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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 37th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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37th Parliament, 1st Session   (January 29, 2001 - September 16, 2002)  Current Session
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Malnutrition see Developing countries

Malone, Justice Ted see Aboriginal peoples/communities--Residential schools, Saskatchewan

Maloney, John (Lib.--Erie--Lincoln; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada until August 31, 2001)

Malpeque constituency see Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)--Strategic Community Investment Fund

Mammals see Marine mammals

Mammography screening see Breast cancer

Man Who Skied Down Everest, The see Crawley, F.R.

Management see Public Service--Union

Managing for Results 2000 see Government performance

Manchester, England see Commonwealth Games (Manchester, England 2002)

Mandatory supervision see Parole/parolees--Statutory release

Mandela, Nelson

Mandela Foundation see Tuberculosis--Combatting

Manitoba see particular subjects

Manitoba Centre for Health Policy see Aboriginal peoples/communities--Health care services

Manitoba Claim Settlements Implementation Act see Aboriginal land claims--Lands

Manitoba first nations see Aboriginal peoples/communities--First Nations Governance Act

Manitoba Interfaith Immigration Council see Refugees--Settlement

Manitoba Telecom Services (MTS)

    >>Manitoba Telephone System privatization, impact, public phones for emergency use, etc., 3201-2(49:1320-5)

Manitoba Telephone System see Manitoba Telecom Services (MTS)

Manion, Jack see Refugees--Determination process, Singh case

Manley, Hon. John (Lib.--Ottawa South; Minister of Foreign Affairs until January 15, 2002; Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructure and Crown Corporations as of January 15, 2002; Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance and Minister of Infrastructure as of June 2, 2002; Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance as of August 7, 2002)

Mann, Keith

    >>Music teacher, volunteer, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 3983(61:1405-10)

Manning, Preston (CA--Calgary Southwest; resignation effective January 31, 2002)

    >>Canada-United States Softwood Lumber Agreement/dispute, M. on supply (Paquette), 1682-3(29:1040), 1686(29:1105), 1705-6(29:1310-5)
    >>Canadian Neutron Facility, o.q., 1599(27:1450)
    >>Consumption taxes, 497(10:1355)
    >>Forest industry, 1706(29:1310-5)
    >>Free trade, 1682-3(29:1040), 1686(29:1105)
    >>Fuel taxes, 497(10:1355)
    >>Health Standing Committee, 8177(130:1510)
    >>Manning, 8558-60(136:1525-40)
    >>Parliamentary reform, 497(10:1350)
    >>Quebec separation/sovereignty, 484(10:1225)
    >>>Illness, recovery from prostate cancer, return to House of Commons, 347(8:1450)
    >>>>o.q., 219(6:1415), 348(8:1455)
    >>>Retirement from House of Commons, announcement
    >>>>o.q., 2124(34:1450)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 2114(34:1400)
    >>>>Tribute, 2022(33:1850), 8555-60(136:1500-45), 8565(136:1630)
    >>>See also House of Commons vacancies--Calgary Southwest
    >>Reproductive and genetic technologies, 8177(130:1510)
    >>>o.q., 347-8(8:1455), 3564-5(54:1430), 8246(131:1440)
    >>Science and technology, 462(10:1025)
    >>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Macklin), 462(10:1015), 484(10:1220-5), 497(10:1350-5)
    >>Trade agreements, 6939(109:1525)
    >>United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, M. (Chrétien), 5181-3(79:1935-40)
    >>World Trade Organization (WTO), Committee take note, M. (Boudria), 6939(109:1525)

Manpower agreements see Canada-United States Softwood Lumber Agreement/dispute--Expiry of agreement, Government assisting industry and workers

Manpower training programs see Labour force--Training

Manship, Jon see Spielo Gaming International

Manufacturers' sales tax see Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)

Manufacturing and Storage of Patented Medicines Regulations see Drugs and pharmaceuticals--Generic drugs

Manufacturing industry

    >>Economic importance, S.O. 31, 11875(194:1410)
    >>Exporters/importers, 911(17:1000)
    >>>See also Sales Tax and Excise Tax Amendments Act, 2001 (Bill C-13)
    >>Free trade, importance, 3415(52:1640)

Manure see Drinking water contamination--Agricultural practices

Maple leaf

    >>National symbol, history, 10365(168:1120)

Maple Leaf card see Immigration--Permanent resident card

Maple Ridge, BC see Canada-United states Softwood Lumber Agreement/dispute--Expiry of agreement, Countervailing duties, Chasyn Wood Technologies

Maple syrup industry

    >>Importance, booming industry, S.O. 31, 2115-6(34:1405)
    >>See also Festival beauceron de l'érable

Maple trees see Acid rain

Maquiladora zones see North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)--Mexico


    >>National Capital Marathon
    >>>Bartoszek, Danuta, women's winner, S.O. 31, 4262(66:1355)
    >>>Racicot, Marc, House of Commons Employee, success, S.O. 31, 4091(63:1405-10)

Marbles see Greece--Parthenon marbles

Marceau, Richard (BQ--Charlesbourg--Jacques-Cartier)

    >>Aboriginal land claims, 12855-6(208:1605-10)
    >>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 12757-8(207:1245-55)
    >>>o.q., 8176(130:1500)
    >>Aboriginal self-government
    >>>S.O. 31, 6474-5(100:1410)
    >>>Statement by minister (Nault), 3490(53:1515-20)
    >>Access to Information Act, o.q., 5082(78:1425)
    >>Anti-terrorism Act (Bill C-36), 7487-8(118:1320-5)
    >>Auger, Christopher, S.O. 31, 3870(59:1400-5)
    >>Banks and financial institutions, 558(11:1730-5)
    >>Bloc Québécois, S.O. 31, 4347(67:1410)
    >>Broadcasting Act (amdt.)(Bill S-7), 5307(81:1620), 6389-90(98:1335-40)
    >>Canada, S.O. 31, 3478(53:1415)
    >>Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST)
    >>>M. on supply (Loubier), 9772-4(158:1630-45)
    >>Canada Information Office, 398(9:1150)
    >>Canada-United States Softwood Lumber Agreement/dispute, M. on supply (Paquette), 1729-30(29:1525-35)
    >>Canadian Armed Forces, qu., 12355(201:1205)
    >>Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), 6389-90(98:1335-40)
    >>Claim Settlements (Alberta and Saskatchewan) Implementation Act (Bill C-37), 6402(99:1230), 7746(123:1230)
    >>Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada (Romanow), 12586-7(203:2140-5)
    >>Competition Act (amdt.)(Bill C-248), 7738(123:1125)
    >>Constitution, 8960(144:1025)
    >>>o.q., 10495-6(170:1425)
    >>Corporate mergers, 7738(123:1125)
    >>Constitution, 4466(69:1335)
    >>Currency, o.q., 3662(56:1430), 3794(58:1420), 3985(61:1420)
    >>Délégation Générale du Québec in Paris, S.O. 31, 6726(105:1410)
    >>Developing countries, 9310-1(150:1600)
    >>Dion, references, o.q., 777(14:1450)
    >>Dollar exchange rate, o.q., 3794(58:1420)
    >>Drinking water, M. on supply (Herron), 3754-6(57:1550-605)
    >>Economy/economic conditions, 6821-2(107:1240)
    >>Education, 80(4:1135), 3755(57:1600), 12587(203:2145)
    >>Elections, 396(9:1140)
    >>Ethics Counsellor, M. on supply (Day), 396-8(9:1140-55)
    >>European Union (EU), 3065-7(47:1545-55)
    >>Federal-provincial jurisdiction, 80-1(4:1135)
    >>>o.q., 108(4:1440), 10562(171:1450)
    >>Federal-provincial relations, M. (Toews), 11200(183:1125)
    >>Federalism, 4466-7(69:1335-45)
    >>Financial Consumer Agency of Canada, 558(11:1735)
    >>Financial Consumer Agency of Canada Act (Bill C-8), 557-8(11:1730)
    >>Financial services legislation, 557-8(11:1730-40)
    >>First Nations Governance Act (Bill C-61), 12757-8(207:1245-50)
    >>First Nations Governance Review Act (Bill C-399), 12980-(210:1715-20)
    >>Forest industry, 1729(29:1525)
    >>Free trade, 1729(29:1530), 6960(109:1800)
    >>Free Trade Area of the Americas
    >>>M. on supply (Paquette), 764-6(14:1335-55)
    >>>M. on supply (Paquette), 3065-7(47:1545-600)
    >>>o.q., 879(16:1440), 956(17:1435-40), 1324-5(23:1440)
    >>Gasoline prices, 766(14:1350)
    >>Globalization, global economy/marketplace, 765(14:1345-50)
    >>Government, 3065-6(47:1545-50), 8959-60(144:1020)
    >>Government contracts, 398(9:1150)
    >>>o.q., 12041(197:1505)
    >>Government expenditures, 4467(69:1340-5)
    >>Health care funding, 12587(203:2145-50)
    >>>M. on supply (Ménard), 8959-61(144:1020-35)
    >>Health care providers, 12587(203:2145-50)
    >>Health care system, House take note, M. (Boudria), 12586-8(203:2140-55)
    >>Heating Expenses One Time Relief, 765(14:1350)
    >>Home heating costs, 766(14:1350)
    >>Income tax, 8961(144:1035)
    >>>M. on supply (Dubé), 4466-8(69:1335-50)
    >>Indian Act, 3490(53:1515)
    >>Indian bands/reserves, M. on supply (Elley), 1813-5(31:1255-1310)
    >>Lepage, Robert, S.O. 31, 7673(121:1405)
    >>Liberal government (Chrétien), S.O. 31, 12100(198:1410)
    >>Marceau, references, 79(4:1130)
    >>Marcil, references, 398(9:1155)
    >>Ménard, references, 8959(144:1020)
    >>Middle East conflict, M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Lalonde), 10197-8(164:2210-5)
    >>Municipalities, o.q., 3876-7(59:1430-5), 8923(143:1445), 11225(183:1420-5)
    >>National Bank of Canada, 558(11:1730-5)
    >>National security, 11895-6(194:1620-5)
    >>National standards, 4467(69:1340)
    >>Newfoundland and Labrador, M. (Tobin), 6700-3(105:1045-100)
    >>Nunavik, QC, S.O. 31, 10233(165:1410)
    >>Nunavut, 5612(86:1650)
    >>Nunavut Waters and Nunavut Surface Rights Tribunal Act (Bill C-33), 5612(86:1650)
    >>Order of Canada, S.O. 31, 6366(98:1100)
    >>Parental leave, 80(4:1130)
    >>>o.q., 4587(71:1435), 4660(72:1435)
    >>People's Republic of China Accession to Agreement Establishing World Trade Organization Act (Bill C-50), 9309-11(150:1550-605)
    >>Politicians, 396-7(9:1140)
    >>Postal workers, petitions, 11385(185:1510)
    >>Prime Minister's Office (PMO), o.q., 5082(78:1425)
    >>>Bills, Government, M., 4081(62:1520)
    >>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 7738(123:1125), 9774(158:1645)
    >>>Points of order, 6959-60(109:1755)
    >>>Speeches, 12752(207:1210)
    >>Public safety, 11895(194:1615-20)
    >>Public Safety Act, 2002 (Bill C-55), 11895-6(194:1615-25)
    >>Quebec, 79-80(4:1130-5), 397-8(9:1145-50)
    >>>o.q., 1774(30:1155), 4587(71:1435), 4660-1(72:1435)
    >>Quebec City, QC, S.O. 31, 6320(97:1410)
    >>Quebec distinct society status, 81(4:1140)
    >>Quebec separation/sovereignty, 81(4:1135)
    >>References, election as Member of Parliament, thanking voters, 79(4:1130)
    >>Research and development, 4468(69:1345-50)
    >>Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (Erasmus-Dussault), 80(4:1135)
    >>>o.q., 535(11:1455)
    >>Skiing, o.q., 7375-6(116:1445)
    >>Social Union Framework Agreement, 80-1(4:1135), 12587(203:2145)
    >>Specific Claims Resolution Act (Bill C-60), 12855-6(208:1605-10)
    >>Stoney Point First Nation, M. (Martin, Pat), 7989(126:1805)
    >>Taxation, 12587-8(203:2145-50)
    >>Terrorism/terrorists, 7487-8(118:1320-5)
    >>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Macklin), 79-81(4:1130-40)
    >>Trade agreements, 6959(109:1750-5)
    >>Transfer payments to provinces, 3755(57:1555), 12587(203:2145)
    >>Transitional jobs fund, 397-8(9:1145-50)
    >>United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks
    >>>M. on supply (Gauthier), 5537-9(85:1240-55)
    >>Vollant, Dr. Stanley, S.O. 31, 4781(74:1415)
    >>World Trade Organization (WTO), 9309-11(150:1550-605)
    >>>Committee take note, M. (Boudria), 6958-61(109:1750-810)
    >>Young Offenders Act, 80(4:1130-5)
    >>Youth Criminal Justice Act (Bill C-7), 724(13:1800), 4254-5(66:1250-300)
    >>Youth justice system, o.q., 4270(66:1430)
    >>Yukon Act (Bill C-39), 6914-5(109:1240-5), 7750(123:1255)

Marcello, George see Organ donations/transplants

March 2/3 see Poverty--Combatting

Marchi, Hon. Sergio see World Trade Organization (WTO)

Marcil, Serge (Lib.--Beauharnois--Salaberry; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Industry as of February 21, 2002)

    >>Automobile industry, 10818-9(176:1230), 10822-3(176:1250-1300), 11628(189:1845), 11629(189:1850)
    >>Beauharnois--Salaberry constituency, 359(8:1605), 361(8:1615)
    >>Biotechnology industry, o.q., 12395(202:1440)
    >>Bloc Québécois, 968(17:1555)
    >>Border, Canada-United States, 8114(129:1320)
    >>Bourassa, Robert, S.O. 31, 5861(90:1400)
    >>Budget 2001
    >>>M. (Boudria), 6818(107:1215), 6821-2(107:1240)
    >>>M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 8113-5(129:1320-35)
    >>Budget deficit, 8115(129:1325), 8115(129:1335)
    >>Budget Implementation Act, 2001 (Bill C-49), 9430(152:1325)
    >>Business, 6818(107:1215)
    >>Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST)
    >>>M. on supply (Loubier), 9773-4(158:1640-5), 9782(158:1750)
    >>Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation, S.O. 31, 12388(202:1400)
    >>Canada-United States Auto Pact, 11628(189:1845)
    >>Cascade Data Services, o.q., 9145(147:1135)
    >>Census, 10172-3(164:1905-10)
    >>Chicoutimi--Le Fjord constituency, 968(17:1555-600)
    >>Cipro (anti-anthrax drug), o.q., 9102(146:1445-50)
    >>Competition Act (amdt.)(Bill C-248), 9169-70(148:1100-10)
    >>Copyright, M. (Abbott), 10483-4(169:1755-1800)
    >>Corporate mergers, 9169-70(148:1100-10)
    >>Criminal Code (amdt.--hate propaganda)(Bill C-415), 11905-6(194:1740-50)
    >>Dairy industry, o.q., 7766(123:1440)
    >>Davie Industries Inc./MIL Davie Inc., 11910(194:1825)
    >>Economic growth, 359-60(8:1605-15)
    >>Economy/economic conditions, 8114(129:1320)
    >>Education, 360(8:1610-5)
    >>Education, post-secondary, 9789-90(158:1910-5)
    >>Election promises, 971-2(17:1625)
    >>Elections, 968-70(17:1555-610), 972(17:1625)
    >>Electoral reform, M. on supply (McDonough), 968-72(17:1555-625)
    >>Employment insurance, 4490(69:1550)
    >>Employment rate, 359-60(8:1610)
    >>Environment, 8114(129:12325)
    >>Ethics Counsellor, M. on supply (Day), 398(9:1150)
    >>Foreign aid, M. on supply (Tremblay, Stéphan), 6678(104:1610)
    >>Francophonie Games (Ottawa-Hull 2001), o.q., 3218(49:1455)
    >>General Motors of Canada Limited, M. on supply (Guay), 10818-9(176:1230), 10821-3(176:1250-305), 10824(176:1310-5), 10858(176:1705)
    >>Government, 971(17:1620)
    >>Guide-Scout Week, S.O. 31, 1099-100(20:1110)
    >>Health care funding, 8114(129:1320)
    >>Highways and roads, 360(8:1610), 361(8:1620), 8114(129:1325), 8115(129:1335)
    >>>o.q., 4710(73:1500)
    >>>S.O. 31, 6924(109:1355), 7895(125:1410), 8121(129:1410)
    >>Housing, 8114(129:1320)
    >>Income tax, M. on supply (Dubé), 4490(69:1545-50)
    >>Infrastructure, 8114(129:1320-5)
    >>International Nurses Day, S.O. 31, 3924(60:1105)
    >>Legislative process, 1257-8(22:1635-45)
    >>Literacy, S.O. 31, 6320(97:1400), 11591(189:1410)
    >>National debt, 8115(129:1325)
    >>Older workers, 6818(107:1215)
    >>Ordre de la Pléiade, S.O. 31, 215(6:1400)
    >>Police, S.O. 31, 9408-9(152:1105)
    >>Political parties, 969-70(17:1610-5)
    >>Political process/system, 971(17:1620)
    >>Political system, federal, M. on supply (Reynolds), 11690-1(190:1705-10)
    >>Pratt & Whitney Canada Corp., o.q., 10354(167:1125)
    >>Prince Edward Island National Park, o.q., 12393(202:1425-30)
    >>Procedure, language, inappropriate/improper, 9430(152:1325), 9774(158:1645)
    >>Quebec, 398(9:1150)
    >>References, 11461(186:1600)
    >>>Election win, congratulating, 357(8:1550)
    >>>Promises regarding bridge construction when Member of Quebec National Assembly, failure to deliver, 398-9(9:1155-200)
    >>>See also Beauharnois--Salaberry constituency
    >>Reproductive and genetic technologies, 11411-2(185:1830-5)
    >>Salmon, Atlantic, 9691-2(156:1845-50)
    >>Senior citizens, 360(8:1610)
    >>Shipbuilding industry, 11910-1(194:1825-30)
    >>Single parents, 360(8:1610)
    >>Social programs, 4490(69:1550)
    >>Standing Orders, M. (Boudria), 1257-8(22:1635-45)
    >>Statistics Act and the National Archives of Canada Act (amdt.--census records)(Bill C-312), 10172-3(164:1905-10)
    >>Strategic Infrastructure Foundation, 8114-5(129:1325), 8115(129:1335)
    >>Suicides, 360(8:1610)
    >>Tax reductions, 8114(129:1320)
    >>Technology Partnerships Canada, o.q., 9145(147:1135)
    >>Terrorism/terrorists, 6102(94:1740)
    >>>S.O. 31, 1823(31:1400)
    >>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Macklin), 359-61(8:1605-20)
    >>Trudeau, Right Hon. Pierre Elliott, S.O. 31, 5711(88:1105)
    >>United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, M. on supply (Clark), 6101-2(94:1735-40)
    >>Weightlifting, S.O. 31, 11663(190:1400)
    >>Youth Criminal Justice Act (Bill C-7), 4282-3(66:1540-50)
    >>Youth Internship Canada, S.O. 31, 10877-8(177:1110)
    >>Youth justice system, 4282-3(66:1545-50)

Marconi, Guglielmo

    >>First wireless signal across Atlantic, from Poldhu, England to Signal Hill, St. John's, NF, 100th anniversary, S.O. 31, 8239(131:1400)

Marcotte, Melissa see Auberge Grand-Mère--Funding controversy, Grand Mère golf course

Marginal farmland see Species at risk--Habitat preservation

Marholis, David see Retail industry--Retail Council of Canada

Marihuana see Marijuana


Marijuana Party

    >>Single issue, legalization of marijuana for medical purposes, 1094(20:1040), 4181(64:1520)

Marine Atlantic Inc.

    >>Estimates see Estimates--2001-2002, Main, Transport Department
    >>Newfoundland, moving all operations to, Cape Breton, N.S. impact, petitions, 3353(52:1015)

Marine Communications and Traffic Services (MCTS) see Canadian Coast Guard

Marine conservation areas

Marine environment

    >>Land based activity/pollution, protecting from, global action program, United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) Montreal, QC meeting, November 2001, relationship, o.q., 7565(119:1450-5)

Marine fabrication industry see Shipbuilding industry--Trade agreement with European Free Trade Association (EFTA)

Marine infrastructure

    >>Funding cutbacks, $100 billion, 8882(142:1305)

Marine Liability Act (Bill S-2)--Minister of Transport (Collenette)

    >>First reading, 166(5:1215)
    >>Second reading, 1112-21(20:1225-330), agreed to, 1121(20:1330)
    >>Transport and Government Operations Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 1121(20:1330)
    >>>Reported, without amdt., 2622-3(41:1500)
    >>Report stage, 3600-4(55:1025-55), 3621-4(55:1220-40)
    >>>Concurrence, agreed to, on recorded division, 3775-6(57:1755-800)
    >>>Motions, 3600-1(55:1025)
    >>>>Negatived, on recorded division, 3772-5(57:1755)
    >>Third reading, 3809-23(58:1545-725), agreed to, on division, 3823(58:1725), passed.
    >>Royal Assent, 3892(59:1615), Chap. 6, S.C. 2001
    >>See also Marine transportation--Shipowners liability for carriage of goods/passengers; Oil spills--Shipowners liability; Transport and Government Operations Standing Committee--Meetings

Marine Liability Act (Bill S-17)(36th Parl., 2nd Sess.) see Marine transportation--Shipowners liability for carriage of goods/passengers, Legislation

Marine mammals see Marine conservation areas--Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park, QC

Marine science and technology

    >>Quebec maritime regions, Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec role, Technopole Maritime du Québec and Maritime Innovation, o.q., 12841(208:1435)

Marine technical review panel see Marine transportation--Safety factors

Marine transportation

    >>Accidents, collisions, wrecks
    >>>Deaths, inquiries into, 1503(26:1250)
    >>>Salvage rights, etc., 1503(26:1250)
    >>Children under one year of age, excluded from definition of passenger, 1658-9(28:1625-30)
    >>Crew members, qualifications, working conditions, 1503(26:1250)
    >>Departmental responsibilities, Transport Department/Fisheries and Oceans Department, 1495(26:1205), 1498(26:1220), 1502-3(26:1250), 1505-6(26:1305-15), 1659(28:1630-5), 3898-9(59:1655-700)
    >>>See also Marine transportation--Environmental factors--Legislation
    >>Economic role, employment, trade, etc., 1494-5(26:1200)
    >>Environmental factors, measures, 1502-3(26:1250), 1659(28:1635), 1661(28:1645-50), 1665(28:1720), 3894-5(59:1625-35), 3821(58:1710), 3822-3(58:1720)
    >>>Acid rain impact, sulphur dioxide pollution factor, S.O. 31, 6725(105:1400)
    >>>Departmental responsibilities, Environment Department, Fisheries and Oceans Department, Transport Department, Canadian Coast Guard, 1496(26:1210), 1659(28:1635)
    >>>"Discharge", definition, 1659(28:1635), 1661(28:1650)
    >>>Double hulling of ships, 1666(28:1725)
    >>>East/west coasts, Grand Banks (Newfoundland), 1508(26:1330)
    >>>Greenhouse gas emissions reduction, 1496(26:1210)
    >>>Inspection of vessels, 1659(28:1635)
    >>>>St. Lawrence River, etc., 1660(28:1645)
    >>>International Maritime Organization role, 1496(26:1210)
    >>>Offences, enforcement, penalties, 1496(26:1210), 1506-7(26:1315-25), 1508(26:1330-5), 1664(28:1710-5), 3894(59:1625)
    >>>Oil discharges
    >>>>Impact on sea birds, fines, etc., o.q., 8645-6(138:1455), 8646(138:1455)
    >>>>Minister reporting to Parliament every five years, 1666(28:1725)
    >>>Pollution prevention, 1496(26:1210), 1659(28:1635), 3894(59:1625)
    >>>Ship ballast water, regulating, 1496(26:1210)
    >>>Ships discharging waste/bilge water, Canadian Armed Forces Aurora patrol aircraft cutbacks factor, 1506-7(26:1315-25), 1508(26:1330-5), 1510(26:1345), 1511(26:1350)
    >>>See also Marine transportation--Foreign registered ships--Pilotage--Shipowners liability for carriage of goods/passengers, Toxic/hazardous substances; Nunavut--Land claims agreement of 1993; Oil spills
    >>Foreign registered ships
    >>>Canadian companies purchasing, registering in tax havens, avoiding taxes, 8320(133:1355)
    >>>Canadian standards, environment, labour, safety, etc., applying to, 1496(26:1210), 1660(28:1640), 1661-5(28:1650-720), 3894(59:1630)
    >>>Income tax avoidance, etc., 3814-5(58:1625)
    >>>See also Canada Steamship Lines Inc.--Martin; Marine transportation--Shipowners liability for carriage of goods/passengers
    >>Labour factors, measures
    >>>Occupational health and safety responsibility, 1496(26:1205))
    >>>Strike/lockout, affecting service between Port-aux-Basques, NF and North Sydney, NS, continuation of service, M. (Johnston), 8033-40(128:1110-200)
    >>>>Dropped from Order Paper, 8040(128:1205)
    >>>Wages, unpaid, liens against vessels, 1495-6(26:1205)
    >>>See also Marine transportation--Foreign registered ships
    >>>Canada Shipping Act, 2001 (Bill C-14)
    >>>>Bloc Québécois position, 1659(28:1635), 3896(59:1640)
    >>>>Canada Shipping Act, 2000 (Bill C-35)(36th Parl., 2nd Sess.), died when election called, overhauled, updated, etc., 1500(26:1230), 1503(26:1250), 3895(59:1635), 3896(59:1640-5), 3898(59:1655)
    >>>>Canadian Alliance position, 3896(59:1640)
    >>>>Consultations with stakeholders, 1495(26:1203), 1498(26:1220-5), 1505(26:1305), 12511(26:1350-5), 3894(59:1630), 3895(59:1635), 3899(59:1705)
    >>>>>Draft provided to stakeholders before tabling in Parliament, 1500(26:1235)
    >>>>Historical background of act, 1936 legislation, etc., 1495(26:1200), 1498(26:1220)
    >>>>Language, simplified, etc., 1495(26:1205)
    >>>>New legislation, built from keel up, 1495(26:1200-5)
    >>>>Objectives, goals, 1495(26:1200-5), 1498(26:1220-5), 1505(26:1305), 1658(28:1625), 3895(59:1635), 3896(59:1645), 3898(59:1655)
    >>>>Overview, 1502-3(26:1250), 1658-9(28:1620-5)
    >>>>Passage, expediting, 1498(26:1220), 1499(26:1230), 1500(26:1235), 1502(26:1245), 1510-1(26:1345-50)
    >>>>Preamble, 1495(26:1205)
    >>>>Reform of act, antiquated, updating, etc., 1494-5(26:1200), 1498(26:1220), 1499-500(26:1230-5), 1502(26:1245), 1505(26:1305), 1509(26:1335)
    >>>>Transport and Government Operations Standing Committee study, 1500(26:1235), 1502(26:1245), 1511(26:1355), 3893(59:1625), 3895(59:1635-40), 3898(59:1655)
    >>>>Transport Department/Fisheries and Oceans Department, roles, 1495(26:1200-5), 3895-6(59:1635-40)
    >>>>See also Canada Shipping Act, 2001 (Bill C-14); Fishing vessels--Transport Department small vessel registry; Marine transportation passim; Oil spills--Prevention and response; Shipbuilding industry--Legislation
    >>>See also Marine transportation--Shipowners liability for carriage of goods/passengers;
    >>Navigation services, 1503(26:1250)
    >>>Enforcement, administrative enforcement scheme, adjudicator, etc., 1506(26:1310), 3894(59:1630), 3899(59:1700)
    >>>See also Marine transportation--Environmental factors
    >>Passengers see Marine transportation--Children
    >>Pilotage, St. Lawrence River/Seaway, role of pilots, protecting environment, preventing oil spills, 3604(55:1055)
    >>>Laurentian Pilotage Authority tariffs, etc., 1120-1(20:1320-5), 3815(58:1625-30)
    >>Port state control program, eliminating substandard shipping, etc., o.q., 12533(203:1450)
    >>Regulations, reducing, modernizing, 1495(26:1200)
    >>Safety factors, measures, 1498(26:1220), 1499(26:1225-30), 1502-3(26:1250), 3894(59:1625), 3895(59:1635)
    >>>Accidents, deaths of Windsor , ON students on Lake Huron ferry, 3603(55:1045)
    >>>Inspection powers, 1496(26:1210)
    >>>International obligations, agreements, implementing via regulations, etc., 1496(26:1205)
    >>>Marine technical review panel role, vessel inspection, 1495(26:1205)
    >>>Shipmasters' responsibilities, vessel crews, etc., 1495(26:1205)
    >>>Vessel safety standards, etc., 1496(26:1205)
    >>>See also Marine transportation--Accidents--Foreign registered ships
    >>Seasonal buoys, left in water over winter, not properly maintained, o.q., 1772(30:1140)
    >>Security, funding, sunset provisions, 11062(180:1600)
    >>Shipowners liability for carriage of goods/passengers
    >>>Air transportation provisions, comparison, 1113(20:1235)
    >>>Apportioning liability for compensation to passengers for injuries or death, 1114(20:1240), 1118(20:1310), 3809-11(58:1545-55), 3812-3(58:1610), 3818(58:1645), 3822(58:1715-20)
    >>>Ceiling on liability for compensation to passengers for injury or death, 1114-5(20:1240)
    >>>Contracting out of liability, prohibiting, 3810(58:1550)
    >>>Dependants receiving compensation, 1115(20:1250), 1118(20:1305-10)
    >>>Federal-provincial jurisdiction factor, Quebec, 1116(20:1250)
    >>>Foreign registered ships, 3622(55:1230)
    >>>Goods, commercial cargo, damage to
    >>>>Canada asserting jurisdiction, 3818(58:1645)
    >>>>Hague-Visby and Hamburg rules, 1119(20:1310)
    >>>Guaranteed level of compensation, 3810(58:1550)
    >>>Insurance requirement, posting notice if uninsured, ability to pay compensation, factor, etc., 1115(20:1240), 3601-4(55:1025-55), 3621-3(55:1220-35), 3811-2(58:1600-5), 3813-4(58:1610-5), 3815-6(58:1630), 3817-21(58:1645-705)
    >>>International agreements, Athens convention, Hague-Visby and Hamburg rules, relationship, 3809(58:1550), 3810-1(58:1555), 3817-8(58:1645)
    >>>>See also Marine transportation--Shipowners liability for carriage of goods/passengers, Goods
    >>>Legislation, Marine Liability Act (Bill S-2), 1496(26:1210)
    >>>>Bloc Québécois position, 1118-21(20:1305-25), 1659(28:1635), 3812(58:1605), 3823(58:1725)
    >>>>Canada Shipping Act, modernizing, 1113(20:1225), 3810(58:1550)
    >>>>Canadian Alliance position, 1116(20:1250), 3811(58:1555)
    >>>>Consolidation of regimes/legislation in various acts, 1113(20:1225), 1114(20:1235-40), 3809(58:1545), 3810-1(58:1550-5), 3821(58:1710)
    >>>>Housekeeping measures, retroactive validation of by-laws under Canada Ports Corporation Act and Pilotage Act, 3821(58:1715)
    >>>>Industry support, 1116(20:1250)
    >>>>Members of Parliament/opposition role, 3809(58:1545)
    >>>>Necessity, lack of existing legislation, 1114(20:1235)
    >>>>Re-introduction from previous sessions, Bill S-17 of 36th Parl., 2nd Sess., etc., 1112-3(20:1225), 1113-4(1235), 3810(58:1550)
    >>>>>Changes, 1115(20:1250)
    >>>>Senate, introduction in, 1115-6(20:1250), 1118(20:1305), 1120(20:1325), 3622(55:1225), 3821(58:1710)
    >>>>Transport and Government Operations Standing Committee study, 1116(20:1250)
    >>>>>See also Transport and Government Operations Standing Committee--Meetings
    >>>>Transport Department role, consultations with industry, etc., 3809(58:1545)
    >>>>See also Marine Liability Act (Bill S-2); Oil spills--Shipowners liability;
    >>>Limitation of liability, 1118(20:1310), 3822(58:1720)
    >>>Passengers and baggage, injuries or damage to, 1118-9(20:1310)
    >>>Toxic/hazardous substances, 3811(58:1555)
    >>>Wrongful death and injury claims, 3818(58:1645), 3822(58:1715)
    >>>See also Nunavut--Land claims agreement of 1993; Oil spills--Shipowners liability
    >>Shipping conferences, role, liner shipping, containers, exempting from Competition Act provisions, amending Shipping Conferences Exemption Act, 1496-7(26:1210-5), 1500(26:1235), 1502-3(26:1245-50), 1505(26:1305-10), 1506(26:1315), 1507-8(26:1325), 1509(26:1335-40), 1659(28:1635), 3894(59:1630-5), 3898(59:1655), 3899(59:1700-5)
    >>Technological change factors, 1495(26:1205)
    >>Vessel registration, 1503(26:1250)
    >>See also Boats; Canada Shipping Act, 2001 (Bill C-14); Canadian Coast Guard; Cruise ships; Great Lakes-St. Lawrence waterway; National Marine Day; National security--Shipping approaching port; Shipbuilding industry; Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada--Jurisdiction