafficking, money laundering, organized crime, etc., relationship,
o.q., 3009(50:1130), 3067(51:1455)
>>>Kingston Penitentiary inmates receiving rebates, relationship, o.q.,
1734(29:1440), 1788-9(30:1155)
>>>Lam, Charles, case, living in Hong Kong, o.q., 4419(73:1455-500)
>>>Lumber sales, fictitious, o.q., 3355(56:1415)
>>>o.q., 1614(27:1420), 1615-6(27:1425-30), 1618-9(27:1440-5), 1653(28:1435),
1654(28:1440), 1655-6(28:1450), 1734-5(29:1440), 1788-9(30:1155),
2517(42:1435), 2682-3(45:1145), 2964-5(49:1450), 3008(50:1125-30),
3067(51:1450-5), 3302(55:1140), 3353(56:1415), 3355(56:1425-30),
3356(56:1435), 3358(56:1445), 3420-1(57:1415-20), 3425(57:1445),
3468(58:1450), 4192(70:1145)
>>>Parliament, reporting to, including in Public Accounts, legal requirement,
compliance/non-compliance, etc., 2411-2(41:1205-15), 2600-1(44:1100-5)
>>>>o.q., 2425-6(41:1415-20), 2517(42:1435), 2558(43:1450), 2680(45:1125-30),
2798-9(47:1435-40), 3009(50:1130), 3982(67:1430-5), 4419(73:1500)
>>>qu., 7347(119:1540)
>>>S.O. 31, 3905(66:1405)
>>>Terrorism, relationship, Khalsa Credit Union Chair Ripudaman Singh Malik
possible role, o.q., 3356(56:1435), 3358(56:1445), 3420(57:1415)
>>>See also Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Seventeenth
>>Increasing, petitions, 2480(42:1010)
>>Kyoto Protocol, impact on revenues, 266(4:1655), 568(9:1245)
>>Medical practitioners, doctors
>>>Paying, 6195(101:1850)
>>>Zero rating, 2291(39:1005)
>>>>See also Excise Tax Act (amdt.)(Bill C-326)
>>Municipalities payments, Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK,
Saskatoon-Humboldt constituency, qu., 7352(119:1540)
>>National debt reduction role, 2609(44:1210), 6073(100:1325), 7186(117:1120),
>>Ontario, harmonizing with provincial sales tax, provincial election factor,
o.q., 7994(130:1455)
>>Progressive Conservative government (Mulroney) implementation,
1005(17:1130), 2497(42:1215)
>>Reducing, 545(8:1825), 3756(63:1550), 6067-8(100:1245), 6073(100:1325),
6074(100:1330), 6101(100:1615)
>>>Budget 2003 measure, lack, 4012(67:1755-800)
>>>o.q., 3643(61:1415-20), 5809(95:1440)
>>Taxes (other), charging on top of, 5539(91:1250), 5540(91:1300)
>>See also Books;
Budget deficit--Elimination;
Excise Tax Act (amdt.);
Gasoline taxes;
Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing,
Indian bands/reserves--Sales tax;
Parliamentary resolution/ratification;
Health care funding--Federal government share;
Housing--Heating costs;
Ontario Hydro--Debt retirement charge;
Public transit;
School transportation--School boards' costs;
Taxation--Double taxation;
Vitamins and supplements
Goodstoney, Christopher see Impaired driving
Goodwill Games
Niagara Centre constituents, Canadian team members, S.O. 31, 2510(42:1400)
Goodyear Tire and Rubber plant see Medicine Hat, AB
GOPAC see Global Organization of Parliamentarians Against Corruption (GOPAC)
Gosselin, Gilles-André see Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program)--Advertising
Gotlieb, Allan see Iraq, United States pre-emptive attack--Canadian position
Gouk, Jim (CA--Kootenay--Boundary--Okanagan)
- >>Air Canada, 4377(72:1550), 4389(72:1715), 5473(90:1725)
>>>S.O. 31, 5166(85:1400)
>>Air pollution/smog, 849(14:1245)
>>Air transportation security, 4377(72:1550), 4380(72:1550), 4380(72:1610), 5471(90:1710), 5472-3(90:1715-20)
>>Air Travellers Security Charge, 4377(72:1550), 4389(72:1715), 5473(90:1725)
>>>o.q., 4041(68:1500)
>>Airlines, 4377(72:1550), 5470(90:1700)
>>>S.O. 31, 5166(85:1400)
>>Airports, 4377(72:1550-5), 5469-71(90:1655-710), 5473(90:1725), 5474(90:1730)
>>Assisted human reproduction, 3412(57:1315)
>>Assisted Human Reproduction Act (Bill C-13), 2778(47:1155), 2809(47:1550), 3195(53:1625), 3198-9(53:1650-700), 3411-2(57:1310-5)
>>Budget 2003, M. for approval (Manley), 3959(67:1150), 3992(67:1535)
>>Budget deficit, 7232(117:1630)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2003 (Bill C-28), 4961-3(82:1105-15)
>>Canada Airports Act (Bill C-27), 5469-74(90:1655-730)
>>Canada Elections Act and the Income Tax Act (amdt.--political financing)(Bill C-24), 3443(57:1710), 3446(57:1730)
>>Canada Health Act (amdt.--conditions for contributions)(Bill C-256), 920(15:1210)
>>Canada Labour Code (amdt.)(Bill C-224), 1684-5(28:1810-5)
>>Canada Labour Code (amdt.)(Bill C-328), 5588-90(91:1835-40)
>>Canada Pension Plan, 7232(117:1630)
>>Canada Pension Plan and Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3), 822(13:1800)
>>Canada Post Corporation, 5681(93:1110), 5682(93:1115)
>>Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute, S.O. 31, 7864(128:1055)
>>Child pornography, petitions, 833(14:1040), 1419(24:1005), 5764(94:1210)
>>Committees, Parliamentary, 1120(19:1200)
>>Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.)(Bill C-443), 7177-8(117:1020)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--criminal liability of organizations)(Bill C-45), 7364-5(119:1705-10)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--eliminating conditional sentencing for violent offenders)(Bill C-347), 2852-3(48:1545)
>>Employment insurance, 7232(117:1630)
>>Employment insurance Act (amdt.)(Bill C-406), 5774-5(94:1315-20)
>>Ethics, o.q., 8847(145:1445)
>>Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program), 4962-3(82:1110-5), 5469(90:1655), 5474(90:1730), 7232(117:1635)
>>>M. on supply (Breitkreuz), 4671(77:1605), 4673(77:1620), 4676-8(77:1640-55)
>>>S.O. 31, 1898(32:1355)
>>Government, 4961-2(82:1105)
>>Government contracts, 5469(90:1655)
>>>M. (Clark), 6396(104:1350-5)
>>Government expenditures, 4963(82:1115)
>>Grain transportation, 4377(72:1555)
>>>o.q., 868(14:1455), 1235(21:1455), 1786(30:1140)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)
>>>M. on supply (Harper), 849(14:1245), 870(14:1505), 889(14:1720)
>>>qu., 2765(47:1015)
>>Gun control, 4671(77:1605), 4676-7(77:1640-5)
>>Hate propaganda, petitions, 2764(47:1010), 7222-3(117:1515)
>>Highways and roads, 4377(72:1550), 4379-80(72:1610), 7228(117:1600), 7231-2(117:1620-30)
>>House of Commons security, 5471-2(90:1710-5)
>>Human cloning, 3198(53:1650)
>>Income tax, 5469(80:1655)
>>Infectious disease, 920(15:121)
>>Infrastructure, M. on supply (Moore), 7228(117:1600), 7231-3(117:1620-35)
>>>M. on supply (Day), 4608(76:1650)
>>>Petitions, 4254(71:1510)
>>Irving Group of Companies, o.q., 8600(141:1440)
>>Judges, 4932-3(81:1605-10)
>>Labour disputes, strikes, lockouts, 1684-5(28:1810-5), 5588-90(91:1835-40)
>>>M. on supply (Guay), 5680-2(93:1100-20)
>>Lobbyists Registration Act (amdt.)(Bill C-15), 6927(112:1535)
>>Iraq, House take note, M. (Boudria), 278-9(4:1825-30)
>>Marijuana, petitions, 2765(47:1015)
>>>M. on supply (Harper), 7422(120:1530)
>>>Petitions, 2764(47:1015), 5764(94:1210)
>>Members of Parliament, 822(13:1800), 4962(82:1105)
>>National debt, 7232(117:1630)
>>Occupational health and safety, 7364-5(119:1705-10)
>>Political parties, 3446-7(57:1730-5)
>>Ports/harbours, 4377(72:1555)
>>Private Members' Bills, S.O. 31, 5750(94:1100)
>>>Bills, Private Members' Public, 2853(48:1545)
>>>Committees, Parliamentary, 6643-4(108:1020-5), 6646(108:1040)
>>>Divisions, recorded, 4020(67:1905)
>>>House do now adjourn, M. (Gouk), 6927(112:1535)
>>>Member's remarks, 3959(67:1150)
>>>Quorum, 2778(47:1155), 2809(47:1550), 3195(53:1625), 3605(60:1225)
>>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, M. (Adams), 1120(19:1200)
>>Public Service Modernization Act (Bill C-25), 3605(60:1225)
>>Rail transportation/railways, 4378(72:1555), 4379(72:1605)
>>Rocky Mountaineer Railtours, 3992(67:1535), 4378-9(72:1600-5), 7250-1(117:1840-5)
>>Sentences (convicted criminals), 4932-3(81:1605)
>>>o.q., 3596(60:1135)
>>Sex Offender Information Registration Act (Bill C-23), 4931-3(81:1600-10), 4937-8(81:1650), 4942(81:1730)
>>Sex offender registry, 4677(77:1645), 4931-2(81:1600), 4933(81:1610), 4937-8(81:1650), 4942(81:1730)
>>Statutory release (convicted criminals), 4933(81:1605), 7177-8(117:1020)
>>Stem cell research, 3198-9(53:1655), 3411-2(57:1310-5)
>>>Petitions, 321(5:1225), 2765(47:1015)
>>Taxation, 4962(82:1105), 7232(117:1630)
>>Teachers, 5681-2(93:1115)
>>Transport Standing Committee, 6643(108:1020), 6644(108:1025), 6646(108:1040)
>>Transportation, S.O. 31, 9138(150:1355)
>>Transportation Amendment Act (Bill C-26), 4376-80(72:1550-615), 4389(72:1715)
>>VIA Rail Canada Inc., 919(15:1210), 4377-80(72:1555-615), 4389(72:1715), 4962(82:1110)
>>>Estimates, restoration, M. (Robillard), 7250-1(117:1840-50)
>>>o.q., 4041(68:1500), 6920(112:1445), 8720(143:1135), 8776-7(144:1430)
>>>S.O. 31, 7282(118:1100), 9137-8(150:1355)
>>VIA Rail Commercialization Act (Bill C-255), 919(15:1210)
>>Violent crime, 2853(48:1545), 4932(81:1605)
>>Wilfert, references, 3959(67:1150)
>>Winnipeg International Airport, 5473(90:1725)
>>Workers, 7364(119:1705)
>>Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Act (Bill C-2), 4020(67:1905)
Accountability, 215-6(4:1105), 3755(63:1540), 3899(66:1320), 3920(66:1535),
3930(66:1705), 3932(66:1715-20), 4955(82:1020), 5929(97:1620)
>>>Budget 2003 measures, 3970(67:1315), 4267-9(71:1605-20), 3931(66:1710),
>>>>Auditor General's concerns, government response, 3936-7(66:1750-5)
>>>See also Auditor General of Canada--Role
>>Accountability and transparency, Throne Speech omission, 70-1(2:1645)
>>Bureaucracy, reducing, 4852(80:1045), 4852(80:1040)
>>Confidence convention, majority governments factor, 7960(130:1100)
>>Executive centred instead of Parliament centred, 1708(29:1120-5)
>>Responsibilities, 1670-1(28:1625)
>>Role, Canadian Alliance position, etc., 4790(79:1050), 4791(79:1055),
4792(79:1100), 4961-2(82:1105), 6274-6(102:1810-20)
>>See also Alternate dispute resolution;
Liberal government (Chrétien);
Veterans' benefits/pensions--Mentally disabled war veterans
Government aircraft
VIP executive jet fleet, $100 million Challenger aircraft purchase from
Bombardier Inc., 52(2:1440), 194(3:2215), 1218(21:1315), 4269(71:1620),
>>>Auditor General's concerns, etc., o.q., 8483(139:1420), 8484(139:1430)
>>>o.q., 133-4(3:1435), 247(4:1440),
361(6:1435-40), 8560(140:1440),
8561(140:1440-5), 8562(140:1445-50), 8600-1(141:1445)
>>>Public Servants travel on Bombardier aircraft, conflict of interest
possibility, o.q., 9026-7(148:1135-40)
>>See also Correctional Service of Canada (CSC)
Government appointments
36th Parl., 37th Parl., qu., 6441-2(105:1510)
>>Committees, Parliamentary, automatic referral, M. on supply (Marceau),
993-1022(17:1005-355), 1036-62(17:1510-845),
agreed to, on division,
>>>Amdt. (Lalonde), 1012(17:1230), negatived, on recorded division,
>>House of Commons veto, 1670-1(28:1625)
>>Liberal party supporters, 7859(128:1015)
>>Patronage factor, 996(17:1025), 1004(17:1130), 1007(17:1150), 1018(17:1315),
5904(96:1915), 7634-5(124:1525-30)
>>>S.O. 31, 7525(122:1405)
>>Prime Minister's power, dictatorship, 3933(66:1725), 5904(96:1915),
>>Screening/vetting nominees by committees prior to appointment by Prime
Minister, 1705(29:1100-5)
>>>By parliamentary committee, o.q., 7987(130:1415)
>>>United States process, comparison, 1015-6(17:1255-600)
>>Senior appointments, parliamentary scrutiny, 1677(28:1715)
>>>o.q., 1299(22:1415)
>>See also Federal Electoral Boundaries Commissions--Saskatchewan;
Liddar, Bhupinder S.;
Order in Council appointments;
Supreme Court of Canada
Government automobiles/motor vehicles
Alternative fuels use, greenhouse gas emissions reduction role, etc.,
>>>r.o., 3310(55:1225)
>>>See also Cabinet Ministers--Automobiles;
Energy conservation/efficiency--Government measures
>>Federal Court of Canada and Supreme Court of Canada purchases--Kyoto
Protocol, relationship, r.o., 4596(76:1515)
>>Fleet holdings, r.o., 4622(77:1010)
>>>Minister's failure to respond, referral to Government Operations and
Estimates Standing Committee, 4596(76:1515)
>>See also Cabinet Ministers--Automobiles
Government buildings
Energy conservation measures, retrofitting
>>>Greenhouse gas emissions reduction role, 848(14:1240), 851(14:1300),
>>>>o.q., 1620(27:1450-5)
>>>>See also Energy conservation/efficiency--Government measures
>>Job creation role, etc., 576(9:1350)
>>Real estate holdings, 1997-2003, ro., 5182(85:1520)
>>See also Remembrance Day--Canadian flag
Government contracts
Canadian Heritage Department, Joe Thornley, Canadian Heritage Minister Copps
campaign manager, contracts awarded since 1996, relationship, o.q.,
583(9:1430), 793(13:1430)
>>Coderre, Citizenship and Immigration minister, former Secretary of State
for Amateur Sport, cross-Canada consultation, Groupe Everest promotional
contract, Canadian Heritage Department recommending, criteria used
>>>Ethics Counsellor, investigating, request
>>>>o.q., 2374(40:1135)
>>>>S.O. 31, 3174(53:1410)
>>>o.q., 245(4:1430), 250(4:1455),
310-1(5:1120-5), 360(6:1430),
793(13:1430), 1027-30(17:1420-30), 1185-6(20:1115-20), 1190(20:1140),
1193(20:1155), 1228-9(21:1420), 1230-1(21:1430), 1235-6(21:1455-500),
1300(22:1420), 1302(22:1430), 1345-6(23:1425-30), 1347-8(23:1435-40),
1348(23:1440), 1350-3(23:1450-505), 1451-3(24:1420-30), 1454(24:1435),
1495-6(25:1120-5), 1502-3(25:1155-200),
>>Confederation Centre of the Arts, Prince Edward Island, $5 million
improvement contract, provincial Liberal Party president Tim Banks involvement,
patronage factor, o.q., 359(6:1425), 508(8:1415),
510(8:1430), 626(10:1130)
>>Éditions Brimar, cookbook publication, Canadian Heritage Department grants,
o.q., 1904-5(32:1430)
>>Greenwich Interpretive Centre, contract difficulties, provincial Liberal
Party president Tim Banks involvement, o.q., 582-3(9:1425-30), 626(10:1125-30)
>>Groupaction Marketing Inc., contract scandal, ministerial wrongdoing,
66(2:1610), 2617(44:1305), 2649(44:1640), 3927(66:1630), 3928(66:1645),
4850(80:1030), 5875(96:1520), 6276(102:1825), 7310(119:1140)
>>>Auditor General's concerns, 3890(66:1205), 3930(66:1705), 3934(66:1730)
>>>o.q., 244(4:1425)
>>>Public Accounts Standing Committee, study, government action,
3893(66:1230), 7654(124:1800), 7655(124:1805-10)
>>>>o.q., 2962(49:1440)
>>>Quebec separation/sovereignty referendum of 1995, relationship,
>>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) investigation, public inquiry, need,
o.q., 511-2(8:1430-5)
>>>Second audit, information, releasing, o.q., 2249(38:1420)
>>Hamilton Harbour waterfront park, HMCS Haida, floating museum,
restoration contract, CSL Marine Services Inc., o.q., 4190(70:1130)
>>Justice Department, outside counsel contracts, David Lutz, New Brunswick
lawyer, memo re Liberal Party membership, o.q., 4417(73:1450)
>>Liberal Party donations/membership, relationship, public inquiry,
>>>o.q., 1188-9(20:1135)
>>>Quebec wing, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, investigating, o.q.,
7331-2(119:1415-20), 7410(120:1415)
>>>Renaud, Alain, party fundraiser, Benoit Renaud, brother, subcontract,
$63,000 donation, o.q., 6431-5(105:1420-40), 6532-3(106:1420-5),
>>>S.O. 31, 2424(41:1410)
>>Media/I.D.A. Vision Inc., Claude Boulay, owner, sponsorship program
involvement, subsequent contract
>>>Agency of record, o.q., 1944-6(33:1440-5)
>>>o.q., 1905-6(32:1435), 1944-5(33:1440)
>>Petition, 8042(131:1525)
>>Royal LePage, $1.4 billion employment relocation contract, Public Works and
Government Services procurement officer, alleged misconduct, Royal Canadian
Mounted Police involvement, 7580(123:1200-5)
>>>o.q., 7528(122:1425), 7534-5(122:1455), 7573(123:1125), 7818-9(127:1440)
>>>Ouellet, André, Canada Post president, revealing wrongdoing, motivation,
o.q., 7701(125:1435-40)
>>Since 1993, etc.
>>>Order Paper question, Minister's failure to respond, referral to Government
Operations and Estimates Standing Committee, 6282(103:1005)
>>>ro., 6442(105:1515)
>>Solicitor General Department, Everett Roche, Solicitor General MacAulay
former official agent, $140,000 sole source contract, alleged conflict,
325(5:1320), 352(6:1340), 453(7:1230)
>>>Eggleton, National Defence Minister, contract to ex-girlfriend,
resignation, comparison, o.q., 312(5:1130), 313(5:1135), 357(6:1415),
362(6:1445), 580(9:1415), 677(11:1420), 750(12:1435)
>>>Ethics Counsellor, review, 323(5:1230)
>>>>o.q., 312(5:1130), 360(6:1430), 362-3(6:1445), 470-1(7:1425), 510(8:1430),
580-1(9:1415-20), 677(11:1420)
>>>>>M. for Production of Papers (Clark), 6393-401(104:1330-430),
8134-9(132:1725-1805), negatived, on recorded division, 8345(136:1800-10)
>>>>>>Dropped to the bottom of the order of precedence on the Order Paper,
>>>>>>Called, transferred for debate, 2854(48:1555)
>>>>>Solicitor General MacAulay resignation, Prime Minister Chrétien
position, o.q., 748-10(12:1425-30), 791(13:1420-5)
>>>>>Tabling, request, o.q., 748-50(12:1425-35), 865(14:1435)
>>>>See also Government contracts--Solicitor General Department, Holland
>>>Holland College, Alex MacAulay, president, Solicitor General MacAulay,
brother, funding application conflict, relationship
>>>>Ethics Counsellor, 1999 opinion, conflict of interest, Prime Minister
Chrétien knowledge, o.q., 790-1(13:1415-20)
>>>>o.q., 310(5:1115-20), 315(5:1145), 359(6:1425)
>>>o.q., 244-5(4:1425-30), 247-50(4:1445-55), 309-13(5:1115-35), 357(6:1415),
362(6:1440-5), 472(7:1430-5), 508-9(1420), 581(9:1420), 626-7(10:1130)
>>>Strategic advice, David Nicholson, former Public Servant, advisor, o.q.,
310(5:1115-20), 314-5(5:1140-50), 357-8(6:1415-20), 508-9(8:1420),
581(9:1420), 626(10:1130)
>>>Treasury Board guidelines, MERX system, adherence, o.q., 310(5:1120),
313(5:1135), 357-8(6:1415-20), 359-60(6:1425-30), 472(7:1430-5),
508(8:1415-20), 629-30(10:1145)
>>Sponsorship program, advertising contracts, 4840(79:1700), 4841(79:1715),
5469(90:1655), 7315(119:1220), 7504(122:1125), 7617(124:1340),
8044(131:1530-5), 8631(141:1935)
>>>2003-2004 Supplementary Estimates, additional funding, ongoing
investigations, rationale, o.q., 7742-3(126:1420)
>>>Abolishing, Goodale position, o.q., 8483-4(139:1425)
>>>Accountability, lack, 71(2:1655)
>>>Advertising agency contracts, eliminating, direct event support, o.q.,
>>>Attractions Canada, o.q., 2427(41:1430)
>>>Auditor General's concerns, etc., 3890(66:1205), 3891(66:1215),
>>>>Government response, 3936(66:1750)
>>>>See also Government contracts--Sponsorship program, Crown corporations
laundering public funds
>>>Communication Coffin, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, investigation, charges
laid, o.q., 7331(119:1415-20)
>>>Competitive process, disregarding
>>>>Privy Council Office Request, Charles Guité, Public Works and Government
Services Department official, revelation, o.q., 242-3(4:1415-20),
360-1(6:1435), 511-2(8:1435)
>>>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, combatting, rationale, o.q., 243-4(4:1420)
>>>Crown corporations laundering public funds, Auditor General's concerns,
o.q., 8484(139:1425)
>>>Gagliano, Hon. Alfonso, former Public Works and Government Services
minister, role, conflict of interest
>>>>Colavecchio, Nino, TNC Multicom, sponsorship contract, relationship,
access to information request, o.q., 7135(116:1425), 7212-4(117:1420-30),
>>>>Ethics counsellor investigation, incomplete, o.q., 7092-3(115:1420-5),
7097(115:1445), 7135-6(116:1425)
>>>>Public inquiry, requesting, o.q., 7095(115:1435-40), 7288(118:1130),
7332(119:1420-5), 7416(120:1445)
>>>>Recalling before committee, o.q., 3358(56:1445), 7097(115:1445),
7136(116:1430), 7214-5(117:1435)
>>>>Vatican, Prime Minister Chrétien appointing to, remaining ambassador to
Denmark, facts, requesting, o.q., 7025-6(114:1430-5), 7093-4(115:1425-30),
7136(116:1430), 7140(116:1450), 7215(117:1435), 7219(117:1500)
>>>>Whelan, International Cooperation minister, comments re: democratic
deficit, relationship, o.q., 7142(116:1500)
>>>Gagliano, Vincenzo, son of Alfonso Gagliano, beneficiary of contracts,
o.q., 7023-4(114:1420-5), 7027(114:1440),
>>>Grey Cup, Canadian Football League championship, cost, 2589-90(43:1840-5)
>>>>o.q., 2057(35:1145-50)
>>>Internal investigation, Public Works and Government Services Department,
corrective action, 547-8(9:1005), 551(9:1030)
>>>>Administrative only, ineffective, o.q., 586-7(9:1450)
>>>>Cochrane, Janice, Deputy Minister responsible for investigation,
pre-judging, o.q., 3183(53:1500)
>>>>Forensic audit findings, contract breaches, referral to Royal Canadian
Mounted Police, o.q., 3302(55:1140), 6539(106:1455-500), 7023-4(114:1420-5),
7030(114:1500), 7140(116:1450), 7337(119:1450)
>>>>o.q., 243-4(4:1420-5), 360(6:1430-5), 512(8:1435), 1839(31:1450),
7025-6(114:1435), 7095(115:1440), 7097(115:1445), 7136(116:1425-30)
>>>>Prime Minister Chrétien commitment, o.q., 243(4:1415-20)
>>>>Report, "Quick Response Team Sponsorship File Review Final Project
>>>>>Full report, not released, rationale, o.q., 2426(41:1425), 2428(41:1435)
>>>>>Tabled, 562(9:1205)
>>>>>Status, o.q., 136(3:1450)
>>>Martin, Paul, position, 8692(142:1655)
>>>New program, 4827(79:1515)
>>>Public Accounts Standing Committee study, continuing, 302(5:1025),
345(6:1255), 381(6:1705)
>>>>Report, premature disclosure, 3361-3(56:1500-15)
>>>Public/judicial inquiry, need, 522(8:1530-5), 523-4(8:1540-5)
>>>>o.q., 56(2:1500), 587(9:1450), 2514-5(42:1420-5), 2556-7(43:1440-5),
7023-4(114:1420-5), 7025(114:1430), 7331(119:1420), 7336-7(119:1450),
7411-3(120:1415-30), 7912-3(129:1420-5)
>>>>Petitions, 434(7:1010), 520(8:1525), 832(14:1035), 1843-4(31:1515-20),
2292(39:1010-5), 2596(44:1040), 2598(44:1050-5), 2687(45:1210), 3364(56:1425),
>>>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police and Auditor General investigations, ongoing,
o.q., 7411-3(120:1420-30), 7912-3(129:1420-5)
>>>Quebec Major Junior Hockey League, annual draft, Val-d'Or, QC, sponsorship
application, refusal
>>>>o.q., 6741(109:1455)
>>>>S.O. 31, 6794(110:1405)
>>>Recipients, etc., r.o., 7463(121:1525)
>>>>Minister's failure to respond, referral to Government Operations and
Estimates Standing Committee, 7352(119:1540)
>>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), files referred to number, o.q.,
136-7(3:1450-5), 6607(107:1455)
>>Women owned small businesses/entrepreneurs, lack, o.q., 8900(146:1500-5)
>>See also Canada Steamship Lines Inc.--Martin, Paul;
Census--2005 census;
Chrétien--References, Campaign donations;
Defence equipment--Aircraft;
EKOS Research;
Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program)--Advertising--Computer
system--Cost overruns;
Government expenditures--Order Paper questions;
Health Department--JM Enterprises;
Income tax--International agreements re avoidance of double taxation and tax
evasion, Tax havens;
Leger and Leger Associates;
Marijuana--Medicinal use, Prairie Plant Systems Inc.;
National Defence Department--Offices;
NATO Flying Training in Canada (NFTC)
Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions
Angus Reid Group Inc. Research Associates, total billed by, 1993-2001, qu.,
>>Communications, advertising services, etc.
>>>Expenditures, ro., 1562(26:1520)
>>>Pre-qualification process, companies contracted, ro., 1562(26:1520)
>>Information technology. internal audits, lack, Auditor General's concerns,
>>Ipsos-Reid agency, Stewart McKelvey Stirling Scales law firm, total billed
by, ro., 2436(41:1515)
>>Ministers/officials, representations re: Moffat Farms/Montfort Woods vacant
lands, qu., 2726(46:1525)
>>Performance reporting, importance, Auditor General/government positions,
>>Performance reports, tabled, 1419(24:1000), 8933(147:1005)
>>See also Departmental Internal Audit Act (Bill C-367);
Environmental assessment--Self-assessments by government departments;
Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program);
Government expenditures--Order Paper questions;
Government loans--Total value outstanding;
User fees
Government-established foundations
>>>Increasing, Budget 2003 measure, 3735(62:1700), 3936(66:1750),
4065(68:1740), 4068(68:1800), 3886(66:1135), 4787(79:1030), 6254(102:1545)
>>>Lack, not subject to Auditor General's scrutiny or Access to Information
Act, etc., o.q., 8483-4(139:1425)
>>Auditor General's concerns, lack of Parliamentary control, $7 billion, etc.,
2487(42:1055), 3886(66:1135), 3890-1(66:1210-5), 3893-5(66:1235-45),
3896(66:1255), 3899(66:1320), 3918(66:1320-5), 3926(66:1625-30),
4787(79:1030), 6276(102:1825)
>>>o.q., 1142(19:1435)
>>>See also Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Fourteenth
>>Budget surplus, relationship, o.q., 1142(19:1435)
>>Dissolution, remaining funds reverting to Consolidated Revenue Fund,
4787(79:1030), 6255(102:1545)
>>Provincial jurisdiction, intrusion, 6076(100:1350)
>>>o.q., 358(6:1420)
Government expenditures
Accountability and scrutiny, 4853(80:1050)
>>>Budget 2003 measures, 4787(79:1025), 6254(102:1540)
>>>Catterall-Williams report, adopting, o.q., 1299(22:1415)
>>>Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee role, 151(3:1625)
>>>Lack, 2601(44:1110)
>>>Members of Parliament role, 4000(67:1630), 4853(80:1050)
>>Amount, excessive, etc., 2484(42:1035), 2534(42:1650)
>>>o.q., 133(3:1430)
>>Budget 2003 measures, 3736(62:1715), 3752(63:1515), 3755(63:1540),
3757(63:1555), 3758(63:1605), 3765-6(63:1700), 3768(63:1715), 3769(63:1725),
3770(63:1735), 3774(63:1800-5), 3777(63:1820-5), 3919(66:1525), 3921(66:1540),
3949-50(67:1030-5), 3955(67:1115-20), 3957(67:1135), 3959(67:1145-50),
3965(67:1235-40), 3972(67:1330), 4003(67:1650), 4049(68:1550), 4051(68:1605),
4052(68:1610), 4053(68:1615), 4066-7(68:1750-5), 4068(68:1800), 4068(68:1810),
4220(71:1120), 4221(71:1125), 4233(71:1300), 4234(71:1305), 4235-6(71:1315-20),
4275(71:1700), 4283(71:1800), 4787-8(79:1030), 4793(79:1115), 4872(80:1220),
4876-7(80:1250), 4955(82:1015), 4956(82:1020), 4963(82:1115), 4966(82:1140),
4968(82:1150), 4969(82:1200), 4971(82:1215-25), 4972(82:1230), 4973(82:1235),
4978(82:1310), 4981-2(82:1340), 5047(83:1625), 5051(83:1655),
6066-7(100:1230-5), 6075(100:1340), 6076(100:1345), 6097(100:1545),
6116(100:1820), 6255(102:1545), 6267(102:1715), 6275(102:1820),
6360(104:1025), 6361-2(104:1035-40), 6385(104:1235-40), 6387(104:1250),
6389(104:1305), 6503(106:1035), 6504(106:1040), 7237(117:1705)
>>>o.q., 3740-1(63:1415-20), 3745(63:1450), 3860-1(65:1115)
>>>See also Government expenditures--Priorities, Diverting to--Review
>>Canadian priorities, reflecting, o.q., 1188(20:1135)
>>Cannes Film Festival, Canadian diplomatic personnel, attendance,
justification, o.q., 5762(94:1155)
>>Chrétien, Prime Minister, legacy, relationship, 219(4:1130), 233(4:1315),
3919(66:1525), 4787(79:1030), 4971(82:1220)
>>Cutbacks, deaths resulting, etc., S.O. 31, 4855(80:1100)
>>Decline, 3959(67:1145), 6254(102:1545)
>>Economic costs, 7256(117:1925)
>>Economic stimulus role, 6383(104:1225)
>>Gross Domestic Product (GDP) percentage, 4003(67:1650), 6387(104:1255),
>>Increase, 160(3:1735), 2505(42:1320), 2607(44:1150), 3939(66:1815),
3940(66:1820), 3997(67:1610-5), 4049(68:1550), 4788-9(79:1035-40),
4791(79:1055), 4837(79:1640), 6123(101:1020), 6261(102:1630), 6388(104:1300)
>>>Budget deficit possibility, o.q., 8437(138:1135)
>>>Throne Speech measures, 276(4:1810), 2483(42:1035), 2500(42:1245),
>>Martin, Paul, position, impact, etc., 7622-3(124:1415), 7625(124:1425-30),
8310(135:1950), 8659(142:1305), 8662(142:1330), 8680(142:1520), 8953(147:1225)
>>>o.q., 9267(152:1435)
>>>See also Government expenditures--Review
>>Members of Parliament unaware of use, distribution by constituency, etc.,
>>Opposition position, increase and reduction at same time, 2482(42:1025)
>>Order Paper questions, government grants and contributions, loans and
contracts, all departments, agencies and Crown corporations
>>>Abitibi--Baie James--Nunavik constituency, r.o., 7463(121:1525)
>>>>Minister's failure to respond, referral to Government Operations and
Estimates Standing Committee, 7352(119:1540)
>>>Calgary West constituency, r.o., 4721(78:1510)
>>>>Minister's failure to respond, referral to Government Operations and
Estimates Standing Committee, 4596(76:1515)
>>>Don Valley East constituency, r.o., 3101(52:1010)
>>>Edmonton--Strathcona constituency, r.o., 4595(76:1515)
>>>Edmonton West constituency, r.o., 3073(51:1530)
>>>Esquimalt--Juan de Fuca constituency, r.o., 4595(76:1515)
>>>Feasibility of answering, 2722-3(46:1505-20), 3254-6(54:1505-15)
>>>Glengarry--Prescott--Russell constituency, r.o., 3073(51:1530)
>>>Hamilton East constituency, r.o., 3018(50:1215)
>>>Kamloops, Thompson and Highland Valleys constituency, r.o., 4596(76:1515)
>>>Kelowna constituency, r.o., 4596(76:1515)
>>>Lasalle--Emard constituency, r.o., 3102(52:1010)
>>>Malpeque constituency, r.o., 3101(52:1010)
>>>Ottawa South constituency, r.o., 3073(51:1530)
>>>Perth--Middlesex constituency, r.o., 6442(105:1515)
>>>Prince Edward--Hastings constituency, r.o., 3073(51:1530)
>>>Prince George--Peace River constituency, r.o., 7463(121:1525)
>>>>Minister's failure to respond, referral to Human Resources Development and
the Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee, 7352(119:1540)
>>>Roberval constituency, Minister's failure to respond, referral to
Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee, 7352(119:1540)
>>>Saint-Maurice constituency, r.o., 3101(52:1010)
>>>Témiscamingue constituency, Minister's failure to respond, referral to
Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee, 7352(119:1540)
>>>Toronto Centre--Rosedale constituency, r.o., 3017(50:1215)
>>>Vancouver Quadra constituency, r.o., 3073(51:1530)
>>>Vancouver South--Burnaby constituency, r.o., 3018(50:1215)
>>>Victoria constituency, r.o., 3102(52:1010)
>>>West Vancouver--Sunshine Coast constituency, r.o, 4784(79:1010)
>>>>Minister's failure to respond, referral to Government Operations and
Estimates Standing Committee, 4596(76:1515)
>>>Westmount--Ville-Marie constituency, r.o., 3017(50:1215)
>>>Wetaskiwin constituency, r.o., 4596(76:1515)
>>Parliamentary scrutiny, restoring, 1701(29:1030)
>>>Auditor General's concerns, etc., 2604(44:1120-5), 3935(66:1740)
>>Performance reports, lack, 4235(71:1315)
>>Priorities, Throne Speech statement, etc., 3(1:1525), 2543-4(42:1805)
>>>Canadian Alliance position, 21-2(2:1045-50), 3756(63:1545)
>>>Cost, unaffordable, Don Drummond, Toronto Dominion chief economist
statement, o.q., 584(9:1435)
>>>Diverting to, reducing non-priority expenditures, 224(4:1205),
2650-1(44:1655), 71(2:1650), 4003(67:1650), 4972(82:1230)
>>>>$1 billion per year, Budget 2003 measure, 3734(62:1655-700),
3755(63:1535-40), 3766(63:1700), 3770(63:1735), 3937(66:1755), 3955(67:1120),
3976(67:1315), 4065(68:1740), 4235(71:1320), 4797(79:1145), 4842(79:1720),
4852(80:1040), 6067(100:1235), 6100(100:1610), 6389(104:1305), 7237(117:1705)
>>>>>o.q., 3741(63:1420), 5871(96:1455), 7630-1(124:1500)
>>Program spending
>>>Departmental/operating expenditures, comparison, 8952(147:1225),
>>>Increase, 2651(44:1655)
>>Public Accounts/National Accounts, differences, amount of reduction, etc.,
>>>Off-loading to provinces, 7501(122:1105)
>>>o.q., 9075(149:1440)
>>>Martin, Paul, and Goodale positions, Liberal government (Chrétien)
position, differences, 8644(142:1110-5)
>>>Monitoring, Finance Standing Committee recommendation, 2534(42:1650),
>>>New rigorous ongoing process, Budget 2003 measure, 3729(62:1605)
>>Taxation, relationship, 4889-90(81:1125)
>>Waste and mismanagement, 42(2:1335), 218(4:1125), 456(7:1255), 535(8:1710-5),
779(12:1755-800), 2486-7(42:1050-5), 2488-9(42:1110), 2503(42:1305),
2541(42:1750), 2542(42:1755), 2604(44:1120), 2611(44:1220),
3753-4(63:1525-30), 3755(63:1540), 3756(63:1545), 3776(63:1815),
3890(66:1210), 3899(66:1320), 3917(66:1515), 3919(66:1535), 3920-1(66:1540-5).
3927(66:1640), 3959(67:1150), 3995(67:1555), 4053(68:1615), 4054(68:1625),
4068(68:1800), 4284(71:1805), 4440(73:1705), 4890(81:1130), 4790(79:1045),
4805(79:1255), 4805(79:1255), 4850(80:1030), 4873(80:1225-30),
4955-6(82:1015-20), 4972(82:1230), 5048-9(83:1625-45), 5050(83:1655),
5053(83:1710), 6066-7(100:1230-5), 6276(102:1820-5), 6362(104:1045),
6364(104:1050), 7237(117:1705), 7500(122:1105), 7504(122:1125),
7511(122:1225), 8132(132:1705), 8133(132:1715), 8134(132:1720),
8449(138:1255), 8501(139:1615), 8682(142:1535)
>>>Human Resources Development Department, computer equipment purchase, o.q.,
>>>o.q., 1071(18:1420), 5638(92:1440), 7874(128:1150), 8440(138:1145-50),
>>>S.O. 31, 2324(39:1405), 2325(39:1410), 3349-50(56:1400), 6027(99:1115)
>>>See also Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program)--Cost overruns;
Health care funding--Federal government share
>>See also Budget deficit--Elimination;
Budget surplus--Allocation;
Elections--1997 election;
Journée internationale de la Francophonie--May 20;
National Defence Department--Offices
Government finances
Accounting practices, 2487(42:1100), 2488(42:1105)
>>>Full accrual accounting, adopting
>>>>Auditor General's position, 3886(66:1135), 3899(66:1320)
>>>>Budget 2003 measure, 3729-30(62:1610), 3734(62:1700), 3971-2(67:1315-25),
4000(67:1635), 4065-6(68:1745), 3886(66:1135), 3937(66:1755), 6126(101:1040),
>>>>o.q., 2111-2(36:1440)
>>Comptrollership function, Auditor General/government positions,
>>Financial information strategy see Public Accounts Standing
Committee--Reports, Fourth
>>Greater Toronto Area (GTA), revenues from/expenditures on, 3993(67:1540-5),
>>>Bloc Québécois position, 6358(104:1010)
>>>Mismanagement, poor management, 2485(42:1045), 2506(42:1335), 2649(44:1640),
>>>New system, increasing accountability, etc., 4841(79:1715)
>>>Quality, Quebec comparison, 1651-2(28:1425-30)
>>>Reforms, Auditor General's position, 3890(66:1210)
>>>See also Government expenditures--Waste and mismanagement
Government grants and contributions
Aboriginal human resource development agreement, training contract
management, ARO Suite web application, qu., 5455(90:1515)
>>Bombardier Inc., Power Corporation , Milit-Air Inc., receipt, ro.,
>>Martin, Hon. Paul, former Finance minister, "blind trust" holdings, receipt,
ro., 3603(60:1210)
>>Modes Conili, $700,000 transitional jobs fund grant, Royal Canadian Mounted
Police investigation, results, requesting, o.q., 7703(125:1445-50)
>>Prince Edward Island
>>>Electing Liberals requirement, 445(7:1125)
>>>Summer theatre program, criteria not met, patronage, factor, o.q.,
>>Solicitor General Department, awarding, Treasury Board guidelines, ignoring,
o.q., 678(11:1425)
>>Unapproved grants, without Parliamentary approval, Auditor General's
concerns, 3926(66:1630)
>>See also Addictions Research Centre, Montague, PE;
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)--Prince Edward Island;
Canada Economic Development (Economic Development Agency of Canada for the
Regions of Quebec);
Chrétien--References, Campaign donations;
Corporations--Government subsidies;
Food aid--Canadian organizations;
Government expenditures--Order Paper questions;
Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing, Public
education and outreach grants and contributions;
Inter-Parliamentary Forum of the Americas (FIPA);
Participaction program;
Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Fifth;
Sherbrooke Biotechnology Development Centre;
Thibault, Pierre--Shawinigan, QC
Government House, Battleford SK see Historic/heritage buildings, sites and monuments
Government information
Management, Information Commissioner's concerns, o.q., 6032(99:1140)
>>See also Access to information;
Government on-line services (Internet)
Government loans
Total value outstanding, in default and/or written off, breakdown by
department and Crown corporation, r.o., 6500(106:1010)
>>>Minister's failure to respond, referral to Government Operations and
Estimates Standing Committee, 6097(100:1545)
Government office space see Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Nineteenth
Government On-Line: 2003 see Government on-line services
Government On-Line Initiative see Government on-line services
Government on-line services (Internet)
Efficiency factor, 71(2:1650)
>>Government On-Line: 2003, report, tabled, 7297(118:1220)
>>Government On-line Initiative, government commitment, funding, o.q,,
>>International comparison, Accenture report on e-government, o.q.,
>>See also Canada Gazette;
Canadian Museum of website;
Community Access Program (Internet);
Environmental assessment--Access to information;
Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program)--Registration process, Online
Income tax--International agreements re avoidance of double taxation and tax
evasion, Tax havens;
Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Eighth;
Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee
Desautels, Denis, former Auditor General, appearance as witness,
>>Establishment, 1772(30:1005)
>>Reports, presented
>>>First, 4453(74:1005)
>>>Second (Public Service Modernization Act (Bill C-25)), 6378(104:1205)
>>>Third (Estimates, 2003-2004, Main, Justice Department Vote 45 reduced,
etc.), 6641(108:1005)
>>>Fourth (Privacy Commissioner), 7298(118:1220)
>>>>Concurrence, M. (Szabo), 8163-74(133:1205-330)
>>>Sixth (Meaningful Scrutiny: Practical Improvements to the Estimates
Process), government response requested, 7783(127:1015)
>>>Seventh (Amendments and Corrections Act, 2003 (Bill C-41)), 8071(132:1005)
>>>Eighth (Estimates, 2003-2444, Supplementary (A), Canadian Heritage
Department, Governor General, Privy Council Office, Public Works and
Government Services Department, Treasury Board), 8523(140:1005)
>>>Ninth (Matters related to the Review of the Office of the Privacy
Commissioner), 9111(150:1005)
>>>Tenth (Review of Seized Property Management Act), 9235(152:1050)
>>>Eleventh (Appointment of Jennifer Stoddart as Privacy Commissioner),
>>>Twelfth (Process issues arising during review of proposed appointee to
Office of the Privacy Commissioner), 9320(153:1205)
>>>Thirteenth (Disclosure of acts of wrongdoing against the public interest
and the protection of whistleblowers: Canada must now adopt a more specific
legal framework), 9320(153:1205)
>>Role, 231(4:1300), 4966(82:1140)
>>>See also Government automobiles/motor vehicles--Fleet holdings;
Government contracts--Since 1993--Sponsorship program, Recipients;
Government expenditures--Accountability and scrutiny--Order Paper questions
Government loans--Total value outstanding;
Public Service Modernization Act (Bill C-25)
Government performance
Reports, Canada's Performance 2002, tabled, 1697(29:1000)
>>Reports, Canada's Performance 2003, tabled, 8933(147:1005)
Government policy
Announcements, statements by Ministers, making in House, 1699(29:1015),
>>Briefings to all Members by Ministers/officials at same time, 1699(29:1015)
Government procurement
Miscellaneous items, r.o., 3189(53:1540)
>>>Minister's failure to respond, referral to Public Accounts Standing
Committee, 2735(46:1530)
>>Quebec opting out, right, 8963-4(147:1355)
>>See also National Defence Department--Offices;
Sea King helicopters--Replacement;
Shipbuilding industry
Government programs
Cost recovery see Canadian Coast Guard--Dredging fees--Marine Navigation
Services Fee and Icebreaking Services Fee
>>Major Crown project designation see Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms
>>Quebecers not eligible, criteria factor, 4264(71:1540)
>>Re-evaluating, 2608(44:1155), 6073(100:1325)
>>Review, five year cycle, Budget 2003 measure, 3734(62:1700), 3937(66:1755),
3955(67:1115-20), 4065(68:1735-40), 6074(100:1335)
>>Statutory, 10 year review cycle, cost savings, etc., 6122(101:1015)
>>>See also Statutory Program Evaluation Act (Bill C-435)
>>Useless programs, abolishing, 6510(106:1130)
>>See also Government expenditures--Program spending;
Government publishing see Public Works and Government Services Department
Government revenues see Iraq, United States pre-emptive attack--Canadian position
Government subsidies see Alternative/renewable/green energy; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL); Book publishing industry; Contaminated sites--Brownfields; Corporations; Energy; Fossil fuels; Hibernia oil and gas project; Natural resource industries; Nuclear energy; Official languages policy (bilingualism); Oil and gas industry; VIA Rail Canada Inc.
Governor General
Estimates see Estimates--2003-2004, Supplementary (A)
>>References see Parliament--37th Parl., 2nd Sess.
>>See also Clarkson, Right Hon. Adrienne (Governor General)
Governor General's Award in Commemoration of the Persons Case see "Famous Five"
Governor General's Award in Visual and Media Arts
Recipients, congratulating, S.O. 31, 4360(72:1405)
>>Tanabe, Takao, Errington, BC, recipient, S.O. 31, 4360(72:1405)
Governor General's Award of Excellence see Teachers
Governor General's Caring Canadian Award see Engren, Peggy; Fitzpatrick, Mary; Haggarty, Berenice; Migué, Laurent; Sutherland, Evelyn
Governor General's Literary Awards
Recipients, congratulating, S.O. 31, 1611(27:1400)
Governor General's Medal of Bravery see Medal of Bravery
Governor General's Performing Arts Awards
Ramon John Hnatyshyn Award for Volunteerism, Father Fernand Lindsay,
recipient, S.O. 31, 1026(17:1410), 1138(19:1410),
>>Recipients, tribute, S.O. 31, 505(8:1400), 1137-8(19:1410), 8105(132:1405)
Governor General's Special Warrants see Heating Expenses One Time Relief--Continuing payments
Governors General
Canadian, 50th anniversary, 1(1:1525)
>>See also LeBlanc, Right Hon. Roméo
GPI see Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI)
GPS see Global Positioning System (GPS)
Graham, Hon. Bill (Lib.--Toronto Centre--Rosedale; Minister of Foreign Affairs)
- >>Afghanistan, o.q., 135(3:1445), 7215(117:1435-40)
>>Algeria, o.q., 679(11:1430)
>>Almalki, Abdullah, o.q., 9267(152:1430)
>>Anti-Americanism, o.q., 4488(74:1435), 4533(75:1130), 5169-70(85:1420), 5172(85:1430)
>>Arab Canadians, o.q., 1072(18:1430), 1140-1(19:1425)
>>Arafat, Yasser, o.q., 7338(119:1455)
>>Arar, Maher, o.q., 677-8(11:1420-5), 1617(27:1435), 2629(44:1430), 5559(91:1455), 7457(121:1450), 8321-2(136:1445-50), 8393(137:1440), 9148(150:1450), 9185(151:1425), 9187(151:1435), 9267(152:1435)
>>Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, o.q., 7994(130:1455)
>>Armenian genocide, o.q., 247(4:1440)
>>Arms control treaties, o.q., 6085(100:1440)
>>Assisted Human Reproduction Act (Bill C-13), 5007(82:1625)
>>Betancourt Ingrid, o.q., 3719(62:1450), 6325(103:1500)
>>Border, Canadian, o.q., 1034(17:1455), 1078(18:1500), 1229(21:1425), 1233(21:1445), 1455(24:1440), 1457-8(24:1455), 4191(70:1140), 4415(73:1440), 4417(73:1450)
>>Burma, o.q., 6922(112:1455)
>>Canadian Land Mine Fund, 2060(35:1200)
>>Chevarie-Dudemaine, Simon, o.q., 4194(70:1155)
>>Congo, Democratic Republic of, o.q., 7139(116:1445)
>>Cuba, o.q., 5295(87:1500)
>>Defence equipment, 2686(45:1200)
>>Devils Lake, North Dakota, o.q., 8604(141:1505), 8671(142:1425)
>>Diamond mining industry, qu., 1556(26:1520)
>>Embassies and consulates, o.q., 7533(122:1450)
>>Energy, o.q., 3140(52:1455)
>>Ethics, o.q., 8849(145:1455)
>>Falun Gong, o.q., 3868(65:1155)
>>Foreign affairs, o.q., 9312(153:1125)
>>Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department, o.q., 4822(79:1445)
>>Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee, 5918(97:1505), 9319(153:1200)
>>>o.q., 2519(42:1445-50)
>>Foreign policy, qu., 4259(71:1515)
>>Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), o.q., 5869(96:1445)
>>Government contracts, o.q., 7094(115:1430), 7140(116:1450), 7215(117:1435), 7219(117:1500)
>>Haiti, 4493-4(74:1505)
>>>o.q., 4418(73:1450), 4420(73:1500)
>>Hamas terrorist group, o.q., 6966(113:1135)
>>Hezbollah terrorist group, o.q., 680(11:1435), 1074(18:1440), 1349(23:1445), 2373(40:1130)
>>International agreements, 2686(45:1200)
>>International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), o.q., 3469(58:1500), 4863-4(80:1145)
>>Iran, o.q., 1458(24:1455), 4193(70:1150)
>>>Committee take note, M. (Boudria), 2877-80(48:1900-15), 2881-2(48:1930), 2884(48:1950)
>>>House take note, M. (Boudria), 83-5(2:1830-45), 100-1(2:2045), 109(2:2155)
>>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 4457(74:1045), 4458-60(74:1055-1110), 4465(74:1145)
>>>M. on supply (Reynolds), 3223-5(54:1120-40)
>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Lalonde), 4314-5(71:2215-20)
>>>o.q., 54(2:1450), 131(3:1420), 135(3:1445), 248(4:1445), 963(16:1455), 1146(19:1455), 2716(46:1435), 2840(48:1430), 2843(48:1445), 3006(50:1115-20), 3008(50:1125), 3009(50:1130), 3062(51:1420-5), 3065(51:1445), 3136-7(52:1430-5), 3137(52:1435-40), 3176-7(53:1420-5), 3178(53:1430), 3249(54:1435), 3423(57:1430-5), 3464(58:1425), 3465(58:1435), 3542(59:1415), 3543-4(59:1420-5), 3545-6(59:1435), 3644(61:1425), 3646(61:1430-5), 3714(62:1425), 3815-6(64:1415), 3816-7(64:1420-5), 3861-2(65:1120-5), 3863(65:1130), 3865(65:1140), 3868-9(65:1200), 3907-8(66:1420), 3909(66:1430), 3981(67:1425), 3982(67:1430), 4035-6(68:1430-5), 4138(69:1415), 4139(69:1420-5), 4188(70:1120-5), 4250(71:1450), 4364(72:1430), 4366(72:1440), 4414(73:1425-30), 4415(73:1435), 4485(74:1420), 4487(74:1430), 4489(74:1440), 4492(74:1455), 4492-3(74:1500), 4531-3(75:1115-25), 4535(75:1140), 4586-7(76:1415-20), 4588(76:1430), 4589(76:1435), 4656-7(77:1420), 4658-9(77:1430), 4711(78:1420), 4716(78:1450), 4819(79:1430), 4820(79:1435), 4858-9(80:1115-20), 4863(80:1145), 4914(81:1415-20), 4916(81:1430), 5169(85:1415), 5170(85:1420-5), 5288(87:1415), 5291(87:1435), 5354-6(88:1415-30), 5756(94:1130), 6317(103:1415-20)
>>Israel, 85(2:1840-5)
>>Ivory Coast, o.q., 3360(56:1455)
>>Kazemi, Zahra, o.q., 7534(122:1455), 8899(146:1500)
>>Law of the Sea, o.q., 6968(113:1140)
>>Liberia, o.q., 7139(116:1445)
>>Middle East conflict, o.q., 6967(113:1135), 6969(113:1145)
>>Muslim faith, o.q., 7336(119:1445)
>>National missile defence system (NMD), o.q., 3008(50:1125), 5558(91:1455), 5642(92:1510), 5711(93:1445), 5755(94:1125), 5812(95:1455), 6087(100:1450), 6158(101:1435), 9269(152:1445)
>>>M. on supply (Bachand, C.), 6285(103:1030), 6286-8(103:1035-50)
>>Nigeria, 5762(94:1200)
>>>o.q., 5757(94:1130)
>>North American Aerospace Defence Command (NORAD), 6287(103:1040-5)
>>North Korea, o.q., 4189(70:1125)
>>Nuclear weapons, o.q., 751(12:1440)
>>Passports, o.q., 2334(39:1500), 3469(58:1455), 3549(59:1455), 3650(61:1455)
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 1074(18:1440)
>>>Member's remarks, 109(2:2155)
>>>Oral questions, 5762(94:1200)
>>References see Iraq--United Nations sanctions; Iraq, United States pre-emptive attack; Middle East conflict--Canada position
>>Sampson, William, o.q., 3013(50:1155), 7331-2(119:1420), 7414-5(120:1440), 7416(120:1445), 9264-5(152:1420), 9316(153:1140)
>>Syria, o.q., 5356(88:1425)
>>Turkey, o.q., 3469(58:1455)
>>Weapons of mass destruction, o.q., 3007(50:1125)
>>World Health Organization (WHO), o.q., 4821(79:1445), 5175-6(85:1450), 5867(96:1430)
>>Zimbabwe, o.q., 3183(53:1500), 3717-8(62:1445), 3912(66:1445), 4192(70:1140), 4195(70:1200), 8037(131:1455)
Grain elevators see Grain transportation
Grain handlers see Grain transportation--Vancouver, BC
Grain handling see Monitoring the Canadian Grain Handling and Transportation System Annual Report 2001-2002 Crop Year
Grain industry
>>>Grains and oilseeds industry, 264(4:1645)
>>>S.O. 31, 8890(146:1410)
>>Federal government funding, 7191(17:1155)
>>Marketing, Canadian Wheat Board, treatment of prairie
farmers, 388-9(6:1810-5), 412(6:2120), 422(6:2240)
>>>Farmers, Jim Ness, Rick Strankman, Rod Hanger, Mark Peterson, etc.,
charges, convictions, jailing, 264(4:1640-5), 456(7:1250-5), 533(8:1655-700),
590(9:1515), 1574(26:1655)
>>>>o.q., 867-8(14:1450-5), 913-4(15:1130-5), 1139-40(19:1415-20),
1348(23:1440), 1549(26:1450)
>>>>S.O. 31, 239-40(4:1400), 577(9:1355), 744-5(12:1405), 859(14:1400),
1068(18:1405), 1137(19:1405), 1540-1(26:1405), 2509(42:1355)
>>>M. on supply (Harper), 1360-77(23:1555-755)
>>>S.O. 31, 2003-4(34:1400)
>>Marketing, Canadian Wheat Board monopoly
>>>Eliminating, S.O. 31, 673(11:1400), 743(12:1355)
>>>Farmers, marketing choice, allowing, o.q., 5807-9(95:1430)
>>>o.q., 1737-8(29:1455)
>>>World Trade Organization action against, United States contemplating, o.q.,
>>>United States position, possible trade actions against Canada,
163(3:1755), 272(4:1745), 276(4:1810-5)
>>>>20% duty on wheat exports, o.q., 5754(94:1115)
>>>>Grain import duty, imposing, government position, o.q., 5807(95:1430),
>>>>o.q., 1841(31:1500)
>>>>S.O. 31, 1832(31:1410)
>>Naber Seed & Grain, bankruptcy, insufficient bonding, farmers, money owed,
government action, o.q., 3719(62:1450-5)
>>Prices, below Canadian Wheat Board recommendations, o.q., 8211(134:1445)
Grain transportation
Canadian Wheat Board contracting 50%, 4439-40(73:1705)
>>Commercial contract based system, adopting, 4433(73:1610)
>>Crow rate, removal, 3772-3(63:1750), 4966(82:1140), 6390(104:1310)
>>>See also Highways and roads--Prairie provinces
>>Government ignoring farmers concerns, 4429(73:1540), 4437(73:1640-5)
>>Government role, 4438-9(73:1655)
>>Hopper car fleet, disposal, Farmer Rail Car Coalition, use, consultation
>>>o.q., 317(5:1200), 1190(20:1140)
>>>S.O. 31, 1069(18:1415)
>>Inefficient, government addressing, 2633-4(44:1455)
>>Market vs co-operative approach, 4440(73:1710)
>>Prince Rupert, BC, port, picket lines, closure, o.q., 1457(24:1450)
>>>Tentative agreement, o.q., 1735(29:1440), 11786(30:1140)
>>Rail transportation
>>>Improving, necessity, 4377(72:1555)
>>>See Grain transportation--Trucking
>>Trucking, rather than rail transportation, grain elevators abandoned,
environmental impact, etc., 4387-8(72:1700-5), 4437(73:1645)
>>>See also Highways and roads--Prairie provinces
>>Vancouver, BC, port, grain handlers lock-out, dispute resolution mechanism,
need, 1697(29:1005), 4437(73:1645)
>>>o.q., 753(12:1450), 868(14:1455),
1034(17:1500), 1235(21:1455),
1550(26:1455), 1786(30:1140)
>>>S.O. 31, 507(8:1410), 675-6(11:1410), 1779-80(30:1105)
>>See also Monitoring the Canadian Grain Handling and Transportation System
Annual Report 2001-2002 Crop Year