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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 37th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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37th Parliament, 1st Session   (January 29, 2001 - September 16, 2002)  Current Session
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Rehorick, Sally see Olympics, 2002 Winter Games (Salt Lake City, United States)--Canadian team

Reid, Hon. John see Access to Information Commissioner; Canadian Association of Former Parliamentarians--Distinguished Service Award

Reid, Joyce

    >>Volunteer, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 6192-3(95:1405)

Reid, Scott (CA--Lanark--Carleton)

Reindeer see Northwest Territories Reindeer Regulations


    >>Places or objects of worship, mischief motivated by hatred, offences, Anti-terrorism Act (Bill C-36) provisions, 6181(95:1235)
    >>See also Canadian Alliance--2000 general election; Day--References; First Wesleyan Church, Fredericton, NB; Hogan, Fr. Andy; Prayer; United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks--National Day of Mourning; Van Hee, Fr. Tony

Religious broadcasting see Broadcasting--Pride Vision

Religious fundamentalism

Religious minorities see Afghanistan--Human rights violations

Religious schools see Private schools

Remembrance Day (November 11)

    >>Canadian Armed Forces, merchant navy and civilian personnel, including, M. (Stoffer), 10059-66(163:1110-55)
    >>>Amdt., M., agreed to, by unanimous consent, 10059(163:1110)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 10066(163:1155)
    >>Historical background, initially known as Armistice Day, 10061(163:1120)
    >>National holiday, establishing, 10064(163:1140)
    >>>Federal-provincial jurisdiction, non-observance, 10060-1(163:1110-20), 10064-5(163:1140-5)
    >>>M. (Gallaway), 9054-61(145:1800-45)
    >>>>Dropped from Order Paper, 9061(145:1850)
    >>Nova Scotia Remembrance Day Act, S.O. 31, 7089(111:1410)
    >>Poppies, wearing as symbol, S.O. 31, 6881(108:1110-5)
    >>Two minutes of silence, 1653(28:1555-600), 4792-3(74:1515), 9441-7(153:1105-50), 10797(175:1825)
    >>>Legislation, supporting, S.O. 31, 10831(176:1400)
    >>>Petitions, 6974(110:1030)
    >>>See also Observance of Two Minutes of Silence on Remembrance Day (Bill C-297)
    >>S.O. 31, 6834(107:1405), 7004(110:1410), 7156-7(112:1400-5), 7206-7(113:1100-5)
    >>Youth, teaching significance, 10062(163:1125)
    >>See also Canadian Armed Forces--Peacekeeping operations, Tribute; Remembrance Day National Flag Act (Bill C-432) Veterans' medals--War decorations; Veterans Week

Remembrance Day National Flag Act (Bill C-432)--Bailey

    >>First reading, 9202-3(148:1515)
    >>See also Canadian flag

Remote communities see Rural/remote/natural resource communities/regions

Renaissance Fallsview Hotel see Energy Innovators Initiative

Renaud, Bernadette

    >>Literary contributions, celebrating, S.O. 31, 4167-8(64:1405)

Renaud, Jean-Sébastien

    >>Longueuil constituency "Member for a Day" contest winner, S.O. 31, 4090-1(63:1405)

Rendez-vous de la Francophonie see Francophonie--Celebrations

Renewable energy

    >>Budget 2001 measures, 8216(131:1105), 9490(153:1740), 9598(155:1625)
    >>>Income tax measures, 9698(157:1040)
    >>>See also Renewable energy--Tax benefits
    >>Certification program, establishing, o.q., 7904(125:1500)
    >>Government subsidies, inadequate, 12089(198:1240)
    >>Tax benefits
    >>>Budget 2001 measure, $260 million, 8216(131:1105), 8470(134:1800)
    >>>>o.q., 10457(169:1435)
    >>>See also Renewable energy--Budget 2001 measures
    >>>Air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions reduction role, etc., o.q., 11840(193:1455)
    >>>Greenhouse gas emissions reduction role, 8163(129:1920), 9817-8(159:1325), 12126(198:1700)
    >>>Government investment, increasing, o.q., 11175(182:1145)
    >>>Increasing, government incentives, etc. 867(16:1350), 6860(107:1705-10), 12082(198:1135), 12093(198:1310), 12094(198:1320-5)
    >>>>o.q., 7904(125:1500)
    >>See also Alternative energy; Nuclear waste--Contaminated land

Renewable resources

    >>Production, promoting, long term program, 8308(133:1235)

Renfrew, ON see Highway safety/accidents--Ontario

Renfrew--Nipissing--Pembroke constituency see Agriculture

Rennock, Tafari see Refugees--Criminals, Sex offender

Repayable contributions see Industry Department; Technology Partnerships Canada--Loans/investments

Report stage motions see Legislative process

Report to Federal, Provincial and Territorial Ministers on Information Systems on Sex Offenders Against Children and Other Vulnerable Groups see National sex offender registry--Difficulties

Reports to House see Parliament--Officers of Parliament

Representative tax system see Equalization payments

Reproductive and genetic technologies

Research and development

    >>Budget 2001 measures, 8218(131:1115), 8190(130:1640), 8353(133:1730), 8450(134:1545), 8452-3(134:1155-605), 8843(141:1635), 8844(141:1640)
    >>>See also Research and development--Granting councils, Funding
    >>Canada Research Chairs, documentation, M. for Production of Papers (Pankiw), agreed to, 3496(53:1545)
    >>Canadian Alliance position, strengthening, 2634(41:1620), 2647-8(41:1750-5), 2844(44:1305-10), 3979(61:1345)
    >>Costs, soft/indirect costs, assistance, 6830(107:1335), 6831-2(107:1350), 7107(111:1605)
    >>Decline, 11628(189:1845)
    >>Dollar exchange rate, low, effects, 2841(44:1250)
    >>Federal, provincial government, co-operation, 2640(41:1700)
    >>Federal-provincial science ministers meeting, September, 2001, Quebec City, QC
    >>>Planning, 271(7:1120)
    >>>Results, etc., o.q., 5557(85:1455)
    >>Federal research centres, locating, 272-3(7:1125-30)
    >>Foundations, role, venture capital, relationship, o.q., 11597-8(189:1450)
    >>Global strategy, 11(2:1530), 50(3:1640), 271-2(7:1120), 2844(44:1310)
    >>Government commitment, importance, 270-2(7:1115-20)
    >>Government expenditures, 6819(107:1220), 8356(133:1755), 9487-8(153:1720-5), 9496(153:1825)
    >>>Doubling/Canada among top 5 countries by 2010 Throne Speech statement, 11(2:1530), 42(3:1540), 50(3:1635), 69(4:1020), 76(4:1105), 263(7:1025), 271(7:1115), 273(7:1130), 278(7:1205), 281(7:1225), 324(7:1650), 331(7:1745), 358(8:1600), 369(8:1710), 2632-3(41:1605-10), 2637(41:1640), 2842(44:1255-300), 3674(56:1535), 3978(61:1335-40), 8413(134:1120)
    >>>>o.q., 348(8:1455), 1462(25:1155), 3486-7(53:1500), 3801(58:1455), 5557(85:1455), 10359(167:1150), 10604(172:1155), 12106(198:1435), 12109(198:1450)
    >>>Gross Domestic Product (GDP) percentage, low, 2641(41:1705)
    >>>Importance, 7114(111:1700)
    >>>International comparisons, 2842(44:1255), 6830(107:1335)
    >>>Objective/agenda, 3807-8(58:1535), 3979(61:1345)
    >>>o.q., 4785(74:1435)
    >>>Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) ranking, 15th, 176(5:1320), 2634(41:1620), 2649(41:1800)
    >>>Quebec share, 272-3(7:1125-30), 4463(69:1310), 4466(69:1335), 4467-8(69:1345-50), 4492(69:1600)
    >>>o.q., 3662(56:1430)
    >>>Targetting, 11(2:1530)
    >>>See also Industry, Science and Technology Standing Committee--Reports, Tenth; Research and development--Budget 2001 measures--Granting councils
    >>Granting councils
    >>>Accountability, 2635(41:1620-5)
    >>>Funding, increased, 2632(41:1605), 2637(41:1640), 2646(41:1740)
    >>>>Allocation formula, concerns, 8453(134:1600)
    >>>>Budget 2001 measures, 7% increase, 8080(128:1635), 8189(130:1630), 8313(133:1300), 8353(133:1730), 8453(134:1355), 8461(134:1655), 12277(200:1610)
    >>Importance, 487(10:1245)
    >>Independent body, establishing, 271(7:1120)
    >>International projects, facilities, $100 million funding, 2632(41:1605), 2647(41:1750), 3978(61:1335)
    >>Large scale science and technology projects, establishing funding framework, single federal authority, etc., 2632(41:1605)
    >>>o.q., 3879-80(59:1445-50)
    >>Northern Canada
    >>>Government efforts, increasing, S.O. 31, 5069(94:1400)
    >>>Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council task force recommendations, S.O. 31, 11044(180:1415)
    >>>See also University research--Research chairs
    >>Private sector, involving, providing incentives, 2640(41:1655-700), 2648(41:1755), 3808(58:1535)
    >>Proposals, submitting, evaluating, process, inconsistent, Auditor General's report, findings, 5043(77:2035)
    >>>Attracting from United States, 12278(200:1620)
    >>>Brain drain, reasons, combatting, 2648-9(41:1800), 2652(41:1825)
    >>Small companies, attracting, funding, 3808(58:1535)
    >>Standard of living, relationship, 2643(41:1720), 2840(44:1240)
    >>Tax incentives, 901(16:1730)
    >>>Most generous in world, 69(4:1020), 2648-9(41:1800)
    >>>>o.q., 4707(73:1445)
    >>>Tax credits, $1.5 billion annually, 358(8:1600), 2321(37:1615)
    >>>See also Alternative energy--Research and development; Astronomy; Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing, research and development; Sustainable development--Research and development
    >>Throne Speech commitments, 2632(41:1605)
    >>>See also Research and development--Government expenditures
    >>See also Agriculture; Agriculture and Agri-Food Department; Alternative energy; Aluminum industry; Antarctica; Astronomy; Automobiles/motor vehicles--Hydrogen fuel use; Canada Foundation for Innovation; Canada Foundation for Sustainable Development Technology; Canada-United States Softwood Lumber Agreement/dispute--Expiry of agreement, Government assisting industry and workers Canadian Institute for Advanced Research; Canadian Foundation for Climate Change and Atmospheric Sciences; Canadian Neutron Facility; Disabled and handicapped persons--Technology; Drinking water--Alberta regulations--Safety, Agriculture and Agri-Food Department role; Drinking water contamination; Drug and substance abuse; Drugs and pharmaceuticals; Energy Research and Development Program; Environmental research; Farm income crisis; Fisheries; Fisheries and Oceans Department; General Motors of Canada Limited; Health research; Humanities and Social Sciences Federation of Canada; Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP); Internet--CA*net 4; Life sciences; Marine conservation areas; Medical research; Mining industry; National Research Council (NRC); Natural resource industries--Technology; Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council; Networks of Centres of Excellence; Nuclear fusion technology; Penitentiaries--Drug smuggling/trafficking; Pulp and paper industry; Pulse industry; Quebec Biotechnology Innovation Centre; Reproductive and genetic technologies; Research In Motion Limited (RIM); Rural/remote/natural resource communities/regions; Science and technology--Investment; Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council; Sustainable development; Technology; Technology Partnerships Canada; University research; Water/freshwater

Research In Motion Limited (RIM)

    >>Blackberry, wireless e-mail device
    >>>Technology Partnerships Canada role in development, 8431(134:1340)
    >>>>o.q., 8718(140:139:1450), 8756(140:1425)
    >>>United States Congress, use, 6231(95:1925), 8431(134:1340)
    >>Services, employment, creating, research, expanding, benefits, 323-4(7:1645-50)

Reservation powers see Constitution

Reservists see Canadian Armed Forces

Residence requirement see Social assistance--British Columbia

Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program (RRAP) see Housing--Social housing

Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program for Persons with Disabilities see Disabled and handicapped persons--Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation

Residential rental property rebate see Housing--Rental housing

Residential schools see Aboriginal peoples/communities

Resource industries see Environment--Protecting, Farmers; Species at risk (endangered species)--Protecting

Resource taxation see Equalization payments--Representative tax system

Responsible Firearms Owners Coalition of British Columbia see Gun control/guns

RESPs see Registered education savings plans (RESPs)

Ressam, Ahmed see Terrorism/terrorists

Restaurant industry

    >>Payroll taxes, impact, 513(11:1235-40), 8880(142:1250)
    >>>$3000 yearly basic exemption, need, S.O. 31, 6021(93:1110)
    >>See also Employment insurance--Premiums, Reduction, Job creation; River Restaurant

Restorative justice see Ron Wiebe Restorative Justice Award

Restraining order see Violence/violent offences

Retail Council of Canada see Retail industry

Retail industry

    >>Retail Council of Canada, Distinguished Retailer of the Year Award, David Margolis, Winners Canada, Mississauga, ON, S.O. 31, 12669(205:1405)
    >>Role, Retail Connects with Ottawa Day, etc., S.O. 31, 6475(100:1410)
    >>Sales, increase, o.q., 1039(19:1415), 3143(48:1420)
    >>Sunday shopping, Edmonton, AB mall violation of Alberta Lord's Day Act precedent, impact, 2280(37:1150)
    >>Sweatshops, products from, S.O. 31, 4523(70:1110)
    >>See also Banks and financial institutions; Fuel prices; Gasoline prices; Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST); Grocery stores

Retina scanners see Borders, international--Security, Electronic technology role

Retirement age see Early retirement; Senior citizens

Retirement income system

Returning Officers see Elections

Revelstoke, BC see Highway safety/accidents; Snowmobiling--Cross-Canada winter trail

Revenue Canada (former) see Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA)

Revolving Funds Act

Reynolds, John (CA--West Vancouver--Sunshine Coast; Leader of the Opposition from December 12, 2001 until May 20, 2002)

Rice see Haiti--Free trade

Rice, Lt Col Herbert

    >>Honourary Lieutenant Colonel, 705 Communications Squadron, Hamilton, ON, retirement at age 94, tribute, S.O. 31, 2223(36:1415)

Richardson, J. Albert

    >>New Democratic Party of New Brunswick, first leader, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 10081(163:1400)

Richardson, John (Lib.--Perth--Middlesex)

    >>Breast cancer, S.O. 31, 9253(149:1405)
    >>Dana Canada Inc., S.O. 31, 5971(92:1400)
    >>Defence equipment, S.O. 31, 3309(51:1405)
    >>Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation, S.O. 31, 11873(194:1405)
    >>Everingham, Kim, S.O. 31, 7672(121:1400)
    >>Farm income crisis, S.O. 31, 1036(19:1405)
    >>Futaba Industrial Co. Ltd., S.O. 31, 10083(163:1410)
    >>Historic/heritage buildings, sites and monuments, S.O. 31, 5478(84:1355), 10352(167:1110), 11443(186:1400)
    >>Listowel District Secondary School, S.O. 31, 11590(189:1405)
    >>Mckowen, Scott, S.O. 31, 767(14:1400)
    >>McNaughton, Ashley, S.O. 31, 7492(118:1400)
    >>Multiculturalism, S.O. 31, 11167(182:1105)
    >>Needles, William, S.O. 31, 1716(29:1410-5)
    >>Ontario Dairy Discovery, S.O. 31, 10231(165:1400)
    >>Parliament Buildings, o.q., 10308(166:1440)
    >>Procedure, motions, leave to introduce, 12649(205:1130)
    >>>Taking Chair as Acting Speaker, 12649(205:1130)
    >>>Third mandate from Perth--Middlesex constituency, 23(3:1400)
    >>Richardson, references, 23(3:1400)
    >>South Easthope, ON, S.O. 31, 467(10:1055-1100)
    >>Species at Risk Act (Bill C-5), 11393-4(185:1615)
    >>Species at risk (endangered species), 11393-4(185:1615)
    >>Stratford-Perth Archives, S.O. 31, 869(16:1400)
    >>Teachers, S.O. 31, 4089(63:1400)
    >>Throne Speech, S.O. 31, 23(3:1400)
    >>United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, S.O. 31, 5245(80:1355)

Richardson's ground squirrels see Strychnine--Farmers obtaining, Gophers

Riche, Nancy see Canadian Labour Congress (CLC)

Richie, Cedric see Business Development Bank of Canada

Richmond Asia Pacific Business Association

    >>Gala dinner, S.O. 31, 11984(196:1100)

Richmond Hill, ON

    >>Budget, Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada Distinguished Budget Presentation Award, S.O. 31, 2700(42:1405)
    >>Communities in Bloom winner, congratulating, S.O. 31, 5971(92:1400)
    >>See also Phyllis Rawlinson Park

Rick Hansen Institute see Spinal cord injuries

RICO see Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO)

Riddez, Sita

    >>Actress, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 1101(179:1405)

Rideau River

Ridge, Tom see United States

Riding Mountain National Park

    >>Spruce trees, Parks Canada, chopping, burning, 4042(62:1125)
    >>See also Elk

Right of Landing Fee (ROLF) see Immigrants

Right to vote see Elections

Right to Work Act (Bill C-453)--Pankiw

    >>First reading, 11056(180:1530)
    >>See also Unions--Membership and dues payment

Right to work legislation see Labour force

Rights see Criminals; Human rights; Victims of crime

Rights of the child see Nigeria--Magazu

Rights of the unborn see Abortion

Riis, Nelson

    >>Former Member of Parliament see Summit of the Americas (April 2001, Quebec City, QC)--Protests

RIM see Research In Motion Limited (RIM)

Rimouski, QC see Airports

Ringneck pheasant see Species at risk (endangered species)--Habitat preservation

Rio de Janeiro see Earth Summit, Rio de Janeiro (1992)

Riopelle, Jean-Paul

    >>Artist, Refus global signatory, death, tributes, 9621-2(156:1005-15)
    >>>S.O. 31, 9579(155:1410)

Riordon, Terry

    >>Illness and death, Gulf War Syndrome, Veterans Affairs Department position, 1382(24:1215)

Ripon, QC see Infrastructure Canada Program--Canada-Quebec agreement/program

Risk insurance see Export Development Corporation (EDC)--Tanzanian atrocities

Risk management see Borders, international--Security

Riske Creek military reserve see Forest industry--British Columbia, Mountain pine beetle infestation

Ritcey, Ralph

    >>Educator, Order of Canada recipient, congratulating, S.O. 31, 4472(69:1410)

RITE commissions see Drug and substance abuse--Combatting

Ritz, Gerry (CA--Battlefords--Lloydminster)

River Hebert, NS see United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks--Rescue operations

River Restaurant

    >>Youth skills training, 6853(107:1610)

Rivers see National Rivers Day

Rivière-des-Milles-Îles constituency see Infrastructure Canada Program--Canada-Quebec agreement/program

Riviére-du-Loup, QC see Canadian Games of La Francophonie; Trans-Canada Highway--Highway 185

Road salt see Highway safety/accidents

Roads see Highways and roads

Roads to resources program see Natural resource industries

Robar, Linda

    >>Member of Parliament executive assistant, retiring, S.O. 31, 4701(73:1410)

Robert J. Lee Public School see Teachers--Prime Minister's Award for Teaching Excellence, Scaini

Robert Stollery Award

    >>Canadian Construction Association award, Ira Greenspoon, recipient, S.O. 31, 10716(174:1410)

Roberts, Barbara see Immigration--System, History

Roberts Rules of Order see Legislative process--Report stage, Motions

Robertson, Gordon see Liberal government (Chrétien)--Code of ethics; Prime Minister's Office--Power

Roberval, QC

    >>Ursuline sisters convent, fire, S.O. 31, 10082(163:1405)

Roberval region, QC

    >>Regional development, federal government support, S.O. 31, 10080(163:1355)

Robica Forman Tank Limited see Defence equipment--Refueler tankers

Robillard, Hon. Lucienne (Lib.--Westmount--Ville-Marie; President of the Treasury Board and Minister responsible for Infrastructure until January 15, 2002; President of the Treasury Board as of January 15, 2002)

Robinson, Svend (NDP--Burnaby--Douglas)