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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 37th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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37th Parliament, 1st Session   (January 29, 2001 - September 16, 2002)  Current Session
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Canada-Venezuela Income Tax Convention see Income Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 2001 (Bill S-31)

Canada Water Export Prohibition Act (Bill C-205)--Martin, Pat

    >>First reading, 165(5:1210)
    >>See also Water exports--Banning, Interbasin transfers

Canada Well-Being Measurement Act (Bill C-268)--Jennings--Thibeault

    >>First reading, 702(13:1520)
    >>See also Health awareness--Importance

Canada-Wide Science Fair see Youth Science Foundation of Canada

Canada Winter Games (Bathurst-Campbelton, NB, 2003)

    >>$2.5 million government commitment, fulfilling, S.O. 31, 6366(98:1100)
    >>>S.O. 31, 12182(199:1410)

Canada Winter Games (Whitehorse, YT, 2007)

    >>Announcement, organizing committee, tribute, S.O. 31, 12256(200:1355)

Canadarm II see International Space Station

Canada's Healthy Workplace Week see National Quality Month

Canada's Innovation Strategy: Peer Review and the Allocation of Federal Research Funds see Industry, Science and Technology Standing Committee--Reports, Tenth

Canada's Performance 2001 see Government performance--Reports

Canada's SchoolNet see SchoolNet

Canadian Academies of Science

    >>Establishment/role, 7105-7(111:1555-1600)
    >>>Government innovation agenda, relationship, o.q., 10885(177:1155)

Canadian Adaptation and Rural Development Fund (CARD)

    >>>o.q., 11232(183:1455)
    >>>S.O. 31, 11221(183:1400)
    >>See also Drinking water--Safety

Canadian Advanced Technology Alliance (CATA) see Internet--Government expenditures

Canadian agricultural rural communities initiative (CARCI)

Canadian agriculture lifetime leadership program see Agriculture

Canadian agrifood award of excellence for environmental stewardship

    >>Webster, George, recipient, congratulating, S.O. 31, 7829-30(124:1400)

Canadian Air Transport Authority see Air transportation security--Increase

Canadian Air Transport Authority Act see Budget Implementation Act, 2001 (Bill C-49)

Canadian Airlines see Air Canada

Canadian Alliance

    >>2000 general election
    >>>Candidates attacked for religious views, etc., 89-90(4:1240-5), 94(4:1315)
    >>>Racist incidents, 91-2(4:1255)
    >>>Results, votes cast for, S.O. 31, 767(14:1400)
    >>>See also Canadian Alliance--Holocaust deniers
    >>2002 convention, April, Edmonton, AB, success, S.O. 31, 10083(163:1415)
    >>2002 leadership campaign
    >>>Contributors, names, amount donated, release, o.q., 10835(176:1420), 10879(177:1120), 11714(191:1130), 11990(196:1130), 11992(196:1440), 12671(205:1415-20), 12773(207:1435), 13001(211:1135)
    >>>Harper, Stephen, victory, S.O. 31, 9945-6(161:1400), 10026-7(162:1105-10), 10082(163:1405)
    >>>Strategic advise, Izzy Asper contributions, ignoring, S.O. 31, 9140(147:1110)
    >>>Unity candidate, supporting, S.O. 31, 8546(136:1410)
    >>>See also Harper--References
    >>American ideas, policies, embracing, 177(5:1325), 269(7:1100-5), 2249-50(36:1705), 9373(151:1525)
    >>Behaviour, 94(4:1315)
    >>Bloc Québécois, unholy alliance with, 4469(69:1355)
    >>Creation, reasons, disgruntled voters, 178(5:1325)
    >>Democracy, accountability, encouraging, 312-3(7:1530-5)
    >>Discipline, expelling caucus members for speaking minds, 5003-5(77:1615-30)
    >>>o.q., 3659(56:1415)
    >>Doomsayers, 182(5:1355)
    >>Ethics, lack, 431-2(9:1515)
    >>Grassroots, importance, 352(8:1520)
    >>Holocaust deniers, racists, bigots, Citizenship and Immigration Minister Caplan remarks during November 2000 election campaign, slanderous, 3919(60:1030), 6280(96:1715), 7184(112:1710)
    >>>Resignation requested, Prime Minister Chrétien ignoring, 172-3(5:1255-300), 413-4(9:1330-5), 415(9:1345), 442(9:1625), 1226-7(22:1245-50), 1231(22:1320), 1304(22:2220)
    >>>>o.q., 1105(20:1140)
    >>Integrity, lack, o.q., 10879(177:1120)
    >>Leadership changes, turmoil, etc., 8215(131:1055), 8217(131:1110)
    >>Lynch-mob mentality, 1577(27:1235-40)
    >>Reform Party/Reform Alliance, Members referring, 486(10:1235), 1281(22:1930), 1898(32:1320), 2252(36:1725)
    >>Membership, Gaspé region, numbers, accuracy, 978(17:1710)
    >>Parliamentary caucus, Nystrom referring to as Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble people, 1066(19:1655), 1090-1(20:1015)
    >>Party headquarters, located in Calgary, AB, indicative of support of western separatism, 947(17:1350)
    >>>Grassroots policies, influencing government, etc., 8856(142:1010-5)
    >>>Use of Stornaway, cars, Members of Parliament pensions, flip-flops, 402(9:1215-20), 582(12:1220), 1066-7(19:1700-5), 6822-3(107:1245)
    >>Political donations, $70,000, Bennett Jones law firm defending Day slander lawsuit, 979(17:1710-5)
    >>>o.q., 880(16:1455), 954(17:1430)
    >>Politics of fear, politics of blame, 1562-3(27:1055)
    >>Positions, changing, 5856(90:1330)
    >>Progressive Conservative Party policies, similarities, 6570(102:1210), 6570-1(102:1220)
    >>Progressive Conservative Party/Democratic Representative Caucus Coalition policies, similarity, working together, 8446-7(134:1515-20), 8448(134:1530)
    >>Social Credit Party, relationship, former British Columbia Premier Bill Vander Zalm, etc., 1472(25:1310)
    >>Spies, hiring, o.q., 2964(46:1420), 3253(50:1120)
    >>United States right wing political philosophy influence, 5442(83:1220)
    >>See also particular subjects

Canadian Alliance of Students Associations see Education--Progressive Conservative Party policy; Education, post-secondary--Accessibility; Student loans--Canada Student Loans, Tax credit

Canadian Animal Health Coalition see Foot and mouth disease--Preventing

Canadian Arab Federation

    >>Terrorism, allegations, 6282(96:1735)

Canadian Armed Forces

    >>Afghanistan mission
    >>>Equipment, uniforms, etc., adequacy of supply, o.q., 10456(169:1430-5), 10458(169:1445), 11453(186:1455)
    >>>Expenditures, adequacy, o.q., 11598(189:1450-5)
    >>>Food shortages, packages from home, etc.
    >>>>o.q., 11453(186:1455)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 11376(185:1415)
    >>>See also Afghanistan--United States/United Kingdom special anti-terrorism operations; Canadian Armed Forces--Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry (PPCLI)
    >>Air Cadets
    >>>128 Flying Dragons Squadron, Thorold, ON, 60th anniversary, S.O. 31, 12257(200:1400)
    >>>136 Kiowa Squadron, Cambridge, ON, S.O. 31, 11755(192:1405)
    >>>Movement, 60th anniversary, tribute, S.O. 31, 3656(56:1400)
    >>Air Force
    >>>CF-18s, public safety and security role, relocation, o.q., 6765(106:1430)
    >>>Gill, Abdul, newest and older fighter pilot recruit, S.O. 31, 4980(77:1355)
    >>>Heavylift aircraft, lack, 10514(170:1625)
    >>>Modernizing and upgrading, 1201(21:1845), 5857(90:1335)
    >>>>$872 million expenditures, o.q., 4274(66:1450)
    >>>>o.q., 878(16:1445), 1007(18:1455)
    >>>Pilots, shortage, 5314-5(81:1720)
    >>>>o.q., 5294-5(81:1455), 5349(82:1455)
    >>>See also Canadian sovereignty
    >>>CP-140 Aurora patrol aircraft
    >>>>Acoustic system, replacement, $58.6 million contract with Computing Devices Canada Ltd., benefits, S.O. 31, 1763(30:1100)
    >>>>Communications system upgrade, purchase of obsolete analogue equipment from France, ignoring Canadian technology companies, o.q., 13003(211:1145)
    >>>>Flying time, reducing, 1396(24:1350), 10514(170:1620)
    >>>>>o.q., 878-9(16:1445-50), 1007(18:1455)
    >>>>>See also Marine transportation--Environmental factors, Ships discharging waste/bilge water
    >>>>See also Canadian sovereignty--Canadian Air Force
    >>>>Inadequate number, equipment, 5312(81:1705), 5499(84:1620), 10514(170:1625-30)
    >>>>Numbers, o.q., 5555(85:1445)
    >>>>Part shortages, cannibalizing, o.q., 5980(92:1450)
    >>>>Upgrading, 1396-7(24:1350)
    >>>>>Contract, Montreal, QC receiving rather than Winnipeg, MB, 892(16:1625), 894(16:1640)
    >>>>>o.q., 878(16:1445)
    >>>>>Precision guided targetting equipment, o.q., 4274(66:1450)
    >>>>See also Air transportation security--Increase
    >>>Hercules aircraft, airworthiness, 5313(81:1710)
    >>>>See also Afghanistan--United States/United Kingdom special anti-terrorism operations, Canadian Armed Forces participation
    >>>Transport capacity, 5312(81:1705), 10514(170:1625-30)
    >>>Tutors, replacing with Hawks and Harvards, o.q., 878(16:1445)
    >>>Usefulness, o.q., 7375(116:1445)
    >>>See also United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks--United States response, Canadian Armed Forces participation, "Operation Apollo"
    >>Army Cadets
    >>>1691 Saint John Army Cadet Corps, 60th annual inspection parade, tribute, S.O. 31, 4982(77:1410)
    >>>Royal Highland Fusiliers of Canada Army Cade Corp, Cambridge, ON, S.O. 31, 11755(192:1405)
    >>Artillery test range, Lake Saint-Pierre, QC, unexploded shells, danger, environmental pollution in lake, clean-up, etc., 1630-2(27:1845-55), 11959(195:1540-5)
    >>>o.q., 1167(21:1455)
    >>Bases, stations and camps
    >>>CFB Bagotville, QC see Drinking water contamination--Bagotville, QC
    >>>CFB Chilliwack, closure, reversing decision, o.q., 1408(24:1450)
    >>>CFB Esquimalt
    >>>>John Stubbs School, lead paint, toxic levels, clean-up, o.q., 3799-800(58:1450)
    >>>>Standard/quality of living, living conditions, etc., deplorable, improvements demanded
    >>>>>o.q., 3150(48:1455)
    >>>>>S.O. 31, 3050(47:1415)
    >>>CFB Petawawa see Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL)--Chalk River Laboratories, Terrorism threat
    >>>CFB Rockcliffe/Uplands, ammunition compound, lead dust contamination, test results, etc., o.q., 11304-5(184:1455)
    >>>CFB Shearwater
    >>>>Divestiture, 1,100 acres, extended runway included, postponing, 6158(94:2350), 7650(121:1045)
    >>>>Realignment of Nova Scotia bases, 1384(24:1225), 5313(81:1715)
    >>>>See also Sea King helicopters--Search and rescue role
    >>>CFB Shilo, future ensured, Second Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry (PPCLI), relocation to, S.O. 31, 2962(46:1410)
    >>>CFB Valcartier, QC
    >>>>Castor Centre, ski hill, closure, qu., 12355-6(201:1205)
    >>>>See also Drinking water contamination--Shannon, QC
    >>>Foreign military forces, training, leasing, economic benefits, 2745(42:2030)
    >>>>See also Foot and mouth disease--Preventing
    >>>>Barracks, foundation cracks, 1397(24:1355)
    >>>>Construction and repair budgets, 2050(33:2205)
    >>>>Permanent married quarters, deplorable conditions, 1201(21:1845)
    >>>>Rent increases, salary increase, nullifying impact, o.q., 2707(42:1440-5), 2913(45:1135)
    >>>>Upgrading to minimum standards, $300 million needed, o.q., 3666(56:1450)
    >>>>See also Canadian Forces Housing Agency
    >>>Quebec, closures, 4492(69:1600)
    >>>Rockcliffe air station
    >>>>Preservation, petition, 4537(70:1215)
    >>>>See also Canadian War Museum
    >>>St. Hubert, QC, closure, technobase development proposal, Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec role, job creation impact, audits, etc., o.q., 6768(106:1450), 6843(107:1455-500), 6887-8(107:1145-50), 7166(112:1455), 9142(147:1120-5), 9262(149:1455), 9301(150:1455)
    >>>Tracadie-Sheila firing range, PCB and agent orange, storage, safety, environmental dangers, etc., 9876-7(159:1910-20)
    >>>>o.q., 8247(131:1445)
    >>>>Soil decontamination, o.q., 12845(208:1455)
    >>>See also Contaminated sites-Northern Canada
    >>Borders, defending, capability, lack, 8311(133:1250)
    >>Bravery, recognition, Canadian government refusal, foreign governments acknowledging, S.O. 31, 10833(176:1405)
    >>British Columbia presence, lack, elimination, 5468(84:1225)
    >>>Transportation, Parrsboro to Amherst and return, Feb. 2-3, 2002, costs, insurance, etc., qu., 10095(163:1525)
    >>>Winnipeg, MB area, Corps and Squadrons, sunset ceremony, S.O. 31, 12098(198:1400)
    >>Canadian Airborne Regiment
    >>>Disbandment, 5410(82:2300), 6129(94:2140-5), 8385-6(133:2210-20), 8394(133:2325), 10508(170:1540), 10516(170:1645)
    >>>Farewell message, Gen Kent Foster, tribute, S.O. 31, 7206-7(113:1100)
    >>>>o.q., 6624(103:1150), 7160(112:1420), 7262(114:1435)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 7157-8(112:1405)
    >>>See also Terrorism/terrorists--Combatting, Canadian Armed Forces role
    >>Canadian Alliance position, 8880(142:1255), 8883(142:1325)
    >>>See also Canadian Armed Forces--Government funding
    >>Canadian Rangers, tribute, S.O. 31, 10556(171:1410)
    >>Canadian special air service, establishing, need, 6129-30(94:2145)
    >>Chief of Defence Staff
    >>>2000-2001 annual report, tabled, 4403(68:1500)
    >>>Baril, Gen Maurice, retirement, tributes, 4403(68:1500)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 4581-2(71:1410)
    >>Civilian support, importance, 10060(163:1110), 10062(163:1125), 10063(163:1135), 10065(163:1155)
    >>Combat readiness, 5312-3(81:1705-10), 5315(81:1720), 5398-9(82:2120-30), 5606-7(86:1600-5), 6241(95:2045), 10511-2(170:1605-20), 10515-6(170:1635-45)
    >>>1970s, comparison, 8356(133:1800)
    >>>Auditor General's concerns, 2001 report, etc., 5607(86:1610), 8149(129:1735)
    >>>>o.q., 7832(124:1415), 7836(124:1435), 7901-2(125:1450), 8176(130:1500), 9096(146:1415)
    >>>Conference of Defence Associations report
    >>>>o.q., 5716(88:1130-5), 5720(88:1155)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 5657(87:1405)
    >>>Conventional conflicts, potential, 5313(81:1705)
    >>>Deployment, Parliament, consultation, government responsibilities, 5521-2(85:1035-40), 5568-9(85:1615-25)
    >>>Heavy airlift/sealift capabilities, lack, o.q., 8547(136:1415), 9097(146:1415), 9827(159:1425-30)
    >>>Status, o.q., 3881(59:1450-5), 4071(62:1425), 7764(123:1430), 9097(146:1415-20)
    >>>Warnings, o.q., 3990(61:1440), 4274(66:1450)
    >>>White Paper, requesting, 5315(81:1725)
    >>>>o.q., 7333(115:1420), 9096-7(146:1415), 12883(209:1450-5)
    >>>World War II capacity, comparison, 5312(81:1700), 8098(129:1130)
    >>>See also Canadian Armed Forces--Operational readiness; United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks--Canadian Armed Forces response
    >>Demilitarization, 10507-8(170:1540)
    >>Dialogue with senior Chinese military officials, human rights violations, relationship, o.q., 1722-3(29:1445-50), 1774(30:1150)
    >>>See also Canadian Armed Forces--Winter warfare tactics
    >>Effectiveness, o.q., 10355-6(167:1130-5)
    >>>Social issues, 10062(163:1130)
    >>>Supporting role, 10790(175:1735)
    >>Government commitment, 1387(24:1245), 5314-5(81:1715-25), 8372(133:2025-30), 10062-3(163:1125-30), 10792(175:1745)
    >>>MacKenzie, Major-General Lewis, remarks, 1395(24:1340), 5243(80:1335), 8383-4(133:2155), 8385-6(133:2210-5)
    >>>o.q., 7901(125:1450)
    >>Government disrespect and outright hostility towards, condemning, S.O. 31, 11002(179:1405)
    >>Government funding, 1395-6(24:1345), 5153-4(79:1600), 5309(81:1630), 5313-4(81:1715), 6061-2(94:1255), 6809-10(107:1105), 7817-8(124:1225), 10507-10(170:1535-55), 10511-3(170:1610-20), 10520-4(170:1725-50), 10792-3(175:1750), 10795(175:1810), 11107(181:1220)
    >>>$624 million additional, March 1, 2001 announcement, o.q., 1408(24:1450), 1461(25:1150)
    >>>1.6 % of GDP, National Defence and Veterans Affairs Department Standing Committee recommendations, 8212(131:1035-40)
    >>>>Government reaction, o.q., 11996(196:1155), 12264-5(200:1440)
    >>>$1 billion annual increase
    >>>>Auditor General comment, o.q., 6199(95:1445)
    >>>>Inadequate, o..q, 7159(112:1415)
    >>>$1 billion to $2 billion annual increase, 5857(90:1335)
    >>>$2 billion annual increase to maintain current standing, 5501(84:1635), 8193(130:1705), 9714(157:1215)
    >>>>o.q., 6072-3(94:1415), 7160(112:1420), 7333(115:1415), 7832(124:1415), 7897(125:1420-5), 8867(142:1130)
    >>>$2.5 billion new money, Budget 1999, 2000 measures, 15(2:1530), 1201(21:1845), 1392(24:1320)
    >>>>o.q., 6624(103:1150), 7159(112:1420), 7211(113:1130)
    >>>Adequate, 8198(130:1740), 10793(175:1755)
    >>>Auditor General's concerns, 2001 report, etc., 5314(81:1715), 8098(129:1130), 8116(129:1340), 8131(129:1515), 8149(129:1730-5), 8158(129:1840), 8184(130:1555), 8193(130:1705), 8212(131:1035-40), 8228(131:1240), 8348(133:1655), 8468(134:1750), 8877(142:1230), 9720(157:1300)
    >>>>Comments, o.q., 7896(125:1420), 8122(129:1415), 8126(129:1440), 8247-8(131:1445-50), 9096(146:1415)
    >>>>See also Canadian Armed Forces--Government funding, Wasteful spending
    >>>Availability, commanding officers, catered meeting, purpose, S.O. 31, 7704(122:1100)
    >>>>Inadequate, 8098-9(129:1130-5)
    >>>Canadian Alliance position, 7852(124:1620), 8313(133:1305), 8316(133:1325), 8375(133:2050), 8880(142:1255)
    >>>>o.q., 8122(129:1415)
    >>>Cutbacks, 1365(24:1010), 1375(24:1130), 1384(24:1225), 2089(34:1100), 5157-8(79:1630-35), 5308(81:1630), 5312(81:1700-05), 5399(82:2125), 5496(84:1555), 5499(84:1615), 5500(84:1625), 5527(85:1115-20), 5607(86:1605), 6116(94:1950), 6241(95:2045), 7117(111:1720), 8098(129:1130), 8184(130:1555), 8212(131:1035-40), 8466-7(134:1735-40), 8880(142:1255), 9348-9(151:1250-5), 10062(163:1125), 12229(200:1035)
    >>>>Budget deficit, elimination, relationship, 3552(54:1315)
    >>>>Liberal government (Chrétien) measures, o.q., 7160(112:1420)
    >>>Depoliticizing, 6054(94:1155), 6061(94:1245)
    >>>Increase, 8137(129:1555), 8316(133:1325), 8795(141:1030), 10065(163:1150), 10796(175:1820)
    >>>>$3 billion, Canadian Defence Association report, o.q., 5664-5(87:1445-50)
    >>>>"Advocates, lobbyists who are representing those who sell armaments" Prime Minister Chrétien insulting statement, 83859133:2210), 8386-7(133:2220-5)
    >>>>>o.q., 9196-7(148:1#435-40)
    >>>>Budget 2001 measures, 7118(111:1725), 8197(130:1730), 8234(131:1330, 8306(133:1210), 8307(133:1220), 8346(133:1635), 8348(133:1655), 8429(134:1325), 8467(134:1740), 8468(134:1750), 8880(142:1255), 9718(157:1245), 9720(157:1305)
    >>>>>Inadequate, 8098-9(129:1130-5), 8104(129:1215), 8116(129:1340), 8184(130:1555), 8185(130:1600), 8193(130:1705), 8197(130:1730), 8212-3(131:1035-45), 8234(131:1325), 8237(131:1340), 8311(133:1250), 8362-3(133:1910), 8391(133:2300), 8447(134:1515), 8460(134:1650), 8782(140:1725), 8882-3(142:1315), 8883(142:1325), 9492(153:1755), 9714(157:1215), 9720(157:1300)
    >>>>>o.q., 7159(112:1415), 8122(129:1415), 8126(129:1440), 8176(130:1500)
    >>>>>Poem, S.O. 31, 8121(129:1410)
    >>>>>United States budget measures, comparison, 8883(142:1315)
    >>>>>See also Canadian Armed Forces--Military equipment; National Defence Department--Funds
    >>>>o.q., 7836(124:1435), 9097(146:1420), 10237-8(165:1435-40), 10307(166:1430), 10356(167:1130), 10880(177:1125), 11129(181:1435), 11598(189:1450-5)
    >>>Long term funding, 5310(81:1645)
    >>>New Democratic Party position, 8158(129:1840-5), 8226(131:1225), 8369(133:2005-10)
    >>>North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) countries, comparison, 5501(84:1635), 8098-9(129:1130-5), 8212(131:1035), 8349(133:1655), 9714(157:1215), 10793(175:1750)
    >>>o.q., 6073(94:1415), 7764(123:1430)
    >>>Priority, National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee report, o.q., 7161-2(112:1430)
    >>>Progressive Conservative Party/Democratic Representative Caucus Coalition position, 8229(131:1245)
    >>>Reluctance to provide, 8132(129:1520)
    >>>Rent increases, relationship, 2870(44:1545)
    >>>Wasteful spending, eliminating, Auditor General's 2001 report comments, o.q., 7897(125:1420)
    >>Government neglect, 10509(170:1550)
    >>Health care/treatment, 10062(163:1130)
    >>>Persian Gulf and Balkan servicemen, post-traumatic stress disorder, 1397(24:1355)
    >>>>o.q., 4789(74:1455), 4908(76:1445-50)
    >>>Post-traumatic stress disorder, treatment, allocation of resources, National Defence and Canadian Forces Ombudsman report recommendations
    >>>>o.q., 8759(140:1445)
    >>>>Veterans Affairs Department assistance, o.q., 9148(147:1155)
    >>>See also Riordon, Terry; Veterans
    >>Identity, removal of Canadian and Armed from name, denigrating military heritage, S.O. 31, 8709(139:1400), 8711-2(139:1410)
    >>Joint Task Force 2 (JTF2), special response team
    >>>Capability, enhancing, 10508(170:1540), 10510(170:1600)
    >>>Expenditures, 8306(133:1210)
    >>>Increase to battalion size special forces unit, National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee recommendation
    >>>>o.q., 7160(112:1420)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 7157-8(112:1405)
    >>>>Information, confidential, o.q., 8712(139:1415)
    >>>>Reporting chain of command, o.q., 8645(138:1450), 8712-4(139:1415-25)
    >>>>>Media access, o.q., 8994(144:1430-5)
    >>>>>Tabling, requesting, o.q., 8998(144:1455)
    >>>>>United Kingdom, Australia, comparison, o.q., 8759(140:1445)
    >>>Size doubled, 9718(157:1245)
    >>>Terrorist attacks/hostage taking, etc., deployment to Afghanistan, S.O. 31, 6318(97:1400)
    >>>See also Afghanistan--Taliban troops--United States/United Kingdom special anti-terrorism operations, Canadian Armed Forces participation; G-8Summit (Kananaskis, AB, June 2002)--Security arrangements
    >>Land force (Army), reductions/shortages, 5312(81:1705), 10514(170:1630)
    >>>Jeffrey, Lt Gen Mike, announcement, o.q., 1916(32:1500)
    >>>Reserve, numbers, decline, 10514(170:1630)
    >>Military Chaplains, prayers
    >>>Ordered not to include name of Jesus Christ in public ceremonies, o.q., 7340(115:1500)
    >>>Reference to "God, Jesus and Christian", guidelines regarding use, qu., 9305(150:1515)
    >>Military equipment
    >>>Adequacy, o.q., 9196-7(148:1435-40)
    >>>Armoured personnel carriers, LAV III, o.q., 957(17:1440), 3320(51:1500)
    >>>Budget 2001 funding, $300 million, inadequate, 8098(129:1130)
    >>>In-Service Equipment see Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Twentieth
    >>>Maintenance costs, $1.3 billion annual shortfall, Auditor General's concerns, 8212(131:1035)
    >>>Munitions, ordnance, insufficient levels, 5410(82:2300)
    >>>>o.q., 4273-4(66:1450)
    >>>o.q., 7898(125:1430)
    >>>Obsolete ideas, avoiding expenditures on, 8306(133:1210)
    >>>Outdated, defective, deplorable conditions, 1201(21:1845), 1365(24:1010-15), 1367-8(24:1025-30), 1382-3(24:1215-20), 1395(24:1340), 1396-7(24:1350-55), 1418(24:1550), 5307-9(81:1625-30), 5399(82:2125), 5523(85:1050), 5606-7(86:1605), 6152-3(94:2445-50), 8212(131:1035), 8226(131:1225), 8228(131:1240), 8395(133:2330), 8880(142:1255), 8883(142:1320), 10062(163:1130), 10792(175:1745-50)
    >>>>Simpson, Jeffrey, September 19, 2001 Globe and Mail article, 5307(81:1625), 5310(81:1645)
    >>>>Team Canada hockey teams, comparison, 1367(24:1025-30)
    >>>Replacement, procurement program, 1416-7(24:1540-45), 1425(24:1640), 5313-4(81:1715), 6093(94:1630-5)
    >>>>See also National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee--Reports, First
    >>>Trucks, rusty wheels, axles, operation, unsafe, o.q., 956-7(17:1440)
    >>>Upgrading, modernization, 1392(24:1320), 1428-9(24:1700), 5524(85:1050), 5606-7(86:1605), 10063(163:1130), 10795(175:1810)
    >>>>o.q., 955(17:1435), 3320(51:1500), 3666(56:1450), 5665(87:1450)
    >>Military justice system, eserve military judges panel, establishment, 11114-5(181:1310)
    >>Military training exercises, invasion of Halifax, NS by Granovikstan Revolutionary Army, 2nd Battalion, Royal Canadian Regiment defending, S.O. 31, 9701(157:1100)
    >>Morale, 5314-5(81:1720), 10508(170:1540)
    >>>Liberal government (Chrétien), lack of leadership, etc., impact, S.O. 31, 7558(119:1415), 8821(141:1410)
    >>National earthquake support plan, o.q., 1407(24:1440)
    >>Naval operations
    >>>Personnel and funding, adequacy, 5308(81:1625), 8607(86:1605), 10513(170:1625)
    >>>>o.q., 6841-2(107:1445-50)
    >>>Ships, inadequate number, increase, need, 5857(90:1335), 10513(170:1625)
    >>>Skilled personnel, loss, 5499(84:1615)
    >>North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), North American Aerospace Defence Command (NORAD), commitment, 268(7:1055), 5157(79:1625)
    >>>Appearance before National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee, 5308(81:1630)
    >>>>Remarks censored by Minister of National Defence, o.q., 4071(62:1425)
    >>>Enhanced leadership training program, locating at former St. Jean military college, cancellation, National Defence Minister Eggleton decision, reversing, o.q., 1524(26:1455)
    >>>Professional development, Officership 2020 Program, o.q., 4100(63:1455)
    >>>Retired generals, receiving conscience with first pension cheque, O'Reilly statement, o.q., 4071(62:1425)
    >>Operational readiness, National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee report, recommendations, government response, o.q., 12109-10(198:1455)
    >>Operating anywhere in Canada, including Quebec, National Defence Minister Eggleton dream, 7701(122:1040)
    >>"Operation Apollo" see United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks--United States response, Canadian Armed Forces participation
    >>Overseas troops, Christmas cards and letters from school children, restrictions, o.q, 7167(112:1500)
    >>Parliamentary Program see Canadian Forces Parliamentary Program
    >>Peacekeeping operations
    >>>Adequacy of personnel and equipment, etc., 9347-8(151:1240-5), 10512(170:1615), 10513(170:1625)
    >>>>o.q., 10234-5(165:1420)
    >>>>Replacing United States 2,500 troops contingent, o.q., 5913(91:1455), 5981(92:1450)
    >>>>Testing for illnesses/conditions relating to depleted uranium, 4234-5(65:1240-5)
    >>>>>o.q., 1244(22:1435), 2710(42:1500), 6932(109:1440)
    >>>Bosnia mission
    >>>>3rd Battalion, Royal 22nd Regiment, efforts, tribute, S.O. 31, 10303(166:1410)
    >>>>Morale, low, clothing and equipment deficiencies, Royal Canadian Legion President February 8, 2001 letter, S.O. 31, 951(17:1410)
    >>>>Transfer of troops to Macedonia mission, 5310(81:1645), 5399(82:2125)
    >>>>>o.q., 5294(81:1455)
    >>>>See also Canadian Armed Forces--Royal 22nd Regiment Drinking water
    >>>Canadian commitment, 6710(105:1205)
    >>>Eritrea mission, return home, with equipment, shipping contract, tendering procedures, awarding to United States firm, 6436(99:1630)
    >>>>Lewis and Clark contract, cancellation, technical reasons, etc., o.q., 4400(68:1445)
    >>>>o.q., 4175-6(64:1445)
    >>>Kosovo mission, boots, shortage, 4753(74:1015), 5308(81:1630), 7117(111:1720-5)
    >>>Reservists, calling up, protecting jobs, o.q., 6732-3(105:1445)
    >>>Testing for illnesses/conditions relating to depleted uranium, o.q., 12721(206:1200)
    >>>Tribute, Veterans Week and Remembrance Day poster, S.O. 31, 6252(96:1410)
    >>>See also Ethiopia-Eritrea border dispute; International Criminal Court--Canadian sovereignty; Somalia
    >>>60,000 on active list, 1994 White Paper target, shortage, countermeasures, 1383(24:1215), 1395(24:1340), 5157-8(79:1630-35), 5308(81:1630), 5313(81:1705), 5314(81:1715), 5399(82:2125), 5499(84:1615), 5607(86:1610), 6809(107:1105), 10062(163:1130), 10792(175:1745)
    >>>>o.q., 1984(33:1455), 3666(56:1450)
    >>>98% capacity, o.q., 5555(85:1445)
    >>>Commendation, 1393(24:1325)
    >>>Food banks, use, 5308(81:1630), 8226(131:1225)
    >>>Injuries, assistance, 5314(81:1720)
    >>>Leaving, dissatisfaction factors, etc., 11143(181:1615)
    >>>>o.q., 10356(167:1135)
    >>>Number, decline, 8212(131:1035)
    >>>>o.q., 10498(170:1440)
    >>>>Reduction between wars and conflicts, normal, 8215(131:1055)
    >>>Recruiting, 10513(170:1625)
    >>>>$20,000 bonus, o.q., 10458(169:1440)
    >>>>Crisis, media reports, o.q., 349(8:1500)
    >>>>Criteria, political correctness, effect, 5399(82:2125)
    >>>>Government policies, impact, National Defence and Canadian Forces Ombudsman report, o..q, 12845(208:1455)
    >>>>Increase, 5524(85:1050), 5857(90:1335), 6093(94:1630-5)
    >>>>Targets, human rights tribunal mandate, 1395(24:1345)
    >>>Retention and recruiting measures
    >>>>o.q., 6200(95:1450), 10498-9(170:1440)
    >>>>Pilots, 5314-5(81:1720)
    >>>Wages and working conditions, improving, 8226(131:1225)
    >>>See also Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal
    >>Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry (PPCLI)
    >>>Afghanistan mission, night training exercise, hit by fire from United States fighter jet, 4 killed (Sgt Marc Léger, Cpl Ainsworth Dyer, Pte Richard Green, Pte Nathan Smith), 8 wounded (Sgt Lorne Ford, MCpl Curtis Hollister, MCpl Stanley Clark, Cpl Rene Paquette, Cpl Brett Perry, Cpl Shane Brennan, Cpl Brian Decaire, Pte Norman Link), 10790-1(175:1735-40), 10793-5(175:1755-1805), 10795(175:1815)
    >>>>Information for families of victims, pensions/benefits, etc., o.q., 10598-9(172:1120-30)
    >>>>Inquiry, investigative scope, including United States officials, etc., o.q., 10558(171:1425), 10597-9(172:1115-25), 10647-8(173:1425), 10717(174:1415), 10718(174:1425), 10721-2(174:1445), 10724-5(174:1500)
    >>>>Investigation report
    >>>>>Release delay at request of United States, o.q., 12714-5(206:1125)
    >>>>>Release to public, o..q, 12882(209:1445)
    >>>>Memorial service, April 28, 2002 Skyreach Centre, Edmonton, AB, S.O. 31, 10929(178:1410), 11003(179:1410)
    >>>>Moment of silence in House, 10539(171:1015)
    >>>>Protection against repeat incidence, o.q., 10716-8(174:1415-25)
    >>>>Statement by Minister (Chrétien), 10537-9(171:1000-15)
    >>>>Tributes/messages of condolence
    >>>>>o.q., 10556-7(171:1415)
    >>>>>S.O. 31, 10553-6(171:1355-415), 10595-6(172:1105-10), 10715-6(174:1405-10)
    >>>>United States investigation, key elements published in New York Times, o.q., 12881(209:1445)
    >>>>Widows/families, pensions, o.q., 11598(189:1455)
    >>>Disbanding, o.q., 7259(114:1420)
    >>>Para-capability, o.q., 7262(114:1435)
    >>>Tribute, Edmonton, AB ceremony, S.O. 312, 8753(140:1410)
    >>>See also Afghanistan--United States/United Kingdom special anti-terrorism operations, Canadian Armed Forces participation; Canadian Armed Forces--Bases, stations and camps, CFB Shilo
    >>Procurement, problems, 1396-7(24:1350-55)
    >>Public opinion, Scarborough East constituency, 1428(24:1700)
    >>Recognition, 10790-1(175:1735-40), 10793-4(175:1755-1800), 10795(175:1810), 10796(175:1820), 10830(176:1355)
    >>>Messages of support, 10790-1(175:1740)
    >>>See also Canadian Forces Day
    >>Reservists, 11117-8(181:1330)
    >>>Funding, o.q., 9418(152:1155)
    >>>Job protection, if called-up, 7415(117:1035), 11112(181:1245), 11113(181:1300), 11115(181:1310-5), 11117(181:1330), 11163(182:1035), 11431(186:1210), 11785(192:1730)
    >>>>o.q., 7450(117:1450)
    >>>Pay formula, cutback/increase, 7117(111:1725)
    >>>>o.q., 6764(106:1430)
    >>>Transition mechanisms, exit interviews, 11116(181:1320)
    >>>See also Canadian Armed Forces--Peacekeeping operations; Canadian Forces Liaison Council Employer Support Awards; Terrorism/terrorists--Combatting, Canadian Armed Forces' role
    >>Role, 5156-7(79:1620-25), 10790(175:1735), 10791-2(175:1745), 10793-4(175:1755-1800), 10795-6(175:1810-5)
    >>Royal 22nd Regiment, 10793(175:1755)
    >>>3rd Battalion, Bosnia peace mission, S.O. 31, 5286(81:1405), 8166(130:1405)
    >>Satellite communications system, 1998 $174 million purchase, not used, 10507(170:1535), 10508(170:1545), 10512-3(170:1620)
    >>>o.q., 10457(169:1435)
    >>>>International comparison, 8306(133:1210)
    >>>>Repair contract, Davie Industries Inc./MIL Davie Inc. bid, o.q., 9832(159:1455), 10033(162:1140)
    >>>>Seaworthiness, 5311(81:1700), 5312(81:1705)
    >>>Submarines, used, $700 million purchase from United Kingdom, 168(5:1235), 4752(74:1015)
    >>>>Costs, qu., 10607(172:1205)
    >>>>Defects, dent in hull, leaks, etc.
    >>>>>o.q., 10762-3(175:1420), 10764(175:1430), 10767(175:1445-50), 10837(176:1430), 10840(176:1445-50), 11049(180:1445), 11128(181:1435)
    >>>>>qu., 12355(201:1205)
    >>>>o.q., 3320(51:1500)
    >>>See also Shipbuilding industry--Canadian Armed Forces ships
    >>"Snowbirds", aerobatic team, 431 Air Demonstration Squadron
    >>>Carmichael, Capt Maryse, first woman member, S.O. 31, 4981(77:1405)
    >>>National icon, protection, 536-7(11:1500)
    >>>See also National Defence Act (amdt.--Snowbirds)(Bill C-259)
    >>Supply chain management, privatization, $800 million contract, awarding to Tibbett & Britton Group North America
    >>>Employees, seven year job/salary guarantee, o.q., 12607(204:1445), 12610(204:1500), 13002(211:1145)
    >>>Job losses, o.q., 12607(204:1445), 12610(204:1500)
    >>>o.q., 10936(178:1440), 11717(191:1145)
    >>>Petitions, 11916(195:1010)
    >>>S.O. 31, 11708(191:1055)
    >>Tanks, Leopard tank bottoms, deterioration, 1397(24:1350)
    >>Training programs, 5399(82:2125)
    >>>Fort Saint-Jean campus (former Collége militaire de Saint-Jean), $45 million expenditure, o.q., 4588(71:1440)
    >>>United States base, Fort Lewis, WA, 8882(142:1315)
    >>Uniforms and kit
    >>>Clothe the Soldier Project, 8882(142:1315)
    >>>New issue, S.O. 31, 7003(110:1405)
    >>>Shortages, etc., o.q., 8547(136:1415)
    >>Weakness, 5453(83:1400)
    >>Winter warfare tactics, training Chinese armed forces, o.q., 1722-3(29:1445-50), 1774(30:1150)
    >>Women, integration plan
    >>>Data, failure/refusal to collect, o.q., 1770(30:1130)
    >>>Failure, negative attitudes of senior officers, etc., report, o.q., 1767-8(30:1120-5)
    >>See also Anthrax--United States exposure incidents; Biological and chemical weapons/terrorism--Canadian research; Canadian Forces Day; Canadian Forces Provost Marshall; Drinking water contamination--Bagotville, QC--Lac-Saint Pierre, QC--Shannon, QC; Foot and mouth disease--Preventing; Forest fires--Fighting; Holland; Jordan--Funeral for King Hussein; Korean War; National security--Military security zones; Peacekeeping; Remembrance Day (November 11); Riordon, Terry; Terrorism/terrorists--Combatting; Toronto, ON--Snow crisis in 1999; United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks--Canadian response; Water pollution

Canadian Artists and Producers Professional Relations Tribunal

    >>Estimates see Estimates--2001-2002, Main, Human Resources Development Department

Canadian Association of Black Lawyers see Augustine--References

Canadian Association of Broadcasters

    >>BBM Bureau of Measurement journalism and communications student scholarship awards, Élise Breault, recipient, congratulating, S.O. 31, 6835(107:1410)
    >>See also McCabe, Michael; Oliver, Craig

Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police see Drug and substance abuse--National drug strategy

Canadian Association of Former Parliamentarians

    >>Distinguished Service Award, Hon. John Reid, 2002 recipient, tribute, S.O. 31, 12031(197:1410)

Canadian Association of Journalists see Media--Freedom of speech

Canadian Association of University Teachers see Education, post-secondary--National standards

Canadian Auto Workers (CAW) see Automobile industry--Decline; Buhler Industries Inc.; General Motors of Canada Limited--Boisbriand, QC plant

Canadian Avalanche Association

    >>Avalanche safety awareness, promoting, S.O., 31, 8436(134:1415)

Canadian Bankers Association see Education; Farm Credit Corporation--Amendments

Canadian Banking Ombudsman

    >>Appointments, patronage possibility, 506(11:1145), 545(11:1605)
    >>Bureaucracy, 545(11:1605)
    >>Consumers, access to, 541(11:1525)
    >>Establishing, 2546-7(40:1010), 2567(40:1215)
    >>Federal-provincial task force, 503)11:1120)
    >>House of Commons appointing, 545(11:1600-5)
    >>Role, powers, expanding, single dispute resolution centre goal, etc., 503(11:1120), 514(11:1245), 545(11:1600)

Canadian Bar Association see Diplomatic immunity--Foreign delegates

Canadian Bill of Rights (amdt.--right of literacy)(Bill C-365)--Harb

    >>First reading, 4536(70:1210)
    >>See also Literacy--Full potential

Canadian Bill of Rights (amdt.--right to education)(Bill C-362)--Harb

    >>First reading, 4535(70:1210)
    >>See also Education--Accessibility

Canadian Bill of Rights (amdt.--right to housing)(Bill C-371)--Harb

    >>First reading, 4593(71:1505)
    >>See also Housing--Affordable, Right

Canadian Biotechnology Advisory Committee see Reproductive and genetic technologies

Canadian Broadcast Standards Council see Sex offenders/pedophiles--Criticizing

Canadian broadcast system see Media

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)

    >>Bulte role, promoting, 92(4:1305)
    >>C-band satellite service, English signals, discontinuing, rural Canadians, impact, S.O. 31, 2116(34:1405)
    >>Canadian Heritage Standing Committee study of Broadcasting Act, relationship, 8460(134:1655)
    >>Canadian perspective role, United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks factor, 8459(134:1645)
    >>Estimates see Estimates--2001-2002, Main, Canadian Heritage Department
    >>Government funding, 8861(142:1045)
    >>>Canadian Alliance position, 8459-60(134:1645-50)
    >>>>o.q., 8243(131:1420)
    >>>Diverting to higher priorities, 8211(131:1030)
    >>>Increase, Budget 2001, 8084(128:1705), 8117-8(129:1350), 8152(129:1755)
    >>>>Leak, o.q., 8004(127:1115)
    >>>Private sector funding replacing, 8096(129:1115), 8211(131:1025)
    >>>Reducing, 8186(130:1610), 8217(131:1115)
    >>Government support, increasing, 178(5:1330), 321(7:1630)
    >>>Throne Speech proposal, 15(2:1530)
    >>Importance, benefits, 178(5:1330)
    >>Lester, Normand, journalist, Le Livre noir du Canada anglais, Canadian history, contrary depiction, Radio-Canada, suspension, censorship
    >>>o.q., 7333-4(115:1415-25), 7371(116:1420), 7373(116:1430)
    >>>S.O. 31, 7332(115:1410), 7369(116:1415), 7442-3(1410)
    >>Multicultural programming, increasing, 5839-40(90:1110)
    >>National broadcaster role, private sector alternative, 8460(134:1650)
    >>President, travel abroad, cost, itinerary, etc., qu., 4852(75:1220)
    >>Privatization, 8211(131:1025)
    >>>An American in Canada, 8345(133:1625)
    >>>Canada: A People's History, public school viewing rights, $2,147 cost, fairness, o.q., 8010(127:1145-50)
    >>Public broadcaster, guaranteed under Broadcasting Act, 5840(90:1110)
    >>Radio, role, government sponsorship, 8211(131:1025)
    >>Ratings, private broadcasters, comparison, 8460(134:1650)
    >>Regional evening news programming cutbacks
    >>>Newfoundland and Labrador, viewers, decline, local news, impact, o.q., 3879(59:1445)
    >>Rural programming service, reducing, withdrawing, 8460(134:1655)
    >>>o.q., 3929(60:1130)
    >>Union accreditation review, Heenan Blaikie law firm, involvement, senior partner Heenan, apparent conflict of interest, o.q., 6890(108:1200)
    >>Wage discrimination, CBC communications union report
    >>>Francophone employees, Radio-Canada, wage/gender gap, eliminating
    >>>>o.q., 9584(155:1440), 10238(165:1440), 10311(166:1455)
    >>>>Petitions, 11602-3(189:1525-30)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 10233-4(165:1415), 10452(169:1405)
    >>>>o.q., 9148(147:1150), 9546(154:1455), 9584(155:1440)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 9021(145:1410)
    >>See also Broadcasting--News coverage; CBC Radio One; Government contracts--Groupaction Marketing Inc.; "Heritage Minutes"--Watson; Hockey Night in Canada--National Hockey League games; Jelinek, Otto; Media--Freedom of speech; Olympics, 2002 Winter Games (Salt Lake City, United States); Radio-Canada--Program funding; Radio Canada International--Weekend newscasts; Summit of the Americas (April 2001, Quebec City, QC); United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks

Canadian Business magazine see Fredericton, NB

Canadian Cancer Society see Cancer--April--Daffodil Day

Canadian Cattlemen's Association see Cruelty to animals--Legislation (Bill C-15), Groups concerned; Farm Credit Corporation--Amendments; Foot and mouth disease--Preventing; Species at risk (endangered species)--Legislation

Canadian Centre for Management Development

    >>Estimates see Estimates--2001-2002, Main, Privy Council Office

Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety

    >>Estimates see Estimates--2001-2002, Main, Human Resources Development Department

Canadian Centre for the Independent Resolution of First Nations Specific Claims see Aboriginal land claims

Canadian Centre for Women's Education and Development see Caring Canadians Award--Zaman

Canadian Chamber of Commerce see Agricultural subsidies; Budget 2001; Employment insurance; Farm income crisis

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

    >>Charter challenges
    >>>Less than unanimous decision, Supreme Court of Canada rulings not binding on other cases, 261(7:1015), 1797-805(31:1105-200)
    >>>Supreme Court of Canada hear from and consider intentions of Parliament when hearing, 261(7:1015), 1797-805(31:1105-200)
    >>>See also Supreme Court Act (amdt.)(Bill C-234)
    >>Proclamation, 20th Anniversary
    >>>o.q., 10500(170:1450)
    >>>S.O. 31, 10302(166:1405), 10492-3(170:1405-10), 10596(172:1110)
    >>>Statement by Minister (Chrétien), 10502-5(170:1500-25)
    >>Public support, 10364(168:1105)
    >>Section 33 (notwithstanding clause) invoking, 11964(195:1625)
    >>>Salso ee Marriage--Definition, Preserving; Organized crime--Combatting
    >>See also Disabled and handicapped persons--Rights; Employment insurance--Eligibility, Women and part-time workers; National security--Military security zones--Security risks; Public safety; Refugees--Determination process; Supreme Court of Canada--Independence; Terrorism/terrorists--Combatting, Anti-terrorism Act (Bill C-36)

Canadian Chicken Marketing Agency see Egg and poultry industry

Canadian child and youth development research network see Children--Early childhood development

Canadian Child Rights Act (Bill C-370)--Harb

    >>First reading, 4593(71:1505)
    >>See also Children--Rights

Canadian Chinese Table Tennis Federation of British Columbia see Table tennis

Canadian Coast Guard

    >>Anniversary, 40th, role, etc., S.O. 31, 8321(133:1400), 8752(140:1405)
    >>Boat towing, contracting-out to private sector, o.q., 11764(192:1455)
    >>Budget allocation, $115 million, o.q., 4076(62:1450), 6594(102:1455)
    >>Cutbacks, boats, removals, helicopter fleet, reducing, 3512(53:1740), 6810(107:1105)
    >>Fleet management see Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Twenty-second
    >>Funding, increase
    >>>$10 billion, 8882(142:1305)
    >>>Necessity, 8030(127:1415), 8131(129:1515)
    >>Marine Communications and Traffic Services (MCTS), budget cutback, 25%, safety impact, etc., o.q., 4075-6(62:1450)
    >>Role, 1498(26:1225)
    >>Western provinces, cutbacks, Liberal government (Chrétien) responsibility, 355(8:1540)
    >>See also Great Lakes-St. Lawrence waterway; Marine transportation--Environmental factors; National security; Search and rescue; United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks--United States response, Canadian participation

Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary see Search and rescue

Canadian Commercial Corporation

Canadian Commercial Corporation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-41)--Minister for International Trade (Pettigrew)

    >>First reading, 7100(111:1515)
    >>Second reading, 7272-86(114:1540-730), agreed to, on recorded division, 7340-1(115:1500-10)
    >>Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 7341(115:1510)
    >>>Reported, without amdt., 7715(122:1200)
    >>Report stage, concurrence, agreed to, 7908(125:1530)
    >>Third reading, agreed to, 7908(125:1530), passed.
    >>Royal Assent, 9958(161:1515) Chap. 4, S.C. 2002

Canadian Construction Association see Robert Stollery Award

Canadian Council Art Bank

    >>30th anniversary, S.O. 31, 8864(142:1115)

Canadian Council for International Co-operation see Free trade--Rules-based system

Canadian Council for Refugees see Immigration--System, Legislation; Refugees--Determination process

Canadian Council of Chief Executives see Student loans--Canada Student Loans, Tax credit

Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment see Drinking water--Safety; Pollution

Canadian Council of Public Accounts Committees see Public Accounts Standing Committee--Travel;

Canadian Dairy Commission

    >>Estimates see Estimates--2001-2002, Main, Agriculture and Agri-Food Department

Canadian Depository for Securities (CDS) see Securities industry--Securities and derivatives clearing houses

Canadian Derivatives Clearing Corporation (CDCC) see Securities industry--Securities and derivatives clearing houses

Canadian Dimension see Elections--Proportional representation, Need for

Canadian Dollar see Currency; Dollar exchange rate; Quebec separation/sovereignty

Canadian Egg Marketing Agency see Egg and poultry industry

Canadian Employment Insurance Commission see Employment insurance--Eligibility, Women and part-time workers

Canadian Endangered Species Conservation Council

    >>Establishing, expanding membership, 3130(47:2310)

Canadian Environmental Assessment Act

    >>Legislation see Environmental assessment--Legislation
    >>See also Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA); Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)--Environmental assessment process; Environmental assessment passim; Export Development Corporation (EDC)--Environmental review process; Highways and roads--Ontario, Hamilton, ON; Nuclear waste--Waste management organization, Federal oversight, Nuclear Fuel Waste Act

Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-19)--Minister of the Environment (Anderson)

    >>First reading, 1870(32:1010)
    >>Second reading, 4052-65(62:1235-355), 4078(62:1505), 4296-304(66:1720-825), agreed to, 4606(71:1645-50)
    >>Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee referral, 4606(71:1650)
    >>See also Environmental assessment passim

Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (amdt.--inventory of brownfields)(Bill C-305)--Keyes

    >>First reading, 1870-1(32:1010)
    >>Second reading, 3273-81(50:1320-410)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 3281(50:1410)
    >>See also Contaminated sites--Brownfields

Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency

    >>Estimates see Estimates--2001-2002, Main, Environment Department
    >>See also Electricity--Coal fired power plants; Environmental assessment

Canadian Environmental Protection Act

    >>Progressive Conservative government (Mulroney) achievement, 1332-3(23:1525), 3703(57:1015), 4063(62:1345)
    >>See also Gasoline--MMT, Banning; Public safety--Ministerial powers; Waste--Imports

Canadian Executive Service Organization (CESO)

    >>International services, volunteers
    >>>Bangkok, Don Stockton, Js.O. 31, 4065(62:1355)
    >>>Guatemala City, John Van Esch, S.O. 31, 4065(62:1355)
    >>>Guyana, Ted Chiswell, S.O. 31, 868(16:1355)
    >>>Honduras, Linda and Trevor Davies, S.O. 31, 1450-1(25:1105)
    >>>>Mackie, Eric, S.O. 31, 1452(25:1110)
    >>>>Norton, Gary, S.O. 31, 4980(77:1355-400)
    >>>Poland, Pierre Deutsch, S.O. 31, 9358(151:1355)
    >>>Romania, Paul Matthews, S.O. 31, 11664(190:1405)

Canadian Farm Animal Genetic Resources Foundation see Shaver, Donald McQueen

Canadian farm income program (CFIP) see Farm income crisis

Canadian Federation of Agriculture see Farm Credit Corporation--Amendments; Farm income crisis

Canadian Federation of Independent Business see Small and medium business; Working hours--Work week

Canadian Federation of Municipalities see Drinking water--Municipal water and sewage systems--National standards; Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing

Canadian Federation of Nurses see Drugs and pharmaceuticals--Patent protection

Canadian Film Development Corporation

    >>Estimates see Estimates--2001-2002, Main, Canadian Heritage Department
    >>Funding, stricter controls, necessity, 7723(122:1300)
    >>Telefilm Canada, name change see Canadian Film Development Corporation Act--Amending

Canadian Film Development Corporation Act

    >>Amending, name change to Telefilm Canada Act, 7411(117:1005), 7719(122:1235), 7722(122:1250-5)
    >>>See also Fisheries Prices Support Act repeal and technical amendments (amdt.)(Bill C-43)

Canadian Firearms Program see Gun control/guns

Canadian flag

    >>Desecration/destruction, criminal offence, establishing, 2784(43:1520), 8489(135:1520), 8679(139:1005), 9869-76(159:1810-905), 10363-8(168:1100-40)
    >>>Cyr, Alexandre, former Member of Parliament, letter, 10364(168:1105)
    >>>Freedom of expression, relationship, 10366-7(168:1125-30)
    >>>M. (Benoit), 12631-8(204:1730-1825)
    >>>>Dropped from Order Paper, 12638(204:1825)
    >>>Olympics, 2002 Winter Games (Salt Lake City, United States), United States women's hockey team, actions, 10367(168:1135-40)
    >>>Other countries, comparison, 10366-8(168:1125-40)
    >>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--desecration of the Canadian Flag)(Bill C-330); Criminal Code (amdt.--destruction of the national flag)(C-429); Criminal Code (amdt.--destruction or desecration of national flag)(Bill C-426)
    >>Flying at half-mast, all government buildings, Remembrance Day, 9202-3(148:1515)
    >>>See also Remembrance Day National Flag Act (Bill C-432)
    >>History, 10365-6(168:1115-25)
    >>Lethbridge, AB flag ceremony, February 15, 2001, 803(14:1740)
    >>Members of Parliament, displaying desk flags in Chamber, incident, 7846-7(124:1535-45)
    >>See also Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec; Millennium scholarship fund

Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)

    >>Estimates see Estimates--2001-2002, Main, Agriculture and Agri-Food Department
    >>Mandate, standards, excellence, 2755(42:2145)
    >>See also Beef--Brazilian beef, Political decision/motives--Mad cow disease, Scientists; Cattle industry--Protecting; Chronic wasting disease--Elk; Food safety/inspection system; Foot and mouth disease--Preventing Imports--Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA); Plum pox virus; Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Fourteenth

Canadian Foodgrains Bank

Canadian Football League see Football

Canadian Forces Day

    >>First Sunday in June
    >>>M-334 (Pratt), 10789-97(175:1730-1825), 10830(176:1355), agreed to, as amended, 1830(176:1355)
    >>>>Amdt. (Pratt), agreed to, by unanimous consent, 10789(175:1730)
    >>>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 10797(175:1825)
    >>>S.O. 31, 11986(196:1105-10)

Canadian Forces Grievance Board

    >>Estimates see Estimates--2001-2002, Main, National Defence Department

Canadian Forces Housing Agency

    >>2000-01 annual report, tabled, 11500(187:1205)

Canadian Forces Liaison Council Employer Support Award

    >>Reservists, employers supporting/encouraging, Cominco Trail Operations, Trail, BC, recipient, S.O. 31, 4521(70:1100)

Canadian Forces Parliamentary Program

    >>Members of Parliament participation in training programs
    >>>Carignan experience, S.O. 31, 5478-9(84:1400)
    >>>Casson participation, S.O. 31, 5903(91:1400)
    >>>Folco participation, S.O. 31, 7761(123:1410)

Canadian Forces Provost Marshal

    >>2000 annual report, tabled, 4311(67:1005)

Canadian Forestry Association see National Forests Week

Canadian Foundation for Climate Change and Atmospheric Sciences

    >>Government funding, $60 million, 9490(153:1740)
    >>Research investment, $3.9 million, goals, o.q., 878(16:1445)

Canadian Freestyle Skiing Championships see Skiing--Brassard

Canadian Games of La Francophonie (2002)

    >>Riviére-du-Loup, QC, Quebec government, $2 million funding, federal government, funding amount, 8318(133:1340)
    >>>o.q., 8646-7(138:1500), 9369(151:1455)

Canadian Grain Commission

    >>Estimates see Estimates--2001-2002, Main, Agriculture and Agri-Food Department
    >>See Grain industry

Canadian Grand Prix see Government contracts--Sponsorship program

Canadian group of the Interparliamentary Union see Interparliamentary delegations--Reports

Canadian Heritage Department

    >>Due diligence not performed, 19% of files, Auditor General report, 444(9:1640), 8312(133:1255)
    >>>$700 million, grants and contributions, additional $563 million funding, justification
    >>>>o.q., 3665(56:1445)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 4392(68:1405)
    >>Estimates see Estimates--2000-2001, Supplementary (A)--2001-2002, Main--2002-2203, Main; Francophones outside Quebec--Assimilation
    >>Expenditures, waste and mismanagement, Auditor General's report, o.q., 7900(125:1445)
    >>Grants, 9600(155:1640)
    >>>Given without application forms filled out, $9 million, Auditor General's study, 8210(131:1020)
    >>Management practices, condemning, o.q., 306-7(7:1455)
    >>Objectives, lack, lack of performance measurement, Auditor General's concerns, 8861(142:1050)
    >>See also Arts and culture--Funding; Canadian Heritage Standing Committee--Canadian broadcast system study, Expert advisors; Copyright Board; Government contracts; International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination--March 21; Marine conservation areas--Departments; National parks

Canadian Heritage Standing Committee

    >>36th Parl., 2nd Sess., reports, second (Book publishing industry), g.r., tabled, 4102(63:1505)
    >>Canadian broadcast system study, expert advisors, Canadian Heritage Department contracting, propriety, 10395-7(168:1520-30), 10464-6(169:1525-45), 10725-6(174:1500)
    >>Reports, presented
    >>>First (Sir John A. Macdonald Day and the Sir Wilfred Laurier Day Act (Bill S-14)), 6528(101:1505)
    >>>Second (Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act (Bill C-10)), 6801(107:1005)
    >>>Third (National Horse of Canada Act (Bill S-22)), 10505(170:1525)
    >>>Fourth (extension of time to consider Broadcasting Act (Bill S-7)), 12402(197:1510)
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Harvard), 12224(200:1010), deemed defeated on division, 12226(200:1015)
    >>>Fifth (Physical Activity and Sport Act (Bill C-54)), 12612(204:1505-10)
    >>>Sixth (Copyright Act (amdt.)(Bill C-48)), 12809(208:1005)
    >>Travel, study on Canadian broadcast system, authorization
    >>>M. (Regan), agreed to, 8179(130:1520)
    >>>M. (Regan), agreed to, 9892(160:1520)
    >>See also Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act (Bill C-10); Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC); Copyright Act (amdt.)(Bill C-48); Media--Canadian broadcast system; National Horse of Canada Act (Bill S-22); Physical Activity and Sport Act (Bill C-54)

Canadian Home Builders' Association see Home Renovation Month

Canadian horse see Horses

Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt.)(Bill C-465)--Grey, D.

    >>First reading, 11797(193:1005)
    >>See also Visually impaired persons--Seeing eye dogs

Canadian Human Rights Commission

    >>2000 annual report, including report on employment equity, tabled, 2497(39:1000)
    >>>Commission holding press conference, copies of report not available to Members of Parliament, 2503(39:1030-5), 2627(41:1525)
    >>>Release to media prior to tabling in House, 2497-8(39:1000-10), 2650(41:1810)
    >>>See also Privilege--Williams
    >>2001 annual report, including report on employment equity, tabled, 9917(161:1005)
    >>Estimates see Estimates--2001-2002, Main, Justice Department
    >>Executives, performance bonuses, pay-out, unmerited, o.q., 4177(64:1450)
    >>LaForest Review Committee report, recommendations, government review, o.q., 4177(64:1450)
    >>Management-employee relations, difficulties, employee dissatisfaction, resignations, etc., correcting, o.q., 4099-100(63:1450-5), , 4177(64:1450)
    >>Pay equity
    >>>Bell Canada dispute, stalling tactics, frustrating pay equity process, S.O. 31, 2700(42:1410)
    >>>Special report, 741(14:1105-10)
    >>>>Tabled, 731(14:1000)
    >>>>See also Privilege--Williams
    >>Senior management, foreign travel, curtailment, o.q., 4100(63:1450-5), 4177(64:1450)
    >>See also Discrimination and racism--Social conditions

Canadian Human Rights Tribunal

    >>2000 annual report, tabled, 2565(40:1200)
    >>2001 annual report, tabled, 10094(163:1520)
    >>Estimates see Estimates--2001-2002, Main, Justice Department

Canadian identity

Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC)

    >>Profits/income tax paid, foreign operations factor, etc., o.q., 9257(149:1425), 9263(149:1500), 9299(150:1445)
    >>See also President's Choice Financial

Canadian Industrial Relations Board

    >>Estimates see Estimates--2001-2002, Main, Human Resources Development Department
    >>See also Canada 3000 Inc.--United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks

Canadian Innovation Agenda for the Twenty-First Century, A see Industry Science and Technology Standing Committee--Reports, Fifth

Canadian Institute for Advanced Research

    >>Government funding, Budget 2001 measure, $25 million, 8189(130:1630), 8453(134:1600)

Canadian Institute for Health Information

Canadian Institutes of Health Research

    >>Commercialization strategy, 8314(133:1305)
    >>>1st anniversary, tribute, S.O. 31, 3604-5(55:1055)
    >>>2nd anniversary, tribute, S.O. 31, 12769(207:1410)
    >>Estimates see Estimates--2001-2002, Main, Health Department
    >>Funding, 12277(200:1610)
    >>>Budget 2001 measure, $75 million additional, $561 million next year, 8079(128:1625), 8117(129:1350), 8155(129:1820), 8218(131:1115), 8314(133:1305-10), 8453(134:1600), 8461(134:1700), 9477(153:1605), 9487(153:1720)
    >>>Increase, 8316(133:1325), 8356(133:1755), 9004(144:1540), 9487(153:1720), 9488(153:1730), 9489(153:1735)
    >>>>Throne Speech commitment, 13(2:1530)
    >>>>See also Canadian Institutes of Health Research--Funding, Budget 2001 measure
    >>Institutes, established, scientific directors, appointed, 5035(77:1940)
    >>International reputation, 5035(77:1940)
    >>President, board of directors, appointed, 5035(77:1940)
    >>Purpose, mandate, 2652(41:1820), 8079(128:1625), 8314(133:1305), 9004(144:1540), 12277(200:1610), 12595(203:2240)
    >>>S.O. 31, 6879(108:1105)
    >>Tele-health research, $10.8 million funding to Quebec facilities, consultations with provincial government, etc., o.q., 4355(67:1445)
    >>See also Disease prevention--Research; Kidney disease--Research; Organ donations/transplants--Research chairs; Reproductive and genetic technologies--Stem cell research