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SNUD Committee Report

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Committees Directorate

2nd Session — 37th Parliament


Extract from the Journals of the House of Commons
Monday, October 7, 2002

The House resumed consideration of the motion of Mr. Boudria (Minister of State and Leader of the Government in the House of Commons), seconded by Mr. Pagtakhan (Minister of Veterans Affairs), — That, in order to provide for the resumption and continuation of the business of the House begun in the previous Session of Parliament it is ordered:

1.   That any evidence adduced by any Standing or Special Committee on any matter not reported upon in the previous Session shall be deemed to have been laid upon the Table in the present Session;

2.   That during the first thirty sitting days of the present Session of Parliament, whenever a Minister of the Crown, when proposing a motion for first reading of a public bill, states that the said bill is in the same form as a bill introduced by a Minister of the Crown in the previous Session, if the Speaker is satisfied that the said bill is in the same form as at prorogation, notwithstanding Standing Order 71, the said bill shall be deemed in the current Session to have been considered and approved at all stages completed at the time of prorogation of the previous Session; (Government Business No. 2A)

And of the amendment of Mr. Hill (Macleod), seconded by Mrs. Skelton (Saskatoon—Rosetown—Biggar), — That motion No. 2A be amended by adding after the words “prorogation of the previous session” the following:

“provided that Bills C-15B and C-5, introduced in the previous session, be excluded from this process.”.

The House resumed consideration of the motion of Mr. Boudria (Minister of State and Leader of the Government in the House of Commons), seconded by Mr. Pagtakhan (Minister of Veterans Affairs), — That, in order to provide for the resumption and continuation of the business of the House begun in the previous Session of Parliament it is ordered:

That a special committee of the House be appointed to consider the factors underlying or relating to the non-medical use of drugs in Canada and make recommendations with respect to the ways and means by which the government can act, alone or in its relations with governments at other levels, in the reduction of the dimensions of the problems involved in such use;

That the membership of the committee be the same as the membership of the Special Committee on the Non-Medical Use of Drugs at the time of prorogation of the First Session of the present Parliament, provided that substitutions may be made from time to time, if required, in the manner provided for in Standing Order 114 (2);

That the committee shall have all of the powers granted to Standing Committees in Standing Order 108; and

That the committee shall present its final report no later than November 22, 2002. (Government Business No. 2B)

The debate continued on the motions.

The question was put on Government Business No. 2B and it was agreed to on division.


Clerk of the House