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HUMA Committee News Release

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1.      The research report for the Centennial Flame Research Award must deal with the contribution of a disabled person (or persons) to public life in Canada or the activities of Parliament.


2.      Any interested party must send an outline of his or her research project to the Clerk of the Standing Committee on Human Resources Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities.


3.      The applicant may submit his or her outline in any medium.


4.      The submission must be postmarked on or before 1 October 2002.


5.      The submission must contain a brief background of the applicant, including current employment, if any; an outline of the subject of the research; the significance of this choice; and a description of how the research will be undertaken.


6.      Each submission should be accompanied by a letter of support from a person selected by the applicant.




1.      During May 2002, the Clerk of the Standing Committee on Human Resources Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities will distribute announcements of the Centennial Flame Research Award and information on how to apply.


2.      The announcement shall contain an estimate of the amount of money to be awarded.


3.      By 1 November 2002, or within a reasonable time thereafter and no later than 31 December 2002, the members of the Standing Committee will select the winner from among the applicants.


4.      The Award will be presented to the selected recipient during the first week of June 2003, or at any reasonable time thereafter, and in any event no later than 31 December 2003.


5.      The recipient of the Award normally has one calendar year from the date of the presentation of the Award to submit a report, in whatever medium or format he or she chooses, to the Clerk of the Standing Committee.


6.      The Award will be payable in two installments.


7.      At the first opportunity following the receipt of the Award winner’s report preferably in June, (before the House rises for the summer recess), the Standing Committee will call upon him or her to appear before the Committee as a witness.  Considered at the same meeting will be a report to both Houses of Parliament on the administration of the Award, to which the Award recipient’s report will be attached.


8.      The recipient may apply for renewal of the initial Award, but this request must be made by 31 March of the year following the initial Award.  The Committee must recommend, and the two Speakers must approve, any such renewal, which will be considered on the same basis as the other applicants received for the same year.