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INST Committee Report

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That the Government of Canada, in consultation with the provinces and territories, instate a permanent program for the support of the indirect costs of federally funded research in its next budget, and that the formula used to calculate the grant to each institution take into account the differential costs between large and small institutions.


That the Government of Canada, in consultation with the provinces and territories, set up targeted programs through the granting agencies  to assist “underdeveloped” small and regional institutions strengthen their research capacity in key areas, and that appropriations be made to the agencies to fund these programs.


That the Government of Canada increase the level of funding to SSHRC, especially given the impact of this funding on researchers at small institutions.


That the Government of Canada immediately increase funding to all three granting agencies so that success rates and/or grant levels for excellent research can be increased.


That the Government of Canada encourage the granting agencies to collaborate further with each other and with non-academic stakeholders, including the provinces and territories, when deciding on target areas within strategic programs. The agencies should also ensure that formalized review mechanisms and adequate levels of funding are available to support high-calibre interdisciplinary research or research in emerging areas, especially that which crosses the boundaries of the agencies’ mandates. The agencies should consider establishing a formal mechanism to facilitate collaboration on all levels so that their operations are more uniform, allowing for “seamless” access by the research community to federal research funds.


That the Government of Canada establish a more formalized mechanism, in consultation with the provinces and territories, for setting or modifying S&T policy, deciding on funding priorities, and ensuring that they are implemented. Such a framework could include a science advisory body and/or Chief Scientific Adviser that would report directly to Parliament.


That the Government of Canada, given the increases in overall funding levels that should be made to the agencies, encourage the three granting agencies to increase success rates and stipend levels for existing graduate scholarship and postdoctoral fellowship programs. The granting agencies should also create or enhance scholarship programs that introduce undergraduate students to research.


That the Government of Canada create separate research funding programs administered either by the granting agencies and/or other government bodies to support college researchers and students. The programs’ selection criteria should reflect the situation at colleges and be based on excellence. Appropriations should be made to the relevant agencies to deliver these programs.


That the Government of Canada ensure that the granting agencies release all information on file relevant to a funding recommendation to applicants in addition to the notification of decision. Additionally, a formal appeal process, limited to perceived errors in procedure or fact, should be in place for applicants to all peer-reviewed programs, and a third-party, not the original selection committee, should review appeals of decision.


That the Government of Canada require the granting agencies to engage in more regular internal reviews of their own programs and practices (including peer review), and to periodically examine decision-making processes at other Canadian and foreign agencies to ensure that best practices for the allocation of research funds are in place. The results of these internal evaluations should be easily accessible to the research community and general public.


That the Government of Canada ensure that the federal granting agencies take steps to better measure and report on the outcomes and, where possible, impacts of their research programs for the benefit of the general public.