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AGRI Committee Report

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The Standing Committee recommends that measures to ensure that Specified Risk Materials are not included in animal feed be implemented, enforced and audited for compliance.


The Standing Committee recommends that the federal government work, in cooperation with the CFIA, the industry and provinces, to enhance the existing Canadian Cattle Identification Program by establishing a comprehensive and cost-effective national traceability system, as rapidly as possible.


The Standing Committee recommends the establishment of an industry/government task force that would focus specifically on the trade issues involved in the full restoration of export markets for livestock and its related meat products.


The Standing Committee recommends that the livestock industry and Parliament be kept informed on a regular basis of diplomatic efforts and trade missions conducted to improve Canada’s livestock trade situation.


In order to ensure that the increased costs resulting from changes made to inspection, rendering practices and traceability systems are not borne solely by livestock producers, the Standing Committee recommends that the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food increase the budget of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.

Furthermore, the Committee recommends that the Minister name an auditor to ensure that any additional costs be kept to a minimum and shared equitably among all stakeholders in the livestock sector.


The Standing Committee recommends a compensation plan for a culling program, which would include dairy cull cows, that should be conducted according to an attrition rate that would allow the industry to better balance supply and demand.

Furthermore, since such a program will require the development of meat products with greater value added, the Committee recommends that the government support the industry through a special assistance fund for the development of new market opportunities.


The Standing Committee recommends that the Competition Bureau conduct an investigation into the pricing of beef at the processing and retail levels. To this end, the Committee Chair and five other members will send an official written request to the Bureau.