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HERI Committee Report

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Appendix 16
Political Activity Questionnaire (UK)

Source: The Commissioner for Public Appointments Code of Practice for Ministerial Appointments to Public Bodies, Office of the Commissioner for Public Appointments, July 2001,

All applicants for a public appointment should complete the question below.

This question is asked for two reasons:

it enables the monitoring of political activity of candidates for a public appointment in so far as it is already in the public domain. Neither activity nor affiliation is a criterion for appointment (except where statute dictates specific representation);
involvement in political activities enables individuals to gain and to demonstrate skills and experiences they may not otherwise have obtained. You may be asked about these if they are relevant to your application.

If you are successful, the information provided will be published with the announcement of your appointment.

Please indicate which of the following activities you have undertaken during the past five years by ticking the appropriate box and by providing details of your involvement. Name the party or body for which you have been active. If you have been or are an Independent or have sought or obtained office as a representative of a particular interest group, you should state this. You should tick all relevant categories.

a.Obtained office as a Local Councillor, MP, MEP etc. Stood as a candidate for one of the above offices
Spoken on behalf of a party or candidate
b.Acted as a political agent
Held office such as Chair, Treasurer or Secretary of a local branch of a party
Canvassed on behalf of a party or helped at elections
Undertaken any other political activity which you consider relevant
c.Made a recordable donation to a political party1
d.None of the above activities apply


1The Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 requires the Electoral Commission to publish a register of recordable donations (donations from any individual totalling more than £5,000 in any calendar year, or more than £1,000 if made to a subsidiary accounting unit such as a constituency association, local branch, women's or youth organisation). These provisions became effective from 16 February 2001.