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CIMM Committee Report

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        The Committee could not have completed its study The Safe Third Country Regulations without the cooperation and support of numerous people. The Chairman and members of the Committee extend their thanks to all the witnesses who shared with them their insight and their knowledge on this subject.

        Our task could not be completed without the valuable work of the research officers of the Parliamentary Research Branch, Benjamin Dolin and Margaret Young. The Committee also wishes to acknowledge the Clerk, William Farrell, and Lucie Poulin for the administration and support throughout the course of this study.

        The members of the Committee also wish to express their appreciation to the staff of the Committees Directorate, the Translation Bureau of Public Works and Government Services Canada, the Department of Citizenship and Immigration staff and the support services of the House of Commons who have provided logistic and administrative support to elaborate this report.

        Finally, the Chairman wishes to thank the members of the Committee for the hours they dedicated to study this question and to prepare this report.