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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 37th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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37th Parliament, 1st Session   (January 29, 2001 - September 16, 2002)  Current Session
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BSE see Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)

Bt cotton see China

Buchenwald concentration camp see Veterans--Prisoners of war

Buck, Sadie see Olympics, 2002 Winter Games (Salt Lake City, United States)--Opening ceremonies

Budget 1999 (February 16, 1999)

Budget 2000 (February 28, 2000)

    >>Date, announced by Prime Minister Chrétien outside House of Commons, 6669(104:1500)
    >>See also Canada Foundation For Sustainable Development Technology; Canadian Armed Forces--Funding; Disabled and handicapped persons--Income tax provisions; Education--Funding; Employment insurance--Maternity/parental benefits, Duration; Environment--Municipalities; Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)--Legislation; Highways and riads--Federal government expenditures; Infrastructure Canada Program; Natural resource industries; Rural/remote/natural resource communities/regions; Social programs--Canadian benefit system; Sustainable development

Budget 2000 Mini Budget (October 18, 2000)

    >>$2.6 billion "hole", McCallum comments, 174(5:1310)
    >>Consultations, lack, 3966(61:1210)
    >>Contingency reserve factor, 999(18:1415)
    >>Economic benefits, o.q., 105(4:1420), 4172(64:1430)
    >>Economic downturn, 3973(61:1305)
    >>Election budget, 3973(61:1305)
    >>Focus groups consulted, lack of confidentiality agreement, o.q., 1522(26:1445)
    >>Maxi budget, S.O. 31, 4169(64:1410)
    >>Outdated, Don Drummond position, Toronto Dominion Bank chief economist and former associate deputy finance minister, o.q., 999-1000(18:1415-20)
    >>Parliamentary approval, lack, Ways and Means motion passed, o.q., 3795(58:1425)
    >>See also Budget deficit--Elimination; Disabled and handicapped persons--Income tax provisions; Greenhouse gas emissionss (climate change/global warming)--Reducing, Government expenditures; Heating Expenses One time Relief; Mining industry--Exploration investment tax credit--Flow through shares tax credit; National security; Sustainable development; Tax reductions--$100 billion

Budget 2001 (December 10, 2001)

Budget 2002

    >>Government presenting, date, etc., o.q., 12104(198:1425-30)

Budget deficit

Budget Implementation Act, 1997 and Financial Administration Act (amdt.)(Bill C-17)--Minister of Finance (Martin)

    >>First reading, 1678(29:1005)
    >>Second reading, 2632-53(41:1600-825), 2839-46(44:1235-330), agreed to, on recorded division, 3002-3(46:1900)
    >>Finance Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 3003(46:1900)
    >>>Reported, without amdt., 3619(55:1205)
    >>Report stage, 3805-9(58:1515-45), concurrence, agreed to, on recorded division, 3824-5(58:1755-800)
    >>>Motions, 3805(58:1515)
    >>>>Negatived, on recorded division, 3823-4(58:1730-55)
    >>Third reading, 3977-80(61:1335-400), 3996-7(61:1510), agreed to, on recorded division, 4026-7(61:1905), passed.
    >>>Amdt., referral back to Finance Standing Committee (Williams), 3980(61:1355), withdrawn, 4024(61:1850)
    >>Royal Assent, 5113(78A:1700). Chap. 11, S.C. 2001
    >>See also Canada Foundation for Innovation--Government funding; Canada Pension Plan Investment Board

Budget Implementation Act, 2001 (Bill C-49)--Minister of Finance (Martin, Paul)

Budget process

    >>Annual budget, benefits, 6823(107:1250), 6848(107:1530)
    >>Contingency and prudence factors, 8092(129:1040
    >>Political parties, discipline, impact, 6861(107:1720)
    >>Pre-budget consultations, 4440(69:1040), 6862(107:1720)
    >>>See also Budget 2001

Budget surplus


    >>Annual, o.q., 3659(56:1415)
    >>Balanced, 289(7:1315), 6811(107:1120)
    >>>Creative accounting, 8877(142:1230)
    >>>Five years in row, 8147(129:1715), 8215(131:1055), 8313(133:1305), 8341(133:1550), 8405(134:1025), 8420(134:1215), 8421-2(134:1235), 8423(134:1240), 8874(142:1210), 8876(142:1230)
    >>>Generally accepted accounting principles ignored, 8855(142:1000)
    >>>Liberal government (Chrétien) achievement through tax increases, social program cutbacks, provincial, municipal downloading, 364(8:1640), 2865(44:1510)
    >>>New Democratic Party government, Saskatchewan, introducing, first, 3922(60:1050)
    >>>Proposals, "adding up", 6808(107:1100)
    >>>Reform Party/Canadian Alliance policies, 3921-2(60:1045-50), 8797(141:1050)
    >>>Social, environmental balance, 323(7:1640)
    >>>Throne Speech commitment, 10(2:1530)
    >>>See also Health care funding--Federal government cutbacks
    >>Consolidated budget proposal, shift from "bottom line"/"off budget" focus, 1294-5(22:2105-10)
    >>Consultations, costs, 3966(61:1210)
    >>Fixed date, 974(17:1640)
    >>Importance, 8144(129:1655)
    >>Martin, Paul, Finance Minister, Liberal Party leadership campaign, relationship, 8777(140:1645)
    >>Municipal see Richmond Hill, ON
    >>Myths, economic rules, 8156(129:1830)
    >>New Democratic Party's, unbalanced, problematic, 2867(44:1525)
    >>Political documents, 8156(129:1830)
    >>Provincial see Alberta--Provincial budget; Ontario Budget 2001; Quebec Budget 2001 (March 29, 2001); Quebec Budget 2001 (November 1, 2001)
    >>United Kingdom tradition, Chancellor of Exchequer listing to complete debate, 8462(134:1705)

Buenos Aires, Argentina see Free Trade Area of the Americas--Secrecy

Buffalo see Water buffalo; Wood buffalo

Buhler Industries Inc.

    >>Buhler Versatile Inc., Winnipeg, MB tractor plant, relocation to Fargo, ND, Canadian Auto Workers labour dispute factor, Industry Department $32 million loan, etc., 3752(57:1535)
    >>>o.q., 1040(19:1420), 1326(23:1445-50), 3664(56:1440), 3743(57:1435-40)
    >>>S.O. 31, 1239(22:1410)

Buhler Versatile Inc. see Buhler Industries Inc.

"Building a Nation" see Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee--Reports, Third

Building a Transportation Security Culture: Aviation as the Starting Point see Air transportation security--Increase, Transport and Government Operations Standing Committee study; Transport and Government Operations Standing Committee--Reports, Ninth

Building an Effective New Round of WTO Negotiations: Key Issues for Canada see Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee--Reports, Eighteenth

Building codes see Drinking water--Municipal water and sewage systems

Building envelope failure see Condominiums--Vancouver, BC

"Building on Success" see Human Resources Development and the Status of Persons With Disabilities Standing Committee--Reports, Eighth

Building Trust see Parliamentary reform--Canadian Alliance proposals

Buildings see Energy conservation/efficiency; Government buildings

Built heritage see Historic/heritage buildings, sites and monuments

Bulka, Rabbi Dr. Reuven

    >>Scouts Canada National Salute Award, S.O. 31, 6880(108:1110)

Bullying see Violence/violent offences

Bulte, Sarmite (Lib.--Parkdale--High Park; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Canadian Heritage)

Bulyanhulu mine see Export Development Corporation (EDC)--Tanzania

Bundrock, Sebastian Otto

Bunker fuel see Oil and gas industries--Exports to United States

Buote, Shirley see Special Olympics--Snowshoe competition

Buoys see Marine transportation--Seasonal buoys

Bureau, Héléna see Centennial scholarship

Bureau d'audiences publiques sur l'environnement (BAPE) see Water exports--Banning

Bureau of Pension Advocates see Veteran's benefits/pensions

Burg, Avraham see Middle East peace process--Palestinian rights

Burgess, Brea

    >>Regina Lady Cougars basketball team player, etc., tribute, 2251(36:1715)

Burlington, ON

    >>Civic recognition awards, recipients, congratulating, S.O. 31, 12390(202:1410)
    >>See also Earth Day/Week; Health care system--Ontario; Human rights; Palliative care--Facilities

Burlington Arts Centre

    >>Expansion, community outreach programs, enabling, S.O. 31, 5903(91:1400)

Burlington Economic Development Corporation

    >>Economic Developers Council of Ontario Ontario Marketing Awards received, S.O. 31, 11831(193:1405)


    >>Aung San Suu Kyi, opposition leader, Nobel Peac Prize recipient, release from house arrest, o.q., 11229(183:1440)
    >>Democratic regime, actions, Canadian position, o.q., 7610(120:1440-5)
    >>Human rights violations, democratic elections, May 1990, pro-democracy victory, military rulers refusal to accept, demands for release of political prisoners, etc., S.O. 31, 4216(65:1105)

Burnaby--Douglas constituency see Gasoline prices

Burns, Glen Sebastian see Extradition--Offenders committing crimes in other countries

Burns Lake Indian Band

    >>Burns Lake, BC, water and sewer services, taxes owed, Indian Affairs and Northern Development Minister Nault, $10 million duplication in services proposal, 2550-1(40:1050-5)
    >>>o.q., 428(9:1450-5)

Burnt Church First Nation see Lobster fishery

Burton, Andy (CA--Skeena)

Burundi see Kabunda, Arthur

Bury, Brenda see Arts and culture

Bus industry

    >>Deregulation, Senate Transport and Communications Standing Committee studying, o.q., 7610(120:1440)
    >>National safety code standards, 4033-4(62:1020), 4884(76:1225), 4893(76:1325)
    >>>National consistency/standardization, necessity, existing problems, 4913-4(76:1510-5)
    >>Revenues, annual, 4033(62:1020)
    >>Transportation, intercity, use, importance, 4033(62:1020), 4884(76:1225)
    >>see also Airlines--Regional services, Requiring as condition of airline license; Greyhound Lines Inc.

Bus passes see Public transit--Public Service

Bus transportation industry see Motor Vehicle Transport Act, 1987 (amdt.)(Bill S-3)

Buses see Public transit

Bush, George H.W. see United States

Bush, George W. see United States


    >>Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA) measures, business registration online web site, etc., o.q., 6593-4(102:1450)
    >>Costs, international comparison, KPMG Study: the Competitive Alternatives: A Comparison of Business Costs in North America, Europe and Japan,
    >>>Foreign investment, reationship, o.q., 8442(134:1450)
    >>>Quebec City, QC, S.O. 31, 8477(135:1410), 8543-4(136:1400)
    >>>Waterloo region, ON, S.O. 31, 8544(136:1400)
    >>Government support, 6818(107:1215)
    >>Regulations, reducing, economic stimulus role, S.O. 31, 8058(128:1410)
    >>See also Aboriginal peoples/communities; Canada Foundation for Sustainable Development Technology--Private sector/business/industry role; Environment; Fredericton, NB; Government grants and contributions; Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing, Canada ratifying protocol; Indian bands/reserves--Third party management; Oil prices; Prince Edward Island Business Hall of Fame; Prince Rupert, BC--Economic conditions; Small and medium business; Summit of the Americas (April 2001, Quebec City, QC)

Business Corporations Act see Auberge Grand-Mére--Funding controversy, Grand Mére golf course

Business costs see Foreign investment/ownership

Business Council on National Issues see North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)--United States promoting

Business Development Bank of Canada

    >>Auberge Grand-Mère, Yvon Duhaime, $600,000 loan, recall, Francois Beaudoin, president, dismissal, relationship, 406-7(9:1245-50), 443(9:1635), 855(16:1230), 909(16:1835)
    >>>Bank officials, appearing before Industry Standing Committee, request, o.q., 3396(52:1445)
    >>>Bank president's authority, removal by board, contravention of Financial Administration Act, o.q., 1041-2(19:1425-30), 1161(21:1430)
    >>>Chrétien, Prime Minister, involvement, 384(9:1020), 908-9(16:1830), 2688-9(42:1255), 8447(134:1520), 9228(149:1010), 9230(149:1025)
    >>>>Criminal Code, infringing, Gauthier accusation, 1917(32:1505-10)
    >>>>>o.q., 1828(31:1420-5), 1830(31:1430)
    >>>>Criminal investigation, Clark request, Royal Canadian Mounted Police commissioner rejecting, depth of review, questioning, 908(16:1830), 2699(42:1045-50), 2671(42:1105), 2673(42:1110), 2686(42:1235-40), 4276(66:1500)
    >>>>>o.q., 875(16:1430), 954(17:1430), 957-8(17:1445), 1002(18:1430), 1517(26:1420), 4273(66:1445)
    >>>>o.q., 33(3:1445), 11878(194:1430)
    >>>>Ottawa Citizen, Graham Green exposé, o.q., 12041(197:1505)
    >>>>Owen comment, o.q., 421(9:1420)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 340(8:1415)
    >>>>See also Crown corporations--Cabinet Ministers/Prime Minister, Ethics guidelines
    >>>Documents, Beaudoin possession, forgery allegation
    >>>>Beaudoin home, Royal Canadian Mounted Police raid, seizure proceedings
    >>>>>o.q., 3394(52:1435), 3399(52:1500)
    >>>>>Second raid, December, 2001, personal computer, seizure, journalist, information leak, o.q., 8287(132:1125-30), 8289-90(132:1145)
    >>>>Destruction of documents, bank request to Quebec Justice Silcoff, o.q., 3145(48:1430), 3396(52:1445), 3481(53:1430), 3876(59:1430)
    >>>>Globe and Mail report, further forgery, foreclosure document, chronology of file, descrepancy, o.q., 3986(61:1425), 3988(61:1435)
    >>>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police, investigation, referral
    >>>>>o.q., 2967(46:1435-40), 3481(53:1430), 3876(59:1430), 3986(61:1425), 3988(61:1435), 7163(112:1440)
    >>>>>Proof, lack, o.q., 7902(125:1450), 7965(126:1455), 8006-7(127:1125-30)
    >>>>>Status of investigation, delay, o.q., 4905(76:1435), 4984(77:1415-20)
    >>>>Seizure proceedings, Jean Carle role, o.q., 2967(46:1435), 3213-5(49:1430-5)
    >>>Information Commissioner, request for documents, Luc Provencher, Jean Carle, involvement, o.q., 8007(127:1130)
    >>>Kootenay--Boundary--Okanagan constituency, small western inn, loan recall, double standard, S.O. 31, 2221-2(36:1405)
    >>>Members of Parliament, journalists investigating, computers, records, potential seizure, o.q., 8287(132:1130)
    >>>Proposed answers by bank, Prime Minister's officials preparing, o.q., 772-3(14:1430)
    >>>>Memo, Jean Carle named, Prime Minister Chrétien knowledge
    >>>>>o.q., 954(17:1430), 957-8(17:1445), 1000(18:1420), 1002(18:1430), 1005(18:1445)
    >>>>>Tabling, request, 960(17:1500)
    >>Board of Directors meeting, June 2, 1999, documents, M. for Production of Papers (Clark), agreed to, 5915(91:1510)
    >>Carle, Jean, senior official, former Prime Minister's Office member
    >>>Appointment, executive search firm used, naming, o.q., 530(11:1425-30)
    >>>Auberge Grand-Mère file, involvement, 909(17:1830-5), 5791(89:1725)
    >>>>Document linking to file, alleged forgery, o.q., 3664-5(56:1445)
    >>>>o.q., 157(5:1125), 343(8:1430), 1000-1(18:1420-30), 1005(18:1445), 8720(139:1455)
    >>>November 27, 2000 general election, Liberal Party campaign, role, o.q., 106(4:1430)
    >>>Reputation, opposition Members smearing, condemning, S.O. 31, 8751(140:1400)
    >>Executive appointment process, executive search firms, changing, purpose
    >>>Firms, names, tabled, 699(13:1500)
    >>>o.q., 530(11:1425-30), 605(12:1445), 696(13:1445)
    >>Five year administrative review, bank presidents Beaudoin and Schroder departures, Industry minister Manley ignoring, o.q., 4095(63:1425-30)
    >>Loan approval process
    >>>Haste, Yvonne Duhaime request, interference, o.q., 1161-3(21:1430-5), 1242-3(22:1425-30), 1243-4(22:1430-5)
    >>Richie, Cedric, Chairman of the Board, appointment, Auberge Grand-Mère file, knowledge, briefings, o.q., 157(5:1125-30), 343(8:1430)
    >>See also Prince, Jonas; Transitional jobs fund--Saint--Maurice constituency, Les Confections ST-Élie inc.

Business Development Bank of Canada Act

    >>Five year review, requirement, status, o.q., 1161(21:1425-30)

Business expense deduction see Executive salaries

Business of Supply see Supply--Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee

Business of Supply: Completing the Circle of Control, the see Supply--Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee

Business of the House

Business registration online web site see Business--Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA) measures

Bussiéres, Pascale see Cannes Film Festival--Quebec

Butter oil see Dairy industry--Dairy substitutes

Butterfly 208 essay and art contest see Developing countries--Knowledge about

Buy-back program see Aboriginal fishing rights--Licences, Boats; Crab fishery--Government actions

By-elections see Elections; Members of Parliament--Political affiliation

Byrd amendment see Canada-United States Softwood Lumber Agreement/dispute--Expiry, Anti-dumping actions by United States--Expiry, Countervailing duties

Byrne, Hon. Gerry (Lib.--Humber--St. Barbe--Baie Verte;Minister of State (Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency) as of January 15, 2002)