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FAIT Committee Report

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NAFTA Intergovernmental Bodies

[Note: The provision in NAFTA or the separate agreement authorizing the creation of the body, and the organization or commission to which it reports, are listed in parentheses.]

Free Trade Commission [FTC]

n         NAFTA Coordinating Secretariat

n         FTC Secretariat (Article 2002)

Part Two of NAFTA: Trade in Goods

n         Committee on Trade in Goods (Article 316, Finance)

n         Working Group on Rules of Origin (Article 513, DFAIT)

-        Customs Subgroup (Article 513.6, Revenue)

n         Committee on Trade in Worn Clothing (Annex 300-B, Industry)

n         Committee on Agricultural Trade [CAT] (Article 706, Agriculture and DFAIT)

-        Working Group on Agricultural Grading and Marketing Standards (Annex 703.2.25, Agriculture and DFAIT)

-        Working Group on Agricultural Subsidies (Article 705.6, Agriculture and DFAIT)

-        Advisory Committee on Private Agricultural Disputes (Article 707, Agriculture and DFAIT)

-        Working Group on Tariff Rate Quota Administration (CAT, Agriculture and DFAIT)

n         Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Standards [CSPS] (Article 722, DFAIT, Agriculture)

-        Technical Working Group on Pesticides (created jointly by CSPS and CSRM [see below])

-        Trilateral/Bilateral Working Groups adopted from Canada-U.S. FTA (FTA Article 708, DFAIT):

 Meat, Poultry and Egg Inspection Working Group (CSPS)
 Plant Health, Seeds and Fertilizers Working Group (CSPS)
 Animal Health Working Group (CSPS)
 Dairy, Fruit and Vegetable Inspection (CSPS)
 Veterinary Drugs and Feeds (CSPS)
 Food, Beverage, Colour Additives and Unavoidable Contaminants (CSPS)
 Packaging and Labelling Working Group (CSPS)
 Fish and Fisheries Products Inspection (CSPS)
 Pesticides Technical Working Group (CSPS)

n         Committee on Standards-Related Measures [CSRM] (Article 913, DFAIT)

-        Land Transportation Subcommittee [LTSS] (Annex 913.5.a-1, Transport and DFAIT)

-        LTSS I Driver and Vehicle Safety Compliance

-        LTSS II Vehicle Weight and Dimension

-        LTSS III Road Signs

-        LTSS IV Rail Operations

-        LTSS V Committee on Transportation of Dangerous Goods

-        Telecommunications Standards Subcommittee
(Annex 913.5.a-2, Industry)

-        Automotive Standards Council (Annex 913.5.a-3, Industry, Transport)

-        Textile/Apparel Labelling Subcommittee (Annex 913.5.a-4, Industry)

Part Four of NAFTA: Government Procurement

n         Working Group on Government Procurement (Article 1021, DFAIT)

n         Committee on Small Business (Article 1021, DFAIT)

Part Five of NAFTA: Investment Services, etc.

n         Financial Services Committee (Annex 1412.1, Finance)

n         Working Group on Trade and Competition Policy (Article 1504, DFAIT, Industry)

n         Working Group on Temporary Entry (Article 1605, Citizenship and Immigration)

n         Working Group on Investment and Services (Chapters 11 and 12)

Part Seven of NAFTA: Administration and Institutional

n         Advisory Committee on Private Commercial Disputes (Article 2022, DFAIT)

n         Working Group on Emergency Action (Article 2001(2)(d), Finance)

n         Working Group on Dumping and Antidumping Duties (Joint Statement 12/2/93)

n         Chapter 19 Working Group on Trade Remedies (Chapter 19 Article 1907.1)

Commission for Environmental Cooperation [CEC]

n         CEC Council (NAAEC, Article 9-10)

n         CEC Secretariat (NAAEC, Article 11)

n         Joint Public Advisory Committee [JPAC] (NAAEC, Article 16)

n         National Advisory Committees [NAC] (NAAEC, Article 17)

Commission for Labor Cooperation [CLC]

n         CLC Council

n         CLC Secretariat

n         National Advisory Committees [NAC]

Review Processes

n         Long-term review process — Automotive (Annex 300-A, paragraph 2)

n         Long-term review process — GATT (Annex 300-B, Section 7.3)

NAFTA-Inspired Institutions

n         Energy Efficiency Labelling Group

n         Health Group

n         Transportation Consultative Group

n         Border Environment Cooperation Commission [BECC]

n         North American Development Bank [NADBank]

n         Working Group on Dumping and Antidumping Duties (Joint Statement 12/2/93)

Source: NAFTA’s Institutions: The Environmental Potential and Performance of the NAFTA Free Trade Commission and Related Bodies, Commission for Environmental Cooperation, Montreal, 1997 (accessed at: