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SNUD Committee Report

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A Supplementary Report
from the Official Opposition


The issue of marijuana use has not been addressed in the detail that the Senate covered, since the Senate report focused exclusively on cannabis, thus the decision rendered by this committee will be more political than practical. We could agree that minor possession should be a summary conviction [a fine] provided the fine is attached to something that would force payment [like a driver’s license] and that the proceeds of the fines be dedicated to drug education. No recommendation has been made concerning fines therefore this is legalization. It also has to be clearly understood that possession is illegal and this is not a green light for use nor is it a green light to grow.

Smoking marijuana is harmful, illegal and selling or growing it must remain a criminal offense. Drug driving laws must also be implemented and enforced and dealt with reasonably and effectively in the courts. It is impractical to spend millions each year advertising the bad effects of cigarettes then loosen the reigns on marijuana.

Before decriminalization takes place the issues identified above must be dealt with including the issue of how much minor possession is. How anyone could recommend 30 grams of marijuana be decriminalized and not say they are legalizing it is a mystery. Even Holland, the most Liberal of all countries only accepts 5 grams as the maximum amount. The committee is disguising its motives and is legalizing marijuana not just to posses but to grow. How does anyone determine 30 grams growing in any number of plants?

This recommendation is irresponsible and only serves to support the Liberal cabinet’s objectives.